By dangerousangelb

205 13 2



3 yars later

21 2 0
By dangerousangelb

Lacy's dream (play the video then the song)

I woke up laing on the floor all sweating and my breath is heavy but very fast. I had one of that dreams again. Now I know how my mum knew, that she was expecting a girl, now I understand how she could know that she have to give her medaillon to Remus because she will not be here anymore, she dreamed about it. Just like I do.

I saw it. I saw it again,
and I saw it all. All those things that I can't change. All those things, I couldn't do anything about. I saw it all ....future....present....past.                                                               I saw all that pain and death,  but not just in wizards world but in muggles world too. I saw burned bridges, Voldemort reborn, my first yar at Hogwarts,Bill and Fluer's wedding

James and Lily protecting baby Harry,

the giggiest battle of the wizards world,

 all that good thing that  Severus did for saving our world.
I saw joy,hopelessness and fear, happinnes and despair.The same despair that I saw at George's face when he was hugging his twin brother's death body. I heard Bellatrix's strident laugh when she killed my dad. The tears are falling down my face as I'm thinking about the day when I saw him for the last time.
That day we had an argument again. I was begging him for not going with Harry. He promised me he will come back but I knew what was cominng. It's like I said I SAW IT ALL....

Right now I'm just sitting on my bed, staring on the wall and tears are making their way down my cheeks. Now you are probably asking why I didn't do anything when I knew about all  those things. The truth is I tried.I tried so hard to change it,but I quickly learned that if you are messing with destany, it will always get you back. And it will hit you twice that hard.


"Dora what are you doing here?,, I asked because she just has apeared at my home.I was starting to be nervous when she finally spoke up : "Lacy we need your help.We have to hurry.,, Now I'm realy scared. "Dora!....Dora! ...Nymphadora!,, She finally notice me when I use her full name "What happent? Why do you need me?,, She obviosly don't want to tell me,but I know that something is wrong.
"Tell me,Tonks!,, ......"They got Hermione,,

Now we are at Malfoy menor and I've got this wierd fealing. I started to be nervous. .And then it hit me I saw it, but in my dream I wasn't here. But I'm here now so I can save Mia.....
We are in the middle of battle.There are curses and spells flying everywhere.I'm looking around me just to see how many aurors are hurt.When something catched my eyes it was Mia who just offensived another curse but what she's not knowing about is Bellatrix standing right behind her back and ready to say the deadly spell: "Avada-,,"Protego,, All I know is that I have just saved Mia's life. But what I didn't know was what it will cost.
The battle is over and I'm sitting here and crying."How is this possible? Why I didn't see it?,, How could this happen? My uncle Regulus is death and Remus is seriously hurt being on the edge of death.
WHY I didn't know this? Why did I do knew about Mia but not knew about this?

(end of flashback
-back to reality)

I realy didn't undertand it before.But I do now .I undersrand now,I decided to save Mia and I had to pay the price that it cost......Regulus is death and Remus was getting together for 3 months.
You see, it will always get you back no matter what. You always have to pay for your decision.But you never know what it will cost. 


I'm drinking the 5th glass of fire whisky when I heard Remus is home. -He took me under his wings after my dad died.-
"Hey, I'm home.How was -,,
"Damn it Lacy, it's not even 4pm yet and you already opened another bottle of fire whisky.What is happening with you I thought you were doing better.,,

"Are you realy asking me what is happening with me Remus?,, "Yes actually I am.,, "Ok so what about the fact that my dad is death and I never got to know my mother? Or what about that I knew about what will happent and I couldn't do anything about it.I knew about all those horrible things that happent and I couldn't do any single thing about it because it would get even worse,,I'm starting to cry again "I couldn't save him Remus .I couldn't do it with my dad, I couldn't do it with my first true love .You want to know what's happening? Here it is: I did nothing. I could just stand and wait for them to get me know about their death.Do you have any idea how does it feal?,,
I took another gulp of my glass .He look at my eyes".Lacy I know it's hard but you have to be strong.I know you can get trought this.You are the strongest and the most talented witch that I know and if you can't get trought it, then noone of us will,,.
"Remus you don't get it. Right? I was here all the time and it didn't help anything or anyone and now-,, I'm already sobing now. "There is nothing or nobody left for me I'm alone and I'm scared of who will die next. It will happent again until everyone I know will be death and you know I'm right...(sobs)...You know it...(sobs)...You know it...,,

I'm depresed and angry so I throw the bottle to the fireplace and it shattered on million pieces of glass.I turned around to face him. "Why is this happening to me Remus?Why everybody who I love have to leave?,,

I didn't notice that right now he was standing right infront of me  "Shhhhhhh colm down.,,                                             "Lacy.....,, He whispered. I didn't even realize that we are leaning closer.And now from nowhere we are kissing.

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