Jimmy Darling x Reader

By Zionthewanderer111

37.1K 663 196

I'm in love with the Evan peter's character Jimmy Darling. From American Horror Story, Freakshow. I fell in l... More

Prologue ~ How you joined the Freakshow
1- Marked for Greatness
2- It's only begun, for the show must go on.
4- La vie en rose
5- Both the Messenger and the Message
6- Born to Die
8-Hundred Million Reasons
9 - Honest Hearts

3- For Good, Not Glory.

4.1K 70 53
By Zionthewanderer111

Jimmy Darlings P.O.V

I had felt like shit for the last week. Still processing what had happened to Meep; Y/N was to. The night after she found Meeps body he fled to her trailer, tears streaming down her face and she was screaming. From what I have heard from Paul and Evie she was still crying about what had happened, I couldn't blame her, She probably took care of him more than the rest of us. Understanding that it would hit her harder. I could tell she was pissed at us. I knew everyone else was extremely upset about Meeps death but they knew how to cheer each other up when things got hard. I just wanted to talk to Y/N, I need to pick up my own wait and not let her carry everyone else's.

I walked into the main tent to see everyone else there dancing and having a good time, knowing that Halloween was out day off. I noticed Bette and Dot were sitting in a chair near the entrance. They both looked up at me.

"Where have you been?" Dot asked me confused.

"I was digging a grave, for Meep. He was a child.They all are.

I can't protect any of them. Even the ones I truly care about." I stopped and looked down at my feet feeling failure wash over me.

"You can't blame yourself-."

"Why not? They needed a leader and I failed them." I remember Y/N told me that everyone told her that they looked up to me, the real person that cannot be blaming there self is Y/N. I walked over past the twins and the table everyone was celebrating at and sat down in one of the audiences chairs we had left out, so disappointed in myself I put my head down in my hands.

"Stop! Stop it! What's wrong with you all?!" Bet yelled at everyone and they stop what they were doing to look up at her.


"Meep is dead! Don't you care?! You're being disrespectful.Look how much pain Jimmy's in. Y/N can't even leave her trailer over how much discomfort she is in. This is wrong! We should remember Meep by working even harder.Maybe dedicating the show today to his memory."

"The show?" Evie looked up at her confused.

"It's Halloween.No freak performs on Halloween.Any idiot knows that." Ma said as she entered the tent.

"It's not fair.They're new.They don't know about that old superstition-"

"Not superstition.It's true."

"What is?" Dot asked still confused.

"Why we don't perform on Halloween.On accounts of Edward Mordrake."


"Edward Mordrake. Aristocrat who lived in the middle 1800s.He was heir to all kinds of titles.Could've been a duke or a lord or some shit, things had been different.Things are never different.An Englishman of noble birth, Edward was a young man with fine attainments.He was a scholar.He was a poet.Musician of rare ability."

So what was wrong with him?

"He had another face on the back of his head.Hideous as a devil.No one else could hear what it said, but it whispered to Edward incessantly of things only spoken of in hell. He tried to kill it. Many times in many ways.But it wouldn't die."

"So what happened to him?" Bette asked now, joining in on the conversation.

"He went mad.His family had him committed to the crazy house at Bedlam.Truth be told, they were only too happy to have the family freak banished from sight.In the crazy house, he wrote poetry. Anyways I have to go check on Y/N." Ma grabbed a bottle of Vodka and started to chug it down slowly like it was water. I was shocked to see her drinking like it was nothing. She got up to walk out of the tent to go check on Y/N, Before she could make it I grabbed her to pull her to the side.


"What?" She looked at me like I was dumb.

"What the hell was all that about?" Not understanding why she was drinking.

"Carny lore-"

"Not that, The drinking! Ma, you swore off the stuff."

"Well, I'm swearing back on-"

"Why? What is it, Dell? You been on edge ever since he got here."

"You don't know shit! Matter of fact, I'm glad he's here. We need a man around this dump.Means you're free to go.Oh, don't give me that look. You know you been itching to take off. If you are going to, take Y/N with you, Even a blind man could see she obviously loves you and would do anything for yah."

