He Came From The Wild

By ellarose12

759K 36K 6.9K

It is a common practice that when one Alpha challengers another, the defeated wolf can either be banished int... More

He Came From The Wild
Chapter One | Crash Landing
Chapter Two | A New World
Chapter Three | Canine Companion
Chapter Five | Among Wolves
Chapter Six | Decisions, Decisions
Chapter Seven | Goodbyes
Chapter Eight | Meeting Monsters
Chapter Nine | Don't Let Go.
Chapter Ten | Game On
Chapter Eleven | Presents
Chapter Twelve | Fun Times
Chapter Thirteen | Her Story
Chapter Fourteen | Back to Work
Chapter Fifteen | Back to School
Chapter Sixteen | Girl Talk.
Chapter Seventeen | Competition
Chapter Eighteen | She's My Home.
Chapter Nineteen | House Guest.
Chapter Twenty | Fate. Love. Mate?
Chapter TwentyOne | Perfume.
Chapter TwentyTwo | Suit Up.
Chapter TwentyThree | Nicholas.
Chapter TwentyFour | World Keeps Turning
Chapter TwentyFive | Falling To Pieces
Chapter TwentySix | Set It Free.
Chapter TwentySeven | She Runs With Wolves.
Chapter TwentyEight | Thinking. A Lot.
Chapter TwentyNine | Back Home.
Chapter Thirty | Four out of Five.
Chapter ThirtyOne | Recovery.
Chapter ThirtyTwo | Allies and Enemies
Chapter ThirtyThree | Number Five: Acceptance.
Chapter ThirtyFour | Closure.
He Came From The Wild | Epilogue.
Raised By Wolves

Chapter Four | Making Friends

26.5K 1.2K 149
By ellarose12

Miranda could feel the weakening strength in Braydon's arms as he insisted on carrying her. The longer they walked, the more she begged him to put her down.

"I promise I won't run away again, please just let me walk!" Miranda kept wiggling in his arms, making it even hard for him to keep his grip on her.

Reluctantly he put her down, refusing to acknowledge how thankful his body was for it. "Fine!"

He didn't stop, rolling his shoulders slightly to ease the tension in them. If anything he picked up his pace and Miranda followed obediently. Maybe if she could get him to trust her, then maybe he would be more willing to let her go.

"So ah, what did you think of the Dark Knight Batman franchise? I thought Christian Bale did a great job at playing him!" She huffed, already out breath as they kept on their upward journey.

"What?" Braydon asked as he tried to act disinterested, but failed miserably. Miranda only smiled, knowing she had found her way in and tried to remember everything she knew about the trilogy.

"You know, the movies they've been doing? Everyone says they were the best ever and I have to agree."

"No I don't know what you're talking about." Braydon thought back to the last movie he had seen, Poison Ivy came to mind and for Miranda to tell him about others had him interested. "What happened?"

"How about, we play a game?" She asked coyly.

It was just like baby-sitting her friends little girl, Emma. Usually this was only done when bedtime looked like it wasn't going to be happening easily or if all the toys had to be put away. Miranda considered it playing dirty, but extreme measures caused for extreme actions.

"A game?" It was obvious Braydon was already hooked, so Miranda only smiled a little brighter.

"Yes. I will tell you something, if you say something in return!" He stopped walking, looking at her suspiciously. "For example, I might tell you it was based around the beginning of Batman, from earlier comic books hence why they call it Batman Begins. Then I might ask, if you've been out here for a while, how come your beard isn't longer?"

Instantly Braydon touched his beard that hadn't quite made it the full way down his neck yet. "I cut it. With the knife."

Miranda nodded, that made sense. "Do you have a question you want to ask me?"

"Tell me what happens. All of it." He demanded, and kept walking.

Somehow Miranda managed to make up most of the first film. If her Dad hadn't loved them so much, this idea would have backfired and while some parts may have been made up and from other movies, she got by.

"Ok, so how long have you been out here?"

Braydon hesitated, he wasn't entirely sure. He had been nearly fourteen at the time; he remembered his thirteenth birthday because he had shifted for the first time. It normally happened on shifters sixteenth birthday and he knew this abnormality was why the pack had been so eager to chase him out. Just thinking about it had his chest rumbling and with a gasp Miranda reached out for his arm, not realizing the sound had come from him, again.

"Did you hear that?" She asked, the hold she had on him tight enough to distract him from his thoughts.

"Hear what?"

"That growl sound?"

Looking down at her, he frowned and shook his head. "It's nothing. Two thousand and four."

"Two thousand and four what?" Miranda repeated confused, looking around fearfully she didn't let his arm go as he kept walking.

"That I came out here."

