Love is Eternity

By dEaYrEkSness

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Yolei Inoue is struggling to live the happy, perfect life she ones lived. With tragedy striking her family sh... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 5

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By dEaYrEkSness

Reminders: Minor details may be incorrect. This story contains OCs and some characters maybe OCC. Sorry for my grammar/spelling, and please no flames.

Note: This story does contain smut, lime, maybe even lemons; I suck at writing them thou.

WARNING: This story contains strong language. Rated M for language, violence, and mature content. You've been warned!

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon.

Chapter 5

Yolei woke up with a headache. She didn't know what time she fell asleep last night but she knew it been late. Getting out of bed she looked at the time and panicked. It was 9am already! Shit, she needed to take Wormmon to Ken and then open the shop. Plus, she still needed to visit her mother. Rushing out of bed she ran into the bathroom to get ready.

She washed her face but suddenly stopped. Looking at herself in the mirror, Yolei frowned. Her eyes were swollen and pink. Crap it looked like she'd been crying all night. This wasn't good she couldn't let Ken know she had cried and that he was the reason.

She took some time trying to get them to look better, and once they were decent, she went looking for something to wear. Finally, when she was ready, Yolei went to wake up Hawkmon and Wormmon.

She found them sleeping on the couch with the TV still on. She should have checked on them last night before falling asleep. It was too late to worry about that now. She made her way over and started waking Wormmon. However; as she grabbed for him, Wormmon got startled and jumped out of her arms. Which resulted in Yolei tripping back and hitting her head against the coffee table as she landed on the ground. Thankfully the impact wasn't too hard.

Wormmon recovered quickly and looked down at Yolei in guilt. Running over he asked if she was okay. Yolei shook her head yes and told him it was just a little bump. Shaking her head again she quickly stood up and grabbed the worm. She started towards the exit and called Hawkmon to wake up. She needed to leave ASAP.

Hawkmon did wake up and looking over at his partner. He saw Wormmon in her arms and she was headed towards the door. She was saying something to him.

"Hawkmon, I'm going to drop Wormmon off. You need to get Mako to open the shop today okay?! I'm leaving you in charge," Yolei finished as she exited the apartment.

Hawkmon stared at the closed door in confusion for a while, until he finally decided to go back to sleep... whatever Yolei wanted him to do could wait.


As Yolei started her way to Ken's office, she couldn't help but notice Wormmon watching her.

"Are you sure you're okay? That looked like it hurt," Wormmon finally said. He felt bad for what he'd done this morning. She had surprised him. He had expected to see Ken but instead seen a woman and panicked... before he remembered where he was.

"Don't worry, I fall all the time so it's no big deal," Yolei said smiling down at him, "Hey are you hungry? I'm sorry I was in a rush that I forgot to ask."

Wormmon shook his head no and continued to look at her, "Yolei... I'm sorry about your father."

Yolei stopped walking for a second and looked down at him. Smiling she said, "Thank you. But I'm okay... It's been a while... I'm getting over it. Now we better get you back to Ken." With that she started again. Yolei lied, she couldn't forget her father. She missed him and everyday wished he were still here. However, she was trying to move on and as hard as it was Yolei knew she could do it.

They walked in quiet for a while; only as they neared Ken's office did Yolei start talking again.

"Hey Wormmon, do me a favour? Can you keep this a secret from Ken," She didn't look down at him but hear him say yes? She started again, "And... umm...can you tell Ken I don't need the money," she finished. She would rip up his cheque when she got back home.

Wormmon looked up at her in shock. What did she mean she didn't need the money anymore? Hawkmon said she needed it to help her mother get better. "What are you talking about Yolei? You need this money! You have to take it."

"It's true I need money...but I'll get it from somewhere else. I don't feel right taking it from Ken. I'll get the money from a bank loan or a company loan. So, don't worry about it. And Wormmon don't tell Hawkmon or Ken about the money thing," Yolei said. She knew what she was doing, and she thought it was for the best. This way Ken didn't owe her anything and could go back to his old life, without her in it. She knew she could find money from somewhere, maybe if all failed she's ask Mimi for some help?

Wormmon didn't agree. Turning in her arms he said, "Yolei I think this is a mistake. You're keeping everything inside and you think you can do everything on your own. I don't like it. You're just putting more stress on yourself."

She understood what he meant but she been alone for years; she could handle things on her own. She really didn't trust anyone... plus it was too hard to let others in anymore, they only even disappointed her. "Please Wormmon, I don't want to get hurt. Just don't tell them okay?" She begged.

Wormmon frowned but agreed. He knew what she was doing was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything else to say to change her mind. If this was what Yolei wanted, then he would respect her wishes.

Just then they reached their location. Looking up at the building Yolei started getting nervous. Why was she so nervous suddenly? Taking a deep breath, she entered the building. Looking around all she saw were people wandering the lobby. Why was it that every time she stepped into Ken's company she got overwhelmed?

Shaking her head, she started walking towards the elevators. However, was stopped as she crashed into someone. Yolei let go of Wormmon and he went flying from her arms. Recovering quickly, she panicked and ran to catch him. However, ended up tripping over her own feet and landing face first into the ground, followed by a hard ball falling on her back. SHIT!

"Oh Yolei! Are you okay? I'm so sorry... again," Wormmon said as he got off her and went to face the poor girl.

Yolei could feel her cheeks burning. She was so embarrassed, and she could hear people laughing at her. It wasn't like she fit in here in the first place. Now she had made herself stick out more. Sitting up her eyes landed on the man she crashed into. He was just staring at her... not even making a move to help her up! When he caught her eyes, he turned away and started his way out of the building; however, he didn't get far as Yolei's angry voice stopped him.

