The History of Us

By BlackRose54

22.4K 1.1K 420

[Student/Teacher]- Book Four of the Tie Twister Series! "This whole teacher thing is just a cover. He's up t... More

A Blast from the Past
The Roman Invasion
The Wrath of Caligula
The End of an Empire
Unintentional Inspiration
The Princess and the Peach
An Ice-Pick in Mexico
The Oldest Question in the World
Cancellation Station
Heloise and Abelard
Aniston vs Jolie
The Bermuda Triangle
The Ross and Rachel Factor
A Forgotten Fossil
I Will Be There For You...
... As the World Falls Down
Fourteen and Eighteen
Life's A Beach
The Iceberg
Bella Swank
The Empire Strikes Back
A Roman Holiday
Say Yes to the Dress
Which Way Is the Music Facing?
The Thirteenth Hour (Part One)
The Thirteenth Hour (Part Two)
Until the End of the World

Russia In Revolution

982 42 13
By BlackRose54

Russia in Revolution

"I've seen Nathan Dean"

Four words that stop me mid-action, as I'm spooning cereal into my mouth. It's not even nine in the morning and already he's ruining my day. It seems there's no escaping him.

The spoon hangs in mid-air for a moment, before it drops noisily back into the bowl, splashing milk everywhere.

Bella tuts from behind me. She hands me a paper towel to mop the milk up with. "Thanks" I say begrudgingly, starting with my clothes that have been splashed. I then turn my attention to the table, mopping up the pools of liquid before they can stain my mother's precious marble breakfast bar.

"Where have you seen him?" I ask, and Bella smiles that charming grin that seems to wrap everyone around her finger. Everyone except me, of course.

"In town, as I was getting a coffee, this morning" She says casually, taking a seat beside me at the breakfast bar. She opens a magazine, and begins flipping through the pages nonchalantly, knowing I'm dying to know more information.

"Did he say anything?" I ask, and Bella turns to face me, her eyebrow raised in pleasure. She's loving the thrill of knowing something I don't.

"He said hello, of course. He was very charming, and still as funny as ever. He's grown up well, he's so handsome now" Bella comments, and I gag a little.

"He's not handsome" I say, and Bella smirks at me.

"If you say so. I asked him about his teaching and he tells me you're in his class" Bella informs me, and I nod.

"Unfortunately" I mutter, and she tucks her hair behind her ear, turning the page of the magazine very precisely.

"I'd think myself very lucky to be in a class where the teacher was that good looking. And hey, he'll probably give you special treatment, considering everything" Bella taunts, a snide smile on her face. She stands to her feet, picking up the magazine "You'll just have to make sure Jake isn't too jealous"

With that, she sweeps out of the room, leaving me to grit my teeth. She knows exactly the right things to say to get under my skin.

Then again, she's had years to hone the skill. Bella and I have never been close, and I doubt we ever will be. She flounces around the place like she owns it.

And to make matters worse, she went out with Jake's other brother Duke a few years back, and doesn't hesitate to remind me that she was a part of the Frances family first. The one who introduced Mum to Mrs Frances in the first place.

I finish my bowl of cereal, placing it into the sink, and my phone buzzes. It's Paige, telling me she's outside.

I grab my stuff, and head for the door. I shout a brief goodbye to no response, and head out. Paige waves at me from the driver's seat, and I walk around the car to get into the passenger side. "Good morning" She greets cheerily.

"Is it?" I say, and Paige laughs at me. She sets off driving, and I can see her eyes flicking to my shaking leg.

"It's only an hour of history, and it's right at the end of the day" Paige reminds me, and I nod.

"Exactly- meaning I've got the whole day to worry about it" I point out, and Paige sighs, turning the corner to school. We're not far away now.

"He's not that bad" Paige insists. She's wrong. She doesn't know him like I do.

"He is" I pout, sinking into silence. Left to fret my fate with Nathan Dean for the rest of the journey there.