I let go of my grip on her letting her leave the tent to go see Y/N. I remember the first time I had meet her, I always thought that someone really was looking out for people like us, Because they had sent us a Beautiful Angel. She put smiles on our faces and almost did everything for us so we barely had to lift a finger. She did not judge us, she saw was was true in our hearts who we really were. There was never a point for any of us where we were so lost she could not find us and guide us to the right path, the path with light and better futures for all of us. Part of me knew that she wasn't lying.

~ Y/N's P.O.V ~

I could feel it wash over me. Guilt, Arrogance, Recklessness, Foolishness, and Fear. Those emotions were the only thing I could feel at the moment. Its the end for me all over again. I close my eyes so I could try to picture my perfect world. Everything you want will change over time, whether I like it or not. At any point in our life's it happens to all of us, multiple times even. This is not at all what I want, but it was what I got. I thought I, I hoped that I could cheat my way through my life. Become a performer, have the perfect family, be with the person I love so very much. I barely knew what was right and wrong up until this point> The only thing I truly knew was, The game was rigged from the start. Ever since Meeps death I laid on my bed, eyes open looking up at the ceiling. I planned on continuing to do that for as long as I could, Until Ethel walked into my trailer. Not bothering to knock because she knew she wouldn't be Interrupting what I was doing. She came into my room to Pull up a chair across from her, I didn't even move my head to look at her.

"I need to talk to you anyway.I got a favor to ask-"

"Are you drunk?" I asked staring up at the ceiling.

"No, But how can you tell that I've been drinking?" she asked confused.

"I can smell it on you, I can smell it on your breath."

"I could've been a better person." Ethel sighed at my comment.

"I'm gonna get down to business.If you notice that I've been being shady with dell, Its because he is Jimmy's dad. But, he is never, ever to know that's his pa, Never..Cookie cutter was never in My cards. I know that its in yours. Jimmy's lost, He is floundering. He's got one foot in this life, one foot out there.

"From what I can see, he listens to you pretty good. He's not a bad kid."

"Well I'm dying, Yep.With any luck, it'll be sooner than later." After that comment, I shot up from laying done to look at her. I felt that sting again similar pain to when I saw Meep.

"What?! No, Please No."

"He's gonna need some guidance, and preferably from someone he loves.Come on, he loves you, he looks up to you. Keep-keep an eye on him, for Christ's sake? Make him get out in the world I was afraid of, make something out of himself." Ethel looked away from me.

"You know what I was wondering this morning? What it would've been like if Me and Jimmy were normal and Married. Both doing what we want for a living.What did he Tell you he wanted to be when he grew up." She looked up at me again.

"He always wanted to be the same thing, he never changed it. He wanted to be a soldier." I smiled a little to myself knowing that was definitely the Jimmy I loved.

"Now, I understand you don't want to leave your trailer. But Jimmy is Having Meeps funeral and I know it would make his smile If you went."

I got up and swung my legs across the side of my bed and looked up at her.

"Thank you for telling me Ethel. You know you have always been a mother to me."

She got up from her chair and smiled up at me. She didn't respond to my comment, walking out of my trailer. I waited a few seconds until I got up to go to my wardrobe.

~ Outfit Y/N chooses ~

I pulled out a play suit that was buttoned at the straps, baby blue for shorts with baby blue and white strips at the top. I grabbed a short sleeve pink button up cardigan, to cover up my scars. Recently In Florida it has been very warm, deciding that shorts with a short sleeve sweater on top were going to be fine. I grabbed some plain white oxfords to slip on. I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair still had some waves in it from prior. I fixed it up to make it look nice and walked out of my trailer.

I walked over to Jimmy's trailer thinking about what Ethel said, I can't lose her. The only reason I was were I was is because Jimmy Ethel and Elsa are holding me up. If anyone of them left I would collapse and fall on the others. Hitting rock bottom and pulling them down with me. I couldn't let that happen.