"HEY YOU JACKASS! WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? Can't even say sorry," Yolei yelled, saying the last part to herself as she stood. She dusted her clothing and turned back towards the elevator and was about to keep walking but was startled as she noticed the man had moved and was in front of her, blocking her path.

"YOU! Get out of my way! And get your eyes check while you're at it! If you need the number of an opticians, I may have one for you," she hissed as she gave him a dirty death glare. She was so mad! She wasn't sure what she was yelling but hoped it was good.

He stared back but didn't say anything. He was going to turn around but was stopped when he heard his name being called.

"YO KAI! I've been looking for you," Ryuu said as he walked over.

Kai looked at the purple haired woman then turned to look at Ryuu, just as he caught up. "Yo man, I've been looking everywhere for you. Come let's go back," Rynn finished.

Looking at Ryuu he hadn't noticed the woman getting out of his way and starting her way back to the elevators.


Grabbing Wormmon, Yolei started towards the elevators. Hopefully she wouldn't see that awful man again. Just as she was about to get in the open elevator she was stopped again. Looking back, she noticed that Kai guy had grabbed her arm but now another man stood beside him. "What?" she hissed rudely.

He handed her something, looking down she noticed it was her purse. "I think you need that," he said and with that he turned and made his way out of the building.

"Thank you!" Yolei yelled back as the doors started closed.

Wormmon looked up with worry. "Yolei you okay. I mean you got hurt again... and it was my fault"

"Nope- I mean I'm fine! Didn't I tell you I always get hurt! Wormmon it wasn't your fault," She said giving him a thumbs up to show him she was fine.

The truth was her body was aching. She had a headache and her whole body was numb. But she couldn't tell Wormmon that, she didn't want the poor guy to worry about her. So she just keep that smile on her face and they went up to Ken's floor. She just wanted this day to end!


Kai stood outside getting some fresh air. This was just great, all Kai wanted was to be left alone; instead he had crashed into some weird, annoying woman; that yelled at him then thanked him.

As weird as she was Kai found her interesting. She was different from all the other women he'd known or had an interest in him. There was something about her...

The woman hadn't even been interested in him; she didn't even look at him with those bedroom eyes that he was used to getting from all other woman. She didn't even give him a double look. Kai wasn't even sure she ever really looked at him.

"Kai, come on let's go back in. I think you've had enough time to calm down. Ken really wanted to talk to you." Ryuu said as he came out to find Kai.

Yea right, like Ken cared. Ken was just putting on an act. Kai knew that Ken was always a fake. Ken wasn't showing anyone his true colours; he was playing them all. "Yea...whatever," Kai said as he followed Ryuu back in.

"So, who was the nerd? Come on who wears glasses in this generation? It's contacts all the way," Ryuu said as he remembered the pissed off woman that had been yelling at Kai before. She had big round glasses with her crazy purple hair. She sure was an eye sour...wait she did fit the description of Ken's childhood friend; the one Hina had mention.

Wait! Wait! That was her! Shit, Ken had to be kidding... that woman wasn't even close to the standards of a woman someone like Ken should date. Man, she wasn't even close to looking average. She'd looked like a clown or a crazy woman. No that couldn't be the girl Ken was seeing. Laughing at the thought he made his way back to Ken's room, as Kai followed.


Yolei stood in front of Ken's closed office door. Maybe she should just send Wormmon in from here and leave. She had so much to do; she still needed to open the shop; she knew Hawkmon probably went back to sleep. She also had to visit her mother. Or maybe it was just that she wasn't ready to face Ken after what had happened between them yesterday. She wasn't ready to hear Ken tell her that everything they had done together had been a mistake and that they should go back to being just friends. Oh God, she couldn't face hearing that... with that thought in mind she knew just what to do.

Bending down she placed Wormmon on the ground and stood back up. She looked down at the digimon and said, "okay Wormmon I'm going to leave from here. You go in and tell Ken I wa-" She didn't get to finish as two strong arms wrapped around her waist, lifting her up. The next thing she knew she was being taken to Ken's office.


The doors opened with a bang and all eyes turned.

"HEY! LET ME DOWN!" Yolei screamed and struggled; as some blonde-haired man carried her into the room. Oh God, Yolei wanted to kill this man right now. Who the hell did he think he was?! Who was he anyways?!

Walking into the center of the room he dropped her down. Yolei closed her eyes from the impact landing on her butt hard. "OW..." Yolei hissed as she rubbed her bottom. She'd had enough for one day.

"Yolei are you okay," Ken asked as he came over to help her up. Yolei looked up at Ken and noticed their faces are inches away, blushing she took his hand and stood. Once she was standing, she took a step away putting some distances between them.

"Look! I found Ken's friend." Ryuu said, with a smug look on his face. He had to say, he didn't like the way this 'friend' of Ken's was looking at him.

"WOW! Someone give him a cookie," Yolei hissed, under her breath. Unfortunately, it was loud enough for the others in the room to hear; as they started to laugh. She turned to the man that spoken and noticed the man frowning at her.

"I think you forgot to tell us she has a sailor's mouth," Kira said laughing as he turned towards Ken.

Ken just shrugged his shoulders and looked towards the door to notice Wormmon coming into the room. That explained what Yolei was going here at his office. Crap... he had forgotten what had happened between them last night. He needed to talk to her... alone; just not today.

"Oh my Yolei, are you okay?" Wormmon said coming towards Yolei. All eyes turned to the worm and before the digimon could reach Yolei, he was picked up by some random woman.

"So, this is Wormmon?! He's so cute! Kai should see him," Hiyu said smiling, as she hugged the digimon in her arms. She loved small things, and Wormmon was so adorable!

Wormmon struggled to get free but he couldn't. After a few failed attempts he gave up and let the woman manhandle him.

"This is your friend Yolei? I still don't see what you saw in her...I mean look at her," came Ryuu's rude remark.

