Love is Eternity

By dEaYrEkSness

950 16 3

Yolei Inoue is struggling to live the happy, perfect life she ones lived. With tragedy striking her family sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 6

44 1 0
By dEaYrEkSness

Reminders: Minor details may be incorrect. This story contains OCs and some characters maybe OCC. Sorry for my grammar/spelling, and please no flames.

Note: This story does contain smut, lime, maybe even lemons; I suck at writing them thou.

WARNING: This story contains strong language. Rated M for language, violence, and mature content (smut/ lemon). This chapter contains attempted rape. You've been warned!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.

Chapter 6

Yolei panicked. What was he doing here! He wasn't supposed to come back into her life. Ken had gotten rid of him. Shit this was not supposed to be happening to her!

Yolei took steps back to put space between them however, Lee kept coming towards her.

"What Yolei, scared?" Lee questioned laughing. He was not going to let her off so easy this time. Because of her his life was ruined. Thanks to Yolei's friend Ken, Lee couldn't get another job as he was fired from his last one. No one wanted to hire a man that had been associated with sexual assault charges. Lee had been dying to get his hands-on Ken... but it looked like he found Yolei instead. She would pay for this.

Yolei took another step back in fear. She could feel the tears ready to fall; she was alone again; there was no one to protect her from this beast. No one that cared for her.

She looked up and noticed Lee continued to walk closer to her. Yolei kept moving back until she was trapped.

Looking back, she saw she hit a dead end. She knew the moment Lee was in front as well. Taking a deep breath, she turned her head back to look at him to see Lee standing inches away.

"Don't worry! I'll make sure that you'll be in so much pain when I'm done with you; that you wouldn't be able to walk," Lee threatened, before he attacked her. He trapped her body between the wall and his. He smiled as she screamed. "Scream all you want. No one's coming to save you. Not this time." With that his lips smacked onto her lips.

Yolei struggled, she wanted him away. She needed Ken! Where was he? No... she didn't need anyone she could get him off. But she was too scared to do anything. Yolei could feel her tears falling and so were his hands.

His hands had traveled down her body and he smiled at Yolei. She was different from before. She wasn't the same proud little woman he had known. It seemed like after spending time with that Ken guy, Yolei had become more depended. This was going to make things easier than he thought.

Yolei looked up at him in hate. She hated him and what he was doing to her. Calming down she used her hands and pushed him away. She would save herself!

Lee went tripping back, once he was a safe distance Yolei took the chance to run. She ran as fast as she could towards the club's door. Just as she was close to safety; she hadn't noticed Lee right behind her. Lee pulled her hair stopping her. Yolei screamed as she was dragged farther away from the door. NO!

He turned her around to face him and smiled. She had tears falling down her beautiful face, "Shh...Yolei don't worry. It'll only hurt the first few times I screw you over."

Yolei look up. What the fuck did he think he was doing? She wouldn't give up! She would not let this bastard do what he wanted to her! So, with that she struggled harder to get free. "NO! Let me go you bastard!"

"To bad," with that he threw her to the ground again. Yolei tried to back away but it was no use. He pulled her legs resulting her to lay on the cold ground. Before she could move, he sat down on her pinning her to the ground. He placed both hands on her blouse and in one swipe ripped the shirt open from the front. He pushed it aside on both sides, so he was staring down at her beautiful black bra. "Umm... I wonder if you have matching panties?" Lee said as he licked his lips.

Yolei looked up at him and screamed, "You're sick! Get off of me! HELP ANYONE!" She tried to get his hands off her, but he was stronger.

Lee smiled. This was going to be fun. He grabbed her hands and pinned them over her head with one of his. With that he stared down at Yolei. "I've missed you Yolei," Lee said. He leaned down and smacked his lips to hers. Stopping her from screaming.


Kari couldn't see Yolei anywhere. Kari has seen Yolei getting up, and then she had disappeared. It had been a while now, and Kari was starting to worry. Looking around she noticed Ken on the dance-floor dancing with some girl. Maybe that's why Yolei had run off? Well she could ask him... but he looked busy.

Okay so maybe if she found Mimi, then Mimi might know where Yolei was? It was worth a try. With that Kari began her search for her friends.

Where could they be?


Yolei had completely lost faith. No one was going to help her, and she couldn't do anything to stop him. Now she had also lost her skirt. She laid there under him in only a black bra and panties. Oh god, she knew what was going to happen next. She knew what Lee was going to do to her.

"Look what you have been hiding from me," Lee said as he licked his lips. She had a beautiful body and he couldn't deny that. He was going to have so much fun with Yolei. He couldn't believe he waited this long to finally have her; all of her.

He bent down and kissed her long neck; he started sucking and beating it leaving marks. He wanted everyone to know what he had done to her. That she was marked for him. He pulled back to see his hand work and smiled. Those marks just made her look sexier.

Smiling he slowly slid his free hand down her chest; feeling and exploring her exposed skin. He lingered at her belly before sending it lower. He was so close to his prize.

Yolei screamed in fear, "OH God No! Lee please no! Don't do this!"

