Not to Hot

By TheDreamer4Ever

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Not to Hot
Not to Hot: Prologue
Not to Hot: (1)
Not to Hot: (2)
Not to Hot: (3)
Not to Hot: (5)
Not to Hot: (6)
Not to Hot: (7)
Author's Note

Not to Hot: (4)

19 0 0
By TheDreamer4Ever

I woke up with a scream stuck in my throat. I freaked out. I could not be pregnant!!! Oh my gosh. I had tears falling from my eyes. I seriously would never tell him like that in the first place. Then the panic wore off, now that I know that it was just a dream and I am not really pregnant I laughed. Damn, what would I do if I was pregnant with my teacher's baby? Besides I barely knew the dude. I shouldn't have slept with him, but I guess I can't really take that back. I can just act like nothing happened, and even thought it did. It didn't mean anything. I jumped up from my bed and ran to my closet. It had only been about two days since I woke up in Mr. Douche's house but I still couldn't stifle the emotions flooding through me. I mean yeah, I didn't know the guy. And don't remember having slept with him. But at least he was hotter than hell! That was the only bonus. I just wish my first time was special and sweet and happy. But things don't always turn out the way you expect them too. I mean I thought that my first kiss, first time, and first love was going to be Blake and he only filled one of those roles, and it was the most important one. And he totally threw me away after the fact. I dressed casual today, not wanting to bring attention to myself.

I was wearing a ankle length summer dress and it was so gorgeous! It was pinkish with some blue and flowers and it had some ruffles down at the bottom with a jean jacket to make it school appropriate. Then for accessories I decided on gold jewelry, I had some gold bangles around my wrist and some gold hoop earrings with a pink stone in the middle. I also chose my pink bag that looked like I was going to the beach. It was nice and comfy, I was wearing heels but the were wedges and they were just so comfy and cute! I, again, wasn't trying to be all fancy so I simply left my hair in its natural curls and I brushed it into a side ponytail. (Picture of everything on the side.)

I arrived at school shortly after the first bell rang and made it to class two seconds before the second bell rang. At least I didn't have to see Douche face until seventh hour. Damnit but I have those fucking detentions, we shall see if I can make him drop those. Without gaining more. But I don't think that will work because he will more than likely treat me like any other student brushing off what happened the other night, like it was nothing. But then again it was nothing for him. Oh well, if it meant nothing to him than it was going to damn well mean nothing to me. I would get over this, and move on. No matter what happened from here on out. I completely ignore everything he said and or did to me. I would not show him my drawings again and I would act like he didn't exist. How I was going to get my papers graded was an excellent question. Oh well I would cross that bridge when I came to it.

"Miss Ross? Care to join the class?" It was just my snobby teacher. God why is he so annoying. I was just not in the mood for this.

"Not really, but I don't have much of an option now do I?" I popped off. I could tell he was very irritated with me, but I just wanted to laugh at the face he was giving me. When he didn't continue right away I got irritated. "Come on Old man we don't have all day." As soon as the words were out of my mouth I about died laughing. Shit I was in trouble now. Oh well I have better things to do than to sit here and listen to him yell at me. I knew he was about to tell me to go to the office, but I just stood and left the room. I really just couldn't deal with his shit right now, I was just in a bad mood.

"Amber, what the hell has gotten into you?" I froze at that voice. I can't believe he even followed me out here. He usually just ignored me.

"What do you mean, Blake?" I asked contradicting him.

"I mean who the hell are you? This is not the Amber Ross I know." I glared at him I was just not in the mood.

