Royally Arranged

By christinasj

1.9K 32 10

"My princess. What honor it is to see you," Leon snickers, his eyes narrowing. "Oh, you've got to be kidding... More

Copyright Statement

Chapter One - Normal

468 23 9
By christinasj

Hello, all! My first story so please bear with me! Take a chance at this intricate, romance, humorous novel! It is un-edited. I will edit as soon as the book is finished. :) Please, tell me what you think!

Copyright © 2012 christinasj All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 1 - Normal

I headed out the back door to grab my shoes and took the time to yell out to my parents.

"Mom, Dad, going to school!"

When I heard no response, I shrug and walk out the front door, opening my car.

"Oh, shit. You scared me." I narrow my eyes at my best friend, sitting beside me on the passenger seat.

"Well, guess what. You scared me too." He runs his hand over his hair in such a manner that I can't help, but drool over his unruly curly hair. "Stop staring. I know you want this -" he points at his body, and smirks, "but sorry babe, not happenin'."

Of course, it was kind of hard living normal life in high school when your best friend was the hottest guy in school. The "oh so holy" fan club he had was even more ridiculous. Each and every member hated me, I swear they burn pictures of me. But I never once regretted befriending him, ever. We'd been like this since kindergarten, when I moved down to the suburbs in southern California from the cold weather of winter New Jersey. I'd even had a small crush on him since then, but knowing he didn't return those feelings, away they were pushed.

"Hey - oi - Ana - you awake?"

I look up to see a set of worried eyes looking down upon me, their colors changing like the seasons. His eye color always changed, from hazel to light green, but nonetheless, handsome on him.

I snapped his hand away from my face, "Yes, so stop touching me, Arin."

He smiles wide at my usual tone of manner, and hugs me tight.

"Thank the Lord, you're alright."

"You thank him too much. Anyways, it wasn't like I was in a coma or anything." I snort and turn on the engine, making way for school.

"Well, it freaked me out when you started opening your mouth and drooling like you always do." Arin bumped his shoulder with mine and I winced slightly at the supposedly light punch. I never did get over how strong he is. Even that light touch seemed like a heavy boulder to me.

"One, I always open my mouth, see?" I turn to look at him with my mouth wide open, "Two, I do not drool."

"Don't do that again. But fine. Well, you always worry me, you know." He mutters under his breath while I register his words, fighting the urge to roll my eyes.

Arin was always protective of me, reason being that I was his own little sister from another mother - if that made sense anyways. Yeah, and that made me feel better about crushing on him, not.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm your sister. Blah, blah." I make a face at him and park at my usual spot in the parking lot.

"No, it's not like that - I mean, well -" He was interrupted by the shouts of his football friends, hanging around the quad.

"Arin! Over here, dude!"

I look at the text I'd just received and furrow my eyebrows. Why did my mom need me home so damn early? Before I let Arin go, I tug on his tight v-neck, making him turn.

"My mom told me to come early today, so I can't take you home. Sorry. Maybe you can hitch a ride with Ryan or something? I got to go. See you later." I lightly peck him on the cheek and make my way into the hallways of Easton High.

For such a nice neighborhood, the school itself was horrible. The teachers alright, students okay, but the general place was revolting. Filled with bacterial water fountains, dirty bathroom stalls, and disgusting moldified hallways, it wasn't exactly the best.

"Analise!" Jennifer calls out to me, her usual bundle of brown, flowing hair loosely ringing down her shoulders. She embraced me in a tight hold.

"H-hey. Nice to see you too." I chuckled lightly and we let go of each other.

Our friends were behind us, well, my real friends. I disliked more than half our group. They were far behind my type of friends.

I waved at the crowd of people and saw a couple break off from the chain. They made their way towards Jen and me.

"Ana! You look great today." Lily Evans winked at me, her boyfriend's arms wrapped around her waist. They were the hottest couple in school, definitely the most touchy.

"Really? You've got to be kidding me. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I practically ran to take a shower." I looked down at my light pink skirt and white blouse, enough to show my little 'treasures'.

We joked for a few minutes before the first bell rings and I slowly make my way to my first class, English.

"Hey, Ana." I turned to find Greg's handsome face right behind me, his peppermint breath breathing heavily on my neck, making my neck hair stand upright.

"Hey...Greg." I smirked flirtatiously.

Even if he had a notorious reputation as a player, I was easily drawn to him. (And no, not like that. I'm still a virgin, if you're asking.) His damnable good looks and drool worthy body was to die for. Who wouldn't want to touch that six-pack abs? Plus, not many people got to know him like I did.

"So babe, what you up to tonight? Want to head out for a date? I've got some spare movie tickets around. We'll be watching Scary Movie 7," he raises one eyebrow, "What'd ya think? Promise there won't be any steamy sex involved, but if you're willing to..."

I laughed and shook my head, "Not tonight, bucko. My parents want me home early. I don't know why. Maybe tomorrow. Or if you want, I'll see what I can do and sneak out."

"Nah, s'okay. Don't want to get on your dad's bad side. Have to make some good impressions to be your boyfriend, right?"

I snort (I'm not the most prettiest girl, okay?) "Riiight, sure."

He frowns and tries to say something before being interrupted by Mr. Mkavoy yelling, "Get in your seats, you blubbering cavemen!"

