Like Fire and Ice (A Scorse S...

By ginacantu2016

415 12 4

This is the story of the daugther of a war hero, and the son of a Death Eater. Rose and Scorpius meet each ot... More

Second Year: Part 1
Second Year: Part 2
Second Year: Part 3
Second Year: Part 4
Second Year: Part 5
Third Year: Part One
Third Year: Part Two

First Year

67 2 0
By ginacantu2016

It felt weird. To see how everyone looked at you like you were out of your mind just for being a Gryffindor sitting with the Slytherins.

-Hey, Rosie!!!

-Hey Al... how'd your parents react?

-They haven't responded yet, you know it only happend yesterday and, how bad can it be?

Turned out, it was kinda easy.

Rose would usually walk to the first class with the boys, since most of their first classes were shared Gryffindor with Slytherin.

Then, they'd go outside and sit below one of the trees to do homework, or just talk for as long as they could.

Then they'd wish each other good night. And go to their Comun Rooms.


Rosie was sitting under a tree, doing her Transformations Homework, it was due Tuesday but she hated doing everything last minute.

-Hey Rosie.

-Scorp!!! Where's Al?

-He's in detention.

-Really? Why?

-He got a wee bit too confident in Enchantments, instead of making the feather fly, he made profesor Flitwick go flying threw the entire classroom!

-Are you sirius?!

They both broke into laughter, Scorpius sat besides Rose and she realized two things:

First- this was the first time the two of them were alone.

Second- this was the first time the two  of them sat side by side, since, in the Great Hall she would sit across from the boys and when they sat in the tree, Al would always sit between them.

-Hey, something wrong?

He looked like a blank page, as do he didn't quite know what he was supposed to be feeling.

-It's Chistmas Break.

-But, aren't you supposed to be happy? You're going back home, back to your family....

-It's just that... it gets really awkard you know? All afternoon everyone will be locked in their rooms and at dinner time the only thing you can hear is the forks brushing against the plate.

-I'm sorry Scorp. Why don't you ask Al to go to yours?

-He can't, apparently he promised his little sister to let her teach him how to dance but...


-Maybe you could come!!!

-I'm not exactly sure your parents would want a Weasley, ever stepping within a 100 mts of your house, no offense.

-I won't tell him. I'll just say I'm bringing a friend over. You should probably do the same too.


-Cause' I don't think your dad wants his princess going anywhere within 100 mts of the Malfoys.

-Oh, haha.

They both burst into laughter, not worrying about what would become of that visit.

Rose arrived to Malfoy Manor, (after a long fight with his dad) and, as she walked down the garden she didn't notice how, from one of the windows, Scorpius had seen her and bolted towards the door.

Rosie had just about rang the doorbell when this one shot open by Scorpius, both his parents and his grandparents behind him.



They both were quick to hug each other, but Rose noticed how Draco's jaw dropped ever so slightly, but he was quick to recover. Lucius, on the other hand had tensed everypart of his body and was looking at Rose with an incredulus look on his face.

Narcissa was quick to react.

-So! You must be...

She extended her hand and Rose was quick to respond.

-Oh! I'm Rose W...


Lucius finished for her.

-Yes Mr.Malfoy.

-Scorpius, I thougth you were bringing Brandon.


Rose looked at Scorpius, confused.

-I never said who I was bringing.

-Of course you didn't, if I would have known that a blood trai...

-Father!!! Get out!!!


-Grandfather, Rosie is my best friend, and I wouldn't want it any other way. And I really couldn't care less if you agree or not. Come on Rosie.

Scorpius silently took Rosie, pushed Lucius and guided her to the place he knew she'd freak out about.

The Library.

It was 7 in the morning, neither Scorp nor Rose had been able to win the battle against the sleep.

Right now, they were both asleep in the library; Rose was still cluching Hogwarts A History, while Scorpius had let his copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard fall to the floor in his sleep.

Astoria woke Scorpius up first. Then she woke Rose.

-The presents are here.

The two bolted to the Christmas tree, were there were several boxes.

Scorpius got a green and blue box.

-That's the kind of wraper Nana Molly uses.

Scorpius opened up the box and found three things.

A cool piece of mirror from Albus that allowed him to comunicate with both Al and Rose, a gigantic green sweter with a silver S from Molly, and a toy ferret.

-Fred and Julie.

That was the only explanation.


-Julie Jordan, daughter of Lee Jordan, Fred's best friend since birth and girlfriend since 13, Padfoot 3.0...

-The green eyed Gryffindor??? Isn't she adopted?

-No, her mother abandoned her at birth, but Lee made test, she is her biological daughter. I'm so sorry they sent you that, I'll talk to them...

-Don't, I kinda like it.


Aplauses exploded as they anounced the winner of the House Cup.

Scorpius and Al aplauded when they saw the way Rosies face lit up.

-For Merlin, James wait!!!

-If I spent one second more with Pandora I'm going to rip my head off so stop being such a Crybaby!!!

James draged Al threw the trains hall.

He silently waved goodbye at Scorp. Who walked with Rose to the exit, they got of the train. Their parents were waiting at oposites ends of the station.

-Bye, Scorp.

-Bye, Rosie.

They hugged, at what Hermione gave the tiniest smile. Then they started to walk away, only to turn around once and wave goodbye. At what Astoria gave a strange little teasing look.

Then they walked away.

To their completly diferent lifes.

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