When we get to school, Paige rushes off to do some last-minute homework before her lesson. I'm only alone for a minute because I'm immediately greeted by Jake.

He gives me a big kiss, and loops his arm around my shoulders as we walk down the corridor. He says hello to almost everyone as we make our way to class.

I'm calm, smiling even, because people say hello to me too because of Jake. My good mood fades instantly though when I see Nathan's face across the hall. He's leaning against the wall, clearly on corridor duty, watching Jake and I intently.

I avert my eyes instantly, but not before I catch the wry smile on his face. He knows exactly who Jake Frances is, and now he knows I'm dating him.

I manage to tear my eyes away to realise Jake has been speaking to me. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" I ask, instantly feeling guilty that I wasn't paying closer attention to him.

"You're away with the fairies today!" He teases, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I asked if we're still on for tonight"

"Oh, yeah, totally" I say, giving him a smile. I've already picked out what I'm going to be wearing. "Sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night, it's making me a bit groggy"

That isn't a lie either. I struggled to fall asleep, thoughts of history class keeping me awake long into the night. I'm just grateful the bags under my eyes could be covered with concealer.

Jake walks me to my first class of the day, and drops me off outside the door. "I'll see you tonight then" He tells me, giving me a kiss on the lips.

I nod, knowing I won't see him at school because we don't take the same classes. And he finishes earlier than I do on a Friday. "Okay, love you" I say, and he says the same back.

He waves, before heading down the corridor and joining his friends.

I stare after him, and when my gaze leaves him, I find it back on Nathan Dean. He meets my eyes, and I manage to hold them long enough for him to mouth something silently.

'Really, him?'

My cheeks flame scarlet and I hurry into the classroom, not wanting to look back.


"You've been so quiet all day" Paige tells me as we loiter outside of the history classroom. I'm actually sweating I'm that nervous.

"Can you blame me?" I hiss, and Paige just chuckles. I peer through the glass panel in the door, looking at the classroom of bored year seven students. I swear one of them is actually drooling on the desk because of how bored they are. "This is a mistake- I should just go home"

"You're being ridiculous" Paige points out, and at that moment the year sevens are released. They shuffle out of the classroom, all yawning. I wish I could be relaxed enough to be tired.

All of a sudden, I feel a presence behind me, but I don't dare turn around. A voice leans down and whispers in my ear. "Hey Maddie"

I jump a mile, and flit behind Paige. I'm peering at Nathan Dean over her shoulder, who is grinning at me like he's heard the best joke in the world.

"I'm Paige" She introduces, and Nathan grins at her.

"I'm Mr Dean. I'm sure Maddie has told you all about me" He says with a shark-like grin, before opening the classroom door and ushering us all inside.

As sixth-formers, we don't technically have assigned seats. But I always tend to sit by the front, which is why Paige looks surprised when I make a beeline for the back of the classroom. I take my seat, my eyes on Nathan, just in case he tries anything.

"You're acting super weird" Paige tells me, but sits by me regardless. We pull out our books and pens, and as always Paige steals a pen from my pencil case. I give her a look.

"What? Mine ran out this morning" She says defensively, even though we both know the pen she used this morning was also mine. I don't mind though, and she knows I don't.

"Let's make a start, shall we?" A voice commands from the front of the room, and my eyes meet Nathans. He gives me a devilish look. "Maddie, what can you tell me about the Russian Revolution?"

"It's Madison" I correct, but I can tell by the glint in his eyes he's going to take no notice "And which one, 1905 or 1917?"

"Both" He says with a grin, and I sigh. I begin to give a brief summary of both. Thankfully it's one of the topics I know well, which is good considering the history exam is so soon. When I stop talking, Nathan looks satisfied.

"And which do you think was the more successful revolution, 1905 or 1917?" He asks me, to which I scowl.

"Can't you ask someone else?" I snap, realising I've got every eye on the room looking my way. Nathan doesn't seem at all fazed by this attention as he shakes his head.

"I'm asking you, Maddie" He retorts, and I grit my teeth. He's enjoying his new power as my teacher.