Yolei shot this man a hatefully look; she did not like the man. Well two could play the insult game. "Well I don't know what Ken sees in a girlish boy like you?" She hissed back and smiled when his frowned deepened.

Ken looked from Yolei to Ryuu and knew he needed to stop them before things go out of hand. He jumped in and started to introduce Yolei to the rest of his friends. "Yolei, these are my friends. That's Kira."

"Hey," Kira said.

"That's Hiyu."

"Yea, yea," she said as she continued to play with Wormmon.

"...and that's Ryuu," Ken said carefully.

Ryuu just gave her a death glare. Yep Ryuu did not like the girl.

"Everyone this is Yolei, my childhood friend," Ken finished.

Friend?! He called her a friend... and a childhood friend at that. Was that all he saw her as? Then what had all those things he's said to her been? What about how he touched her? You didn't touch a 'just friend' like that! She hated knowing that's how he saw her. Maybe now that Britney was back, he knew that he didn't have feelings for Yolei; maybe he was just lonely?! Shaking her head of the depressing thoughts, she turned towards Ken, "Umm... well I better be going. It was nice meeting some of you," she said smiling, then she turned towards the door. She was about to exit when she heard Ryuu speaking to her. She turned her head in his direction as she continued towards the door. What did the man have to say now?

"Now it's rude if you don't meet Kai before you leave," Ryuu said, his smile widening.

Kai where had she heard that name before? Just as she turned her attention back in front; she crashed into something hard. She would have fallen backwards if she hadn't grabbed onto something. Once she was sure she wasn't going to fall, she looked at what she had grabbed and frowned as it was a male's shirt. Oh no this couldn't be good... she looked up at the person and froze.

Kai looked down at the woman in his arms. What was wrong with her? This was her second time she'd crashed into him... what was she crazy or just blind?

Yolei looked up in shock. Oh God this was Ken's friend too?! Why couldn't Ken be friends with nice, caring, normal people?! Yolei gave Kai a death glare before she let go of his shirt and took a step back. She looked down embarrassed for a second then looked up only to see Kai coming closer to her face. Oh God, Yolei quickly took another step back putting space between them.

Ken watched the scene in front of him not liking this one bit. Why did it seem like Kai and Yolei knew each other? Beside Kai and Yolei both looked mad... and the way Kai was leading close to Yolei only meant things were going to get worse. Before that could happen, Ken started his way over to the two only to be stopped as Ryuu grabbed his arm and saying, "Come now Ken. Just sit back and enjoy the show." That was one thing Ken couldn't do.

Yolei panicked as she noticed Kai still coming closer. What was he doing?! Was he crazy! Finally, he stopped inches from her face. Yolei would have relaxed but he was still too close for comfort. Yolei was just about to move away but his words stopped her.

"Maybe YOU need better glasses. Or is it that you find me so irresistible that you keep falling into my arms," Kai said. He smiled at the look on her face. He had used her own words against her.

Yolei wasn't going to let this rich brat get the best of her... and beside she did NOT fall into his arms. Fine! If he wanted her to be a bitch, she could do just that, "It I remember correctly, this morning I did my best to fall far away from you or your arms! Now I must go," Yolei hissed. What the hell? 'I must go?' who says that. Yolei wanted to slap herself. No, first she needed to get out of here. She quickly turned towards Ken to show him she was okay. Smiling she said, "Bye Ken!"

With that she sidestepped Kai and started towards the door. As she exited Ken's office Yolei let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. That had been crazy! Hopefully she won't meet Ken's friends again.

With that thought in mind she really had to leave. Knowing Hawkmon he was back at home sleeping. Maybe she should leave him and head straight for the store. With that plan she started her way out.


As Yolei left the room; all eyes turned to stare at Kai in shock. Had Kai just smiled? The mysterious, cold hearted man who doesn't like anything or anyone... that Kai?!

Hiyu frowned, she didn't like this. Kai was hers even though he didn't know it. In all the time she knew him, Kai had never smiled at her like that. Hiyu was not pleased. She needed to watch out for that purple haired girl.

It was quiet for a while until Ryuu started talking. "Slow down there Kai... I don't think Ken will just hand over the little firecracker to you," Ryuu laughed. He found this whole situation rather interesting. Kai was known for not taking many women, he was picky with the women he 'dated'; more like slept with. So, there was no way Kai was interested in Ken's childhood friend. And if he was then Kai had some bad taste in women.

Kai frowned, sure he found Yolei interesting but that didn't mean he liked her. Kai knew what type of women he wanted, and she wasn't it. He didn't want his friends getting the wrong idea. He needed to make it perfectly clear he had no interest in the girl. "You're thinking too much into it Ryuu," Kai hissed.

Ken didn't like this; he didn't like the fact that his friends were becoming too interested in Yolei. The last thing he wanted were for his friends to get involved in Yolei's life... they were rather strong, and loud. The last thing he wanted was for his friend to hurt Yolei. they won't hurt her. Yolei was going to be okay. Shaking the thought out of his mind he turned his attention to a struggling Wormmon.

"Ken...get her off!" Wormmon cried. He couldn't breathe! This girl was squeezing him to death.

Laughing Ken as he walked over and took Wormmon from Hiyu. Hiyu frowned at the worm, then turned her attention back towards Ken and smiled.

"So, have you seen Britney yet," Ryuu asked as he sat down in Ken's chair.


The store been busy all day and Yolei had no idea why. But thankfully that helped keep her mind off of Ken. Well that was until now. Now that the rush had slowed down, her thoughts kept wandering to Ken and this morning. It still hurt to hear him call her a friend. How could he call her that after everything that happened between them these past days? How could he change his feelings for her so quickly?!, Yolei needed to stop thinking about this. She had made her decision about this already. She was to leave Ken alone... so him calling her a childhood friend shouldn't be bothering her! She needed to get Ken out of her mind and move on with her life. The only way to do that was to focus on helping her mother.

