The Detective Princess (Yusuk...

De ElRottoSoldato

46.7K 1.5K 594

The wind blew in my face as I rubbed my hands together to heat them up. My scarf doing little to no help but... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Hope and Despair: An Ironic Duo
A Demon full of Hope
A Lovely Night
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
lmfao sorry

Chapter 2

3.2K 94 57
De ElRottoSoldato

Eating alone at lunch wasn't the best. Well, you chose to eat alone. You didn't want a crowd to surround you as you ate your food. That's... That's weird. It's amazing how creepy and invasive fans can get. It's come to the point where those lewd comments don't even creep you out anymore. They just tend to go through one ear and leave through the other.

After lunch, you walked back to class to the studious class. The school tends to group the intelligent, high-ranking students in one class while the others are purely normal students with average grades. Nobody seems to notice or care because it doesn't really affect them. That's how everybody is.

All you did in class was take notes and spend the last ten minutes trying to watch Akechi's interview without the teacher finding out. You tuned in on the live stream and saw the immense amount of fan girls saying that they loved him and how amazing he was. You chuckled silently as the reporter fixed her hair.

"And now... Here's Akechi Goro, the second Detective Prince!" The reporter said with a smile before gesturing to your boyfriend, who waved at the camera with his famous smile.

"Thank you for having me here on your show, I was surprised when I got a call from you... I didn't expect a show as well-known as yours to interview me... I'm quite honored to sit where the first detective prince once sat." He laughed with his hand on his chest.

"Oh, we should be thanking you for coming today! It was some trouble trying to find a way to communicate with you." The reporter blushed and used the cards as a fan. "Now, how has it been with you and L/N? She's been hiding from the cameras lately, isn't she?"

He looked straight at the cameras. It felt like his red eyes were staring deep in your soul.

"We've been busy doing our own things. No, we are not breaking up anytime soon. All we ask of you is some privacy. Y/N and I have been busy on our studies and now with more of these mental breakdowns, we will have to endure a lot of tasks and hardships." He answered sincerely but it wasn't really answering the reporter's question. Though as he answered and kept his eyes locked in the camera, you could see the love he held for you as he spoke of you.

"Y/N has been doing amazing with all that's going on. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have been solving so many cases. I'd probably be moping about the difficulty of my tasks." He joked, making the audience laugh.

"Interesting, do you believe she would agree to have an interview with us? Maybe her popularity will grow as much as yours is, am I right?"

No, interviews only made things worse. All the gossip. The words you say might be twisted into something horrible. And what about the fan girls? What would they react to your interview?

You knew one thing for sure, that the only reason they want you in the interview is to ask personal questions about you two. Not because of your success or because they're interested in you.

It was always Akechi who was the topic to every question the paparazzi sent to you. Always Akechi...

"You may be right but with the lack of respect towards her by her own fans and coworkers, I doubt she'll agree with it. And I understand... She's been working so hard and just being used for drama and scandals isn't something she wishes to be known for. That is why she is the Detective Princess, no?"

He sent a questioning glare to the reporter, who bit her lip as if he had caught onto their lies.

"That's not true, Akechi-kun. We all know that you two are both extremely successful teens. It's just that Y/N seems... normal, you know? Spicing things up will definitely bring in the fans." She answered, fumbling with her words a bit before Akechi tried to lighten the mood with his smile. The smile that seems to make all women go crazy.

"I was only messing with you, I know that my Y/N is known very well for her success. That is why she's aiming higher to a great college. She wants to become someone who will change the world... And I shall support her at every step of the way." He said. Your cheeks burning from his words as he just stayed still as if challenging the reporter.

"How... Touching. Well, it's good to see your strong bond with your lover. I wish you the best of luck out there." She nodded before continuing on with the interview by asking him questions that avoided him mentioning you. Just by this, the other stations will keep in mind how defensive Akechi is when mentioning you.

The blush slowly faded away before the bell rang, indicating that school was over. Everybody stood up and talked to their friends while you sat there watching his interview.

Once it was done, there wasn't much to do but leave the school and go find a market to buy groceries.

The walk wasn't too far but taking the subway would have been way faster.