I walked up to Jimmy's trailer stopping right outside of the door. I paused, remembering Ethel had told me. I need to be his guidance, keep an eye on him. I knocked on the door with a normal knock, not with our secret knock. I stayed there waiting for him, until he finally open the door. Seeing his eye light up.

"Y/N, I was so concerned about you." He said stepping down from the doorway to hug me tight.

"I was to about you." I said hugging him back, He pulled away to look at me.

"Everyone is about to-"

"I know, and I'm coming with you. And I would like to be by your side." I smiled a bit up at him.he smiled back at me.

"Lets go Doll." he started to walk away from the trailer, I followed closely behind. We didn't ssay a word o each other while walking side by side. We came up to a rectangular hole in the ground with a square wooden coffin. I started to notice everyone else joining us, Paul had a brown paper bag in his hand and flask in hand. Once we were all there Jimmy started.

"he loved to dress up.Hear the screams of the of the kids when he'd sneak the occasional chicken head in their bag of candy.It was the one day he felt like he could be one of them.But we know this man. And he wasn't one of them.He was better.We'll all miss you, Meep." I started to get teary eyed, looking up to blink the tears away. Paul had passed a brown paper bag around with chicken heads in it, one of the things Meep loved most. Everyone had grabbed one out of it.

"Here's to you, Meep. It's a little something to lighten the load as you walk through the valley of the shadows." Paul said taking a sip from his flask, passing it around to everyone.




"Amen." I joined in, giving respect to jimmy and Paul for what they said. We all picked up a shoved and started to cover Meeps coffin. One thing cam to mind realizing that, Meeps pages of his life ended, But I knew that the family he loved would be one of his favorite chapters. Once we were close to finishing burying Meep when in the distant coming close to the camp there was a yellow Taxi. Jimmy and I dropped out shovels to go see who it was. While we were walking over to the taxi Jimmy continued to walk but turned his head and gave me a questioning look to why I was following.

"What? I told you I wanted to be by your side." I said with a smile, Jimmy looked away with red cheeks chuckling to himself.

We came up to the Taxi to see a blonde woman with a hat on taking her bags out of the back of the taxi.

"We're closed.There's no show today." Jimmy said thinking she was a costumer. She turned around and took off her sunglasses. It sent a shiver down my spine when I saw her, not that she looked bad, but the energy she gave off was not good at all.

"Oh,I'm not a customer. I'm looking for a job." she said smiling at us.

"Here? You made a mistake.Believe me, you don't belong here."

"I came all the way from Philadelphia.My name is Mystic Miss Esmeralda.I'm a fortune teller." Jimmy looked up at me with a Surprised face and looked back to her.

"Well I guess I will have to take you to miss Elsa. Here let me get that for yah." Jimmy walked up to her and took her luggage out of her hands.

"Oh, Thank you."

"Follow us." Jimmy said as Me and Him started to make our way to Elsa's tent. Walking over to Elsa's tent we bumped into the twins.

"Excuse me.I thought customers weren't allowed back here.

"Well, they're not.She's one of us.Bette, Dot, meet Esmeralda, our new spiritualist." I said to them looking over to her to see her smiling.

"Come by my tent anytime.I'll give you a free reading." she replied to them.

"I'm sure that's not the only thing you give away for free." Dot commented, walking past us. I tried so hard not to laugh but I couldn't help the small smile curving my lips in the corners. I looked down so they couldn't see or that would be rude.

"Come on." Jimmy interrupted the awkward silence between all of us and kept moving to Elsa's tent. We stopped outside Elsa's tent and Jimmy turned to me nodded his head to signal me in.

"Elsa's the nicest to you, you should go talk to her I don't know if she will take me seriously." I smiled up at him and shook my head at his comment, Entering Elsa's tent.

~ Jimmy Darlings P.O.V ~

I waited outside with the girl named Maggie and Waited patiently for Y/N.

"By the way I think you Two look like the perfect pair." I looked confused up to her not fully understanding what she meant.

"You two are together right?" I looked away feeling sadness knowing I could never have someone like Y/N.