With that she shook her head getting rid of thoughts of Ken and got back to work. However, she hadn't noticed the person that entered her shop and that currently stood right in front of her.

That was until the person started talking, "Hi...are you Yolei?"

Yolei's head snapped up at the new voice and to her surprise Yolei noticed Britney standing there. What was Britney doing here? And why was she looking for Yolei?

"Yes that's me," said Yolei, putting as fake smile on her face, before she continued, "how are you doing? I mean after yesterday..." Yolei trailed off. She had no idea why Ken's ex was here looking for her. What did Britney have to say?!

"I'm fine thank you. I... I just wanted to thank you in person for helping me. And I wanted to say I'm sorry for ruining your date last night," she apologized bowing.

Yolei frowned. Shit, why did Ken's ex have to be so nice? Why couldn't she be like the other stuck up women he dated?! How could Yolei hate a sweet, innocent girl like Britney? Yolei couldn't hate her... and if she did Yolei looked like the bad guy.

Crap, Yolei could see why Ken had fallen for Britney... they just made a great couple. They really did belong together.

"No! Don't worry about it. It wasn't a date. We're just friend hanging out," Yolei quickly said. Wow that hurt.

Britney smiled up at Yolei. "Umm... it was nice meeting you, and again thank you for yesterday. By the way I'm Britney," she finished; offering Yolei her hand.

Smiling Yolei shook her hand and introduced herself as well, "I'm Yolei. It was great meeting you too."

Yolei just hoped this girl would leave now. Yolei felt like shit.

It was as if Britney heard. She said, "Well I guess I better be leaving. I'd love to get to know you better. We should hangout sometime."

"Yea that would be great," Yolei heard herself saying. What the hell was she saying?!

Britney smiled, with that she gave Yolei a quick wave goodbye and left.

Yolei watched as Britney walked to her waiting car. Now Yolei didn't feel like working; she just felt like going home and hiding in bed for the rest of the day. Why did Britney have to be so perfect?! Why couldn't she be mean, rude or a spoiled brat... damn! No, Yolei couldn't let this get her down. She had already agreed she was giving up on Ken; so, she shouldn't let Britney coming back into Ken's life bother her.

No Yolei was done thinking of this, she was done with it all. Turning her attention back to her work she busied herself until she completely forgot about Ken, his friends, his love, and his kisses.


Ken smiled, it seemed like they'd spent the whole day doing nothing but chatting about the old days. He was so glad that his friends were back. He really did miss them over these past months.

Ken listened as his friends told him stories about their trip. He sure missed out on a fun trip it seemed.

Just then there was a knock on the office door. All eyes turned towards the door. Ryuu smiled as he stood up and made his way over to answer it. "I invited a friend," he said as he opened it.

Ken turned his attention to the door and froze. He watched as Britney came in, looking as beautiful as always. Ken's heart skipped a beat. He didn't think he would be seeing her again so soon... he wasn't sure if he was ready for it.

She looked up and smiled at Ken; "Hi," she said.

Ken smiled back, even thou they have been though so much Ken was happy to see her again. "Hey," Ken said and was glad when she smiled at him shyly.

Kai frowned as he watched the two ex-lovers. He didn't like it. It seemed like Ken still had feelings for Britney and vice versa. Kai had never liked Ken, from day one when Ryuu introduced Ken. Kai had thought Ken was a fake and still did. Ken was too kind... no one could be that kind. Kai believed everything about Ken was fake and because of that Kai hated Ken with a passion. Even if Ryuu thought of Ken as a friend, Kai never would; and one day Kai would show everyone Ken's true colours... that deep down Ken was a bastard, a fake.

Thinking of Ken brought a certain purple haired girl to mind and Kai frowned deeper. From what Kai could tell Yolei also had feeling for Ken, but he wasn't sure if Ken felt the same way about her. It drove him crazy... what was so great about Ken?!

Beside now that Britney was back what was Ken going to do about his little childhood friend? Would he dump her and get back with Britney or would he forget Britney and go for Yolei? One thing for sure there was no way Ken could have both women, Ken needed to choose who he wanted more. Fuck... why did Kai care who Ken ended up with?! Shit... he needed sometime alone to clear his head. With that thought Kai headed back outside for some fresh air.

However, he was stopped as Britney moved into his path. He saw that she was about to say something, but Kai sidestepped and walked out before she could. He was not ready for her yet.

Ryuu frowned as he watched Kai leave the room. That was just like Kai to leave in the middle of something exciting. Why couldn't Kai be more friendly and social like the rest of them? Shaking his head Ryuu told the others not to worry about Kai and with that they all continued their conversation.


Later that evening when all of Ken's friends were gone Wormmon finally came over to Ken's desk. Ken been busy with his friends all day that Wormmon had left Ken alone for a while... plus he wanted to be away from the crazy woman that wouldn't let him be. But now that Ken was free Wormmon finally showed himself.

"Ken you seem so happy," Wormmon stated.

Ken smiled back and picked up the worm placing him on the desk. Ken was happy; he was happy he had his friends back, friends that understood what he was going through. Beside Britney was back. Ken hadn't been sure how he would have felt, but he found it felt like old times with her. They didn't have any negative feelings after the break up and Ken was really glad she was back.

"I am happy, I'm glad they're back. You have no idea how bored I was without them. You know Wormmon, Ryuu is like a brother to me," Ken said, standing up.

Wormmon looked up at Ken in surprise then smiled. It was great Ken was close to this Ryuu guy, they had seemed the closest today. Plus, all Wormmon wanted was for Ken to be happy. It was weird how much had changed in Ken's life. It seemed this were his new friend... Wormmon wondered if Ken still talked to the other digidestined? That reminded Wormmon of his conversation with Yolei this morning. He needed to give Ken her message.