That had her letting him go and she didn't move as her jaw dropped open, her words coming out as a whisper. "That means it's been nine years!"

It wasn't possible.

In this day and age, someone couldn't be out living in the forest without being found. Surely someone would have missed him? Did he get lost around here? Didn't they search for him? Why hadn't he found a way out? Thinking back to the items in the cave, she had found that bag, a few personal items - had he run away?

Noticing she wasn't beside him, Braydon stopped and frowned at seeing her frozen in place. "Come on!"

"Braydon, nine years?" Miranda couldn't move and hearing her question it only made him uncomfortable. What were years out here?

"I said come on!" Game time was over, and with the fading light he wanted to get to their next location before dark. "NOW!"

Hearing him yell Miranda nodded, slowly starting after him. Her mind was full of new questions and she had a feeling no tricks in the world were going to get him to tell her the answers.

It didn't take long before they reached the cabin, and Braydon stopped her in the tree line. His senses on high alert, he made sure there was no one around and creeping forward went over to the small wooden hut and broke open the door.

A couple of winters had passed since Braydon had seen anyone come here. The scientists who came to watch the bears had never came back and what had once been a ranger station was nothing more than an old wooden hut desperate for a make over. Stale air and cobwebs greeted him as he went inside, looking around the hammock bed sat made as if waiting for its sleeper to return. The radio sat disconnected and as Miranda came in, it was the first thing she discovered.

Going through the draws in the desk, she found a packet of painkillers, paper, pens and band-aids. The packet of paper clips that sat amongst the other random items was useless to her and looking over to Braydon, he hovered by the door almost as if he was thinking of leaving which he was.

"Stay here. I will get us food."

Miranda went over to the small window, wiping the dust away with her hand she watched him leave. She had promised not to run again, plus if anything surely this would be a place people would check on occasionally. Maybe she'd get lucky staying here.

Looking around there was a small fireplace. Some old iron pots and pans remained in the small kitchette and she was surprised to find turning on the taps had the pipes groaning before spluttering out some brown watery substance. Going outside she saw the rain water tank beside the building, the lid gone and the water useless.

Going back inside, she didn't know what was better; the cave or the hut. At least in the cave she hadn't given a thought to spiders and other creepy crawlies. Here, the presence of spiders had her heart racing and the scorpion she saw scurry from the fireplace to under the bed, had her screaming and running outside. It was stupid; the walk here probably had her passing snakes and even other bigger, nastier insects, but just seeing them in a more civilized environment made them appear worse than what they were.

"Why are you outside?" Braydon narrowed his eyes at Miranda, wondering if she was considering running away again. Giving her a house, he thought she'd be more likely to stay inside and out of sight of any of the humans looking for her.

"There is a really big spider near the fireplace and I think there is a snake under the bed." Miranda answered fearfully, spying the large trout in his hand.

"You're scared?" He asked, trying not sound amused.

"No, I just, I-" She mumbled embarrassed.

"You're scared." He answered, smiling as the fish were dropped on a small patch of grass and he went inside. There wasn't a snake under the bed, just more dust and as for spiders, well maybe Miranda didn't need to be told how many there actually were.

"I'm not scared!" She crossed her arms, standing in the doorway as she watched Braydon check the hut for her. With a sigh she went into the clearing and started to gather fire wood.

"Now what are you doing?" Braydon stood in the doorway watching Miranda. She was moving better now and her bruises were starting to leave her too.

"Well, what do you use wood for? We can use the fire in there and cook the fish." There was no hiding her sarcasm.

"No, not like that." Braydon snapped, knowing the smoke would act as a beacon to the watchful humans.

"Why not?"

"The smoke will, it will attract the bears." He lied.

"Bears?" Miranda didn't believe him. "Because the smoke will attract bears?"

He didn't like the tone she was using and ignoring her he went and set up his campfire. Digging the hole, he set up the tinder for it, and then started to try and make sparks for the fire with two sticks. A few minutes after he had started to rub the wood together; Miranda joined him, watching for a moment before sparking a match and throwing it into the pit. A slight evening fog had started to roll through the forest, so any of the smoke that did appear was covered well.

By the time the fish was ready to eat, Miranda didn't care if it was cooked or not. She was starving and once again didn't hold back when she ate.

"So you said they made three movies?" Braydon broke the silence and looked at her hopefully, causing Miranda to smirk with her plan working.

"Yeah, um the Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Lives. No, Returns. Yeah, Dark Knight Returns."

He waited for more, but she wasn't going to give it up so easily. "How old were you when you left?"

"Nearly fourteen. Tell me the second one!" He demanded, still lacking with the use of please.

"Twenty three, you're practically my age!" Well she was a year older, but Miranda considered it a minor detail.