"I am not who you know?! You don't know me! We USED to be best friends, Blake. USED TO BE! You gave up on me. You threw me away. You used me to become popular. But you know what saddens me the most? Is that I cared so much for you!" I said with a bitter laugh. "I thought I was someone that could be there for you no matter what right? I mean it was you and me against the world. I mean that's what you told me anyway, actually you told me that the first day of freshman year when Kreg bullied me and broke my glasses. You told me don't worry Am, I love you and we will always be best friends. Just you and me against the world. I won't let anybody hurt you. Who knew you'd be the one to break me down the most! I mean I thought you cared about me too! You wanna know what the hell got into me? Who the hell I am? I am Amber Ross 3.0 the bitchiest none caring slut... I don't even care what anybody thinks about me, that's the same. Except now I will actually stand up for myself and be who I want to be. And right now I want to be a total bitch for no reason, because I am so lost. I am so confused! I just don't even know anymore. I just don't even give a damn about anything. Or anyone. I am just done." And with that I walked away. I was crying, like literally sobbing as I walked away. I was glad I didn't have to go back into the room because the teacher thought I was in the principle's office. Usually I go into the art room and draw when I have a bad day. Mrs. Seger never questioned me, she just got me something sweet like a cookie or cake and a glass of lemonade and let me draw and listen to my music. I wish she was still my teacher. But then again I wasn't going to let Mr. Douche phase me. So I walked down the corridor and went straight to my desk. There was only one art class since no one really wanted to learn to draw, and that was seventh period. So obviously there wouldn't be a class in there. I sat at my desk and pulled out a blank sheet of paper. I could feel Mr. Douche's eyes on me but I didn't dare look up. I might lose my cool. I had my head phones in so I didn't even have to listen to him breathe. I know I probably looked like crap considering I had been crying like crazy. I still was but they were slow gentle tears. Not like before when the sobs ripped from my chest. I had calmed down. I was going to draw my usual drawing, the one I drew when I got into a fight with Blake. When I reached down to get my pastels my drawer was unlocked. I looked up at Mr. Douche with a pointed glare.

"Where the fuck is my lock?" I blubbered out. If anyone got those drawings everyone would know my truly deepest darkest secret.

"What do you mean?" He was ignoring me, staring at his computer.

"I mean last week on Friday after I thought I could trust you I let you look at my drawings and now my lock is missing off of my drawer! Where is it?" I was sort of shouting.

"Miss Ross, I don't appreciate that tone. And I took your lock away because you are not allowed to have it. I must have access to your drawing whenever I want. I didn't know your combo so I had to take your lock away." I froze. If he left my drawer unlocked then someone was sure to go through it.

"I don't give a fuck if you don't like my tone! Give me my lock back. Now!" I shouted. I honestly could care less what he thought or what he wanted. I was sobbing again. Because off the fear of anyone seeing my drawings.

"Do I need to take you to the office?" I snorted, but it came out like a choke. He looked at me then. I had tear stained cheeks. And I probably had make up smeared on my face. I wiped my face. Stopped crying and gathered every single one of my drawings and I did something I never thought I would ever do. I took a picture of each drawing. Then I tore them to shreds every single one of them. They were demolished. There was no way anyone could go back and try to figure out what they were. I out them on his desk and then I got a cup of water and poured it on top.

"You got what you wanted, you wanted access to my drawings, well you got it. Take them. I am done drawing. For good. Thanks for taking that as well. I will have a slip for you to sign to get me out of your class." I went and picked up my book bag.

"You don't have to stop drawing, or drop the class." He sounded guilty. Good he deserved it.

"If it means that I have to see your pathetic no good face everyday then yes I fucking do. Oh and by the way. Once the detentions are over. Never look my way again. I am so fucking tired of you and your shit!" Then I walked out of the room. I cannot even believe I just ruined every single piece of artwork that I did since I started high school. That is three years of artwork! I started to cry again. I walked down the hall. There was just nothing for me here. I just just kill myself. But I know I would never do that. I mean I am just going to have to try and find some new friends. And a worthy boyfriend. I just need a change.


GOT YOU!!! YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS PREGNANT!!!>????? LOL haha I am dying! ANyways, well there was a major twist in the plot! XD WELL I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS

I know it was a little short. But I wrote this in one day, I was just tired and bored so yeah. The next update could be anytime next week. SO STAY TUNED!! lol

I AM GETTING A KITTY!!!!!!!! I am not sure what I should name her??? I am thinking Delilah but I am not sure! ANY IDEAS!?!?! Let me know in a DIRECT MESSAGE or the comment section below! THANKS GUYS~~~

XOX--Katie <3

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