"Ken, Yolei wanted me to tell you that she changed her mind about the money she needed to borrow," Wormmon said watching what Ken would say. Wormmon really wanted to tell Ken that she was being stubborn and that she needed his help, but he had promised her. He couldn't hurt Yolei and tell her secrets so he continued with what he could tell Ken, "she said she couldn't- she didn't need the money anymore."

Ken frowned at what he heard. What did Yolei mean she didn't need it? When she had first asked, she seemed like she desperate. What could have changed suddenly?

Taking a deep breath, he nodded his head okay. He would talk to her and see what changed her mind. Frowning, he told Wormmon he would go see her after work.

And after work, that's what Ken did. He headed for Yolei's shop. Sure, it was late however, Ken knew Yolei would still be there. As he got in front of her store, he knew he had been right. He could see a lone figure moving inside. He started his way in only turning to see Wormmon still in the car. Wormmon told him to go without him that it would be better if the two of them talked alone. So, with that Ken went in.

Yolei turned towards the door as it opened, damn she should have locked that front door. She had closed shop a few minutes ago and had sent Mako home saying she needed to finish up a few things before she headed home too. Just as she was about to tell the person they were closed she stopped when she noticed who it was. Yolei was surprised to see Ken. What was Ken doing here? Did he come because of the money? She frowned at the thought.

"Hi Ken," Yolei smiled as she walked closer to him. Ken smiled back at her. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I came to see a friend," Ken teased. Sure, he had seen her this morning, but why couldn't he visit her again. "Yolei I need to talk to you about the money. Wormmon told me you don't need it anymore? Why? I mean before you seemed like it was urgent. So, I'm wondering what changed all of a sudden."

"I just don't need it anymore. Ken please don't ask more of me. I wouldn't be able to tell you. I just don't need the money anymore; let's leave it at that," Yolei said. She couldn't tell him she was giving back his money so she could get out of his life forever. So, he could live his life like he used to without her in it.

Ken frowned at her answer. She was hiding something; something he knew she never wanted to share... well not with him. All that times they'd spent together he knew she had many secrets, but she would never tell him. Ken knew Yolei was stubborn and didn't know if he could convince her to take the money or tell him why she changed her mind.

"Yolei I really think you shoul-" Ken started only to be cut off by Yolei.

"Ken really! I don't need your money! Beside I didn't think I could go through with the agreement we had made. I'm sorry but I can't give you what you wanted," Yolei said. She couldn't give him her shop or her body. But she really wanted to... well the latter. She really wanted to be with Ken; she wanted to give Ken everything, but she couldn't. She just hoped he understood.

Ken was quiet for a while before he finally said, "Fine, if that's what you want." Yolei could tell he was not happy with what she had said, but this was for the best.

Yolei put on a fake smile on. She needed to show Ken that this was what she wanted. "Thank you for understanding."

"Well I guess I should be going then," Ken said awkwardly.

All Yolei could do was nod. She wanted to slap herself. She hated she was doing this, but it would be the best... but for who?

With that Ken turned toward the exit.

Yolei frowned as she watched Ken leave her shop and maybe even her life.


It been days since Yolei last seen Ken and apart of her missed him. He hadn't been around to see her or even call her... he must be busy with his other friends. But another part of Yolei thought it was a good thing Ken hadn't seen her. She needed him out of her life, and he was making it easier.

Sighing Yolei knew she couldn't keep thinking about Ken; if she did she would go crazy. Smiling she looked at the time as it read 11pm, damn she needed to head home. Yolei had stayed late doing inventory today and she was wiped.

She had sent Mako home early today as the girl needed to study for her exams. Mako had offered to stay with Yolei, but Yolei couldn't let her. She didn't want to get in the way of Mako's studies. Yolei had told Mako that she would be okay. However, Yolei was regretting it now. She had left Hawkmon at home alone. He was probably worrying. Looking outside she frowned... it was dark out.

Shaking her head, Yolei told herself she was being paranoid nothing bad was going to happen... plus she'd walk home in the dark a lot of times. Taking a deep breath, she closed the lights and locked the door before heading out. Sighing she told herself one last time nothing was going to happen, and with that she started her way home.

She was doing well and almost home when she walked by a busy night club, two blocks from her house. There were drunk people waiting to go in; and a few drinking at the side entrance. Damn maybe she should have taken the other route home to avoid the club. She looked at the ground and picked up her pace wanted to pass as quick as possible. As she walked by, she could hear three men being kicked out of the club by the bouncer. Shit, she quickly walked past, hoping they wouldn't notice her.

Unfortunately, they did notice her and as she walked by, she could hear them calling after her. Yolei would have told them to screw themselves, however she wanted to get home safely. So, she continued walking hoping they would get a clue and leave her be.

However, she was stopped when someone grabbed her arm. Stopping Yolei looked back to notice one of the three men had caught over towards her.

"We were talk to you babe," the man that held onto her said. He was a tall man with short brown hair.

Yolei didn't say anything. She tried to get free, however couldn't. Turning to face him, Yolei said, "Can you let me go. I need to go."

"Nope because you're coming to party with us," said the man holding her as he dragged her into a dark alley, behind the club. The other two men laughed and followed. They were drunk.

Once they were in the alley the man holding her arm let go and hugged her from behind. Yolei was about to scream but stopped as she noticed the two men in front of her coming towards her. She noticed one was short with short blonde hair, and the other had long black hair pulled back in a ponytail.

"W...What do you think you're doing," Yolei finally yelled. She was not going to let three drunken men scare her.

The men just laughed. The man holding Yolei bent to whispered into her ear, "Come on. You're young, we're young; lets have fun!" with that his tongue traced her ear.

