freudian ☁︎ nico hiraga

By thatsochalamet

20.4K 224 127

She didn't even feel deserved at the time. Being with someone she truly adore and being present enough in the... More



463 3 4
By thatsochalamet


To Andrew: Yo bando! Your mother told my mother you're back??
From Andrew: Well, my mother spoke the truth. Landed a couple hours ago :)
To Andrew: Wanna hang out?
From Andrew: It's like one AM
To Andrew: Wanna go on an adventure with me? ;)
From Andrew: Always, meet outside in ten?
To Andrew: Deal

I grabbed my keys from the table, throwing my phone in my pocket. Quietly, i walked down the stairs, trying my best not to make any noise. Nico was already asleep and he would wonder what the hell I was doing.

I was humming happily as I  walked out of the front door. Though it was in the middle of the summer, it had gone dark outside already, not that it mattered.
It was still extremely hot, like burning. It had been all day and it was killing me. I couldn't remember the last time the weather had been this warm.
I walked out on the streets, dropping down, waiting for Andrew. He lived a couple houses away, from where we lived so it wouldn't take long.

My eyes caught Andrew walking down the street, happily waving at me. I got up from the ground, walking towards him.

"Ey famous boy, finally back in town, huh?" I said, knowing it would annoy him.

Seriously, i loved teasing him. His face turned red and he rolled his eyes at me.

"Are you ever gonna stop calling me that?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. Andrew put his arms around me, giving me a tight hug.

"Probably not" I laughed, pulling back.

He smiled widely at me, because no matter what he said, he loved when i joked around with him. I thought maybe, because I was the only one who still did.

People around Andrew, after he became a star and all, just acted different around him. Andrew had told me so, but I  could also see it. People were always so nice to him, though i could always tell it was a fake kind of nice.

But me, in never changed the way I was around him, if he couldn't take how if  always treated him, that was too bad.

We dropped down on the street next to each other and looked at the dead silent road. The warm breeze blew in my hair, making it messy. Andrew laughed at my hair going wild, so he took a tot of it, placing it behind my ear.

"So how's everything been?" He asked me curiously.

"Same old, same old" I  lied, hoping he didn't know already. Andrew looked away from me again, like he didn't dare look at me while I was talking.

"Mom said you are dating someone?" He said, carefully.

Like he didn't know, if he should really be mentioning this or not. I shrugged again, rubbing my palms.

"Yeah he actually cheated on me " I  responded, trying to sound like i didn't care. Andrew tilted his head, looking worriedly at me.

"Mom said it was messy, really messy" He tried again, but I  didn't want to talk about it.

"Well,I actually got back with him" I said, shaking my head.

I gazed away from Andrew, fearing i might cry, if i kept looking at his stupid, sweet puppy eyes being worried about me.

"Gosh, it's so fucking hot" I said, trying to change the subject. He got the memo and allowed me to do so.

"I know, right? It's crazy. I was wearing black sweatpants and a hoodie when I landed, I nearly had a stroke" He agreed.

"I've basically done nothing but eat ice cream today" Andrew looked at me offended, or trying to play offended.

"Without me? But that's our thing" He whined fakely, putting his hand to his chest, pretending to be hurt.

"It's not my fault you're never home" i mocked, sticking my tongue out at him.

"Hey! I am home... sometimes"

"Yeah, like a day a year. You're obviously became too big to even bother coming home anymore" I continued teasing.

"Hey! Low blow"

"Come on, Bando. You can take it" I laughed, pushing his shoulder playfully.

"Only because it's coming from you. I know you love me" He provoked back. I rolled my eyes at him, laughing sarcastically.

"Yeah, don't count on that"

"Oh stop whining famous boy!" Andrew threw his head back, frustrated over my words. I loved it though and secretly, so did he.

"Come on Andrew, you know you adore me" I said, sending him a wide smile. He just raised his eyebrow, laughing at me.

"I miss hanging out with you" Andrew said honestly.
"Of course you do, I'm the bomb" I said, like it was obvious.

"Sure you are, but honestly Cyan.I miss being around you, I miss being Andrew , just Andrew, when I'm with you" He said, making our eyes meet.

I knew, He struggled sometimes with this whole fame thing and i knew, he was terrified of forgetting who he was.

The day, he'd gone on his first World tour, I'd  sworn to him, that if he ever started acting up or treating people differently, I'd  kick him in the fucking face.

"Is it hard being gone for so long?" I asked, Him he nodded.

"I mean, I love it. But..."

"But sometimes it would be good to be home"

"Exactly, getting to just be me. Me getting into all kind of trouble with you" He said, winking at me. He was done being serious now.

"Well-" I started, getting up from the ground.

Andrew followed me with his eyes. I held my hand for him to take, he did and I pulled him up.

"How about getting into some trouble tonight? For old time's sake?" I dared, raising an eyebrow.

"What do you have in mind?" He wondered.

"Come with me" I said, before pulling him after me. He followed my lead as I  walked down the streets in the middle of the night.