"Baby, it'll be okay," Lee said; with that he slid his hand into her panties. She struggled with all her might. No, she wasn't going to be taken like this.

Lee smiled. Finally, he would get what he wanted. As he slipped his hand into her underwear he smiled as she cried harder and struggled. This was what made it so much fun. He slowly brought his fingers to her opening and then he violently pushed two fingers into her.

Yolei screamed in pain. He was touching her where no one else ever had. She felt like she was going to be ripped into half. She couldn't move as the pain was making her body numb. Looking up at him she begged him to stop. Trying to see some good in him. However, Lee didn't stop. He was enjoying this. He started moving his fingers in deeper, then pulled them out and did it again. Yolei's body wouldn't get used to it. Every time he pushed them in it hurt more. Then without caring if she was okay or not, he rocked his fingers in and out harder and faster. Resulting in a piercing scream coming from the girl under him.

Yolei thought she was going to die any minute. She was crying hard and wanted him to stop. It felt like he had been doing this for hours, and she couldn't open her eyes. But just then Lee was forcibly ripped off and out of her. Yolei shook as she curled into a circle. She sobbed and sobbed holding her body closer to herself. She couldn't believe what just had happened.

What he had done was scary. He had touched her where no one else had. It scared her that she could still feel his fingers in her. She thought she was going to be sick. She could hear screaming and yelling from afar, but she didn't care. She was tried, scared, and... and dirty! She felt so dirty, she couldn't believe she let this happen to herself. She couldn't believe she wasn't strong enough to stop him.

After a few minutes the noises stop, however, she heard footsteps coming towards her. Yolei was too afraid to see who it was and didn't open her eyes. She tried to move back only to feel pain and let out a small scream.

The person bent down and in fear Yolei flinched. Was Lee back to finish what he started? Holding her body close she waited for the touch. Instead something was wrapped around her. She looked up and was staring into blue eyes. These blue eyes belonged Ken's friend; Kai.

Yolei looked down to notice he has taken his black trench coat off and was wrapping it around her. She pulled it closer and continued to cry.

Kai just stood there watching her; he gave her a few minutes before he finally said, "are you going to keep crying?" Kai hated how weak Yolei was. From the first time he saw her he knew she was a weak person, and this just proved his point.

Yolei was startled and shook her head yes. She heard a sigh from him. But didn't care... that was until she noticed him starting to walk away. Without thinking she stood up on shaking legs and grabbed on to his shirt. She didn't want to be alone right now. Lee was still there unconscious a few feet away from them.

Yolei made a small noise showing she was in pain. Kai noticed but said nothing. Looking at her now he could see what that man had done to her. As Yolei went to stop him from leaving she had let the coat go and it opened a bit to show off her body.

Kai could see how her neck was covered in bite marks. Her underwear looked like it was close of coming off thanks to the rips in it. He sighed as he pulled the coat closer, wrapping her up.

Yolei could feel her legs shaking but didn't want him to leave her.

"I'll call Ken for you," Kai said as he took her hands off his shirt.

Yolei shook her head no, " don't leave me! Pl...ple...please h... He might wake up," she could hardly speak.

Kai sighed, why did she have to make things harder? Sighing he turned towards her and hugged her to make her feel better. After a while he took out his cell to make a call. As the phone rang, he looked down to notice Yolei had stopped crying as was staring at his tie aimlessly.


Ken was having a great time. Asking Britney to dance was the best thing he had done. As they moved with the music, he truly knew how much he missed her.

She was beautiful then ever, however something was off. Sure, he felt great, but he didn't feel complete. Something felt wrong.

He wouldn't worry about that right now thou, not when he finally got her back. Just as the music changed Ken grabbed onto her arms pulling her closer to him. He could see the other men eyeing her and he wanted them to see that she was with him. She looked up at him in shock and blushed. Ken smiled as he moved closer to her lips. He watched her close her eyes waiting for his lips to touch hers.

Just as Ken's lips were about to touch hers, he felt something in his pocket shake. His phone was ringing. Shit! Maybe he should forget about it and just kiss Britney. However, something in him told him to pick up the damn phone. Pulling away he noticed her watching him. Apologizing he made his way outside of the club.

As he got outside, he was surprised to see Kai calling him. Picking it up he started, "Wow! Never thought you'd call me!"

"Meet me at the back now," with that Kai closed the phone. Ken frowned; what was that all about. Putting his phone back he made his way towards the back of the club.

It was weird Kai would never call him no matter what. Something bad had happened, Ken just knew it. Soon he found himself at the back of the club. He stood in shock as he saw Yolei in Kai's arms.

"Yolei..." Ken said as he made his way over.

Yolei heard her name and looked up to see Ken coming. She was happy that he came for her. Crying harder she threw herself in his arms as he sat in front of her. She loved Ken holding her. She could feel safe in his arms.

Ken turned his attention towards Kai and asked him what happened.

"H...he... He was so close...a...and I... couldn't stop him," Yolei cried as she grabbed onto Ken tighter.

