This Woman Of Mine (Grace x F...

By qxeenmonaababes

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The way she does things are unique, her voice is low but beautiful. Her gray-brown long locks of hair must fe... More

Chapter 1: Dreams
Chapter 2: Small Space
Chapter 3: Small Space pt.2
Chapter 4: I'm Fine
Chapter 6: Beach Date
Chapter 7: Christmas Surprises
Chapter 8: Yes
Chapter 9: Forbidden Fantasy

Chapter 5: Strokes And Love

515 11 5
By qxeenmonaababes

Grace P.O.V
I wake up and expect to feel Frankie holding me in her arms, but instead I feel nothing except the sheets covering my naked body and the vibration of my phone, buzzing away on my pillow. I see that I'm getting a call from a random number, I wonder who this is.

~~On The Phone~~
Grace: Hello?

Jacob: Grace, Frankie is at the hospital, you need to come now.

Grace: W-what?!! What happened!!

Jacob: Me and Frankie went out after you had a drunk rampage and I got her from the house. We went out and ate and we were talking and all of a sudden she couldn't move.

Grace- I'm on my way!! And drunk rampage? I never gotten drunk yet?!

Jacob: Look, just get here and hurry, we'll talk more about everything when you get here.

Grace: Ok, see your there, bye.

Jacob: Bye.
~~Off The Phone~~

Oh my God, what happened to Frankie? What did she do? Why did she lie about me being on a 'drunk rampage'? How does Jacob not know about Frankie's condition? How much salt did she take in today while she was out? *gasp* Did Frankie try and cheat on me? I tear up a little and get out of bed and start getting ready to go. I take a quick shower and brush my teeth and wash my face. I walk out of the bathroom and into my closet for something to wear and I put on some clothes.

I brush my hair like normal and put on my heels. I grab my purse and keys from the table and I head out the door, down the stairs towards my car. I look out and see the waves and the sand. It seems like only yesterday that me and Frankie were getting drunk like dummies on the sand and just hanging out with each other, actually being friends. I wipe my few tears and drive faster to the hospital. I make it there and park the car crooked but I don't care right now. I make sure I have my keys and lock the doors.

I walk inside and I go to the front desk and a lady is there. "Hi, I'm here to see Frankie Bergstein. I'm her fiance." I make up a quick lie. "Oh, she's in room D-5. Here's your band and have a nice day." She says. "Thank you and so do you." I give her a small smile and walk away from the front desk. I get just outside the room and I see everyone here. "We need to talk." I say looking at Jacob and he nods. We walk away from the rest of the group and we begin to clear things up. "Tell me what happened while I was asleep." I say to him. "Why exactly where asleep? You don't usually sleep the entire morning." Jacob asks me and I blush. He took note into that and simply said "Oh, I understand." And I nod as my blush fades a little. "So, t-tell me what happened." I say and he nods and begins.

"Frankie had called me and said that you decided to get drunk for some reason and I heard a glass break, she was probably in the kitchen. After I heard that I panicked a little and came right away to get her. We went out to her favorite vegan restaurant and everything was fine. We walked to a near by park and sat down. Then she started talking about why she left me for you, and I officially understood. Then, she couldn't move and I was terrified, I thought she was dying. I picked her up and brought her to the hospital and then called you." He said truthfully. "Her restaurant, are they known for having salty food?" I ask worriedly. "Yes, a little but why is that important?" Jacob says and I look at him in disbelief.

"Jacob, do you not know that Frankie had a stroke 2 weeks ago, and the doctor said her second one could be deadly?" I ask him with tears in my eyes as my vision gets blurrier by each second that goes by until he's a dark blurr, and until my tears fall to my cheeks. "No, I swear Frankie, I had no idea. Frankie only told me 'I'm fine' and that reasured me that she was ok, that it was a one time thing. But I did tell her to be careful but I guess the idea of the second one being deadly flew past my head." Jacob says. I wipe my tears and look at him. "Well, Frankie is not fine, far from it." I say as my voice cracks and he slightly opens his arms as I walk in them for a comforting hug and to cry the rest of my tears.

I bite my lip and close my eyes shut as my warm tears roll down my cheeks, I can feel that my face is pale. I can't loose Frankie, we only just got into this relationship, we have so much more things to do in life, even if we're 70, were gonna make the most of it while we still can. I cry more while getting Jacobs shirt even more soaked with my tears but he doesn't seem to care. "It's ok Grace, I'm scared too but we can only have hope. God will watch over Frankie, it's ok." He says as he rubs my back and it makes me sleepy, but I don't wanna fall asleep in his arms, I wanna fall asleep in Frankie's, but this is good enough.