"No we aren't." I looked away with disappointed in myself. She could feel the tension growing and she looked off away from me.

"Miss Elsa would like to talk to you." Y/N stood at the entrance of the tent and lead her In. Once maggie left inside the tent she looked up at me.

"Hey, Darlin whats wrong?" She looked up at me worried. I shook my head and smiled at her beauty.

"Its nothin doll, If you have the time I have something that I want you to hear." I've been thinking about this for so long but recently even more, I definitely need to do this now.

"Was wondering before the curfew if you wanted to go for a ride on my bike or walk around the outskirts of the camp, I haven't gotten to talk to for the last few weeks, I said I would listen to you went your're hurtin and I think I need to catch up." The whole time I was talking to her I was looking away, now I looked up at her to see her reaction. She was smiling like a kid on christmas mornin.

"Sure Jimmy, I need to catch up with you too." she smiled up at me, I looked at into her E/C eyes and got lost in so much of her. I wanted to cup her face and kiss her right now, but I she didn't want that either it would be pointless. Her gaze left my eyes when she looked up to who was exiting Elsa's tent. It was Maggie and she was wiping of her knees like she got dirt on them.

~ Y/N's P.O.V ~

"Elsa approved, But do you guys have a Telephone near by? I need to make a call." Jimmy looked up to me first giving me a look like he had an Idea, then he looked back to Maggie.

"No we don't, but I can drive you to one before the curfews done." She looked up to him and smiled.

"But we have to make an agreement." Her smiled turned into confusion and she tilted her head to the side not understanding.

"We're taking her." Jimmy nodded his head over to me, once he said that I tried my best not to get flushed to embarrass myself in front of her or Jimmy. She had a slight fake smile and she nodded her head yes and we mad our way over to Jimmy's motorcycle. Coming up to it I realized there were only 2 seats. I looked up to Jimmy not understanding what we were gonna do.

"Trust me I had this all planned out in my head." He smirked up at me, I just went with it because I trusted him. Anyways if all else fails I can just stay back.

He got on his bike and nodded for Maggie to get on back, he made her move all the way to the back of the seat so he could have more room. He then looked up to me and patted his lap, still wearing the smirk from earlier. I've only been on Jimmy's bike about 10 times, but never sitting on his lap. I knew jimmy has had to done this with someone else to know it would be safe or he wouldn't have offered it for me to do it. He moved his arms and I slid into his lap. I put my arms up on the center of the handle bars so jimmy could put his hands where he needed to. I looked u to him with a questioning like as if was this ok, he just smiled down at my.

"Alright lets do this." Jimmy said, starting the bike and we drove out of camp.

The whole time I was on jimmy's bike I kept sliding around in his lap and every time I did he would let out a weird sound. I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable but it was hard when you have jimmy speeding because he wanted to beat the curfew. We arrived at a small gas station with a telephone box on the side of the road. Jimmy pulled up to it and right when we stopped she immediately got off the bike to get to the phone. Jimmy and I just sat there in silence for a few moments, both looking at the sun setting in the sky.

"You know I'm really glad you came out here with me tonight." jimmy said looking at me. I looked down in my lap and fiddled with my thumbs.

"I am too, what do you think about her?" I looked up to her in the telephone box, she looked like she was nervous.

"I don't know she seems like a Bit-"

"Bitter woman?" I cut him off with a smile, jimmy smiled back and chuckled. Just because she didn't give off good vibes doesn't mean we should immediately judge her. We've only know her for about an hour anyway.

"You're somethin else you know that?" he smirked up at me. I didn't completely understand though.

"What kind of somethin else? Good, Bad or Dirty?" I asked him now getting off of his lap to move my legs, standing now 2 feet away from him. He laughed at my question and shook his head.

"That just proves my point even more, You just are." He smiled up at me.

Something caught my attention when I heard who maggie was on the telephone with yell "Nobody cares what happens to a FREAK!!" I dropped my smiled and looked slightly behind me. Maggie began to turn around and look at us and her eyes widened.