"1917, because the Romanovs were removed from their autocratic power, something that failed to happen in 1905, and the Bolsheviks took ultimate power under the influence of Lenin" I respond, and Nathan nods. I hope this means he's satisfied with my answer.

"Would anyone like to counter Maddie's argument?" He offers, and as expected the class remains silent. It's far more entertaining for them to watch this exchange than to answer his question "I'd say the 1905 revolution was more significant"

"Of course you would" I mutter under my breath, so quiet that only Paige catches it. She gives me a look of deep confusion. I'm always so well behaved, and she's the rebellious one. My attitude seems to have come out of nowhere.

"I personally think it was more important because if it wasn't for the first revolution, the second one wouldn't have happened. The failure of the Russo-Japanese War and the unrest of the people led to severe discontent, meaning they were looking for a new, better leader, which happened to appear in the form of Lenin" Nathan explains, and I immediately interject.

"But in 1905 the revolution wasn't significant enough, it didn't change anything. Look at Bloody Sunday, the peaceful aims of the people were squashed. It wasn't until much later a more powerful leader came along to change Russia's progression as a country" I challenges, and Nathan meets my eyes. His cocky grin is still in place.

"But the discontent was there from the 1905 revolution. The seed had already been planted. You can't ignore history, Maddie" Nathan challenges, and something tells me we're getting off topic.

"Yes, but it took someone powerful like Lenin to bring change to fruition, to alter Russia forever. But it only happened after the Romanovs went away" I say, my eyes locked in the gaze of his bright blue ones. I'm suddenly aware of how fast my heart is beating.

"Excellent argument" He suddenly praises, turning his attention back to the rest of the class "Of course it all depends on what comes up on the exam on the day. But it's important to remember how context can shape an argument. It's hard to forget the history of something" Nathan says poignantly, staring right at me. I avoid his gaze.

The whole class must feel as awkward as I do. I see a couple of people scribble down notes, but how they made sense of that exchange is beyond me. I pick up a pen, but then put it down again, not sure what to write.

"Moving on then: Maddie, what can you tell me about Stalin's rise to power?" Nathan persists, and this time I'm unable to hold my tongue.

"You've already asked me, Nathan" I say through gritted teeth, before adding "And I've told you it's Madison now"

"But I'm intrigued to hear what you have to say" He tells me, and the playful tone of his voice irritates me. "If you don't answer the question I'll have to give you an official warning, Maddie"

"It's Madison" I insist again, but he takes no notice. "And ask someone else, Nathan"

"It's Mr Dean" He points out, and I raise my eyebrow. We've reached a stalemate it seems.

I'll call him Mr Dean when he calls me Madison. And until I hear my actual name escape his lips, it's not happening.

I slyly check the clock above his head. I've only been in his lesson ten minutes and already I'm irritated and stressed. The only thing getting me through is that I only have this one lesson left and then I can go home and start getting ready for a lovely evening with Jake.

"I'm waiting for your answer, Maddie" He pushes, and I cross my arms over my chest.

"I don't want to answer the question, Nathan" I respond, determined to hold my ground. The whole class is watching us like we're some kind of soap opera, which I suppose we are.

"I'll give you one last chance" He offers, and I shake my head silently at him. It isn't fair he's picking on me when there's at least twenty other students to choose from. If anything, he's depriving them of their education by focusing on me.

"Then I guess I'll have to give you detention tonight" He shrugs, and my mouth falls open.

"You can't do that!" I protest, and he gives another shrug. He takes a piece of chalk and writes my name on the board. "Nathan, come on"

He adds a line next to my name. "That's half an hour. You'll get a line every time you don't refer to me as Mr Dean"

"You're being ridiculous!" I insist, yet he adds another line "I didn't even do anything that time!"

Nathan ignores me, and turns his attention to Paige instead. "Paige, perhaps you'd like to tell me about Stalin's rise to power instead?"