Yolei shivered at the feeling and wished she was free so she could punch the man.

"This is going to be so much fun," said the man in front with blonde hair, which brought Yolei's attention to them. That's when she noticed they were in front of her.

Just when Yolei was about to say something one of the side club opened. All eyes turned to the person that walked out.

Yolei couldn't see who it was but it was a man and he was holding something in his hand... it looked like a cigarette. He came out for a smoke, what great luck! Yolei watched the man for a while and noticed he wasn't paying them any attention, which pissed Yolei off. Did this man not see a woman getting attacked?!

Yolei couldn't take it. Taking a deep breath Yolei scream at the man, "Are you going to help me?!" Yolei turned her head towards the new man and forgot about the three men around her. That was until the ponytail man in front of her started hissing at her.

"Shut up bitch," he yelled as he brought his hand up to hit her.

Just when his hand came to strike her, Yolei closed her eyes. She waited for the impact but felt nothing. Opening her eyes, she noticed the man that was taking a smoke was in front blocking the attack.

Her savour pushed her attackers away; both attackers in front of her stare at the man and instead of fighting ran. The man holding Yolei let go and went to attack the new man. As he got near, Yolei took the chance to get away from all of them. She took a few steps back and noticed that the man that saved her looked familiar, but Yolei couldn't see his face well. She watched as the man that saved her said something to her last attacker; and watched as the attacker ran off too.

Wow... Yolei couldn't believe the man was able to scare three drunks with nothing but his words and stares. Damn... Yolei thought; as she was in her own thoughts, she hadn't noticed her saviour approaching her.

That was until he stood in front of her. He gave her a look over and laughed. Yolei broke out of her thoughts when she heard him laughing. Looking up she noticed she did know this man! He was one of Ken's friends! What was his name again... Kai!

"Ummm... thanks for your help. You're Ken's friend... right?" Yolei asked. She wanted to be sure.

Kai looked Yolei up and down, he was right it was the nerd he met at Ken's company. Smiling he shook his head yes. Then started talking, "Why are you always bumping into men you don't know. Beside you know it not safe to be out so late," Kai stated.

What did he mean by that?! Man, this man knew how to piss her off. Was he saying that because she was a woman?! So, what if she was a woman, that had nothing to do with this! Crossing her hands over her chest Yolei said, "Shut up! I can take care of myself, and me being a woman shouldn't make a different." With that Yolei turned her back and was about to start walking away but stopped when she felt his hand wrap around her arm, stopping her.

Before Yolei could say anything else, she felt Kai led her farther into the alley, then he lightly pushed her until her back hit the wall. She looked up at him questioning him with her eyes. What was he doing?!

"If you can take care of yourself then get away from me," Kai said smiling as he brought his hands around Yolei's hands and pinned them to the wall. He smiled as he watched her struggle to get free.

Yolei looked up at him. This was starting to piss her off. Why the hell was he toying with her? Yolei wanted to go home she didn't have time for this! "LET GO!" Yolei screamed and Kai did.

He took a step back. He looked at the ground not knowing why he had done that. He wanted to tease her, however, hadn't planned of pinning her.

Yolei looked up at him in hate and hissed, "Don't do that again!" with that she started her way out of the alley but stopped when she heard him talking.

"Stay out of trouble," Kai said, with that he watched her leave.


Ken still hadn't called or come by and Yolei was starting to miss him like crazy. Had he really forgotten everything they shared? Had he been using her all this time because he was bored?! Well it didn't matter she didn't need him; she had been doing well without him, so she didn't need him now! She needed to get use to not having him back in her life. She needed to focus on more important things in her life than Ken.

She needed to find a bank or company that was willing to give her a loan for her mother. She had tried many, but they all had said they didn't think she could pay them back and that the store wasn't enough to cover the loan. Yolei didn't know what to do! Maybe she should just get the money from Ken- NO! She was going to get out of his life. She didn't need his money or his help.

She turned towards Hawkmon and watched him mopping the floors. It was great having his help around the store. It made things easier for her.

Sighing she went back to cleaning the shop. She needed to close soon and head home.

She had told Kari she would meet up with her later today. They were having a girl's night, and Yolei couldn't wait. She needed some fun in her life.


Ken sat with all his friends. They were all hanging out at Kira's house. Ken had been spending a lot of time with them since they had return. These past days Ken seemed like he was rekindling old feelings with Britney. They spent a lot of time together. He knew that he still had feelings for her, but Ken wasn't sure if he get back together with her? He was so confused. After everything they've been though he wasn't sure if it was the right thing to do. He didn't want what happened years ago to happen again. He needed to make sure Britney felt the same way about him... that this time she won't leave him. He would wait for her to make the first move.

Spending time with his friend also meant he was having a lot of fun, but not Wormmon. Wormmon was always quiet around his friends and seemed lonely. Maybe he just needed another digimon to chat with? Ken knew he needed to see the others, maybe Wormmon could spend some time with the other digimons so he didn't feel so lonely?! Maybe Ken should call Yolei; he hadn't talked to her a few days.

Just then Kira started talking breaking Ken from his thoughts.

"Hey! I have an idea, why don't we all go clubbing tonight? We haven't gone for a while. And we need to pppppppparty!" Kira said as he looked at his friends.

"That's a great idea. What do you think Kai, honey?" Hiyu asked.

Kai rolled his eyes and said nothing. He turned his attention towards Ryuu.

Ryuu had a big smile on his face. This was a great idea. Plus, with them all hanging out, Ken and Britney could finally get together again. All of them knew the two still had feelings for each other'; they both kept looking at each other. But they both were just too scared to make a move first. They needed a push, and chance to rekindle. Hopefully at a night club they could loosen up and dance with each other. Another thought came to Ryuu's mind and he frowned... was it possible that Ken still had feelings for that Yolei girl? Was that the reason Ken hadn't made a move? No... no she was out of Ken's mind and life. That couldn't be it.

