Love You Better

By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

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Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 7

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By xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

Mood: Depressed Stressed and a mess. Why might you ask, Boys. It's that simple. I kissed my ex boyfriend and my ex fling in one night. Night of the exes huh?

"Honey Lexi and I are going to get our nails done, wanna come?" My mom asked barging into my room. "It's okay I'm not feeling too great." "What's wrong, was last night too much for you?" "No I just haven't been feeling great the past few days." "Well did you tell your coach that you aren't going to practice today?" "Yeah she knows." "Well feel better and you're brother is coming back from practice soon so let him in if he doesn't have a key." "Okay."

Unfortunately things worked out like they always do. I thought that this would be different, that he would be different. It's crazy when you Defend a person for so long and then they turn around and make you look like the dumb one. Or maybe I was just the dumb one.

After I picked up my phone and noticed a lot of texts from several people.

10 mins Noah- Are you free today? We should talk

43 mins Allie- Feel better girlie :)

57 mins Miles- I just woke up with a major hangover but I don't even remember getting drunk, was I?

3:20 AM Lexi- I just got home, you didn't hear me come in right?

2:37 AM Noah- Night M :3

2:36 AM Julian - Goodnight ;)

2:30 AM Julian - I just wanted to let you know that you're sister is still out and that I'm home, she wanted to stay.

2:27 AM Allie- I'm home, text me in the morning

2:21 AM Julian- Hey I just wanted to make sure that you got home okay.

2:14 AM Noah- HEy MoOrgAn WYA?

2:12 AM Nick- Miles told me you guys were leaving, text me if you need anything.

After scrolling through everyone's texts there were two people that I wanted to respond to. I replied to Allie with a simple "thanks and I'll let you know". The other person was Julian. The only thing I wanted to ask was "why?".

Why did you lie to me when we first met? Why did you say you lived L.A when you lived in Tampa? Why did you leave me there that night? Why did you pretend not to know me the first time we spoke in school?" "Why did you lie to me about saying that you didn't want anything to do with Lexi when you were on her last night? Why her? And most importantly why me?

I knew all the answers to these questions except for the last one, only he knows why and I know that I'll never find out the truth.

"I'm home!" I heard Tanner scream. "Up here!" I screamed back. "Hey why aren't you with mom and lex?" He asked as he sat on my bed. "I don't feel good." "That's a lie, I heard you felt good making out with Spencer." He said referring to Noah.

"It's not like that, I was just struggling." "Well that's what Nick said, but according to everyone else it wasn't like that." "Well who are you gonna believe, the upperclassmen who don't care about anyone but themselves, or Nick and I who both have been in your life for quite some time." "Well I guess you and nick ." "That's what I thought."

"Oh yeah I also heard that Lexi went down so hard on some dude that he had to be carried to the car by his friends."

When he said this my heart hurt even more, but I felt a sudden rage to fight back. I don't wanna be dragged around anymore and be known as Lexi's sister anymore.

"Did she now?" "Yeah, no one could tell who the kid was though because her big head blocked him." "He has a big head too." I whispered because I knew that I didn't mean it.

"Who?" "No one, I was just talking to myself." "Don't do that or people will think you're weird." "Got it." "Well I'm gonna go shower and if you aren't sick enough I wanna go get some pizza, my treat." "I'm suddenly not sick." I popped out of bed. "That's what I thought."

After I quickly got in the shower since I still had a strong scent of alcohol on me. It's a good thing that I could be a heavy drinker if I wanted to be because not even three or four drinks could take me down.

When I got in the hot water hit me and immediately got me thinking, how do I get Julian away from Lexi. I don't want to talk to him anytime soon so someone like Nick could help me with that. It's not that I don't want my sister to be happy, it's just that being a hoe should come with a price, especially one that she isn't expecting.

"Morgan hurry up or I'm leaving you!" Tanner screamed as I was getting dressed. "No don't, wait for me." I screamed back struggling to get my shoes on. "No promises." He screamed as I ran down the stairs with still only one shoe on.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he hopped in the drivers seat of my car. "Oh gosh you know that I hate surprises." "Trust me, you won't hate this one." He winked as he continued to drive.

After about 10 minutes of him driving we finally got to someone's house. "Where the hell did you take me?" "Welcome to la casa de Manning." "Stop messing with me." I said looking at the huge house.

"Hey you're here." Justin said walking outside to the car. "Yeah I dragged my sister with me since I couldn't leave the house without her." "What! You told me we were getting pizza."