Paige nods, and instantly launches into the chronology of the events. I scowl at the two chalk lines on the board. Detention starts at three, which means I'm stuck here while four with Nathan Dean. He's being completely unreasonable.

I refuse to say another word for the remainder of the lesson. And when the clock gets to three, there are a total of seven white chalk lines next to my name. A total of three and a half hours with Nathan Dean.

He tells me to stay seated, and I do, avoiding his gaze. He leaves the room and returns ten minutes later. I expect him to be stern still, as his mood got progressively worse throughout the lesson, but when he walks back through the door there's a bright smile on his face.

"You know technically you're not allowed to have me serve detention on the same day it's issued" I point out, and he gives me a coy smile.

"Yes, but after speaking with Mrs Evansby she agrees with me that it's best to resolve this issue between us sooner rather than later, and so has given me permission to take you on a field trip, of sorts" Nathan explains with a menacing grin.

I sigh, standing to my feet. It's only a little past three, with any luck I can ring Jake and just tell him I'm going to be a little late. I should still be in time for my date. "Let's get this over with then" I say, and Nathan shakes his head.

"Oh no, not now. Detention starts at six" He informs me, and I raise my eyebrows "Mrs Evansby agrees with whatever method I feel is best to resolve any ill-feeling you may have towards me"

"Yes, because spending three and a half hours of my time in your company will help that" I snap back, utterly frustrated "I have plans tonight, you know"

"Oh, I do know. Tell me, how did you end up dating Jake Frances?" He asks, and my cheeks flush scarlet.

"That's none of your business!" I hiss, and he just chuckles "But yes, I have plans with him tonight, he's taking me out to Red Claw, and if it's all the same I'd rather not miss it!"

I think of the jade green velvet dress I have hanging in my wardrobe, waiting to be put on tonight. It's Jake's favourite dress. I sigh longingly.

"But you hate Red Claw" Nathan blurts out. "The lobsters make you feel guilty"

I open my mouth to protest but then close it again. I can't believe he remembers something so insignificant and precise like that.

"I- It doesn't matter. Either way I have a date and you're not stopping me from going" I say, gathering my things and heading to the door.

"If you don't complete the detention I'll have to put you on report" Nathan announces, and I stop in my tracks. This time it's my turn to smirk.

"Sixth formers can't be placed on report" I inform him, crossing my arms over my chest.

He takes a step towards me, and instantly his smell fills my nose; that reassuring, homely smell that's somehow still fresh and intoxicating all at once.

"Maddie, if you don't complete this detention I'll be forced to call your Mother and tell her what a naughty girl you've been in class" Nathan warns with a playful smirk, and I take a sharp intake of breath.

"You wouldn't" I hiss, and his lips break into a smile.

"Believe me, I would" He vows, and I scowl.

Yes, I'm an adult. Yes, I shouldn't be afraid of my Mother. But yes, I'm also aware that she will take Nathan's side in the matter and think I am indeed the one terrorising him, when really, it's the other way around. Either way it looks like I'm being forced to serve this detention, but I'd rather choose the option that will spare me a lecture from my mother.

"Can we at least do it now so I can still make my date?" I ask with a pleading voice. It doesn't surprise me at all when Nathan shakes his head.

"Nope" He replies, popping the 'p' with his mouth.

Somehow, I get the feeling he's deliberately scheduling this detention to sabotage my date with Jake. Which is absurd, because it's none of his business and he's been back in town two minutes and shouldn't get to dictate who I can and can't date.

I mean it's not like it's ever been of any interest to him who I choose to date. And vice versa, of course.

I take a deep breath before I say something I'm going to regret.

"I hope you realise that by the end of these three hours I'm not going to like you any more than I do now. If anything, I'll like you less" I remind him, and he simply gives me a smile.

"Three and a half hours" Nathan corrects, and I groan. "I'll pick you up at six"

With that, he begins to walk towards the door, and I glare after him. He reaches the door, and opens it, but before he leaves he turns to look at me. "Oh, and Maddie- wear something pretty"

Nathan then exits the room, and I'm left to fume silently. Goodbye, jade green velvet dress with comfortable heels, and my beautiful night of romance.