"Shit on a stick, I got to go." She hung up the Telephone and moved he way over to us. A Siren and bright lights came up on us from behind, Looking up to see a police officer get out out of his car and mad his way over to us.

"There's a curfew out tonight, starting at 8:00." The officer said with an attitude.

"Still got a good ten minutes, bub." Jimmy responded giving me a reassuring look.

"One tick over, I'm hauling you three right to jail." The officer didn't seemed so please.

"Oh I'm sorry, Officer." I had to call my grandmother, She has been awful sick lately. I promise we'll head home right away." I knew that was an excuse from what I overheard, but if it was going to keep Jimmy out of jail I was gonna go with it.

"Look, you look like a nice, Christian girl. Take my advice. Stop hanging around with these troublemakers."

"What about her? You have no right to call her somthin she ain't.Why are we getting rousted? 'Cause of Meep? Or what you cops did to him?"

"Keep talking, motormouth. My watch is running fast." The police officer snapped back at Jimmy.

"Cool it.We're going now. Right, Jimmy?" Maggie said towards him. Clearly pissed at him, which she had no reason to be Jimmy didn't do anything wrong. Jimmy clearly wanted to say something back to her but he looked up to me, he sighed and revved his motorcycles engine.

"Yeah, let's blow. Place smells like pig shit, anyway."

Maggie got on the back of the bike as I sat atop Jimmy's lap and he started to take off as the officer got back in his car. Jimmy seemed piss because he was speedind to camp, knowing he wanted to spend some time with me but maggie had a long phone call. I tilted my head up to see his eyes focused on the road and I moved to say something in his ear.

"I promise you darlin I there will be sometime for us when we get back and you can have your chance to tell me what you want." I whispered just enough for him to hear over the engine and quiet enough so maggie couldn't hear it. I saw a small smile form at the corner of his lips and he took a quick glance down to me. I looked back in front of me and kept looking at the road.

~ Time skip ~

We were halfway to the camp when all of a sudden Jimmy's engine started to sputter and then completely stopped. Jimmy looked down at the engine and groaned.

"What happened?" Maggie asked upset we stopped.

"I think we ran out of gas." Jimmy responded looking down at me

"You think I was born yesterday? What's next? Do you want to go for a stroll in the woods?" She asked sarcastically.

"Yeah, actually.We have to get off the road.There's a curfew.Unless you want to spend the night in jail, we have to hide from the cops.You coming?" Jimmy patted my lap signing me to get off so he could get up. I got off his lap and made my way over to the side of the road in the grass. I could hear the crickets chirping. Me and Jimmy started walking on the side of the road while maggie stayed by the bike. Jimmy noticed and tried to get her to come with us.

"Come on, let's go.We got to get off the road.Let's go.Come on-"

"Don't-don't touch me! I haven't decided about you." She commented on Jimmy reaching out to her.

"Well, you're a fortune teller- can't you tell my intentions?" JImmy said seriously, making sense because if she really is she should be able to tell. She gave him a look.

"That's the problem.I know every guy's intentions." she chuckled at Jimmy.

"Well, sassy, lucky for you, you're not my type.I'm also smart enough to know that guys aren't so picky in the dark.Listen, I'm not the one you have to worry about, toots.It's the townies, the cops.Do you have any idea how much they hate us? At best, we're tolerated because we make them feel grateful they're normal. Anyways I gotta make sure Y/N is safe and back at camp." Jimmy said walking back to me.

"So let me get this straight, A pretty face is not your type?" She asked with smug look knowing she was going to get what she wanted.

"no offense but I wouldn't say you have a pretty face." Jimmy responded with a the same attitude she had, her jaw dropped completely surprised mainly because she has never been turned down by a handsome man. It took all that I had not to laugh at his comment and I turned around and looked started to walk back to camp. As we were on the side of the road we saw lights and a noise and saw a vehicle approaching.

"Shit.Come on.We got to go.Let's go." Jimmy put his hand on my lower back to push me into the woods at the side of the road, making my face red. Jimmy must have seen me look away so he couldn't see my red cheeks because he moved his hand. Sadness slightly hit me with the cold as his warm hand left my backside.