"The story." He growled, not wanting to dwell on time.

Miranda obliged and she ended up telling the two movies together, mainly because she couldn't quite remember them all and it wasn't like he knew otherwise. "So, um, did you like the other guys too? Like Spiderman and Superman? What about Iron Man?"

Braydon's face lit up, his eyes widening with excitement at the mention of his other heroes. "Yes, tell me all of them!"

"You could always take me home and I'll get them all for you to watch? I can even get them in three d!" She offered hopefully.

"No." Came his response, and waited for her to continue with her stories.

"Only if you let me do something first."

"You're not going home." Braydon mumbled, getting annoyed she hadn't dropped that subject yet.

"No, not at all. I found something under the sink, can I cut your beard?"

He wasn't sure if she was serious or not, but the way she looked at him told him enough. "Yes. I will let you do that."

Miranda wasn't a fan of facial hair and his beard acted like a mask, hiding her wild friend. Maybe she would have seen a missing persons photo on one of those TV Shows that goes over unsolved crimes and if she ever did get away, she'd be able to give a better description to the police on her abductor. Should she dob him in? He was, harmless really, but who knew if he had done this before?

As the night wore on, she told him stories of all the things she could remember from pop culture regarding anything she thought he would like. Braydon listened as if she was telling him the meaning of life and despite his age, he acted more like a child.

They left their place by the fire and spread out on the lawn outside the hut. Somehow Miranda ended up resting her head on his stomach, and staring up into the sky, it felt like the most natural place in the world to be.

"So what do you work as?" Braydon finally asked something that didn't involve gaming, technology or a superhero and Miranda was thankful. Her brain was starting to hurt from trying to think of it all.

"Um, a bit of everything. I work for a very clever businessman, Jason Carpe. He is amazing really." Just thinking about her boss had Miranda's stomach clenching with anxiety. All the emails she'd need to answer, had Jason's dry cleaning been picked up? It probably wouldn't matter as they most likely thought she was dead.

All Braydon heard was the wistful way she said Jason's name, wishing she would say his name like that. "Why?"

"Why what?" Miranda rolled onto her side, starting to feel a little better now.

"Why is he amazing?" Maybe he could try being like Jason, though remembering the younger man from earlier he would rather rip out his throat before talking to the guy.

"Well, he's just done so much. When he was fifteen he designed some computer software, sold it some other company and made more than I will in a lifetime. When he turned eighteen, he started to invest. But he's smart, coming up with better software things and started his own company. That kind of thing."

"So because he is smart and makes money you think he is amazing?" Braydon spoke slowly, not really seeing the appeal.

"No, I think he is amazing because I was seventeen, out of control and best friends with his sister. When she committed suicide, he gave me a chance to make sure I didn't end up like her and I started at his company as intern."

"He's older than you."

"Yeah, five or so years. Nothing major." Miranda sighed, "He's done a lot for me and I've worked my ass off to get where I am today."

"You love him?" Braydon didn't miss the way she tensed, biting her lip before shrugging.

"Maybe. I was on a plane to go see him, apparently he had something planned and I thought that was where we were going. I dunno. I'd like to think they'd still be looking for me, but clearly he only paid for it all to be cleaned up quickly. Good luck hiring someone who'd do as much as I did for him!" The bitterness she felt wasn't hidden with that last part. She even expected her parents to fight a little more; didn't they want a body to bury?

Guilt hit Braydon hard and not for the first time. He should tell her they are here now, somewhere out there looking for her and that was why he took her even further away from the crash site. Instead he dared to stroke her hair that had fallen across his abdomen and enjoy her company while she wasn't fighting him.

"Even my parents, my Dad trains police rescue dogs. I shouldn't tell you that, but I expected him to unleash every dog in the country to try and find me."

He is. Don't lie to her! She needs her family.

The presence of his wolf returned after being silent all afternoon and Braydon didn't want to hear it. He already felt bad enough without the other side of him applying pressure. He wanted to protect her, to be what she needed and instead he was acting like a villain.

Slowly Miranda stopped talking about things from her life. While he missed the sound of her voice, he was thankful she had fallen asleep. He didn't need to hear about the people she was leaving behind, or sense the pain at being abandoned. It was one he was all too familiar with and hated putting her through it. She might like living out here, one day thanking him for taking her away from it all - though he doubted it.

Miranda curled closer against him as the nights' chill took over the air. Sound asleep she wouldn't have even known she had done it, but Braydon did. He liked holding her and eventually even his body warmth wasn't enough to keep her from trembling. He carefully got up; lifting her from the ground he took her inside and placed her on the bed. Pulling the blanket over her, he was hesitant to leave and as he stepped back, her hand found his making him freeze in place.