Hello hell.


"What do you mean you have detention?" Jake asks me over the phone, and I release a deep sigh, kicking my feet against my mattress like a sulky kid, which in this case is exactly how I'm feeling right now. I feel like one of those bored year sevens, only I'm not drooling on the desk.

"Exactly what I said" I huff, and I can imagine Jake's adorable, confused face in my head. I sigh again, thinking about how I'm not going to be able to spend my evening staring at his gorgeous face.

"Is it just for an hour? Do you want me to push the dinner reservation back?" Jake offers. He's so thoughtful and sweet it makes my heart hurt. I was so looking forward to tonight with him.

"It's three and a half hours, starting at six" I admit glumly, biting my lip.

"Three and a half hours? Jesus Christ Mads, what did you do?" Jake exclaims, and I bite my lip. All I wanted was to go to dinner with him tonight, and instead I'm spending Friday night with my worst enemy.

"I didn't even do anything" I protest feebly, because I don't even know what to tell him.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe if it's three and a half hours of detention you're serving. And why is it starting at six? That's against school protocol" Jake announces "Which teacher is this?"

"Nathan Dean" I say, pronouncing his name like a curse word.

"I thought he was your friend?" Jake asks, and I can hear the confusion in his voice "Can't you speak to him, get him to reconsider?"

"It would be easier to teach a shark to ride a skateboard"

"Huh?" Jake replies, his voice full of confusion "Look, maybe speak to your Mum about this, she can help, right?"

"She'll agree with Nathan. I'm sorry, Jake. Can we do tomorrow night instead?" I ask hopefully. It's Jake's turn to sigh.

"I can't, Mads, I'm going out with the lads. We can do another day though. I was just looking forward to tonight" Jake explains, and I nod even though he can't see me. It's not fair of me to ask him to cancel his plans.

There's an awful feeling in my stomach because I know I've let him down.

"I was too" I agree, before adding "I love you"

"I love you too, Mads" Jake says, but I can tell he's still upset "I'm gonna go anyways, see if one of the lads want to go out for a drink tonight instead. Have a nice night"

Before I can wish him the same, I hear the call end. I release a deep sigh, and grit my teeth. Once again, this is all Nathan Dean's fault.

What's his problem anyways? He's been back like three days and thinks he can just dictate the way he wants the world.

'Really, him?'

I know how Nathan feels about the Frances family. But he's been gone a long time and a lot has changed, including me.

I pace around my room for a bit, until I realise it's time to get dressed. I wear my old, shabby jeans and a plain black t-shirt with almost no makeup just to spite him for telling me to wear something pretty.

I slip out of the house at five minutes to six, deciding to wait on the drive. I don't want anyone in the house knowing I've got detention, nor do I want them knowing who I'm spending it with.

At six, I see Nathan leave his house, and walk the short distance from his drive to mine. "Ready to go?" He asks me, dangling the car keys in my face.

"Bite me" is all I respond to him. I stomp over to his car, and take a seat in the passenger side.

He slides into the driver's seat, and gives me a look. "It's gonna be really boring for you if you sulk the whole time" Nathan reminds me, starting the car engine.

I say nothing, deciding I'm not going to speak to him the entire time. Even if I couldn't go on my lovely date with Jake, I could still be using this time to revise.

"Come on, Maddie, cheer up" Nathan insists, and I bite my tongue "You know, if you didn't still care, you wouldn't be here"

I turn to face him so I can give him my middle finger.

All he does is laugh.


Hello my lovely readers! I hope you've enjoyed this chapter, it seems Nathan's making life difficult for our Maddie!

What will happen during detention? What has Nathan got planned? Will Jake and Maddie make up from their fight? Find out in next weeks chapter!

Please vote, comment and follow, and as always thank you so much for reading! The support for this story has been amazing already, and I'm so happy so many of you have started reading! Thank you all so much!

Love, Elizabeth<3

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