Ken frowned. He didn't understand what she was saying. Yolei looked tired, her eyes were barely staying open. He was about to ask again but Kai started, "I think you should take her home. I'll do something about him and then tell the others you had to leave."

Kai stood up and walked toward an unconscious body on the ground. Ken turned to see who he was talking about and frowned seeing Lee. No wonder Yolei was scared. Shit! What had Lee done to her!

Ken tightened his grip on Yolei. Ken was pissed at the thought of what Lee had done to her. Where the hell was, he when she needed him the most? Looking down he noticed she had fallen asleep in his arms.

Standing he lifted Yolei bridal style and made his way toward his car. Right now, he just wanted her to be safely at home.

Kai watched as Ken took Yolei away. For some reason he hated Ken more. Watching Ken holding her close, watching as Ken took her home. Just made Kai angry. Crap! Something was happening to him?! He couldn't be falling for her. NO! He wasn't! There was no way. She was everything he hated in a woman. She was weak, poor, and ugly. He couldn't be falling for her. He hated her as much as he hated Ken. He wanted to hurt them both. However, watching Ken take her away Kai knew he was jealous. This was the first time he felt this way. What was she doing to him? Sighing Kai got up; made a call before he walked inside the club to let his friends Ken had to leave.


Ken had finally made it to Yolei's apartment. He stared at the sleeping girl and frowned at the thought of having to bring her up... wondering what Hawkmon would say seeing her like this? She was wearing almost next to nothing. All that was covering her was Kai's trench coat and that wasn't doing a good job.

Ken frowned; he hadn't been able to talk to Yolei much after his friends had return. Ken had been busy with them. And since she had returned his money she didn't come by. But Ken knew he was to blame.... He had offered to give her money if she gave him her body. He was a told ass to ask that of her. He had been angry, and he had wanted to feel her again that he said something that he regretted. He treated Yolei so badly and roughly and in the end when Brittney returned, he'd forgotten Yolei.

Yolei moving in her sleep making Ken turn his attention towards her again. It seemed it was getting colder and he needed to get her inside soon. Parking his car, Ken exited carrying the purple head upstairs.

As he made it to her door, he couldn't help but hear noises inside. Wondering who Hawkmon was talking to, Ken knocked on the door and a few seconds later Ken got his answer.

"Ohh...Ken! I haven't seen you in a while. Wait what happ-" started Gatomon only to be cut of by Hawkmon.

"Yolei! Ken what happened?" Hawkmon yelled. He was surprised to see Yolei coming home with Ken and not Mimi or Kari. But then he was shocked at the state she was in. She was asleep in Ken's arm. Those weren't the clothing she left with. Her hair and makeup were a mess, and from what little Hawkmon could see it looked like Yolei was hurt. Wait... Ken couldn't have done anything to her right? What was he thinking of course not! Yolei loved Ken and trusted him. There was no way in hell Ken could have done this to her.

Ken walking into the room; he smiled past the little digimons. What was he going to say? I don't know what happened to her I just found her like this? Well that wouldn't be good. He turned his attention towards his little friends. "She had a run in with her ex. She's just tried. I'm going to put her to bed."

Hawkmon frowned. However, let Ken go into the room with Yolei.

"I'm going to kill this ex!" Gatomon said hands on her hips. Yolei seemed so pale in Ken's arm. It was scary seeing her like that.

"Hey wait a minute! Where are Mimi and Kari?" asked Palmon.

"I think they are still at the club. Hey why don't you guys get some rest," Ken asked as he popped his head out of Yolei's room. He wasn't going to just leave. He'd at least wait a bit until he knew Yolei would be okay.

Hawkmon frowned and looked at Ken. He didn't want Ken to be alone with Yolei. Yolei was trying to distance herself from him and having him here just made all her efforts go to waste.

"It's late. If you guys are tried go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up when Mimi and Kari show up," Ken said as he went back to Yolei.

All the digimons looked at each other before sitting on the coach. Gatomon finally broke the silence by asking, "Hey... what do you think happened?"

Hawkmon frowned. He had a bad feeling about this and had a feeling Yolei would kill him in the morning if she knew Ken was here. Getting up he made his way over towards Yolei's room. Gatomon and Palmon noticed but said nothing.

As he got inside the room, he noticed Ken sitting on Yolei's bed watching her as she slept. Frowning he fell onto the bed and sat on the other side of her. Ken looked down at the digimon. Smiling at the bird, Ken was about to get up, but felt Yolei's hand grab on to him. He looked back only to see she had grabbed him in her sleep.

"I'll let you stay... but don't hurt Yolei. Okay?" Hawkmon said as he watched Ken. Hawkmon knew Ken was a good guy but after these past weeks Hawkmon didn't trust Ken, he knew Ken had hurt Yolei and didn't want to see her get hurt anymore. Ken looked at the bird and promised he wouldn't hurt Yolei, "I promise I wouldn't hurt her. She's... important to me." It was true. Yolei was important to him; he felt a connection to her that he didn't feel with the other digidestined, and he was attracted to her, but he told himself he could never have a relationship with Yolei. Her friendship meant too much.

Hawkmon smiled and started his way out of the room. He knew he could trust Ken. As he got out, he was greeted by the curious faces of his digi-friends.


Yolei blinked her eyes to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Getting up she looked around...yea she was in her room. Yolei stood up and walked towards her bathroom, all she remembered was Lee had attacked her and then Kai had saved her...then Ken had showed up... wait a minute! What happened to Mimi and Kari? And did Ken bring her home? Yolei had many questions and knew one person could answer them, but first she needed to use the washroom.

As Yolei stood in front of the washroom mirror she could see all the marks Lee had made on her. Yolei couldn't believe this! Her neck was covered in marks, and she had ugly purple/blue bruises all over her body. To busy looking at herself; Yolei hadn't noticed Hawkmon coming into the washroom watching her. It wasn't until he started talking when Yolei noticed him.

"What happened last night," Hawkmon asked. He knew something bad had happened, seeing all those ugly bruises. He wished he had been there for her.

Yolei signed. She didn't want Hawkmon to worry about her, but she knew he deserved to know what happened. Taking a deep breath Yolei said, "last night I saw Lee," Yolei saw Hawkmon looked worry and was about to say something, however she continued, "Don't worry, one of Ken's friends saved me. And then Ken showed up... And then I don't remember what happened..." Yolei frowned at that. She really wished she knew how she got back home. Looking at Hawkmon she hoped he could help fill in the blanks from last night.

Hawkmon knew she wanted to know and said, "Ken dropped you off. He wouldn't tell me what happened, and you were sleeping so I thought it would be better not to question him. He was going to just drop you off in bed but... he stayed the night. He was with you all night." Hawkmon smiled as he saw the blush spread over her face.

"Oh my gosh! Are you telling me he was here all night in my bed with me?" Yolei yelled coming closer to Hawkmon. He just smiled and nodded his head yes.

Yolei couldn't believe this! She couldn't believe she spent the night with Ken! Ken was in the same bed with her... He saw how she slept! Oh no did she drool or snore, did she do something in her sleep that Ken may think was weird! Now Yolei was worried what Ken would say now if he saw her!

Taking another breath Yolei remembered Mimi and Kari. She had left them at the club they must have been worried about her.

Hawkmon noticed the look of worry on Yolei's face. He asked her what the problem was, and she told him.

"Don't worry! When Ken brought you here, he called Mimi and let her know that you were home. Then later, Mimi and Kari came by to check up on you and pick up Gatomon and Palmon and they saw," Hawkmon said. He remembered Mimi jumping around excitingly as she watched Ken's arm wrapped around Yolei as they both slept.

Yolei couldn't believe this! Mimi and Kari saw! Yolei knew Mimi wasn't going to let this go. Signing Yolei took a deep breath. She needed to forget everything.

She just wanted to get clean and spend the day with her mother and Hawkmon. She needed people she loved with her right now. But before that she needed to take a shower and try to remove all of Lee's touches off her.


-Few days Later-

This was Yolei's last stop for the day. She had spent all morning visiting banks, loan companies, any place that would consider leading her some money and so far, she had no luck.

Yolei walked into Ito Bank. She was ready for this! She knew she could do this! She could get this loan. Yolei was starting to lose hope. This was it, her late chance.

Taking a deep breath, she sat in front of a man typing away on his computer. He looked up at her and offered a friendly smiled. Okay she could do this!

"How may I help you," he asked.

"Hi, I was looking for a loan," Yolei said nervously.

The man asked her a lot of questions: about what she needed the money for, how much, what she had in her name and other things. Then he started typing things in his computer again. As he was busy typing Yolei got nervous again. It was too quiet.

After a while, the man looked up with a sad smile on his face. Yolei knew this was going to be bad.

"I'm sorry Madame, but your credit is bad. We can't give you a loan. Beside your store is not enough to cover the amount you are asking for. We can't approve you."

Yolei knew this was going to happen! This had been happening everywhere; however, this was her last change. She could feel tears in her eyes, but she didn't want to cry in front of this man.

"The... there has to be a way!" Yolei said.

The man looked up at her and said he couldn't help her. Yolei sent him a weak smile, thanked him for trying and started her way out. However, was stopped when he started again.

"Wait! Here try talking to our C.E.O.," he handed Yolei a business card; "I've heard he has done some nice things over the year. Maybe he could help you, you look like a good girl that needs something good in her life. I wish you luck."

Yolei smiled as she took the card and thanked the man. She was glad he was a nice man. Smiling she headed to find the CEO of Ito Bank, in the business distract on Tokyo.

Yolei stood in front of Mr. Ito and she couldn't believe her eyes! First, she couldn't believe that they let her in to see him. She had come into the company asking to see the CEO. The front desk had tried to stop her but then they had reserved a call and told her she could meet him.

Now she understood why. It was Kai! Mr. Ito was Kai.

Yolei didn't like this, she wasn't a fan of Ken's friends and this one scared her for some reason. Yolei couldn't believe he was the C.E.O. of Ito Banks. Well HE couldn't be completely bad... right? He had saved her from Lee, and he even stayed with her until Ken came. She blushed remembering that he had also seen her half naked. She had to thank him for what he did at least.

"Umm... thank you for umm... that day. If you hadn-" started Yolei only to be cut off by Kai.

"Why are you here?" He asked getting up from his seat and started walking over towards Yolei.

Yolei frowned, she was trying to thank him. Fine if he wanted to forget what happened then she would as well. She took a step back as he came closer and started talking, "I'm here regarding a loan. I need a loan of 600 000 yen. Will you help me?"

Kai laughed as he looked at her. He knew her story and he knew how much that store was worth, Aki; one of his employees had shared her file with him. He had given Kai a heads up that he had sent her to him. However, she must be crazy if she thought he would give her a loan... but then again maybe he could help her.

Kai stopped laughing and looked Yolei once over. Smiling he said, "You're crazy to think someone will give you a loan. Your store isn't worth much," with that he moved even closer. "However, if you offer me something else that's worth much more. Then I'll be glad to give you that loan," he said as he stood in front of her. He slid a finger down her arm.

Yolei knew what he was talking about and she took a step away from him. What the hell was he thinking! After what happened to her with Lee... did Kai really think she would give herself to Kai? Besides, she would never sell her body for money! What would her mother think if she found out, that Yolei sold her body to some rich bastard just to save her life?! Yolei couldn't do it... well not to just any rich bastard.

"I would never! How dare you say that?" Yolei screamed as she gave Kai a disgusting look. She was so mad right now! "You're disgusting!" She yelled.

Kai smirked as he came even closer. Yolei would have walked away but she had hit a dead end. She looked behind to notice she had walked herself into a corner. Yolei had nowhere to run, so she stood their acting brave.

Kai smiled and said, "I'm disgusting... is that what you told Ken when he asked for your body?"

Yolei froze. How did Kai know about her agreement with Ken? Ken couldn't have told him, could he?! Oh! Yolei was going to kill Ken when she saw him! She couldn't believe he would tell his friends!

Yolei was in her own thoughts that she hadn't notice Kai bending, to bring his face inches from hers. He's mouth was near her ear and he whispered, "I'm sure a slut like you would do anything for money."

Yolei wasn't thinking. All she knew was what he said pissed her off, and the next thing she knew she slapped him. Yolei looked up into his shocked filled eyes and gave him a hateful look. "I'm not a slut and I would never sleep with you for money!" Yolei hissed in his face.

Yolei was ready to leave! How dare he call her a slut! This man didn't know her, and he was treating her like dirt! He was pissing her off. She needed to leave now. She put her hands-on Kai's chest and pushed. However, Kai was stronger than her and he wouldn't move. Yolei tried again but couldn't move him. She looked into his eyes and noticed they were cold. Maybe Yolei shouldn't have slapped him.

"Get out of my way!" Yolei yelled trying to move him.

Kai couldn't believe it. No one had ever slapped him and especially not a girl. He couldn't believe Yolei slapped him.

Who the hell did she think she was?! Kai looked at her and pushed her completely against the wall. He grabbed her hands and pinned them to the wall over her head, in one of his. He wasn't going to let her go so easily. No, he was going to make her suffer a bit.

"I can give you money but all you need to do is open your legs for me. And I know that would be easy for you. You were ready for Ken," Kai said as he brought his face closer to her. "And I'm sure you were ready the other night too."

Asshole! Yolei struggled in his arms. She wanted to leave. She didn't want this man treating her like this. And apart of Yolei was scared he would do something to her... just like Lee had. No... no... Ken wasn't friends with people like that! Kai won't force himself on her. Would he?

"No! I don't want your dirty money. NOW LET ME GO," Yolei spat at him.

"Why? Because it's not Ken's money? I know what you're trying to do! You want Ken to spread your legs. You want him to be the one that touches you, but you know you can never have him. You know that now that Britney's back, the only legs that will be spreading for Ken will be hers." Kai hissed. As he said that his hold on her tightened.

Fucker! Yolei didn't want to hear this! She couldn't believe what Kai was saying. Yolei wanted to run and cry. She knew what he was saying was the truth. But she didn't want to hear it! She wasn't going to let Kai get the better of her.

She looked him dead in the eyes and continued to struggle. Yolei stopped struggling and said, "You are a disgusting human being! And you know what, I would open my legs for anyone; just not you!" She lied.

Kai snapped. What the hell did she mean by that? Did she think she was better than him? Did Kai need to remind this girl who held all the power? Kai knew he needed to show Yolei her place; he needed to show Yolei that he could make her beg him to sleep with her! She was like all the other girls. They wanted him, she would too.

Kai wanted to hear Yolei scream from pleasure. He wanted to hear her cry out for him, wanted to hear her moan and show her that she was just like all the other girls. That she would open her legs for just any rich man.

Kai turned her around so fast that Yolei slammed against the wall that it took her breath away for a moment. She didn't know what was going on. Then she felt his body pushing onto her back and she felt his breath on her ear. "Let's see if you really hate me that much," Kai hissed as he let his free hand travel down her back.

Yolei froze when she felt his free hand travel down her body. She didn't know what was happening. One minute, Kai was yelling at her and the next he was touching her. Yolei wanted him to stop. She didn't like this. Yolei yelled when she felt his traveling down her skirt, then back up pulling her skirt up around her waist. His hand stopped at the top of her panties. No, no, not again. Yolei could feel the tears; no please! "STOP! Don't... don't do this!"

Even though Kai's touch was gentler than Lee's she hadn't recovered. She kept picture that night a dew days ago. She knew she was biting her lip hard, but she was scared. Just then she felt Kai's hand slip into her panties Yolei froze. The way Kai was touching her was different then the way Lee had. Even though Kai was being rough he wasn't hurting her like Lee had.

Kai smiled. This was what he wanted from her, but a little part of him wanted her to enjoy this; not to be so tensed. He brought his mouth to her neck and started kissing it, he could feel her struggling to be free, but he wasn't going to let her go, not yet. He wanted to teach her a lesson. Scare her a little.

"Ahh!" Yolei screamed as he touched her sensitive parts. Yolei closed her eyes and rested her head on the wall. His hand... his hand was touching her clit. He was rubbing it slowly, and Yolei tried to move away from his fingers. However, as she moved her lower lips away from him it would make his finger go faster. Yolei was scared, tensed and frozen; she didn't know what to do. She knew she was getting wet, but she didn't like it.

Just then she felt his index finger teasing into her wetness. Yolei wanted him to stop. She couldn't control her body. He... he! NO! Her stupid body had a mind of its own!

"You're so wet," Kai breathe into her ear. Yolei struggled again. She didn't want this. She grasped as she felt him push one finger into her hold lightly, teasing her. He smiled as her mouth opened in a silent moan. He leaned in again and whispered, "You like this don't you. You love being a tease," he pushed his finger in a bit deeper and Yolei hissed. "I was right. All you poor girls are good for one thing and that's to be fucked," Kai hissed, in hate.

The words broke her out of her state and finally let the tears come rolling down. She didn't know what was happening to her; she couldn't move or talk, but she wanted him to stop! Once those words left his mouth she was reminded about Lee and all she could hear, smell and feel was Lee! No!

"STOP! I said STOP! I'M NOT LIKE THAT! I ONLY WANT KEN!" She screamed; sobbing uncontrollable.

Kai did stop. He let her go and took a step back. What the hell was he thinking? He watched as Yolei turned on shaking legs and wrapped her arms around her body. She looked up at him with tears of fear and said, "You're wrong! I will never sleep with you for money! I don't need your dirty money!" With that Yolei nearly ran out of the room. Kai watched as the purple hair woman ran. He couldn't believe what he just done.

Kai ran his hands in his hair and sighed. Kai had never treated a woman like he'd just treated Yolei. He didn't know what he was thinking when he grabbed her. He wasn't even sure what came over him when he slipped his hand into her panties. He wasn't planning of doing that it just happened. He's like the feeling of her in is arms, he'd like the smell of her. However, when she started insulting him and talking about Ken; Kai had lost it.

But now that Kai had felt her, he wanted to feel her again. He wanted to run his hands all over her. He wanted to hear her moan and scream for him! What was he thinking? Kai shouldn't have even touched her like that! Kai wanted to cause problems in Ken and Yolei's relationship. He wanted Yolei and Ken to stop seeing each other. Kai wanted to make Ken's life a living hell and he wanted to start by breaking those two up. But he hadn't wanted to treat her so low. He needed to be careful when he was around her. He needed to make sure he didn't let his lust take over.


Yolei laid on her bed and wrapped her arms around herself. She had taken a long shower and could still feel Kai's hands on her.

Yolei didn't like this! She hardly knew the man and he had touched her like a lover. Yolei couldn't believe she had let him! She couldn't believe that she didn't stop him sooner. All the times before she had seen him, he had treated her like he could care less who she was. She never thought he would do something like this.

Taking a deep breath Yolei knew she couldn't let this happen again! She couldn't meet Ken's friend and if she did, she wanted Ken to be with her... but she wanted to get out of Ken's life. She needed to get out of Ken. No matter what, she needed to distance herself?

Just then the phone started ringing. Yolei got up and picked it; it was her mother's doctor. Yolei held her breath; hoping it wasn't bad news.

"Hello! Dr. Taki is everything okay?" Yolei asked. She wanted to know what was wrong... the doctor wouldn't call if it wasn't something important.

"Yolei we need to talk about your mother's treatment. There's not much time. If we want to get her into the experimental treatment, we need the payments," Dr. Taki said.

Yolei knew she needed the money she just didn't know where to get it. She had tried everything with no luck. She just wished she could get it soon. She didn't want anything to happen to her mother.

"Don't worry Dr. Taki I'll get the money soon," Yolei said. She was going to do whatever she could. She would make her mother better soon. She was not giving up on her mother.

"I know you will Yolei." The doctor said before he hung up. Yolei frowned, she knew she had to do something, and she would.

