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Rose Weasley. At the age of 11, while standing in the Plataform 9 3/4 with her parents; waiting for the Hogwarts train. She looked confident, confident that she would be everything everyone expected her to be: Brilliant like her mother, clever like his dad.

But in the inside, she was three seconds away from starting screaming. She was terrified of disapointing the people she loved.

Scorpius on the other hand, looked calm, just like he always was when his parents were around. But he was also nervous, no, he was terrified of not being sorted into Slytherin.

-Okay. Jumper?




Hermione was doing a final quick check to make sure her daughter had everything she needed, rigth then, Al, Rosie's best friend arrived with his family.

Lily was quick to start talking to Hugo. While Harry spoke with Ron, Ginny with Hermione, Al with Rose but James just streched his neck as if looking for someone.

-I bet you'll get sorted into Slytherin.

James gave them a mocked smile while still looking around.

-James, stop bothering your bro...

-You looking for Ali Ranger Rick?

James turned around to face a silver blond headed girl with light blue eyes, it was Pandora, Luna Lovegood's daughter, Ali Longbottom's best friend.

She was 50% loyalty and 50% sassiness, no one knew why she was so sassy, since neither her mom nor her dad were.

And, she was the only one who dared make fun of famous James Sirius Potter, who had a crush on Ali.

-As a matter of fact I am, Ferret.

-She's in Hogesmade, will meet us at the carri... is that your little brother?

James covered his face with his hands.

-Oh Merlin.

-Your Albus, you little Bucky McBoing Boing, yes more stuff!!!

Al was just looking at her confused.

-Come on Pandora, let's go.

-Ready Al?

-Ready Rose.

Rose and Al had decided not to sit with their cousins, and were looking for a nonfull compartment.

-What about here?

Rose turned around to see a mat of silver blonde hair...

-Are you nuts? Don't you remember what dad told us? That's Scorpius Malfoy!!!

-Rosie, we're not our parents. Unless you want to stay standing here all by yourself.


Al knocked and opened the door, since he was much better with people than Rose.

-Hi, excuse me, can we sit down?

The little boy lifted his head from the book he'd been reading and his face seemed to light up a bit.

-By all means.

Rose and Al sat down.

When Rose looked at him a bit clearer she realized, he knew him from somewhere...

-I'm Scorpius Malfoy but, please, call me Scorp.

He extended his hand, and, after a second of doubt Al took it.

-Albus Potter, call me Al. And this is Rose Weasley.

Rose quickly shook Scorpius's hand. Then an awkard silence setled in.

-Do you want some candy?

-Wait here.

McGonagall left and all the kids were left to wait, then, the doors to the Great Hall opened and the Sorting began.

Rose still couldn't belive it, she still couldn't belive that Albus, his best friend had been sorted into Slytherin. And even further, she couldn't belive that, in that moment. While she was alone without talking to no one, just watching Alice and James making eyes at each other. Albus was talking happily to Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy.

When she went to bed she remembered the faces of the boys after being Sorted.

Scorpius's had been of relieve as he just shurged and walked to his table.

Albus's had been of pure horror as he walked towards the table.

Al had gotten word to Rose with his owl. Rose would be eating with the two boys the next day.

It wasn't exactly the way she'd expected things to go but, it was okay.

I dedicate this first episode to all the Potterheads.

Today is September the First of 2017. The day Albus, Rose and Scorpius meet.

Like Fire and Ice (A Scorse Story)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz