The Flash: Flashpoint Paradox...

By ItzRidz

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🌸🌸[Completed]🌸🌸 Barry Allen was a normal forensic scientist,when one day an explosion struck .. He got st... More

1-Saving Her!
Where is everybody!?
4-Out And Alive!
6-Explosion !
7- To Believe
8- Iris!
9- To Star Labs
author's note
10- Trust
11- weather wizard
12 - Search 1
13- search 2
chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapteer 16
chapter 17!
chapter 18
Authors Note
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25 -Speed
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29 - The Final Blow (Part 1)
Chapter 31 : she is okay..
Chapter 32 : The Letter...
Chapter 33: The Letter Part 2

Chapter 30 The Final Blow ( Part 2)

387 14 3
By ItzRidz

Barry got out of the abandoned building .. and what he saw was something he had never imagined he would see , buildings burning , streets were cracked , bricks on the roads , windows shattered , cars flipped it looked like an earth quake had approached  .. "what the hell" was all he could say , what had hppened in these hours of his disappearance .. what the hell did thawne do to the city ..  Running in the streets , barry reaches caitlin's apartment , but there was no sign of her .. but he knew that thawne had been here , the locks was broken , he took a breath before getting to any judgment he grabs the landline and calls caitlin's phone , bell rang but nobody was picking up the phone , his nerves getting high ,"please caitlin " he whispers to himself clutching the phone in this hand

"Hello" she says , on the other side
He takes a breath of relieve , hearing her voice , his heart finally beats

On the other side of the phone , caitlin hears the man breathing with relief and she knows , instantly , its him ..

"Barry ? Is that you ?" She asks impatient

"Caitlin " he manages to speak

"Barry where are you ? Where have you been ,ive been trying to reach you " she questions worry and love screaming through her voice

"I ... I was held up by someone " he says not trying to mention

"Held up ?" She said confused

"Yeah , just tell me where you are ?" He asks , he had to get to her becore reverse flash does , before he hurt her

"Im at star labs .. with cisco ... barry your dad " she feels the need to tell him , but she doesnt know how to

"I know " he said with pain , "ill be there , be carefull , do not let anybody in except me " he said hanging up ..

In a flash , barry was in the medical bay .. "caitlin " he called out to her ,caitlin was sitting by Cisco's bedside , she hears his voice and jumps up , runs to him and hugs him tight ..

Barry tightens his gripp on her , her hugs were like heaven for him , they made him strong and vulnerable all at the same time .. she pulls away from the hug and presses her lips on his , feeling his warmth , knowing that hee was okay , that he was alive and with her in his arms .. she pulls away and rests her head on his chest

"Im sorry barry " she says quitely

"Shhh shh" he strokes her hair

"I couldnt save your father " her tears fall .. "Its not your fault cait " ge cups her face , and kisses her forhead

"Its not your fault " he says again before pulling her into another hug

"How is cisco ?" He asked , theey walked to medical bay "he is under sedatives , but no recovery " she says

"How did it happen ?" He asked now curious of the accident , cisco always drived safe .. he didnt believe what eobard told him

"We were driving back after ...burrying your dad " she paused , looked at him .. he was heart broken and she could feel it ..

"And suddenly an earth quake hit " she said

"Earth quake ?" He couldnt believe what she had said .. there were no signs of an earth quake

"Yes earth quake , and meta humans and aliens  ...we dont know what happened , , everything just went up in smoak for most cities " she said showing him some news on her ipad ..

"What the hell did he do ?" He said to himself ,

"He?" She asked , was there just one person behind all of it

"The man who trapped me, who killed my mom , who made my life miserable  , the reverse flash " he said

"what "was all she could say

"He is after everything I ever had, he wants to destroy me, Destroy everything that is important to me, everything I love.. I don't know why " he said now walking away not knwoing how to say this to her that she was in danger because of him.. That it was her he is after now , because he knew that he was in love with her ...

Barry Allen was in love with caitlin snow, he stop thinking as these words run through his mind, it was the first time he had ever thought about that.. the first time that he had admitted to himself , admitted that he was in love with her , he was in love with caitlin snow .. His personal physician, his friend, his girlfriend in this timeline, his partner
she was his everything now, she was all he had  ..

"And now that my family is gone , cisco is Hurt , he will come after you " he said

She walks towards him "he doesn't Scare Me Barry,  You do" she said

"Me ?" He questions

" yes Barry, your hopelessness scares me, your guilt scares me, your eyes, not seeing hope in them , that's what scares me, not reverse flash , not eobard thawne " she pauses "no metahuman  , no alien , no earth quakes , nothing scares me more than seeing you hurt "he said holding his hand intertwinning their fingers together

"I wont give up , I will fight for you , I L-" he was cutt off

"Isnt this a lovely moment " A Manly Voice interupts barry .. he grabbs caitlin by her arm and hides her behind him

"Thawne" he grits his teeth

"Theres no need to be angry flash " he cones closer in his yellow suit with red belt , he was the reverse of flash in every way ..

"Your fight is with me , not her " barry steps forward

"You cant fight me flash " he said , in a teasing tone .. he wanted barry to make a move

Barry resisted him , he wanted to protect caitlin

"You couldnt fight me and save your momie , so you cheated " he laughed , getting on barry's nerves , but he was trying to keep it togethere

"No barry , he is doing this deliberately , he wants you to loose your temper " caitlin holds his hand

"But look what happened , she died again , killed , murdered , infront of you, and all you did was cry " he laughed and that was enough for barry to make his move

Lightning ; yellow and red , thats what caitlin snow saw , she knew this was the final blow of wind she will feel with either one of their speed , she knew that this battle was going to bloody , because none of them seemed to stop .. she looked around the table with books and pens .. she knew she couldnt do anything to help barry ,she wanted to do something , she grabbed the tablet and connected it to the tracker in barry's suit , she wasnt sure if it would work but she had to do something , she had to ..

She pinned barry's location , and grabbed her car keys .. but before taking off she had to do something , because in her heart she knew , she might not come back from this alive ...

Red and yellow lightning running through the city chasing one another, trying to hit one another , but failing to put one another down .. at a cliff they stopp , "you did this , its all your fault , its always you " barry yells throwing heavy punches at thawne , thawne bleeds from.his mouth , thawne gets the hold of barry's fist anf throws him.back , barry hits the wall falls to the groung , thawne hits him on his back again , with the hit barry caughs up blood , his head down in the ciff he could see the entire city frim the cliff , the entire city burning up like fire ..

It looked like an explosion  , "what the hell did you do thawne " he painfully said , he couldnt bare to look at his city this way , the city he was meant to protect was going flames

"Thats the beauty of it barry " he bent down to his face "I didnt do anything , you did " he laughed grabbing barry by his hair and hitting his head on the stones

"What! ?"

"after Death of your father , the universe went hay wire , it didnt know what was next .... "he paused , coming closer to him " so everyone was next " he whispers in his ear

Barry gets up in speed and hit thawne , they dodge each other for some time and then thawne falls to the ground .. "no , I wont let you put it on me , you started this mess , you killed my mom again " barry yelled knoking him down

"Is that what you think started this " he laughed caughing up blood "think again flash , its started with one good deed that you did , one life that you saved " he said .. getting to barry , barry knew what he was talking about he was talking about his mother , barry saved his mom ..

Thawne takes advantage of the moment and hits barry in the stomuch and twists his hand breaking his joints

"No , no .. saving mom couldnt have changed things that happened before her murder , it couldnt have changed geography of the world" he caughed

"But it did barry , " he hits his back with his elbow , breaking a bone again , even with his powers it would take mins to heal

"Break the sound barrier ,  you get sonic boom... you Broke The Time Barrier Flash .... time Boom "

He smirked

"Ripples of distortion radiating out to the point of impact , shifting eVerything just a tiny bit ..." he paused "but enough....  for events to happen slightly differently .." he laughed

"You'll die too " barry said weakly , he knew he was healing fast but he wanted to throw thawne off

"Looking at you in this misery" he smiled putting his hands on his waist , he stands with pride "it'll be worth it "

Barry slides his hands through thawn's legs , thawn falls to the ground .. barry hits him repeatedly knocks him out ... but still keep hitting him not realizing he is unconscious

"Barry " caitlin's voice echoed .. he looked up , there she was trying to get to him ..

He runs to her "cait , what are you doing here "-

"The city its gone barry , its gone " she cries

"Im sorry , caitlin , I couldnt save it , I couldnt protect everybody , " she cups his fface and kisses him , before saying what she came here for

" I dont know what is causing this , and I dont know much about timetravelling , or speed "'she kisses him again , touching their forheads together , "there's only one way to restore this barry "  she whispers , he looks up in her eyes , red as his , with tears in them , he knew what she was saying , what she meant .. "I cant leave you " he denied her request

"You will have me.  You will have me always " she reasons with him ..

"What if it doesnt work" he argues , he doesnt want to leave her , alone hurt

"I am already dying " she says removing one hand from her bleeding wound , she had been stabbed by some metahuman ..

"No , no no " she freaks looking at her ...

"How did -; " she cuts him off

"It doesnt matter barry , you are the hero , you have to do the right thing , by all of us ... " she said , pain increasing in her voice with every word ..

"You must go back " she said resting his head in his chest

"That might not be an option flash " thawne gets up laughing

"As long as I can tap into the speed force there won't be enough for either one of us to travel through time " he smirks "your trapped in this reality Flash .. and you will die " he laughes

Suddenly a boom of lightning striked and his laughter his erupted he falls to the ground

Behind him stands iris pointing her hand at him electrifying him to death

"Iris " barry quitely realized ,

Iris rund to thawne , confirms his death and reaches barry and caitlin

"You must go now barry " caitlin tries to sit up

"I love you "she closed her eyes , finally all those times , he wanted to say it , she did , she said it dying , in his arms

"And I Love You Caitlin Snow " with tears in his eyes he leans in and kisses her

"How can I leave you like this " he said

"I'm here with her , do what you must to stop this " iris holds caitlin's hand

Caitlin nodds ,

Barry puts on his mask

"Wait , barry .... take this " she gives him a blue envolope ..

"Never forget , I will always be by yourside " she smiles at him ,

He clutches on the the letter , in his polymer suit protecting it ..

Closes his eyes and starts running , thinking abput the moment he landed in front of the house to stop her mother from being killed

He opens his eyes and sees another version of him running through time , he stops him and takes him back through the track to the time he had escaped from eventually ...

There he stand , outside of Joe's house .. he changes into his cloths , putting the letter in his pockets he rushes inside the house..

"Caitlin " he calls ...

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