Just as Yolei was about to put the phone away; it started to ring again. Looking at the caller ID she saw it was Mimi. Yolei wasn't sure if she was in the mood of talking right now. However, after taking a few deep breaths she answered, "Yolei! What happened?! Why was Ken in your bed the other night?! You have to tell me!" Mimi yelled.

Blushing Yolei knew Mimi would be excited! Yolei was surprised that Mini waited 3 days to finally hear what had happened. "Mimi nothing happened... actually I need to talk to you," Yolei said. She wanted to tell Mimi everything that was going on. She wanted to tell Mimi about Lee, her mother, Ken and Kai. She needed to share these things with someone. She needed a friend.

So, they planned to meet up tomorrow afternoon at one of Mimi's favourite coffee shop.


"Mimi! I don't know what to do?! I feel like my life's a mess right now!" Yolei said as she put her head on the table. She had just filled Mimi in on everything that had happened over the past months.

Mimi couldn't believe what Yolei had been through! And she couldn't believe that Yolei was ready to give Ken to Britney. So, what if this Britney girl and Ken use to be a couple, and that this girl was a super model... Yolei had been in love with Ken since they were young, plus Mimi had always thought Ken and Yolei were meant to be. All the digidestined knew they were meant to be.

Beside Mimi couldn't believe what Yolei said about Ken's friend Kai. He had forced himself on Yolei! Mimi had seen his pictures in a lot of magazines and knew he was sexy! The man was tall, and you could tell he worked out! Man, why were all the hot guys after her friend?

"Wow Yolei, you sure are lucky! You have all these rich, hot guys falling for you," Mimi laughed, then smiled as she saw Yolei frown.

"Yea... lucky me... the only problem is that the one I want doesn't even look at me because his soul mate is back." Yolei said.

Mimi became serious. If Yolei really wanted Ken, then she shouldn't give up. No matter what or who came in her way, Yolei needed to fight for Ken. "Yolei if you really want Ken then you shouldn't let this Britney take him from you. If you really love him, fight for him. Show him that his true soulmate is you, not her! Don't let anyone come in your way, not even this Kai guy!"

"I'm not sure... I mean I have other things to worry about. I don't think I have time to fight for him, as well," Yolei started saying.

Mimi frowned, she hated when Yolei did this. Yolei had given up on everything, since her parent's accident. She had quit school, gave up on her dreams and even had stopped dating for a while. Mimi knew once Yolei's mother was better she'd be disappointment to hear how much Yolei had lost. Mimi wanted to see Yolei happy, and what made Yolei happy was Ken! Mimi was not going to let Yolei lose him.

"Yolei, you can do this! You love Ken you always have! Showed him that you are the only person for him and fight for the man! Show him how much you love him. The old Yolei I knew would fight for what she wanted and not give up!"

Yolei thought about it and agreed with what Mimi said. Yolei had been hiding for too long. She needed to fight for Ken. She needed to show him how much she loved him and how she was the right woman for him. She needed to try. Didn't she deserver some happiness?

Standing up Yolei looked down at Mimi and said, "You're right! I'm going to tell Ken that I'm the right girl for him! I'm going to tell him he's making a mistake by choosing Britney over me! And that I love him and always have!"

Mimi smiled and said, "That's my girl! And once you say that kiss him!"

"Yea! That's what I'm going to do!" Yolei said, grabbing her things. She was ready to leave! Nothing was going to stop her now!

Mimi just needed to add two more thing before she let her friend go, " Also make sure you tell him everything that's been happening with you and good luck girl!"

Yolei nodded her head and started her way to Ken's office.

She was going to tell him for sure, there was nothing that could stop her now. Yolei was so happy. She couldn't believe she was doing this! All her life she had dreamt of the day she would tell Ken how much she loved him. Now she was going to do it.

As she got to Ken's office she stopped. Yolei was nervous and starting to have second thoughts. Was this really a smart thing to do?! No, she couldn't be thinking like this now. She needed to do this, or she would never be able to tell him. She was going to fight for her happy ending with Ken!


Yolei walked into Ken's office and noticed him standing in front of his desk. She wanted to tell him how she felt before she changed her mind. Walking over towards him excitedly, she grabbed onto his shirt. She nearly screamed, "KEN!"

"Yolei," he said in surprise. He wasn't expecting to see her. What surprised him more was that without saying anything she came charging into his office and grabbed onto his shirt.

"KEN! I need to tell you something," Yolei said. She was ready. She could do this! Yes, she could!

Just when she was about to tell him how she felt, someone else started talking.

"Are you going to confess your love to him?" Kira's voice came from behind her. Yolei slowly let go of Ken's shirt and stepped back. Oh NO! There were other people in the room. Yolei couldn't believe it! She couldn't believe she had just walked into Ken's office without thinking if he was alone or not. She had been so excited to just tell him she loved him! And now... now she had just made a fool of herself. Yolei wanted to disappear. She was frozen and couldn't think or move. Stupid, stupid Yolei!