~ Time skip ~

"There's only been one car in the last ten minutes.Can't we just walk back to camp?" She complained to me and Jimmy the whole time we were stayed at the side in the woods.

"When you're right, you're right.Just in case, let's stay in the shadows.Let's go this way-"

"Help me! Help!" We heard a woman scream on the other side of the road.

"Shh.Get down." we all ducked besides the nearest brush. But the screaming continued. We peeked our heads up enough to see the it was a young lady in a dress getting carried away by a clown screaming.

"No! No!" She screamed as they went into the woods of the other side of the road

"What was that?" Maggie asked confused.

"Nothing good." Jimmy replied not knowing if we should continue our way on this side of the road because now knowing anything can pop out at you. I decided to go find that woman who was screaming if she was ok or if I could save her in anyway. I got up from my spot to move to the other side of the road where the clown and the woman disappeared, only to be stopped by Jimmy putting his hand on my shoulder saying and pushing me back down.

"What are you Doing?" Jimmy asked confused as to what I was doing. He released his grip on my shoulder as he realized he was touching me with his hand.

"See if I can help her." I responded standing up again, Jimmy knew he could stop me but it was the right thing to do. And if we I were gonna do it he would have to be there to watch me.

"Just stay close doll" Jimmy said now standing up and walking with me across the road to the other side with maggie behind.

"Wait, Guy's? Well Shit." she caught up with us.

~ Time skip ~

We stayed very quiet as we made our way farther into the forest, Crickets chirping was really the only thing you could hear. We saw very little light in the distant and made our way out to it, hearing little curses and groans from maggie. Tripping or getting her dress caught on something. Even though it was fall,the jupiter weather never seems to change from being warm, humid, or hot, my outfit I didn't really complain.

We got close enough to see a old run down trailer like the ones we live in back at camp but this one looked aged, with broken windows and vines and other plants growing inside and outside of it from how long it's been out here. We all came around a big bush right about 30 feet away from it and ducked down peeking around the corner. I decided to go investigate.

"Stay here." I whispered to both of them.

"No way, you're not going by yourself." Jimmy tugged my arm down so I would come down to."

"Stay." I repeated to Jimmy, trying to get back up again.

"No." Jimmy said again a little louder, and a little more upset I wasn't listening. The door of the trailer now opened with the Clown we saw before holding two kids, carrying them to some small area we saw with light; the same area of light that led us over this far in the woods.

"Holy shit." Jimmy said pulling me closer to him so he could whisper.

"What?" Maggie asked not understanding.

"Those are the missing kids.This is the guy.This is the killer.He's a maniac.We got to get the cops." Jimmy said pulling me up to go back to the side of the road we came from. But his grip came off of me all of a sudden then my vision went black.

I woke up to the sound of muffled screams and grunts coming from all around me as I got my vision back I sat up, I could see the kids and lady from earlier tied up around me.

Ladies and gentlemen! Creatures of all kinds! Children of all ages! You nasty little brats, and Sexy Future Bride.Welcome! to the greatest show on Earth! Meet my lovely assistant Tiny Tits. And my accompanist the Amazing Mr.Clown! I believe that one of our audience members is over dressed let's fix that." The man in the clown mask that was talking walked up to me and grabbed my cardigan, I tried to kick him off but he put his foot on my ankles applying pressure. He started to pull on my cardigan making the buttons pop off opening it up.

"Get off of me you Pervert!" I tried to get him off of me, only ending in him pushing my face down in the dirt. Now I was laying on my stomach with my hands still tied underneath me. My cardigan was now open exposing my chest but it was still cling to my shoulders so no one could see what I didn't want them to see. The same clown now returned to the spot he was before.

'I've always wondered how this trick was done.Haven't you? Well let's find out.Shall we?" It was maggie in a box with her head and feet hanging out at the top and bottom, with a rag in her mouth to muffle her screams for help and pain. The clown that spoke had a saw in hand and was trying to saw Maggie in half like they do at the carnivals with the magicians. I finally saw Jimmy when he stood up and ran over to the clown sawing away and hit him in the face.


