Among Us

By ArodisGuzman

389 4 6

Are world has changed. the Roswell alien landing in 1947 was changing the world in to something us human neve... More

Among Us
The Kiss of Life
A Blue Memory

Unknown Love

89 0 0
By ArodisGuzman

Among us Chapter 3:

 It was dark as I walked on the sidewalk. As I passed several closed stores and stared at the dim lights I thought of the bloodstains in the floor and me opening the closet door. I wonder who did it. School tomorrow is going to be chaotic. There probably going to point fingers on the Sema’s aren’t they. When I looked at one of the closed stores I saw a signal of a crow painted in black paint on the gate.

I swiped my hand slowly over it and the paint was dry. I kept walking forward. The Crows are a group who refuse to accept the existence of aliens living among humans. They have been causing riots ever since aliens have opened themselves into society. I don’t really understand their problem with aliens. They need to get over it if you ask me.

When I got home my mom immediately hugged me and asked if I was okay. I responded saying, “ I’m fine mom. Although it was terrifying seeing my teacher like that.” my house looked the same. The walls where white, the big green couch in the living room felt like home, the flat screen television was in front of the couch and there was only one painting hung in the wall. The painting was black and white drawing of the sky and the moon.

“Do you need anything? I have zeprophantac.” Zeprophantac was a medicine created by both aliens and humans. It relieves most common pains and works well with coming humans down. My mom is a doctor so she has good medicine around the house.

“No mom I don’t feel like taking any medicine, and besides that makes me act weird. I’m going to my room mom.”

I started to walk to the stairs but my mom said “Ava!”

I walked to her and sit in the arm of the couch “Yeah?”

“ I just need to tell you something tomorrow afterschool. Please come home as soon as you can alright.” I wonder what is it? Why can’t she just tell me now?

“Okay mom, goodnight.” I kissed her at the top of her head and I hugged her goodbye.  I walked to the stairs and quickly turned back to say “I love you mom.”

“I love you too. Goodnight!”


Me and Leila and my other classmates were standing in front of the pool entrance waiting for a teacher to come and open the door. Masson went to the office to find the teacher and check what’s going on.

I heard light footsteps behind Leila and me. “Boo!” it was Jace who appeared behind us. It was so funny because it scared Leila so much she almost tripped on air. 

“Ugh you idiot stop doing that!” she pushed him back but he barely moved. I wasn’t surprised Leila wasn’t the strong type.

“After a while you would think that she would get used to it” I said to Jace.

“It’s so fun playing with you my swimming partner.” He said putting his arm around her. She blushed and moved away slowly.

“Stop playing with me. It’s not cute.”

“Oh so you think I’m cute?”

“I didn’t say that”

He laughs and says, “I know, I know I’m just joking”

“You guys are cute,” I said.

He smiles while pulling Leila close to him and say’s “You think?”

“Ava!” Leila angrily remarks.

“What? It’s true…. Leila I’m gunna walk around till the teacher comes. I’m going to leave you two alone”

“No wait Ava!” she tries to reach her hand to grab me and I walk away before she could. I walked through the halls feeling bored. I looked around and saw a trophy case filled with metals from the past and a couple of pictures too. I looked at the year 1989, which was the time my mom was in this high school. She looked adorable with her cheerleading outfit. She was beautiful when she was young and still is now.

She used to be a cheerleader but I don’t know if she met my father in this school or somewhere else. I really don’t know much about my father except he went missing when I was a baby and so my uncle helped my mom raise me. I wonder how he looks like. My mom doesn’t like to talk about him at all and I don’t know why.

“Are you lost?” someone says behind me and there breath touches my skin causing me to jitter. I turn around right away and see K.T. in front of me.

“Seriously K.T. you do something weird one more time and I’ll hit you where it hurt’s.... Is lurking in the halls your sort of thing or is that a hobby? ”

He licks his lips and stairs at me with his bold green eyes and say’s “I guess I like to surprise you.”

“What do you want now?” He examines my face as if he was waiting for some sort of reaction.

“You really don’t know who I am do you?” he grins and walks a step closer.

“Am I suppose to know you?” I asked irritated and confused. He raises his hand and touches a couple strands of my hair.

“Well you look almost the same. Your brown hair got longer, and you’re taller then before…”

I looked at him confused while trying to think who he was. I stared at his face.

“How do you know me?”

“I’ll let you figure that out on your own. And when you do you will want to find me…” He confidently say’s.

“Ava” I turn around and saw Masson running towards us.

“Yeah?” he stops running and catches his breath but he didn’t look too tired.

“The substitute went to class already. Your friend told me to tell you she is waiting for you in the girl’s locker room…” he looks at the both of us and said awkwardly “Am I interrupting something?” at the same time me and K.T. spoke except I said “No” and K.T. said, “Yes”

K.T. suddenly grabbed me and ran while dragging me along. He was holding me by my hand. When he finally stopped we where in front of the girls locker room. Just like before he leans toward me while his hands trap me as I lay against the wall. He was close enough that we could hear each other breath. Both of his hands where locking me in this position. He looked a little upset but you could barely tell because he always seemed calm and collected. 

“I don’t want you being with other guy’s” what is he thinking? Dose he thinks he can just push me around and claim I’m his. Last time I checked I don’t have a price tag on my body yelling please buy me.

“So what! It’s not like I’m yours or something” he smirks at that remark.

“You will be. Soon I’m going to make you fall in love with me so much your going to take back those words.”