"Don't worry, we're gonna make pizza inside." Justin interrupted as we walked us into his house.

"Oh yeah by the way Julian is upstairs.You can go upstairs and hang with him." He said and then I snapped out of the fantasy moment that I was out and okay. I forgot that Julian also lived here.

As I was walking up he stairs, I felt a sudden jolt of nervousness. "Morgan?" A voice said behind me. When I turned around I noticed Nick. "Hi nick." I waved still very nervous.

"You okay? What happened last night?", he asked. "Ugh I don't even wanna talk about it, too much happened." "I know that it's about Julian and your sister, I can tell that you're hurting." "Don't worry I'm over it and over him."

"What?" "Listen I don't wanna play games with anyone, especially him or Lexi or anyone for that matter." "It sounds like you let her win. I know this is weird coming from your ex, but why can't you move on from Noah?"

"I did move on, he just can't." "Of course he can't because he didn't get to see your body. You dated him the longest, but you never gave him what he actually wanted." "And I'm glad I didn't, he didn't deserve it."

"So why did he deserve your kiss?", I was about to answer until someone walked out of the room. "Hey nick what the hell are you-Morgan?" Julian was saying as he walked out of his room with Khalid behind him. "Sorry if I interrupted something, I'll just go. My brother came to hang out with yours." "That's okay stay." He said grabbing my shoulder.

"Julian get down here!" Justin screamed from downstairs. "Guys I'll be back, I'm just gonna make this pizza while Im down there." "Got it bro."

"So are you two getting back together or you going back to Noah?" Khalid asked sipping on a juice box. "Probably none of the above, I'm just gonna try to focus on school and soccer." "Isn't it funny that you bashed Julian for saying that last week and then he got with your sister."

"Next topic please." Nick said trying to protect me. "So that kiss was pretty steamy last night, don't you think Nick?" "Khalid chill." "It was just a kiss...right?" "Dude cut her some slack, she told you that she doesn't want a boy."

"Thats such a shame, Miles McKay is single and I thought maybe you two would link up." "Are you serious?" I said while he was unfazed. "Yeah, I'm sure your love life would be better with a blonde in it." "That's my sisters' ex!" "So what, I've dated my brothers' ex before and he didn't give a damn."

"There's a difference." "How?" "Girls are more sensitive, most boys don't give a fuck about anything." "Alright you have a point, but I'm just saying....he could be good for you." "He used to be my best friend, I know too much about him."

After I noticed Julian's phone screen turning off and on. I all of a sudden had the urge to grab his phone and read everything, but I couldn't.

"Oh my gosh, "I miss you" - Lexi" I heard Khalid laugh.  "Sad you left early - Lexi" Nick said also laughing. "I had a great time last night winky face kissy face- Lexi!" The both said laughing.

"Oh my gosh are you looking through Julian's texts?" "Nah just at the ones the popped up in his notifications." Nick said. "Oh shit!" Khalid whispered. "What?" "Some girl by the name Victoria just texted him Miss you and wish you were with me." "Damn he's cheating on your sister."

"Who's cheating?" Julian walked into the room with the pizza. "Jay-Z on Beyoncé." I lied trying to cover up the fact that we were talking about him. "That was in the past, cut him some slack."

"So who's Victoria?" Khalid asked making it obvious that we looked at his phone. "Oh gosh she's texting me again." "I guess so." "Damn it." "So who is she?" "My ex from this summer. Ever since I broke up with her she won't stop texting me." "Yeah okay and how would Lexi feel about that?"

"I don't know, Lexi's just a friend." When he said that I accidentally laughed out loud. Just a friend my ass.

"Just a friend? She didn't look like just a friend to me." Nick laughed knowing that Lexi was most likely the first girl he "played" moved ever since he moved from Tampa.

"She threw herself on me, what was I supposed to do, not kiss back and get her mad?" "You gotta point." "Plus when I left the party she ended up doing some stuff with Landon Smith." "Who?" "I don't even know who he is to be honest."

"He's the kid that sits in front of you in class." I added. "Does he, I don't know who half of the people at school are yet. I really only know you guys and I would only know You if I didn't play soccer."

"Why would you only know her?" Nick asked confused. "Because-" "because I helped him at the mall when he first moved." I interrupted since I didn't want anyone else to know that we knew each other. "Exactly, she was the best out there."

"Hey guys wanna have a jv vs Varsity scrimmage outside?" Justin asked busting into the room. "No thanks." Julian replied while the other boys ran down the stairs.