"Ken..." Wormmon whispered as he looked up at Ken. Wormmon was missing Yolei and Hawkmon. Wormmon didn't like Ken friends much... sure they were nice, but he didn't fit in. Sometimes he felt as if Ken had forgotten he was around when they were around. But Wormmon understood that Ken was different now. Things had changed and Wormmon hadn't been there for it all. So, he needed to accept Ken's new lifestyle and stand by his partner's side.

Ken looked down at Wormmon. He frowned as he noticed the sad look in Wormon's eyes, before he shook his head and smiled up at Ken. "Wormmon you okay?"

Wormmon nodded yes. He just missed the others digimons. Well he couldn't say that. Wiggling out of Ken's arm, he told Ken he was going to take a nap and started out of the room. Maybe if he asked Ken tomorrow, Ken would take him to see the others.


Ken watched as Wormmon left. There was something wrong. Ken turned his attention towards Ryuu who was picking random clubs, finally steadying on one; they decided they would meet there later tonight.

With that everyone headed home to get ready. Once they all started there way out Ken walked out looking for Wormmon, however stopped as Kira came up to him.

"Yo man! This could be your chance to ask Britney to dance. Who knows one thing can lead to another," Kira smiled.

"Yea... I don't think she wants to get back together thou. She left me the first time, remember."

"Come on, that was three years ago. I bet you she couldn't find a better person than you and knew that you two were meant for each other. Beside I'm sure she's changed, she's ready for you and I think you both know it," Kira said. He knew these two were meant for each other. They had been to young before but now they were ready to give it another chance. They just needed a push.

Ken smiled. Maybe Kira was right... maybe Britney had changed and wanted to spend her life with Ken forever this time. Ken made up his mind, he would try again tonight. He thanked Kira and watched as the man walked to his car. With that thought in mind Ken looked for Wormmon finding him in the garden.


"No! I'm not going!" Yolei screamed as she tried getting away from Mimi and Kari.

When Yolei got home she had seen Kari wanting for her. Letting her in they had chatted for a while and then Mimi showed up. Yolei had been so excited for this girl's night!

That was until Mimi had told them that she wanted to go partying and needed them. That wasn't happening because Yolei was not going to some club! She did not do clubs! Nope! Hell no! Besides she had work tomorrow and didn't want to come home late.

"Come on! Hawkmon's been telling us you have been down lately. Lets have some fun tonight!" Mimi said, pleading with Yolei.

"Why can't that fun just be us talking and staying in?" Yolei asked.

"Because there's no hot guys around. Beside Yolei, we're going and we'll take you no matter what," stated a smiling Mimi. Yolei took a step back. That was Mimi's evil smile. Yolei knew she was in trouble now.


Ken and his friends sat at a table near the back of the club; in the VIP section. Man, he missed this, he hadn't been clubbing in months; Ken had forgotten how fun it could be.

Ken was sitting at a private table that Ryuu gotten them. He felt like a fool just staring at Britney who was talking to Hiyu in front of him. She smiled his way and he smiled back. Hina and Kira had gone dancing, and Ryuu was saying something to him. Kai was just in the corner looking bored.

Ryuu caught Ken staring at Britney and whispered, "Why don't you go ask her to dance?"

Ken blushed and shook his head no. He had thought he could make a move but now was second guessing himself.

"Come on man you're too shy. Go up there and ask her to dance with you," Ryuu replied. He wanted the two to hook up already! Sure, things didn't work out the last time... but that didn't mean it would end up the same again.

Ken needed to just go up there and ask Britney to dance. Beside it was just a dance, it wasn't like he was going to ask her to marry him!

But Ken couldn't! He didn't know if it was the right thing to do. He didn't know how he was supposed to treat her now. Things had changed for them. Ken wasn't sure they could go back to their old relationship ever.

Smiling Ken turning his attention towards Kai. Thankfully Kai wasn't in his business. Looking around Ken noticed that Kai had many female fan's trying to gain his attention. If only Kai would pay them any attention.

"I can't. I think I'm going to go grab a drink," Ken said to Ryuu, then stood.

As Ken left all his friends started at Ryuu wondering where Ken was going until Ryuu told them. Ryuu turned his attention towards the girls.

"Hey Britney, why don't you go ask Ken to dance?" Ryuu said.

Britney said nothing. Her face became red and she shook her head no. Ryuu frowned. Why were they both so shy?

"Come on... I know you and Ken are over this whole break up thing so just ask him. I know he'll love to dance with you." Ryuu said smiling as he watched Britney turning her attention towards Ken.

Kai was getting tired of this. Watching Britney going after Ken would just make his mood worse. Not wanting to see what happens he stood up. All eyes turned towards him, without saying anything he made his way deeper into the club. He needed to be anywhere but here.

Ryuu frowned but shook his shoulders. Kai was always like this it wasn't anything new. Looking back at Britney, Ryuu continued, "So... Are you going to go or let that pretty brunette pick him up?"

Britney turned towards Ken again and saw who Ryuu was talking about. There was a brunette talking to Ken. Without thinking Britney got up and made her way over to Ken.

As she got near Britney froze. What was she thinking? She had been so jealous that she wasn't thinking and just wanted to rip the girl away from Ken.

Ken stared at Britney as she stood in front of him. She was staring at the ground and he swore he noticed a blush form on her face. Feeling awkward Ken asked, "Britney do you want to dance?"

Britney was shocked by Ken's word. She looked up at Ken and smiled. Looking back at the brunette Britney noticed the death glare she sent her. Well Britney didn't care, she grabbed onto Ken and he led her towards the dance floor.