I laugh and say “Oh really! Why would I ever want to be with you? You are self centered, egotistical, overly confident, and not to mention you’re too touchy. So either you move out my way or I’ll make you move.” My comment didn’t faze him, In fact he looked as confident as ever and that was starting to annoy me.

He moved aside and when I was opening the door he said “Oh and Avery! Remember you lost the bet and you got to keep your side of the bargain.” I stopped immediately when he said my full name. Only a hand full of people used to call me by that name. I look in back of the door to ask him who he was but when I looked it was as if he disappeared.

When Leila and I finished changing we went to class where I wondered for the class period who K.T. was. For some strange reason he wasn’t there and I didn’t see him around school either. School was the same as usual. Finally the bell rang signaling that school ended. Sadly swimming practice was cancelled until further notice. Leila usually waited outside of the school so that we could walk home together. I walked through the halls as quickly as possible to get out of this place.

Someone taps my shoulder from behind “Hey!” I turned around and it was Masson again.

“You going home?”

“Yeah sadly swimming practice is cancelled because Ms. Crain died. They said it was out of respect for her or something like that”

“Oh that’s tragic. I was wondering if I could walk you home since it’s dangerous out there”

“Oh” I smile. For some reason K.T.’s words ran through my mind. “I don’t want you being with other guy’s…. I’m going to make you fall in love with me.” I shake my head and ignore what K.T. said. “Shore” I smiled while moving some of my hair to the back of my ear. He grins and we keep walking.

When we reached outside I said goodbye to Leila and told her I was walking with Masson. When we walked to my house it seamed shorter the usual. I guess it felt short because we had brief conversations about common things like how old am I and so on. The sun was going down and it was a little cloudy.

When we got to my front door he smiled at me and said, “It was nice walking with you”

“It was nice walking with you too.” I turned around and grabbed the knob of the door but my mom opened the door.

“Both of you come in”

“What?” why does she want him to come in? Is she going to interrogate Masson?

“Ava we have to tell you something. Well more like I have to tell you something…” oh boy what now. “I couldn’t tell you this before but your uncle Rem is actually your father. He is different just like some of the people you have met in your school. Just like Masson too…” Is she trying to tell me that the this guy is a “Your like them Ava but your special. You can do something that most of you father’s kind can’t do and Masson is hear to train you to control it. I hope your not mad at your father . We decided to tell you that he was your uncle instead so that you wouldn’t be overly attached to him if something happened to him and then something did…” for the first time in my life I had nothing to say. My mouth was clogged and my mind was blank. “Ava what I’m trying to say is…”

Masson steps in and turns me around saying “You’re a unique type of Sema who needs a trainer like me to teach you how to extract Terrums from a body.” How am I a Sema? Who am I? What am I?

“What am I?” my eyes start to water and I try to hold them back. “Why didn’t you tell me who I was?”

My mom caresses my face while saying “Listen to me Ava you weren’t ready at the time and you didn’t know what came along with this life. I don’t want you to remember the past or what you were. I hoped that you were like me so you wouldn’t be in danger like your father was. Baby you’re so strong. Your stronger then me and I know you can face this now.”

“Face what?”

Masson interrupts again “There is a Terrum that is killing people around town but no one knows it’s identity yet.”

“Yeah and what am I suppose to do about it. Isn’t that what cop’s are for?”

“It’s stronger then any average Terrum. Some say it was one of the originals from the crash landing when we arrived to this world. In our world they told a tale of the four chosen Sema Omega’s who have rare gifts. Usually they don’t bare the symbol of our kind but have the same gift as us and they bare a destiny to eliminate Terrums from this world. Ava you have that destiny.”

“Where’s this evil Terrum so I can kick his but and be done with this whole destiny thing.”

“You must train with me first in order to defeat it.”

“Come to think of it since you could do this trick into eliminating Terrums then why can’t you do it?”

“Sadly the last time I encountered the Terrum it took my powers. Until it’s defeated I could only teach you how to do it. From now on you will have to come train with me after school.”

“But I have swimming practice!”

“Ava!” my mom said.

“Okay will just train after my swimming practice. I’m going to my room now. We will talk later Masson”

“Wait Ava there’s one last thing. Don’t tell anyone what you are. Not only are you feared by Terrums but you’re feared by humans too.” How funny Leila has been trying to duck from aliens and along I am one too.

“Okay, Okay I got it”

I walked to my room and I dropped to my bed. What a day. I guess I shouldn’t be too scared. This will be cool right? I probably have a bunch of cool powers. K.T.’ s words ran through my head, “You really don’t know who I am do you?....Avery” The only people who called me that was mom, my uncle (well I guess I mean my dad), aunty and who else.

I looked through every deep corner in my mind and soon enough I regretted it. I started to cry and I felt like I wasn’t myself at that moment. I hated showing myself that I wasn’t strong. When I had the courage to speak I said out loud “Oh my god he’s Kail Timmins” I was overwhelmed with guilt. He was the friend I bullied in the 6th grade. What I did to him was the one thing in this world I will always regret. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.


Thank you guys for reading this chapter. I know it took me a while to write a new chapter but it was because I lost inspiration to write but now I have awesome Ideas for this story. I can't wait to write it. Who misses "Reaching for Eliet?" I know I do. If you guys want a future chapter to read one last time ask in the comments bellow and share this "Among us" chapter. The more views I have in this chapter the more I will want to write. Please comment and share. Love you guy’s :)

Next Chapter: K.T. and Ava talk, Training begins, More flirting between some characters, K.T. and Ava's Past revealed.

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