You walked out of the store with your bag of groceries before making your way home until the strong, euphoric aroma filled the streets. You released a breath of pleasure and followed the source of the smell. The amazing, strong smell of coffee grew by the minute.

Cafe LeBlanc.

If the smell is amazing, then the food must be too. Maybe it's great potential for Akechi to review about it in his food blog. It was adorable seeing his enthusiasm to pancakes and coffee. He was like a little kid describing candy.

"Welcome," An old man said to you as you opened the door to see that the cafe was empty. "May I recommend something from the menu?"

"A-ah, if it isn't a bother to you, that is." You pulled out a stool, biting the inside of your cheek before he nodded and went off to the kitchen to grab something for you.

The TV was loud enough for you to hear the news but there wasn't anything too interesting. It was just the reporters and the upcoming political campaign.

You paid attention to the T.V a little longer until the sound of a dish clattering startled you a bit.

"Sorry, I've been trying to get your attention but you seemed to be more interested at the news." You looked up to see Akira wearing an apron.

"Kurusu-kun?" Your eyes faintly opened. "You work here?"

"More like live here. Sojiro is my guardian while I'm on probation." He scratched the back of his head.

"Probation of what?" You frowned, lacing your fingers together in interest.

"It's something personal." He answered, making it obvious to avoid.

"I understand. I just didn't think someone as kind as you would be put on probation. Or even commit a crime for that matter."

He chuckled and crossed his arms as you took a sip of the coffee. It tastes amazing.

Had it not been for the stinging pain your tongue had felt, you would have drunk it all in one go.

"You like it? Sojiro has been giving me lessons on how to make coffee and curry." He stood proudly with his glasses gleaming from the barely lit light above him.

You laughed and covered your smile with your hand before seeing the fluffiest of things jump on the stool next to you.

"Morgana, it's nice to see you again." You scratched the back of his ear despite the threatening glare he sent you.

"Akira! Tell her to stop scratching me there or else I- Oooh, right there... I've been trying to get that place all day." He immediately said, purring right after and leaning forward for more.

"He seems to dislike me a bit, no?" You frowned. "Shame, and here I thought I was capable of making friends with everyone."

"What do you mean? You made friends with me and this is only the second time we meet?" He tilted his head slightly, letting his black locks fall against his neck. He looked adorable but something about him told you that he had another side to him. He was a phantom thief after all.

But still, he already considered you as a friend? Could he possibly be joking? He's trying to get something out of you... What could it be? You couldn't give him a lot but to... To convince Sae Niijima to take his probation to court again. Possibly to be a free man. Looks can be deceiving...

"F-friend? Kurusu-kun, don't be joking around like that... There's a limit as to how much you can joke ab-"

"No, I'm being serious. I enjoyed your company. That's why I offered to hang out with you in the morning. I want to see the real Detective Princess rather than the one the public forces you to be."

"Forces me to be, huh?" You looked at the cup in deep thought as you took in what he said. "Kurusu-kun, you have a way with words. One day, it might just help you." You said. He returned your smile and refilled your cup.

"I get that a lot." He shrugged. "They say I am charming as hell."

You almost spit out your coffee from laughing.

"And here you were talking about there being a limit about joking around." He scowled playfully. "Jeez, you have a way of hurting people's feelings."

"I'm sorry!" You held your stomach to stop laughing. "I've never laughed this hard since forever!"

"Oh... Then you need to get a life. If you don't laugh like how you are now, then are you even enjoying life?"

"Enjoying life? Of course I am! I'm on the road to success and that's how I'll be able to enjoy my life!" You exclaimed. "I'll have you know I enjoy life from time to time."

"Oh yeah? Doing what? From what I heard, you've been working on your cases instead of school. I would expect you taking advantage of not being in school."

"I sometimes go to the art museum. I also try to bake some treats in my free time."


"Y/N, that's boring."

"I don't see you enjoying life in this cafe, hmm?"

"Hey, I'm talking about you?" He shushed you. The sound of the doorbell ringing made you turn to see a tall, thin teenager. He had a stoic expression on his face and blue hair that almost covered his eye.

