The Jock and the Emo Part 2 B...

By XxDinkyxX

97.8K 2.3K 154

It's been two years since Liam and Beau got back together. It's been great. Perfect for them. They are going... More

The Jock and the Emo Part 2 Boyxboy
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

4.4K 132 0
By XxDinkyxX


What the hell? Oh god he probably thinks I bailed. So I quickly call mom.


"Mom." I whisper.

"Liam! How could you?! Do you know what he is going thru right now?! I never excepted you to do something so stupid! How could y...."

"MOM!" I scream. "I was kidnapped." I say lowering my voice.

"WHAT?!" I seriously was not expecting her to yell at me and I dropped the phone. I went to pick it up and hissed in pain. Yeah it's starting to hit me now. The lady picks up the phone and starts talking to mom while Sam makes me lay down. A few minutes later the cops and ambulance show up.

"Son can you tell me what happen?" a cop ask lowering himself to my level as the emt's look me over.

"I was kidnapped." I groan as one pushes on my ribs.

"By who?"

"I really don't know. It's either Chris Hale or Blaine something same person."

"Do you know where you came from?"

"I ran left so right, next door. I only ran to the closest house" he nods standing up and the two techs lift me up and put me on a stretcher.

"What's your name son?"

Liam Cross."

"Who's blood?"

"His, mine." he nods again writing shit down.

"Stokes we need to go." a tech says.

"Sure. I'll follow you down. Matthers is checking the house."

"He might be at the hospital himself." I cut in.


"I bite his tongue off." I laugh groaning. I think I just lost my mind. Loony bin here I come.

"Well have more questions at the hospital." he tells me kinda horrified. I guess I would be to. I just nod and they take out the door. They load me up and take care of my wrist doing all there medical crap as we go.

Once we get there the doctor looks me over, fixing my arms wrist and all my other cuts. Apparently I did a number on them when I crawled out the window.

"Where am I?"


"What?!" I yell shocked Bennington is an hour away from me.

"Bennington." he repeats. I just nod. "Okay well nothing serious but I am ordering some x rays and a aids test. I think you have one or two broken ribs." I nod again. He leaves and the cop walk in.

"Well?" I ask.

"We found him." I nod. "Can you tell me what happen?" I nod sighing.

"Where do you want me to start?"

"Since you got kidnapped." I nod again.

"Well I was walking to my car to go to my wedding." he cuts me off.

"Your getting married congratulations." I glare at him.

"Was I doubt he'd marry me now." he nods. "Anyway I was walking to my car, then I was hit in the head, woke up in his basement, he comes in as Chris babbling a bunch of shit, hits me a couple of times, leaves, comes back later as Blaine babbling a bunch more shit, started kissing me, taking off my clothes, I kneed him, he hit me more, he ummm started to give me head then started to kiss me again, I bit off his tongue, he left I struggled more to get free, finally did crawled out the window ran next door, here I am."

"Do you know why?"

"Apparently he is in love with me and I was in love with him and didn't realize it." he nods. "Oh and he's also the one that beat the shit out of Beau and sending me my 'presents' as he called them."

"Who's Beau?"

"My fiancé."

"What's his last name?"

"Cross." he gives me a confused look.

"You said fiancé."

"Yeah but he has used my last name for the last 2 years." he nods then realization hit him. Of course.

"You mean Beau Cross star quarterback? That Beau Cross?"

"The very same."

"I'm his biggest fan."

"Of course you are." I say rolling my eyes.

"What do you mean presents."

"Ask the police department. They can fill you in." he nods again. I lay my head back closing my eyes. The pain meds I didn't want are starting to kick in.

"I'll leave you to rest but I'm sure I'll be back for more questions." he tells me as the door bust open. I lift my head and there's Mom, Beau and Jack barreling in.

"Oh my baby are you okay are you hurt?" mom rushes out running to me.

"I'm Fine."

"What happen? Who did this to you?"

"Chris or Blaine whoever he is."

"Chris?" Beau says shocked. "Chris Hale?"


"Who's Blaine?" he ask. I sigh heavily rubbing my face.

"Oh my poor baby." mom coos when she sees my arms.

"I'm Fine mom." I groan when she rubs it. Roughly I might add.

"Anyway you remember back in high school that guy that use to show up?"