Frankie P.O.V
I wake up and the nurse is there writing some stuff down. "W-what happened? W-wheres Grace? Oh God she'll be mad at me but I wanna see her." I say to the nurse and he looks confused. "Is anyone waiting in the lobby?" I ask and he nods.  Brianna, Mallory, Robert, Sol, Coyte, Bud, Jacob, and Grace walk into the room and she looks sad, scared even. Then, the doctor walks in. "Frankie, when you came, you had a lot of salt in your system which triggered your stroke. You had almost died but you lived luckily. Frankie, this isn't a joke, you have to take care of yourself better. I'm not saying cut everything you eat and what you do, but take note into bad habits and don't do them as much while also taking these meds. They should only make you a little tired and drinking some cold water should help with that." The doctor said to me as I nod but my eyes only look at Grace.

"Ok, can everyone leave except Grace and Jacob? I need to talk to them." I say and everyone looks at each other and they leave but not before giving me hugs and kisses and making me laugh a little. "We all love you Frankie." Robert says and I smile and blow him a kiss and say "Thank you Gay Budda." As he smiles and walks out leaving me, Grace, and Jacob in the room as the doctor gets my meds ready for me and my clothes back. "Frankie, what were you thinking? Where you trying to die?!!" Grace yells. "Well I wouldn't have to go behind your back and eat salty foods and hang out with my friends if you'd just let me!! I'm sick and tired of your rules Grace!! I hate that you treat me like a baby, I'm fucking 72 and your 70!! Your the younger and submissive one in this relationship and I'm the older and dominant!!" I yell and Grace looks mad.

"Your sick and tired of my rules? The rules that kept you alive!! The rules that kept the only woman I love alive and night dying in front of my eyes!! If you can't listen and abide by my rules, then you'll end up dying alone like you were going to in the first place!" She yells with tears in her eyes, streaming down as my face looks the same. A long silence filled the room before Grace began to speak again. "You lied about me, saying I went on a drunk rampage when you know damn well that I don't drink as much as I do because I have you, your the only drink I need. You broke my mother's last famous crystal cup as well, it was custom made, just for me. The last memory of her, was in that cup, and now it's gone because you broke it, and liked!!" Grave screams while her voice cracks and she cries as I do too.

"Grace I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything I do, ok!! When I'm mad, I don't think not even for a second of what I'm doing or of what might happen! I'm sorry I'm the biggest fuck up in the world but I am sorry I'm not what you want in life. I'm sorry I'm not perfect and that I'm a vegan weed hippie that may hang around people you might not understand. I teach criminals to paint there minds for goodness sakes, criminals!! I'm sorry to everyone I ever hurt, but Grace, I'd rather die than ever hurt you." I say while crying my eyes out.

"I love you too Frankie." Grace says and walk out of the room. "I'll take her home Frankie, it's ok. Things will get better and you will get through this. You both will, then, you'll be kissing all over the house were ever you'd like again." Jacob says and I laugh a little as he does too. I wave him over to me and I give him a hug. "Thank you, for everything you've ever done for me." I say and kiss his cheek as smiles. "No problem Frankie, I'll see you tomorrow, after I drop Frankie off I have to get my daughter from her mother's and spend the weekend with her. I'll talk to you later Frankie, bye." He says as he kisses my forehead and walks out the door.

The doctor comes back in along with everyone else except Grace and Jacob, and he gives me the pills. "Make sure that you take those pills 2 times a day, and if you feel tired, drink some cold water to reduce the weariness. Make sure she takes those pills and that she doesn't eat to much salt, she can eat it but not to much, see you later guys." The nice female doctor says as she walks out. "Mom, you can ride with me and Coyote back home." Bud says and I smile. "Come here guys." I say and everyone crowds my bed. I open my arms wide and my big baby Coyote hugs me first as I laugh and smile and everyone laughs and smiles as well as they join in on the big group hug. 

"Ooh someone take a picture of us!" I say and luckily a nurse heard us. "I'll do it, who's phone should I use?" he asks and Bud gives him his phone. "Ok, one, two, three, say hospital!" He says and we laugh and say "Hospital!" as we smile and he takes the picture. "Thanks man." Bud says and he nods and walks out the room. "I gotta go, Melissa told me to come home and that business trip took long." Bud says and Coyote smirks. "Shut up dude." Bud says and I smile at my boys. "He's gonna bone Melissa." Brianna says. "She gave a dog a bone and he's giving one back." Mallory says as she sips on her tea and Brianna fake cries. "I'm so proud of you!" she said and hugged Mal as she smiles and hugs her back with her free hand. I love these people, there my weird family, and Grace is apart of mine too. The doctor comes back with my clothes and phone and I quickly change in the bathroom. 