Yolei swore again as she sat at their table. It had seemed like Kari and Mimi had gotten her to come. Well after about and hour and half of Mimi begging Yolei, she just couldn't say no anymore. So here she was... and in a mini skirt too. Yolei couldn't believe she was wearing a mini skirt! Yolei didn't feel right. Every time she tried to sit, she had to pull the skirt down, so she didn't show her panties. Yolei could feel a blush on her face. She hated Mimi for getting her here!

Yolei smiled as she watched Kari and Mimi on the dance floor. As much as Yolei hated clubbing she was having fun being with her friends. She laughed as Kari and Mimi started dancing close... making the boys jealous. She saw them waving her over, but Yolei shook her head no. She was better off just sitting and enjoying her drink; while she also turned down drunken guys asking her to dance.

Taking another slip of her non- alcoholic drink and keeping her eyes on her friends she felt someone beside her. Looking to the seat next to her Yolei frowned as a man sat down looking her up and down.

"Hey baby...what's a beautiful thing like you doing sitting here all by yourself? Why don't you come with me and I'll show you a fun time," a drunken blonde man said.

Yolei looked up and laughed. What was he trying to do pick her up? Well that wasn't going to work. Standing up Yolei stared him down.

"Excuse me, but I need to use the washroom. That's the best place to avoid losers," with that Yolei headed towards the washroom. She heard him call her a bitch but didn't care. Why couldn't men just leave a girl alone?!

As she walked past the dance floor. She watched the dancers having the time of their lives. She smiled... that was until she saw one couple. Yolei froze when she saw a blue haired man. Oh my gosh what was Ken doing here? She smiled which was followed by a frown. He was on the dance floor... that meant he was dancing with someone. Praying it wasn't whom she thought, she moved a bit forward and was rewarded with the person's face. It was her! He was dancing with Britney! Yolei knew she had been right... she knew he still loved Britney. He was just looking for a replacement and had found Yolei. Yolei had been a replacement for him all this time. Yolei felt stupid... she had thought he really had some feelings for her. She had been so ready to give Ken everything! Shit! Feeling heartbroken she couldn't move. She knew she had started crying in the middle of the dancefloor, but she couldn't move.

Finally staring at the ground, she started her way to the washroom, she needed to hide, make sure Ken or any of this friends didn't see her. Right now, she needed to be alone to put herself together. Then she needed to get as far away from here as possible!

As she continued her way to the washroom, she hadn't noticed the person in front of her until she crashed into them. Saying a quick sorry she was about to side-step around them however, the person wrapped their arms around her, pulling her into their chest.

Yolei was startled and she tried to pull out, however the person was stronger. Finally getting annoyed she looked up and froze with fear. She was trapped in Lee's arms.

Struggling she determined him to let go of her. However, that only caused him to laugh at her. "Let me go! Don't you dare touch me you bastard!"

"Now... now Yolei, that's no way to talk to the man you love."

Yolei spat at him; like she loved him! Oh please, she hated Lee with a passion. Why couldn't he just leave her alone?!

However, that only made Lee angry. He grabbed onto her tighter and dragged her over toward the washroom areas.

He pulled her closer towards him. "Now let me look at my loves beautiful face. Why were you crying? Did that blue haired man throw you away? Don't worry I'll take care of you. But he better not have touched you Yolei. You're mines Yolei and I swear if he has, I promise you this Yolei, you'll be in so much pain when I'm done with you that you won't be able to move for weeks," he whispered the last part into her ear.

Yolei ripped her face out of his hands and her body out of his arm. Stepping away she shot him a death glare, "I don't need you to take care of me! What I need you to do for me is to leave me the fuck alone!" screamed Yolei. She was shivering from his threat, but she wasn't going to show him that he could do this to her. As she screamed back that got the attention of some of the people around them. Lee looked around and shot everyone a what-are-you-looking-at state then grabbed Yolei and dragged her to the back exit of the club.

As they got to the exit Lee made sure the door closed behind him, before he threw Yolei onto the hard ground. Staring her down he knew he held all the power. With that thought he made his way over to her.

"What the fuck are you doing here!" yelled Yolei as she watched with hate as he moved closer to her.

"You see I work here. I was fired from my last job thanks to your little boyfriend! Did you know he made sure no one would hire me! I couldn't find a job, and I almost lost my house! But lucky for me an can call her a friend, let me work at her club! Little slut, all I had to do was sleep with her and here I am." Lee said smiling as he stopped in front of Yolei.

Yolei stood up and faced him. This man was sick to use women like he did! She wanted to kick his ass and get him out of her life once and for all. But she knew he was stronger, and he was not afraid to hurt her to get what he wanted. Lee was crazy and Yolei knew it! She knew she was in trouble right now and she needed to find away out of here.

Looking around for something to use against him, she noticed there was nothing. She needed to show him she wasn't scared of him... that he couldn't hurt her... that she wasn't alone. With that she held up her chin and yelled, "You're sick! Do you know that you deserve what you got! I'm glad Ken did this to you! I'm also glad that you couldn't find a job. Only if you hadn't gotten this job! You disgusting pri-"


Lee sighed as he bought his hand back. He looked up and smiled as Yolei held her right cheek. "I didn't mean to slap you. See Yolei these are the things you make me do. I need you in my life... but you keep running off. If you could just forget about Ken and everything that happened, we can start over again. We can be happy together."

Yolei looked up at him with hate. No way was she going to forgive him or ever be with him again. He really was crazy. Without saying a word, she ran towards the door that would lead her back inside, however Lee grabbed her first. With that he pulled her farther away from it.

Yolei looked up at him in fear as he smiled at her telling her he was going to enjoy what was coming next.



Hope you enjoyed. I will try to post next part hopefully sometime this week.

Stay safe!

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