Since he was distracting them, I looked down to try to get my restraints off and they gave me a few rug burns but I finally became free of them. The other clown with only half of his mask now got up from his spot standing 6 feet away from Jimmy. He only made weird unusual noises and started to clap and make the others clap not noticing that they were out of their restraints. Jimmy opened up the box maggie was in and looked up to me.

"Everybody run! Run!" Jimmy yelled as I looked over to the kids and grabbed their hands and ran with Maggie and them away trying to retrace my steps before we got here to find somewhere safe.

"Wait! We're not finished! Get back here! I haven't finished my show!" We heard the Clown yell after us.

"Oh, he's close.Which way is the road?"

"Just everyone stop, okay? Quiet.The road's that way.Take them and call the police, okay?Go! Come on! Come on!" I whispered to maggie only to notice she was staring down at mys chest with wide eyes.

"Oh my god, you're one of them. You're a freak." She looked to me.

"Maggie, right now isn't really the time. Now go, I'm going to go get Jimmy." I took my cardigan and buttoned one of the buttons that stayed in tact to hid my chest.

"It's all trick and no treat from here on out!" He yelled a bit farther away.

"Catch me if you can, asshole!" I ran in the opposite direction going back to where I last saw Jimmy.

"You ruined my Halloween! You stupid girl! I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you!"

Getting more and more worried because I didn't see him anywhere or hear him. I snuck around the trailer quietly looking into it to see if the clown was there. Only to see Jimmy on the trailer floor passed out. I felt a tear stream down my face worrying that jimmy was dead. I quietly snuck around the trailer and went into it kneeling next to him.

"No,No No. Common you are not going out on me Jimmy Darling. Get the hell up." I lifted his head into my lap and check his pulse, It was still beating.

"Thank god Jimmy, I'm going to get you out of here and back home to your mother and she's gonna fix you up, and If you want me to I can get you some of your favorite pie."

"That sounds Delicious, Doll." Jimmy's eyes fluttered open and his voice was soft and deep. I smiled down at him.

Me and Jimmy sat up and scooted over to one of the boarded up windows and looked out. There was this bright green like smog that lit up the area. A man dressed nicely with a top hat, cane, and a cape. He had long hair for a man the was dark black, he stood in front of the clown that didn't speak. Jimmy looked down to me.

"Doll come here." he gently put his arms around me and held me against his chest.

"Don't worry sweetheart we're gonna make it out, alright?" Jimmy said pulling up my chin for me to look into his eyes.

"I know, I trust you." I looked down and fixed my cardigan, pulling close back together.

"I promise you next time, I'm gonna take you on the best date in town, Jimmy darling." His chest moved hearing him chuckle at my words.

"Is that so, baby doll?" I nodded my head. I looked up to him when I heard the Police sirens go off in the background. Looking out the window of the trailer again to see the clown that didn't speak previously dead on the ground.

~ Time skip ~

"So you never saw his face, this man who was going to cut your friend named maggie in half?" One of the detectives stood in front of me with his notepad in hand, writing everything I said down.

"He wore a mask the whole time, and I tied up laying on the ground,so I couldn't really get a good look.But they were both dressed like clowns." He nodded his head at my response and fastly wrote it down.

"Detective Colquitt has some questions he would like to ask you." He pointed over to him. Walking over there seeing he was talking to Jimmy, I stood next to Jimmy.

"Miss Y/N, Did you hear anything?"

"One talked, the other one didn't say a word."

"Would you recognize his voice if you heard it again?"

"Sounded muffled through the plastic.Yet other little kids were able to see the man with his mask off."

"They're in pretty bad shape, but we'll get a description." The detective looked up from his note pad.

"All I know is they were both crazy." Jimmy replied joining in on the conversation.

"The clown that was killed here- did either of you see what happened? Nobody would blame neither of you if had to defend yourself. Killing a maniac like that would be a public service." I looked up to Jimmy knowing who was at the scene, we weren't gonna say anything about it though.

