Do or Die (Bk 1)

By SoaringSpirit

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(* This story is currently ON HOLD till further notice* I'm sorry, I want to type up a few chappies before I... More

Do or Die (Bk 1)
Chapter One: Broome
Chapter Three
Chapter Four: Sandfire Roadhouse
Chapter Five
Chapter Six: Outback
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight: Farm
Chapter Nine

Chapter Two

35 1 1
By SoaringSpirit

Callium knocks on the door and a slit opens revealing a pair of eyes. “Who is it and what do you want?” a voice asks from the other side.

“It’s Callium and friends; we’ve come for the party man.” Callium says after a short pause.

The slit closes and the main door opens after a short while. Callium turns back to us and gestures for us to continue in. “Man, while are you going to parties like this?” Boston asks as he passes through.

“Stop there please.” The voice asks.

We stop just inside the door and wait, Callium up front again. “Yo man, hows it been?” He asks as someone appears in front of us.

“Hey Callium man, it’s been good.” The guy replies.

“You remember my cousins, Jamie, Reece and Boston right?” Callium points behind him at us.

The figure steps into the light. “Of course I do, how can I forget a bunch of crazies like them?” Idris grins coming over and giving us all a giant hug. “It’s nice to see you lot again, parties just haven’t been the same.”

“Nah man, we missed you too.” I pat his shoulder and step back. “This is our friend Nix.” I push Nix forward.

“Hey man, nice to meet ya.” Nix extends his hand and Idris takes it pulling him in for a hug.

“We love having new blood around here.” Idris grins over Nix’s shoulder. “Anyway, come on through and let’s partay.” He fist pumps the air.

“Awesome man.” I grin following him closely.

I’m not an alcoholic, I just love a few drinks here and there, mum and dad hate us drinking around the house or coming home drunk. But Uncle Vance doesn’t mind and he’s also promised not to tell our parents if we do. He is awesome.

We follow Idris into the party area, bodies dancing, some on the makeshift stage others were they stand, all have drinks in hand. The girls party in groups eyeing guys off, some even rubbing up against guys clearly enjoying themselves.

We stop at the bar. “What you want mate?” Someone asks.

I turn to look at him and grin. “Hey Chad man.” I smile.

“Hey, when the fuck did you lot arrive?” He asks shouting over the loud music.

“Last night.” Reece replies.

“I’ll have a light beer.” Boston says distracted.

“Sure.” Chad laughs and gets the drink.

“Thanks.” And Boston’s off through the crowd.

“What can I get for the rest of you?” Chad asks still laughing.

“I’ll have the usual, if you still remember what it is.” I smirk.

“One Vodka coming right up.” Chad moves off.

“Make that two.” Nix leans in.

Chad looks up and nods.

“So, what you think Tron saw, that made him hurry off like that?” Nix asks slinging his arm over my shoulder.

“Probably an old friend or someone.” Reece speaks up from the other side of me.

“Hey guys, ima gonna catch ya later ok.” Callium says as a guy starts pulling him toward the dance floor.

“Yea catch ya mate.” Nix says for us.

Chad returns handing our drinks over to us, I nod politely at him and turn around to examine the mass of bodies. I stand up and turn to the others. “I’m off.” I say walking into the crowd toward a large group of girls.

When I reach them I wrap my arms around one and whisper in her ear. “Guess who?”

She tries to peer over her shoulder, but I stop her. “I don’t know, um … Drake.”

Her friend’s giggle

I loosen my grip and allow her to turn around. When she sees me she screams. “Jamie! I can’t believe it’s you, I thought you left for good.” She breathed.

“I’m not staying, I’m only visiting relatives.” I say as I have a few mouth falls of my drink.

“Nah, that’s sweet.” She sighs.

“Glad to see you again Jamie.” One of the other girls says, the rest nodding their heads in agreement.

“It’s nice to see you again; Fibi, Roxanna, Melanie, Pixie, Liberty, Jezebel and Helena.” I smile at all of them.

