Random Things

By EmilyHW

514 52 19

I'm mad. Deal with it. More

Random things
49 (ish) annoying things:
7 facts about goldfish
52 awsome things about life
34 things to do befor you grow up
Words that should be used more
I have gone mad!!!!
Book fan people
Meanwhile in England
Awsome ship names
Why i hate authets notes as seprate chapters
Chapter 15

Things I Would Do If Books Where Real

35 2 1
By EmilyHW

Gutan Morgan groovy people of the wattpad (I really like the way groovy people of the wattpad sounds(maybe it was inspired/ stolen from Jack Howard(on YouTube (OMFGitsjackanddean (it so funny you should go and check them out NOW (no come back, I meant after you read this chapter (please (I'll pay ya) no I wont) mwhahahahahahahaha) I tricked you in to coming back) mwhahahahaha) no wait come back again) please) thank you).

Can you even use brackets like that? hang on let me rephrase that: You cant use brackets like that. Mwahahahahahaha. I'm such a badaman. Wait whaaaaa? Ok so my wattpad typing has gone weird. It's done this thing where if I add in another letter it deletes the letter in front of it. ???? Ok so you are all going to have to cope with my dodgy spelling. Great. Or I could save, go of this and see if it is doing it when I come back. If in doubt turn it off and on again.

Ok. I'm back. (I heard you sigh, yes you) Ok so I am going to test it.


Yup tis ok now.

So anyway HAPPY EASTER TO ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE (except that person that sighed).

Ok so today I am going to do a thing where I say what I would if certain books where real. Ok so lets us begin:

Harry Potter and the prisoner of Askaban: wander around after professor Lupin pretending to have been attacked by dementors so he would give me chocolate.

The Hunger Games: Try to take my phone in as my token.

Lord of the Rings: Fly on an eagle (they solve everything!)

the Hobbit: be an elf (and probably slap Thandriul when he is being a jerk (he is always a jerk)).

Peter Pan: do backflips in mid-air

Narnia: give Azlan a massive hug and wear the awesome Narnian cloths

The Spooks: train as a witch

Percy Jackson: eat ALL the strawberries at the strawberry farm. Mwhahahahah. }:^)

Catching fire: Tell Plurchis Hevensbee (I am at my grandma and granddad's for Easter and I only brought the Hunger Games not Catching Fire so I can't see how it is spelt. BTW he is the head game maker in the second one encase my spelling is so bad that you don't get who he is) that 22 other tributes will never recover from the games either.

The Hunger Games (again): Ask president snow if he is Father Christmas and then sit on his knee and tell him I want a pony. 

Twilight: laugh in the face of pointy wood.

Inkheart: get hiccups while in stealth mode in Capricorns castle.

Ok so that is all I can think of soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo........

Good bye ;-P

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Love EmilyHW      

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