"Akira, I'm in need of your assistance!" He said dramatically, pulling out a stool next to you. Then you realize something. This was the student of Madarame... How could he be?

"I'm not posing naked for you."

"No, that offer stands for Ann. I need to find inspiration! Something that will truly bring astonishment!"

You watched as Akira sassily answered his friend until he hummed and looked at you.

"Oh, Akira, you didn't tell me you had a customer... I apologise for my rudenes-"

"No, no! You weren't being rude at all!" You quickly reassured him.

He stares at you for a bit, making you shuffle uncomfortably from your seat. His stare was like he was silently judging you.

"You look familiar..." He said, putting his hand on his chin. "Though you do seem as a potential model for my paintin-"

"No, Yusuke, she's not going to model naked for you." Akira sighed after attending another customer.

"N-Naked?!" You stuttered, feeling heat rise to your cheeks from embarrassment.

"Do not take me as a pervert. I only strive to have Ann model for me, now that you made her do it as a distraction." He answered with a mocking tone before fixing his hair.

"Distraction?" You frowned. "Kurusu-kun?"

"I-It was nothing! We were going to play a prank on him but it didn't go as planned." Akira dismissed it. He shot Yusuke a warning glare. It looked like he was trying to hide it from you.

"Yes, their prank went wrong at the last minute." He nodded. His hands on his stomach as if to hide the growling sounds.

"Are you hungry?" You frowned with a worried look. "Would you like for me to buy you something to eat?"

He was stunned by your sudden worry about him that he stayed quiet for a bit.

"No, I do not want you to spend any money on a stranger like me. I will find my own source of food later once I have enough money." He shook it off. "I thank you for your kindness though."

He looked hungry though. And seeing how he was left with no guardian after Madarame was arrested, there's no way someone as... weird as him could live on his own.

"I insist. I have all this money that I don't know how to spend it all!" You gave him a warm smile and looked at Akira. "Kurusu-kun, can you bring me a plate for him? I'll pay for his food."

He just stared at you in shock before clearing his throat.

"How rude of me. I haven't asked for your name and now you're willingly buying me food. My name is Yusuke Kitagawa. You shouldn't have done something like this for me though."

You shook his hand before taking a drink of your coffee.

"Y/N L/N. You can't think straight with your stomach empty. Seeing how distressed you are with your drawings, it's the least I can do..."

You both stared at each other before he chuckled. His chuckle spread a warm feeling on your chest. He turned his head to reveal a smile of gratitude.

"It seems that I can't say no to such an offer. I thank you for your generosity. Maybe I can find a way to repay you for your kindness."

Akira brought over a plate of curry with an evil smirk on his face.

"I followed my heart on this one." He said with the most suspicious of smirks. You were about to ask him what he did until Yusuke slammed his fist on the bar with a face redder than the curry itself.

"Perhaps I put too much trust in common sense... Are you telling me this poignant mire is curry?" He said with a look of awe. "I'll admit this stimulating flavor is growing on me. This was a valuable experience."

Akira looked disappointed as if he were expecting Yusuke to be screaming his head off for water. He looked at you as if you were another one of his targets.

"Would you like a try?" He offering, taking a spoon of the curry and eating it. He ate it as if it were nothing...

'How resilient is this guy?' You sweat dropped and raised your hands in defense.

"No, thank you. I'd rather not burn tongue with that spicy curry." You declined politely, making both of them laugh.

The three of you talked. It felt nice having a conversation with people of your age. For what felt like minutes became almost two hours until Sojiro had told you two that it was time to close up shop.

"Oh, hey, we're going to eat sushi at this restaurant about thirty minutes away. Would you like to join us?" Akira asked as he walked you to the train station.

You thought about it for a bit. Would it be a good idea? What if you get too close with them?

"Alright. I'll see if I have time. When is it?"

"Next week. Don't worry, we got it all paid for." Akira answered before the train finally came.

"Ah, alright. Thank you for walking me here. I'll see you tomorrow?" You said as the others already sat in the train.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Also, about that friend thing... You can make friends easily. You made two friends in one day... You just need to stop overthinking about it though." Akira said right before the doors shut.

Friends... But how could you be friends with the enemy?

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