“Hey you forgot one.” Adina pouted.

I removed my arms from around her and laughed. “Sorry, and it’s nice to see you again too Adina.”

She smiled.

A couple of hours later, and I can’t make out one object from another, everything is blurring together. I know that I’m still hanging out with Adina and her friends …. I think.

“Yo man, you look pissed.” Someone says laughing.

I squint my eyes and try to make out who it is. “W-who ar youuuu?” I slur.

“I don’t know whether I should be insulted or not.” The figure turns to another that’s just come up.

“We should just kill him now.” The new figure says.

“No, his brothers will get suspicious.” The first one says.

“But, man if we don’t know. We’re busted.” The second voice speaks up quickly.

“I don’t think he’s going to remember squat in the morning.” The first one laughs. He leans in closer. “Just a warning though, I can kill you at any time I want and it’ll be no skin of my nose.” And they both walk away.

I stand up and stumble into the crowd my head spinning, I grab onto someone about to fall. “Whoa, I thought we agreed that you weren’t gonna get yourself piss ass drunk this time.” A familiar voice says.

“I-I nee toooo lie dow.” I slur as I feel myself sitting down in the middle of the dancing bodies.

“Okay, I think it’s time to go.” The familiar voice says as an arm goes around my shoulders and I’m being hauled up.

“But I don’t want to go.” I complain my words coming out better and better by the minute.

“No, Callium is waiting for us to finish so we can go anyway.” He says, pulling me toward somewhere.

“But no-no. Who are you?” I ask suddenly.

“It’s your brother Reece dumb ass.” He laugh.

‘I’m nooot a dum-” I pass out just as I feel another pair of hands grab me to help Reece. Whoever he is? My brother or not?

When I come to, I can hear the engine of a car running and the bumpy road under it. I groan as I try to sit up, grabbing my head as a massive wave a nausea hits me.

“Yo man, you drank way too much.” Callium’s voice says from somewhere.

“How are we sitting? Which car are we in?” I ask closing my eyes again.

“We’re in my car you douche.” Callium says. “And we’re sitting with you between your brothers.” He says.

“Huh?” I say opening my eyes and looking at Reece, who just looked at me and smiled, and then I looked at Boston who was sleeping peacefully. “I’m guessing only two of us enjoyed ourselves then.” I laughed lightly.

“Man, you should have seen Boston. He was up on the stage dancing with a group of mates; I swear they were trying to do a mating dance or something.” Phoenix laughs.

“Mating dance?” I question peering at Nix. “What did you get up to Phoenix?” I asked.

“I talked to randoms and drank. But not as much as you did.” He informs me.

“Oh and we should probably tell you.” Callium starts. “You were busy dancing with Adina and her friends for quite a while. Then you moved on to another group that consisted of old mates.” Everyone who was awake snickered.

“Who were they?” I asked. “Do we have any pain killers?” I added as my head throbbed.

“Nope sorry. They were Keanu, Drake and Benito. You were all really drunk.” Callium started.

“Yea … Really drunk.” Reece laughed.

“You guys decided to start singing to the song that was playing.” Nix laughed. “Oh and you seemed to be having some fun making out with some random girl, we don’t know who she was.” Nix added quickly at the end.

“Oh god. I’m gonna have a killer of a headache in the morning.” I sighed as I rested my head on Boston’s shoulder.

“But you are starting to feel better, right?” Reece asks looking at me.

“Yeah which is strange. What did you guys do to me?” I say startled.

“We didn’t do anything man, as we were leaving some random guy came over and handed you a drink.” Nix says.

“What random?” I say calming down again.

“We don’t know that’s why we said random.” Callium shakes his head.

“Oh, we saw Beau at the party, but no Pearl.” Reece fills the silence.

“Huh, interesting.” I say as I pass out.


Well I hope you enjoyed Chapter Two -- The Party Chapter

I want to know what your thoughts are so please comment/vote/fan -- You know the usual stuff

SoaringSpirit ;)

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