"You remember Betty?"
"That old lady from the bakery?" Andrew asked and i nodded.
"She was a pool she never uses" I dared him, biting my lip. Shawn shook his head at me.
"You're something special, you know that?" He laughed at me.

I jumped over the fence to the old lady's garden, Andrew following me. Walking around the house, we both made it to the huge pool in the backyard.

"You game?" I asked him, smiling teasingly.
Andrew rubbed the back of his neck, starring at me. Debating whether or not, he should let me tempt him.

"We don't have our bathing suits"
"Who needs that?" I said, before pushing off my shoes.
"I forgot how fucking crazy you are" Andrew gasped; probably more to himself than me. I stepped closer to him, smirking at him.

"One of us has to be" I whispered, staring to unbutton my jeans.

I winkled  my  butt, struggling pulling – the very tight – jeans down my  thighs. Andrew just laughed at me, but then he took of his black nike shoes as well.

"Yeah, go Bando" I cheered for him to take his clothes off.

I quickly pulled off my t-shirt, leaving me only in my underwear. Andrew pulled off his shorts, before taking of the shirt he was wearing.

"Wow there, someone's been working out huh?" I noticed, making Andrews face blush quickly.

"Whatever" He muttered back, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Calm down, bando. You don't have to hide it. You obviously have nothing to be ashamed of" I teased him, knowing he'd just turn even more red in the face.

"You don't have to be so obsessed with my body" He gave back, which unfortunately, made me blush instead.

Dammit. Andrew stuck his tongue out at me, knowing he'd won this one. Fine, 0-1.

"Are we going in or what?" I asked, changing the subject.
"You first" Andrew said, pointing at the water. I walked closer to the edge, letting my feet dip down the water.
"Holy fuck, it's cold" I whined, pulling my feet back up again.
"This was your fucking idea" Andrew laughed at my reaction.

"Well, you being the smart one, should have stopped my madness"
"Oh no, you're going in now" He said, smirking at me.He took a couple of steps closer to me and I
knew precisely was he was thinking.
"Don't even dare" I warned him, but He continued to have a smug painted on his face.

"I don't know what you're taking about" He shrugged, coming closer to me.
"If I'm going down, you're going down with me"
"Try me" He said, simply.
Andrew ran towards me, pushing me in the water. I managed to get a grip around his wrist and pulled him with me.He slipped on the edge and followed in right in the water.

"Shit, shit, shit" I heard Ander scream as i made it to the surface again.
I wiped the water off my face, watching His teeth clack. His eyes fell on me and we both started laughing.

"I told you, you were going down with me" I excused myself, pushing water in his face.

"Come here" He said, before grabbed my arm.
He pulled me over to him, before shortly pushing my head under the water. I grabbed his leg and pulled him down too.
We looked at each other under the water and suddenly, it turned into a competition about who could hold their breath the longest.we stared at each other, hoping the other would give up soon, because the both of us were running out of air.

I was a bad loser, so i did the only thing i could think of, to get Andrew to breath. I stretched my neck, letting my lips crash into his.

Precisely as i excepted, it caught Andrew of guard and he had to swim above water to breathe. I followed him up.
"What was that?" He asked, surprised.
"Did I win, or did I win?" He rolled his eyes at me.
"Of course" He commented, as it because obvious to him now.
I swum around, talking, laughing, enjoying finally having some time together again. Andrew swam to the edge of the pool, letting his arms rest on there, keeping himself up.

"What really did happen?" He asked me, suddenly.
"What?" I responded, though I  knew what he was on about.

"Cut the crap, Cyan. What happened?" He said, looking at me gently. Licking my lips, i shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't..."My voice died out.
"What?" He asked, swimming closer to me.
"He broke me and I apologized for it"

Well it's a long story but he was cheating on me and his side chick said the kid was his but it wasn't"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter. It's stupid" I looked away. Andrew grabbed mychin, forcing me to look back at him.

"It's not stupid,Cyan. Your feelings are not stupid. I'm sorry he did this to you, I'm sorry you had to go through this. But please, do not apologize for your feelings. Do not apologize for being you" Andrew kept his gaze on me, looking directly in my eyes.

"You don't deserve being treated that way. You're the most amazing and kind-hearted girl I know"
"That's a lie"
"No, it's not. You're such a great person. You always take care of everyone else, you're always making sure everyone's alright. You're so observant on other people and how they feel" He said.

I didn't know what to say, i could barely even breath. I had never heard Andrew saythese things to me.

"But who's taking care of you? Who's making sure you're okay? If you were my girl, I'd never let anything hurt you. Someone can treat you better, Not him who your with now he said, biting his lip again.

"Someone or you?" I breathed, biting my lip. A smile ran across His face.

"Me. I can treat you better" He whispered back.

"Kiss me then" I begged him.

"I know, I can treat you better. You just have to let me" Andrew said, tilting his head.

Honestly, is  always dreamed of this. I didn't want to ruin the moment, having a heavy talk about feelings and stuff, so I  just pulled Him back into my lips.

I didn't give a flaming fuck about life right now, I just let myself enjoy this damp make-out session in the pool.

Ohhhhhshit,how do you guys feel about Andrew?

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