Grace P.O.V

I'm now at home and I can't even drink. I forgive Frankie, I think I already did, but I don't know. My emotions are just all jumbled up. The only thing that I can think about is Frankie and my mother. They are so alike, yet so different in so many ways. My mother wasn't a weed hippie like the one I love, but a simple and open woman. I took mostly after  my father though, mean and closed, but he fell in love with my mom and changed enough so much so they could make me. My dad and I were inseparable, we did everything together when he wasn't working, that was until he died. My mother told me about heaven and how its in the sky, so I would climb trees, some so tall where I'd only here her shout for me.

I'd just wanna be close to my dad, I wanted to be in heaven with him. I thought that if one day I'll get lucky, I'd find the tall tree that would take me there, and I'd be with my dad again. After he died, my soul became dark and I built my walls extra strong, stronger than my own father but somehow, someway, I'd end up crying and speaking my feelings all out to my mother in her arms. She just had that affect on people, just like Frankie. The first time I met her, I thought she was the most beautiful woman on Earth, and I was scared as hell. I didn't know what the hell I was feeling and I was scared of myself, I was so in love with Robert, I stayed away from Frankie so I wouldn't loose my mind and cheat on him or worse. 

I didn't know what I was gonna do and even to this day, I still don't know what I was gonna do. But one thing I will do is love Frankie with all my heart. She's the only one that made me cry, really share my feelings, and breakdown my walls so I could be more like my mother. I was also sad when she died but me and Frankie were just starting to talk when she was cheering me up about my mother's death. She was always there for me, even when I didn't want her to be. That's just the way she was, and I hoped she'd never change and she never did. There isn't and thing that I wouldn't change about Frankie, at all. Maybe her shoes, but hey, that's my Frankie. 

I hear the door open and I turn my head from the couch and I look and see my beautiful Frankie coming through the door. "Let me let you hear something. Its me talking about you but I can't exactly remember what I said. When I was talking to Jacob, I had called you and you didn't pick up, so my phone had saved what I said as a voice mail. Listen to it." she says and walks into the kitchen as I get up and follow her. She hooks her phone up to the speaker and plays the voice mail of herself back to me. As I'm listening to what she said about me, I blush and tear up because I know its true. I look at Frankie as she unhooks her phone and I walk up to the tall woman. "I'm sorry that I was so strict, I was just scared of loosing you." I say. 

"Its ok, I understand, I'm sorry for breaking your crystal cup, I'm so sorry." She says to me. "Its ok, I have you and you two are very much a like." I say and smile a little as she does too. She wraps her hands around my waist and I smile as she puts her lips on mine and I moan already as she smiles and slips her tongue in my mouth. I love Frankie so much, but I have to play hard to get. I stop kissing her and I go to our office table. "You won't be forgiven that easily Ms. Bergstein~" I say seductively and I smile at her. She bites her lip and walks over. "I'm tired of you and always being so strict Ms. Hanson, time for you to, loosen up~" she whispers in my ear and I melt. 

She kisses me and I kiss back. She unbuttons my jeans and pulls them down to my knees. She stops kissing me and turns me around. "Bend over babe, where trying something new~" I said and I smile mentally as I blush and she pushes me down on the table. "W-what are we doing?" I blush and ask her but instead she slaps my ass. "A-ah~!!" I moan and blush as I close my eyes and bite my lip. "Don't ask questions, you cum when I say so, and you speak when I say so~" Frankie says and I get turned even more turned on. She smacks my ass and I moan again. "A-ah~!!! Y-yes Frankie~" I moan out and blush. 

I feel her take my underwear off as she rubs me with one finger. I blush and moan a little. "Mmm, your always so wet~" Frankie says as she sticks 3 fingers inside of me and I shoot up and I moan. "A-AH~!!!" I moan out loudly. I don't know why but this position is so much more pleasurable. She goes faster and I hold onto the table as she pumps harder and faster into me as I moan and blush. "F-FRANKIE~!!!! I'M G-GONNA C-CUM~!!!!" I scream in pleasure and she slaps my ass and that puts me over the edge and I cum hard like usual.

I feel so tired and satisfied, I lay back on the table as I feel lips on my ass and I smile a little. "Kiss my ass and kiss it good Frankie." I say and she laughs. "I did, and I'll do it again only for you." Frankie says as she puts back on my underwear and I turn around and put my head on her shoulder. I jump up and wrap my arms and legs around her waist and neck. She carries me upstairs and we get in bed. "I guess I know how to solve our problems now." Frankie says and I look up at her. "How baby?" I ask her as I lay my head on her boob. "Fuck you till you scream and make out with you till you can't remember your name. Basically love you so much, you'll get sick and tired of me." Frankie said and I smile and kiss her jaw. "I love you Frankie, never forget that." I say and cuddle closer to her. "I love you too Grace, and I promise I'll never forget." she says and I fall asleep on her as she kisses my forehead, I love this woman of mine. 

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