"Well I guess it's just you and me." He said as we sat side by side on the bed. "I guess." "Come here." He said grabbing my face. He kissed me slowly, but we got intimate quick. I kissed him back not realizing that I was upset with him.

"Wait I can't do this, not after what happened last night." "What are you talking about, the part when I kissed you?" "No the part when you made out with my sister. I thought we were just friends Julian." "I told you what happened." "And how am I supposed to believe you?"

After there was a long pause. "I sent you a goodnight text and told you when I got home." "And? You could've just been fucking with me just like you were back in California."

"Listen I'm not the same kid I was in California. I was a complete idiot, but I felt something there and you did too." "How do you know?" I asked and then he put his lips on my neck trying to distract me.

"Are you trying to seduce me or something?" "Is it working?" "Yes." "Then yes." He said getting up and locking the door.

"Why are you messing with my feelings?" "I've been messing with my own feelings, I haven't exactly figured out how to express them so this is my way of telling you how I used to feel. I had been dying to get you alone and not when you're mad or when we were in public and that's how I feel now. I know that my feelings that I had for you faded, but when I came back everything was starting to slowly come back. I'm not screwing your sister despite what you've heard. You're way more mature and modest than her."

"And how do I know you aren't just using this as a test." "Because I just admitted how felt about you, even though I thought those things back then when I met you. I've never felt this great with any girl and I wanna get to know you more. From what I know We have so much in common and that's what I like about you even if it's just as friends."

"Well I like, or liked you too." "You don't like me anymore?" "Nope, last night changed that and you don't even like me anymore so" "And I can change that right now." He said biting his bottom lip which turned me on.

After he pulled me close and kissed me hard and passionately. I immediately let his tongue into my mouth which brought us closer. He stroked my hair as he was still kissing me.

After he lightly pushed me and made his way on top of me. He quickly disconnected from my lips and took his shirt off. After he began tugging at my shirt so he helped me take it off and began kissing my collarbone which made me lightly moan.

After I slid his Adidas soccer pants off along with his boxers as he pulled off my shorts and underwear. I quickly unhooked my bra and threw that to the ground along with all of the other clothes.

After he randomly got a condom from under his pillow and put it on. I tugged on his hair as he kissed me in different places. I was careful not to grab the chain on his neck because I always thought it was hot on him and I never wanted it off.

He then started to grind on me slowly. The skin on skin contact just made everything feel right. Even though things escalated quickly, the feelings that I had never disappeared.

His touch made me want more. He made me feel good in all the right places and knew exactly what I liked. After continuing for another 15 minutes we finally stopped.

He quickly got into the shower while I stayed in his bed. Everything that we did felt good, but doubts quickly rushed through my mind. Did I make a mistake by sleeping with him, or was It meant to happen?

"Hey you." He said jumping back into the bed fully clothed and handing me my clothes. "Hi." I said as he kissed the top of my head. "You were better than I heard." He winked. "Be quiet." I said throwing a pillow at him.

"Wanna give me part two?" "No thanks, I'm exhausted." "Oh dang, maybe Monday after practice. I heard the back seat is a good place." He bit his lip again. "If you want part two I would stop talking before I cut your balls off." "Looks like I'm staying quiet." "Good boy."

"You know us fucking On the soccer field in California like we were supposed to would've been nice." "We weren't supposed to, you almost kissed me there." I laughed. "And It could've turned into something more." "I don't think so."

After he slid under the covers with me and put his hand in mine. That gave me a sense of clarity because that meant that he wanted to hold onto me.

"Did you know that you're the prettiest girl I've ever met?" "No I did not." "Well now you do." He said kissing my lips slowly.

"Julian!" Khalid said knocking on the door. "Shit get dressed." He said leading me into the bathroom while still holding my hand.

"Hey guys how was the game?" I heard Julian ask while I put everything back on. "Our team crushed jv like we always do." Nick said. "Dude what happened to your sheets?" Khalid laughed. "Nothing I was taking them off as you were coming in to change them."

"So who's in the bathroom, did you send Morgan away to fuck Lexi?" "No Morgan is in there peeing." "Hey.", I said acting natural. I winked at Julian as I walked out. "You're still here?" Khalid asked. "Yeah Lexi couldn't make it, she was busy fucking Landon.", I joked.
J- Come over I miss you :(

M- I can't, my brother is at your house and if he sees me again he'll be suspicious

J- F whatever your brother thinks

M- weren't you supposed to go to Kyle Hanon's party with the boys?