"Nice job Kira. You scared her. Now we won't know what she was going to tell Ken," Ryuu's voice came. Shit, not only Kira was here but so was Ryuu. Yolei wished it was only these two! She really hoped Kai wasn't anywhere around! She couldn't face him... not right now, not ever.

"Shut up guys," Ken said as he frowned at his friends. Ken turned his attention towards Yolei again, "Yolei what is it?" Ken asked worried. He hadn't seen Yolei after what Lee had done to her. He had meant to call to check up on her but ended up getting busy. He had felt bad for leaving her early that morning, but he had to be at work for an important meeting. Now that he was seeing her, she seemed like she had to say something important. Ken wanted to know what was bothering her.

"I...It's nothing! I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for... for you know," Yolei said as she started walking backwards to the door. She wanted to get out as fast as she could without embarrassing herself more.

"Leaving so soon," a different voice said. Yolei tensed and froze. She knew that voice and didn't like it! Yolei turned around and started in Kai's eyes. Yolei took a step back noticing how close they were. Yolei wasn't ready to deal with him. She still couldn't get over what he did to her.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Yolei ignored him and looked at Ken. "I should be leaving I left Hawkmon alone in the shop." She lied.

Yolei was about to leave again however, Kai grabbed onto her arm stopping her. Yolei looked up at him in fear. 'No, no calm down Yolei; he's not going to do anything here with Ken around,' Yolei told herself. So, she sent him a dirty glare. What was he thinking?! What would Ken think?! Yolei panicked, she didn't want Ken to get the wrong idea.

Ripping her arm out of Kai's arm, she hissed, "Don't," then turned to give Ken a sweet smile as she started her way out again. She was not going to let Kai get the better of her.

However, just when she was about to leave, she was stopped again. This time Ryuu grabbed her hand stopping her from leaving. He dragged her back deeper into the room near Kira and Ken.

"Yolei! You should come with us! Kira owns a beach resort in the east and we all are going next weekend; you should come along. It would be great to get to know you better. We would love to learn more about one of Ken's childhood friends," Ryuu smiled and he saw the surprised look on Yolei's face.

Yolei didn't know what to say. She knew this was a bad idea and she didn't wanted to go. However, she would be near Ken and maybe something would happen between them. NO, she couldn't go. "No! I mean no I can't come... sorry!" Yolei said trying to get out of Ryuu's hold. She wanted to leave!

"Come on! It will be fun!" Ryuu said. It would be fun to watch this clown make a fool of herself. He turned towards Ken. Maybe Ken could get her to agree. "Come on Ken... wouldn't it be fun?"

Out of shock Ken said yes. Yolei looked at him and held back a smile. He wanted her to come?!

But Yolei knew she couldn't go. "I'm really busy, sorry."

"Get someone else to cover for you," Ryuu said as he finally let her go.

"No, I can't. Sorry. Maybe next time!" with that Yolei ran towards the door. Once she was outside, she took a deep breath! She couldn't believe that just happened!


Ryuu couldn't stop laughing once Yolei was gone. Teasing the purple head woman was a lot of fun, and if she came with them to the resort there would be a lot more of this!

Ken didn't like this. He knew his friends didn't get along well with others, and he knew his friends didn't like Yolei much and vice versa. He could see the dislike in Yolei's eyes every time she was around them.

However, Ryuu and the gang were family and he wanted them to get along with Yolei. She was special to him. Ken had lost her once; he wasn't ready to lose her again.

"What are you doing?" Ken asked Ryuu. He wanted to know why Ryuu invited Yolei.

"Come on Ken! I just thought it would be a good idea. I mean we are family and we should get to know your childhood friend!" Ryuu said smiling.

Ken wasn't so sure about that but sighed. Ryuu looked towards Kai and noticed the man didn't like the idea either. Ryuu knew something was up with Yolei and Kai and he was going to find out what.

"Wouldn't it be fun if she came along?" Ryuu asked looking at Kai. He wanted to know what Kai had to say.

Kai however, didn't say anything. He just looked at Ryuu and then started his way out. Kai wasn't sure if this was a good idea. For some reason every time he was around her, he would do things he didn't mean. Just now he wanted to apologize for what he had done to her in his office; however, he had grabbed onto her. He didn't know what came over him when he was around her.

Kira looked towards Ken and then Ryuu. Ken was about to say something however his phone started ringing. With that Ken left the room to answer his call. Once he was gone Kira turned towards Ryuu.

"Ryuu, what was that about?" Kira asked. He didn't understand why Ryuu would invite her. She was an outsider.

Ryuu smiled and said, "Wouldn't it be fun if we had some entertainment. Come on that girl wouldn't fit in and she's crushing for Ken. Wouldn't it be fun watching her trying to take Ken away from Britney?"

Kira smiled, Ken still had feelings for Britney, everyone could see the way they looked at each other. Yolei coming along... now that would be fun! He kind of felt sorry for the little nerd. She had no change of taking Ken.



**Please note if you need help please see link below with agencies in hopefully your country that can help you. Sexual assault is a serious issue so please seek help if you need it!


Please keep safe!

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