Bewitching -Little witch acad...

By Evo_is_Birdy

7.6K 126 271

So i was looking for a funny, Akko x Andrew fanfic and i couldnt find one that met my needs... (there wasn't... More

Truly Bewitching
Crazy Things
Letting go of what used to be.
Letting Go of What Used to Be (Part 2)

When You Reach Your Dream

556 13 8
By Evo_is_Birdy

                 Das owner of the magic item caféh shooed the little witches plus 2 out of his store.
"Geez! I wasn't even singing!" Yelled Amanda.
"You think I care," he muttered

              Anderu looked at his hands and shuvved them in his pockets. He looked at Akko who now had the song stuck in her hed. Akko went over to him.

"canya sing also?" she said witha smile.


"dats a shame!" She looked happy, "It wuz pretty cool how you played! Are you sure youve never hurd that song before?"
"It sounded a little familiar," he supposed, "But I don't watch anime so I don't know where I would've known it frum,"

        Akko looked down at the cobblestone street ,"I guess you've practically reached you're dream too,"
        "Really?" He questioned himself, " I don't reely think so.., besides my dream doesn't need to come true I have other important duties dat i must fullfill,"
           "A dream is an important duty!" She admonished me, "y can't you see dat!"

           Anderu smiled at her. "I really dont know the extents of my dreems,"

          "Yeah.., well the problem with reaching yure dreams is that you noe need to find a knew one," Akko sed sadly

               " I thought people sed that was the good thing about grasping yore dreams," 

            "I dunno I kinda feel liek somethin's missing...," Akko looked at Andrew

         Andrew paused. wait a second...... For about a split second anderu felt like the teenager he wuz ... and then back to his normal cultured yung adult.

         "Liek what?" anderu was ever so slitely intrigued.

         "THE SHINY ROD!" Kagari~san pouted. 


         The scene became silent and then alll the sudden Akko started yelling, "one hundred percentu accuracy! Our flawless love quiz 'Do You Love Hurr!"  She picked up a poster advertising her and her friends website and began to wave it around.

          "Ah," Anderu repeated. 

          Anderu put his hands in his pockets like some cool anime character and began to walks back to his Accdemia's campus.

             "Andrew!!! wate up!" Franku yelled desperatly.

Frank scrambled like eggs to catch up to him. 

            "aww, comon andrew," the hormonal teenager pleaded, "I waz still talkin to Lotte!"

            "I couldn't care less,"

             "Sigh, Well you seem to be in a good mood," Frank snickered.

           "eh?" Andrew turned to look at Frank, "Was that sarcastic?"

           "No, Not necessarily,"  Frank grinned, "You always seem to lighten up wen you see Miss Kagari, You know what I think it is? "

            Andrew sighed...

           "Love!" Franku exclaimed

         "No, Not necessarily," Andrew copied Franks words.

         Creeping out of a gutter was a smul brown mouse . Andrew caught site of dis mouse and began to wonder if it happened to be Akko. He stopped in his tracks and began to stare at it.  He thought about what Kagari~san would be doing if she accutually was the rodent. Would she be following him? Or perhaps rooting through trash... 

         "Eh... Andrew what are you staring at dat rat for?" Frank was confused

         "She's a mouse! not a rat, " he sed without thinking.

         "Who now?"

       Getting a closer look at the mouse he sawe som of it's details. No... Akko's mouse form was definately  a lighter color... and  didint it have dat  pony-tail thing?

        "Nevermind...," he sighed in dissapointment.

        "But.... I dont get what I"m supposed to overlook," Frank wondered how his frend wuz, "Andrew are you going crazy?"

         "Huh? Oh, I'm fine," He looked back at the mouse," just fine,"

          Although,  Looking at the rodent he smiled. Maybe he had just wanted it to be Kagari~san....

Authors Note!!

      Gah!  Long time no see!  I'm so sorry, I feel as though I haven't updated in a long time.  I'm just having a hard time putting the story in my head into words. I want the story to not seem so fast paced but I'm wondering if I'm doing just that. 

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