"Yeah." he says angerily. I smile.

"Jealous?" I tease. He glares at me. "Him." I finish.

"What does he have to do with this?" mom ask.

"Apparently they are the same person."

"I don't understand."

"Neither do I all I know he used make up, fake skin, hair dye to disguise himself."


"He's in love with me and apparently I'm in love with him."

"Are you?" Beau ask. I glare at him.

"Yeah Beau I'm in love with a twisted physcopath who fucking kidnapped me until I realized I loved him." I sarcastically say.

"Just checking geez." he says with a smile on his face. He comes to sit on the bed next to me. "I'm sorry I hung up on you." I shake my head no.

"It's okay I would have done the same thing."

"I love you." he says caressing my cheek. I'm not in any pain. Stupid pain medicine.

"I love you too."

"I hate to interrupt but can I have your autograph?" the cop says. Beau turns to him confused.


"Because your the famous Beau Cross." Beau shakes his head.

"I don't even play football anymore."

"Your going to next year right?"

"I'm hoping."

"You better. I gotta see you play in the NFL." they go on to talk football as I nod off. Yeah I was kidnapped almost raped but lets talk football. I honestly don't care I prefer not to talk about it.

I woke up later to someone shaking me.

"Liam wake up." it's Beau.

"No." I grunt.

"Come on baby you wanna go home."


"Then wake up."

"No." he chuckles.

"Come on babe."

"Carry me." I mutter.

"Yeah and have both of us back in the hospital. No thanks" I groan loudly opening my eyes.

"What time is it?"

"Noon." I nod. I'm guessing the next day.

"Come on you been here long enough."

"What about my x rays and blood test?" Beau looks pissed at this.

"Already done." he says pointing to my arm. "You have two broken ribs. Why the hell did you bite off his tongue?" he ask angrily.

"What was I suppose to do? Let him hold me fucking hostage and rape me?!" I yell.

"Rape." he whispers.

"Yes rape Beau."

"He didn't did he?" he ask with tears in his eyes. I shake my head.

"No. I wasn't going to let him with a fight." he nods.

"I'm sorry." he says.

"It's okay. Let's get out of here." he nods getting up.

"Where the hell are my clothes?" I ask when I notice them gone and I'm in a hospital gown.

"You were out of it last night When they needed to do the x rays so I undresses you plus they needed your clothes for evidence." I nod as he hands me a bag of clothes. I painfully sit up. "You okay?"

"Yeah sore." I tell him painfully swinging my legs over. I try and take the gown off but it's tied. I reach to untie it and hiss in pain.

"Let me do it."

"No I can." I reach for it again.

"Stop." I sigh heavily letting him do it. He pulls it off. "Shit they look worse than yesterday." he says angrily. I look down and in bruised from my stomach to chest.

"Who cares let me get dressed." I grunt grabbing my t shirt.

"I care you idiot." He groans as he helps me put it on, then my jeans socks and shoes.

"What about our wedding?" I ask suddenly.

"I don't know."

"You still want to marry me right?"

"Of course I do." I nod as we walk out the door. One thing is stopping me from driving to the court house. I couldn't do that to him.

He takes me straight home. As soon I walk in the door I get in the shower wanting all the dirt grim and nasty feeling I feel on me.

"How are you feeling?" Beau ask me.

"Like shit."

"Want some help?"

"No I got it." I lean over to get the shampoo and hiss in pain.

"Yeah you got it." he says sarcastically says getting it for me.

"Damn it I said I got it!" I yell snatching it from him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I ignore him continuing my shower. When I get out I grab a towel walking out. "Are you alright?" he ask following me.

"Just fucking peachy." I say sarcastically as I get dressed. He sighs heavily shaking his head.

"Let me fix your bandages." he says reaching for my arm. I jerk it back quickly.

"I got it." I start to put my cream and bandages on it. When I do my other arm I can't do it. I'm not use to doing thing with my left hand. Well stuff like this.

"Liam let me do it."

"No I got it." I tell him trying again.

"No now stop. You took care of me now let me take care of you." I groan letting him do it. Now I'm really the one that hates being taken care of. Small stuff I don't mind but being taken care if while I'm sick or hurt that bothers me. "Get in bed." he orders me once he's done. I get in bed passing out.



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