"I didn't see anything." I replied, Jimmy shaking his head no.

" Well miss Y/N, Important thing is you brought these kids back to their families alive.Way I see it, you're a hero, young lady." he said with a smile. I shook my head.

"No.Jimmy's the real hero." I said looking up to him.

"I didn't do anything special." Jimmy slightly smiled down at me.

"I like you two.Humility is gonna take you a long way." Me and jimmy broke eye contact looking up at the detective. Jimmys smile turned into a frown.

"Detective, why don't you write your name down so the reporters can spell it when I talk to them.I'm gonna tell them about the real hero." Jimmy said with an irritated tone.

"You pulling my leg?" The detective looked confused.

"The real hero is the person who got killed at the police station after you arrested him.Meep didn't deserve to die."

"And somebody is going to pay for what happened to our family." I joined in on the conversation. The detective's face fell and he scoffed sat jimmy and walked off.

~ Time skip ~

We were on Jimmy's bike on the way back to camp. We walked it to a gas station to refill it and we were on the road. This time I road on the back part of the bike instead of being in Jimmy's lap. We arrived back at camp stopping in front of the tent cover we eat at. Seeing Evie, Pual, and miss Elsa, they all had gotten up and walked over to us.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Miss Elsa yelled over to me and Jimmy.

"Curfew's lifted." I replied.

"What? Have they caught the killer?" Elsa looked confused.

"Y/N did.Caught the killer.Saved the kids.Saved everybody." Jimmy said getting off the bike smiling up at me.

"Y/N must have casted a spell. Good Job liebchen." Miss elsa smiled over to me, calling me sweetheart in German.

"She's not the only one.The camp had a visitor last night" Miss elsa looked back to Jimmy.

"Edward Mordrake." I replied joining their conversation.

"He came to you, too?" Elsa questioned me.

"Not to us, but he claimed his freak." I replied, but Elsa's attention was take off me and put on something behind us. There were cars coming in the distant driving towards camp in front of the main tent.

"Was es loss? They've finally come to run us out." Elsa replied, all of us making our way over in front of the tent. The people driving got out of there cars, they didn't look like cops or police. They looked like everyday average people. I walked out in front of everyone getting close to the people.

"You Y/N?" A man asked having a little girl and a woman get out of the car, same with the other cars.

"What do you and the rest of this mob want with her?" Jimmy said walking up next to me, grabbing my arm and slightly pulling me behind him. Making me feeling protected.

"We wanted to thank you, we wanted to thank all of you.You saved our son.You saved our town.I want to shake your hand." He walked up to Jimmy holding out his hand, Jimmy hesitated to shake it but he did. The man shook his hand fast, Jimmy still looked confused.

"Jessie?" The woman who got out of this man's car went up to the little girl pushing her my way slightly, she had something in her hands.

"Homemade brownies.I only had one." She handed me a white plate piled with brownies, I smiled up at her.

"Thank you, aren't you a angel." I knelt down slightly to be at the same height with her, she smiled up at me but looked away to someone behind me.

"Are you a real lady?" she questioned desiree.

"Jessie! Manners!" the woman interrupted her.

"Oh, that's okay, darling.I'm a lady.And then some." She did this little move and made it hard not to laugh. Everyone started to chat amoungst each other.

I saw everyone interacting with us like we were normal people, and they weren't scared or grossed out. I looked up from talking with the children and looked up to see Jimmy staring at me, he just smiled like crazy and his cheeks were flushed red. I smiled back knowing he was truly happy, and I was to.

"Ladies and gentlemen! One and all.We would like to invite you to our grand command performance tonight.Here in our big top.Tickets are available over there at the box office." Miss Elsa yelled out to the crowd of the town that had formed outside our main tent. People started to line up to by tickets fast and miss Elsa stepped down and made paul come up at collect the money.

Even in all the darkness the dawn finally came and we found our way back home. The second killer was still out there, but I had a feeling like that soon would to be change.

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