J- Yeah but you got me tired ;)

M- Fine come over

J- wait is your sister there?

M- Nah she went to Kyle's

J- Perfect see you in a few

Ever since this afternoon everything felt different. I no longer felt like I had to hide my feelings because they were mutual. When I left California I was heartbroken for days knowing that I would never see him again and now he's coming over just to spend time with me.

After I heard a rock hit my window and I immediately knew it was him. "What are you doing?" I laughed. "Isn't this what I'm supposed to do?" "If you wanna be cliche like in movies than yes." "Good than I did my job now help me up." "You do know I can open my front door." "Right."

After I quickly ran down the stairs and opened the door when he pulled me in. He immediately kissed me which made me blush. "Ooo coconut, did you put this on before I came?" "Maybe, maybe not." "Well I like it, make sure to put some on every time I see you." "Got it, wanna go up to my room?" "You bet." He said grabbing my hand.

"Nice room, I like the walls. They remind me of the color of the inside of my house back in Tampa." "Oh if you want we can go into another room." "No it's all good I like it in here."

After we laid on pillows and for comfortable. "So what are your plans after this year?" "Well I'm going to college and then I wanna find love, get married, have kids, and live happily ever after." "And you thought me throwing a rock at your window was cliche." He laughed stroking my hair. "Listen I'm just trying to be realistic, my friend needed to hear the truth."

"So are you gonna play soccer in college?" "I'm not sure, I mean I've gotten offers but I always planned on this being it. What about you?" "Same, I just feel like education is super important." "Well you should consider it, I mean you're one of the best players in the state of Florida and that's huge." "Yeah I know, I just don't know exactly what I wanna do with my life yet."

"I think you should major in kissing, that's also something you're really good at." I laughed. "I've gotten that quite a lot, but not because I've been with plenty of girls. I was forced to run the kissing booth at my school last year when it came time for fundraising." "That must've been fun for you though." "It was until some girl gave me strep throat and I was sick for a whole week." "Damn."

"So how do you think your sister would react if she found out about today?" "She'd kill me. She told me that you were off limits, but technically we're friends and I've known you longer so that doesn't count." "True and plus we've accomplished a lot of firsts today that she won't ever get to do with me." "Good" I said starting to give him a taste of his own medicine by kissing his neck.

"Damn I thought you said you didn't want part two tonight." "I don't, I just wanna stare at you and kiss you for as long as I can." "You know what, that's a good plan." He said as I made my way back up to his lips.

After I heard a car door slam and I assumed it was my neighbors so I didn't pay attention to it. We continued doing our thing until I heard the front door slam.

"Who the hell is here?" I said getting up looking out the window. "Your mom?" "No she went out of state for the week for work." "Tanner?" "He's staying at your place." "Then who could it be?"

"Ugh Jace l-let's go to myy rooom." I heard Lexi say in the hallway. "She's with Another guy?" "I guess.".

All of a sudden I heard the door knob starting to move meaning my sister had a key. "Shit get down." I said hiding under the bed.

"Ye-ss we're innn." She said walking into the room sounding like she was gonna pass out. After I heard the bed moving back and forth which meant that my poor bed was getting ruined. After I stuck my head out when a shirt landed on top of my head.

"What the hell is going on?" Julian whispered. "What do you think?" "I don't know I didn't see anything." "Look at the floor." "Ohhhh, those aren't our clothes." "Clearly because we have them on." "We can take them off if you want." "Julian this isn't the time for jokes." "Sorry."

"Dooooo you have a condom?"I heard Lexi starting to talk again "I always do." "Me too I keep it in my bra." "Nice lllet me get that one." "Okayyy." She said and then her bra fell to the floor.

"Okay is there some way we can get out of here because I am not okay with this." "Me neither."

"Jjace wait I can't do this right now." "What do yyou mean?" "Theres this boy I like and if I-i slept with you there would be no hope for him and I." "Who you talking about?" "Julian Manning." "Wow your like the third girl who's told me this, I'm so fed up with the lies I'm done with this." He said slamming the door. After she walked out furiously and slammed her bedroom door.

After she left I realized something. She had actual feelings for a boy that she really likes, but I was here stealing him. To be honest I don't feel bad at the same time because we liked each other way before they met.

"You okay?" He asked rubbing my back. "Yeah I'm just super tired." "I know it's been such a long but really good day so I'm gonna go and let you get your rest." "Thanks. I said as he helped me up." "Goodnight." He said kissing my cheek. "Night."

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