The blonde bimbo in our class, also part of my clique, stupidly yelled out, "We ain't all men, Mr. Mcdouchey!"

He turned to stare right at me in the eye, and I gulp loudly. But why was he coming towards me? Wait, oh right. Lucky me, I sit right in front of Ms. Bimbo Idiot. I could almost see the steam coming off from his face. "Ms. Jerosa, I will give you five seconds to get out of this class. You will be given detention tomorrow after school. If I don't see that you're there, then it will be added on. Out-"

"-But, Mr.-"


I ducked my head low from the humility and stepped outside, giving Greg a last look.

"Ugh." I leaned against the hallway corridor and waited for Mr. M to tell me to come back inside. I mean, I was his best student. He wouldn't betray me like that, right? Right?

About sixty minutes have passed and I find myself slumped on the bench near the class. The bell rang and before I could get in through the wave of students, Greg hands me my bag and frowns.

"Hey, Ana. Sorry for not saying anything. Thought I'd might make it worse than it already was. Dani's sorry too."

'Speak of the devil, here she is,' I thought to myself and put on a forced smile.

"Oh my gosh. I'm so, so, so sorry, Anall. I really didn't think he'd blame it on you."

I could see Greg fight back a laugh at my "nickname". I punch his shoulder and breezily wave my hand in the air.

"It's fine, Dani. I could live with one detention. Guys, I'd love to chat all day, but I have to go to my next class. See you around?"

They nod and I walk past them, making a note to kill Greg later. Behind me, I hear a distant chat between the two.

"What's so funny?"

"Don't call her Anall, Dans. That sounds like anal and-" He started laughing, what a douche.

"What's an anal?"

The laughter dried up and he sighed, "Never mind. Let's go."

Why does he even put up with her? Probably for sex.

My whole day turns out more rotten than it already was. I mean, really? Mashed green ham and burned potatoes for lunch? Then to add the joy, spilling it on my blouse? And I couldn't even get to say hi to Arin or any of my close friends today. Letting out a relieved sigh as the last bell rang, I walk up to my car to find a note on the windshield.

{I'm sorry for your cruddy day, Ana. I wish I can make it better. xoArin.}

I smile a bit and climb into the car and start the engine. I got out of the lot and hummed through the drive back home. Maybe today wasn't as bad as I expected. Arin's note made butterflies in the bottom of my pit. Xo always meant hugs and kisses. He'd never wrote those things to me. And he understood my pain. I sighed, if only I had a boyfriend like him. Even a husband. Who loved me and understood my pains...


I stop all of a sudden in Ms. Rikey's driveway, and slowly back track to my own. I couldn't believe I'd just day dreamed about having a marriage with my best friend. Shaking my head quick, I close the door to the car and make a beeline for the house.

That's weird. I was sure I left the door locked when I went out this morning. But then again, my mom wanted me home fast so she must be here, right?

"Mom?" The silence is eery.

"Dad? Guys? You there?" I yelled up the staircase but received no reply. Then suddenly, I feel one hand covering my mouth and the other bringing this weird black mask up to my face. What in the...the last thing I felt was the raw sensation of fear. What was happening?


"Honey? Analise? Honey, it's me. Are you alright?"

I blinked slowly as my father's face appears above me. I felt my body tense and alert, as if it were in danger. I tried remembering what happened after I came home, but I drew blank.

"Dad?" I croaked aloud, "Where am I? What happened?"

He patted my cheek, "Honey, we're in Venice. I'm going to get your mom, okay?"

I looked up at him with a confused expression. Did I hear right? Venice? But, what in the world would have brought us here? My senses started coming back to me and I watched my father go out the huge van.

I heard the door open once more and before I knew it, my mom's arms are around me, squeezing the death out of me. "Mom, I'm alright," she sniffed, patting my back.

"So, what's going on? Are we on vacation or something?" My joke wasn't as funny as I made it out to be.

The look on their faces told a different story.

"Not exactly..." They said in unison, and looked back at each other. My dad sat down next to me and took my hand.

"Honey, we tried to keep this away from you, let you live a normal life, but you know your grandfather? The one that passed away when you were a baby, years ago?" I nodded, "Well, he didn't die then. We lied. He died a month ago. I-I know what you're going to say. But we wanted to let you live a normal life. You wouldn't if you were princess. We were going to tell you after he passed away. And now, he is. You're a princess, Ana. Of Bulgaria. And I am King and your mother is Queen. You will be the heir to the throne when I pass." He let me take a breath to think it over and searched my eyes.

Princess? Royals? Of Bulgaria? Half of me wanted to ask my dad if he'd drunk a little too much yesterday. When did Bulgaria even have a king? I barely found out about the royal couple and Queen Elizabeth(...? Was that her name? Something like that.) The thing was, my dad is crazy and from the look of my mom's smile...I guess similarities do attract.

"Okay, even if I were to believe you...-which I don't, but why are we in Venice. Shouldn't we be in, I don't know, Bulgaria?" I looked back from my dad to my mom, knowing full well they'd been foiled. So it was a cover up for a surprise vacation, huh? I knew it.

"Because Ana. There's more to the story." Before I could properly celebrate my victory, my dad's voice cuts through my thoughts and I gulp.

"Like what?"

"It's...about your," he turns to look at my mom and whispers the last bit.

"Your marriage, Ana."

" what?"

"You are to marry Prince Leon Francisco Cristiano."

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