Roommates (Logan Paul and Why...

By maxer11b

4.3K 132 9

She was just a childhood friend from Ohio that moved in with Logan Paul himself to become a successful beauty... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 15

113 3 0
By maxer11b

Just a few minutes after I had put my phone down and stopped talking to Corbyn I got a text from Daniel. Since I didn't read it right away I was ready to yell at Corbyn for telling Daniel my decision, but then I saw the actual text. 

Daniel: I know you said you didn't want to talk to me, but I'll see you in a week. Boys and I are going to New York, I only stopped to get something from the house. 

Daniel: A week to think at least! Hopefully me. 

Me: Have fun in New York, stay safe. 

I scrolled through Instagram to see all the posts each boy had done and I had commented on everyone's pictures, then I got a text from Jonah. 

Jonah: Gonna be in NYC and come back with a gift for you.

Me: You really don't have to. 

Jonah: I'm going to, no matter what. 

Me: Have a safe flight then, and I'll see you and all the boys together later. 

Jonah: Not alone?

Me: Not right now. Be safe though.

Jonah: Awww, thanks. 

I put my phone down and took a deep breath, all of them were gone for a week anyway. I would be able to just spend time with Logan and actually figure things out by myself (along with Corbyn's recommendation).

That's when my phone was taken from me and a plate was smashed at my feet, Logan and Evan had obviously arrived home. 

"EMMA! YOU'RE TEXTING DANIEL AND JONAH!" Logan exclaimed pretending to throw my phone off the balcony since he was vlogging, but he gave it back to me. 

"I was just telling them to be safe in New York. Now, how about we hang out with Jake, today," I suggested and Logan just stared at me, he must have already gone to do something click baity with him.

"Um... well. I told Jake that he has to marry you, so you're going to Vegas..." Logan trailed off and I just slapped him on the shoulder, I knew right away that he was joking, "Just kidding I told Chance." 

"Why does everyone think I like the C guys, first Chance then Corbyn. I'm not interested," I replied.

"Yeah you like the D's and the J's instead, your ex-boyfriends' names were Jackson, Dirk just like Jake Paul's old character on Disney!, and Dallas, where Zach Herron of Why Don't We, is from," Logan listed for the entire world to see. 

"Would you shut up Logan! Are we taking Kong and Bamm-Bamm to see Apollo? Or?" I questioned.

"That's for another time. For now, let's just go over and get you and Chance married. Alright?" Logan looked to see if I was listening and I groaned and followed him out the door as Evan stayed in his room to play video games. 

In the car when I knew Logan wasn't vlogging, I brought up a controversial topic to him. Since there was no room in the house and I didn't want to kick Evan out or replace him, I was thinking that I should move out even though a few weeks had passed.

 I would be able to have my own apartment or something since my beauty channel was skyrocketing thanks to the popularity from my best friends, Jake and Logan, and even from the Why Don't We boys, which was a surprising turn of events. 

"Logan. I think I should move out," I began and he just looked at me confused. 

"Move out? Why would you want to move out? It's perfect here!" Logan exclaimed.

"No, it's just the room space, with all my makeup, and Evan, and Maverick, and Kong and Bamm-Bamm. I could move into like a two bedroom apartment below you," I offered, "We can still be close, it's just the space issue." 

"But we won't be roommates..." Logan trailed off with a frown.

"I know, but we can be apartment mates... but you and Evan can have your guy privacy, I can have my girl privacy..." I trailed off.

"I will consider this as long as you vlog this moment for me," Logan replied and I took his vlog camera and turned it on sighing loudly, "LOGANG! EMMA WANTS TO MOVE OUT, SO SHE CAN HAVE SEX WITH THE WHY DON'T WE BOYS AT HER HOUSE!"

"Logan! I said it's me not you! I just want my own girl time in my own place with let's of space and Bamm-Bamm can have his own room!" I shouted at him in the car.

"You're replacing me with my boy, Bam?" Logan asked. 

"You replaced me with Kong," I answered.

"And then I got you back!" Logan defended, "I CAN'T BELIEVE AFTER ALL THESE WEEKS! YOU'RE ALREADY SICK OF ME!"

"Ayla is," I teased him and he just pretended to look at the road sadly.

"NAH I FIRED HER!" Logan exclaimed, "Anyway if you move out I guess we can still be neighbors and if I throw plates, you have to clean it up yourself! I'VE DECIDED! EMMA'S MOVING OUT, YOU'RE FIRED ALSO JUST LIKE HOW JAKE PAUL GOT FIRED BY DISNEY!!!!!"

"This is perfect click bait," I stated and Logan agreed, "I'm not moving out for a week though, I'm staying with you, neighbor time with you is the best time!" 

"You keep tricking me into not being mad," Logan replied, "But fine fine fine. Is this just so you can get another dog and have relations with one of the Why Don't We boys?" 

"Yeah pretty much," I nodded my head. 

"BUT SHE'S GONNA MOVE BACK IN WHEN I GET THE HOUSE!" Logan exclaimed and I just nodded my head no. 

"Where else am I going to raise my child with the Why Don't We boys," I teased and he just looked at me and began laughing. 

"Now possible titles for this is, Emma's moving out, Emma's raising child with Why Don't We boys, or Emma ditches me for another dog!" Logan laughed listing everything towards the camera, "You know what, this is how I'm gonna start the vlog thanks. This was some quality bonding time. What were we doing again? OH YEAH! GOING TO JAKE'S! Yeah no, let's do that tomorrow, and then like the beach after that. For now we're just gonna play video games at home cause I got all my clickbait!" 

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