Slowly she let go and carefully he moved the hair back from her face. Leaning over her, a whisper of a kiss was placed on her forehead as he remembered his Mother doing to him and leaving the cabin; he shifted into his wolf to patrol.

He wasn't ready to let her go yet.


Rolling onto her back, Miranda yawned and stretched out. Slowly opening her eyes the soft yellow of morning light filtered through the only window and blinking a couple of times, the cabin slowly came into view. Sleeping on an actual bed had feeling even better than the deep sleep she'd had and getting up, she took a couple of the pain-killers, not caring that the expiry date was last month. They were helping her, especially after taking a couple the night before and going through the cupboards again managed to find a toothbrush, still sealed in the packet with a tiny travel size tube of toothpaste.

No one had been here for some time, but the few supplies left gave her hope they'd come back. A bar of soap had her nearly crying as she let out a breathy laugh and it was then she realized she was alone.

Going outside she took her new supplies with her, including the shaving set she had found yesterday. "Braydon?"


"Braydon?" She called again, getting the same response.

Maybe he was already down by the river, and knowing he had gone left by the tree stump yesterday, decided to try and make her own way there. Either way, the prospect of washing properly was too hard to ignore.

Her walk wasn't hurried, but quick enough. Birds sang their morning songs, waking up the creatures that lived within the trees. Deer grazed peacefully down near the forest line and the serenity of the world soothed Miranda right to her soul. It was beautiful out here. If she ever did get home, she'd suggest to her Dad they go camping like they used to more often. Maybe Jason liked to camp?

Hearing the water, she didn't hide her smile and looking around, Braydon was nowhere to be seen. Dipping her foot into the water, it was freezing. Instantly goose bumps broke out all over her skin and putting her supplies down, leant closer to the edge, cupping the water in her hands to drink. Never had she tasted such pure fresh water and still kneeling down, looked around to see a beaver dam down stream.

How long had it been since humans were last here?

Taking of her clothes, she risked doing the same with her underwear, and holding her breath braced herself for the freezing attack of the water. Shivering she rushed out, and grabbing the bar of soap, rubbed her hands all over it until there were bubbles and gave herself a much needed bath. By the time she brushed her teeth, she felt human again. Sure she still had aches and bruises, but with the help of the medicine, she had a new strength building inside. She would survive.

Miranda had just done up her bra when the all too familiar wolf came charging onto the scene. The animal stopped abruptly, looking her up and down, as she felt extremely uncomfortable under it's gaze. That wolf wasn't right. Maybe wild animals went like that once they were tamed? She didn't have to worry about it for long as with a whine, it turned and bolted into the trees, sending the nearby deer flying down stream.

Knowing to expect Braydon any minute now the animal was probably telling its master where she was, she quickly dressed and Miranda stood raking her hands through her hair as Braydon appeared. She was positive he frowned as he saw her and she didn't understand. After last night, she was certain they had made progress. Sure she hadn't got a lot of information out of him, but some kind of relationship had been established.

Taking a deep breath, she decided to keep trying. "Morning Braydon!"

"Good, good morning." He chocked out, coughing awkwardly as all he could think about was what he had seen the first time he came over here.

"Come here!" Miranda waved him over enthusiastically and looking around, there was definitely no one else around. "I'm not going to bite. Come here!"

Obediently he stepped closer and going to the water, Miranda sat down, pulling Braydon down with her. She rolled up her pants to her knees, leaving her feet in the water as she picked up the scissors and turned to face him.

"Ok, ready?" She leaned in closer, gently touching his beard and that's when he remembered what she had asked last night.

"Ah, yeah." Braydon nodded, and Miranda began to cut the hair to a much short length. Closing his eyes, Braydon tried not to move. With each snip he felt more exposed, not realizing how much it actually helped hide him.

"Ok, so don't move. At all. I've never done this before."

That had him opening his eyes, just as she picked up the blade.

"What are you doing with that?"

"Shaving you?" Miranda rubbed some of the soap onto his face; the chalky artificial smell had Braydon instantly pulling away before he hesitantly his face. "It's soap. Come on, you weren't raised by wolves. You have to know what soap is!"

"I know, I don't know about this. You said cut my beard."

"It'll take a minute, you might even like it?" Sitting up, Miranda moved closer and Braydon looked at the blade, and then the forest behind them. He could just run away. "I promise it won't hurt."

One look in her eyes had him sighing in defeat and keeping his closed, let her do what she wanted. The fact he trusted her with this only boosted Miranda's good mood. After last night's talk, and now this - she was positive she could convince him in taking her back to where she belonged.

Biting her lip in concentration, each stroke was done with more care and precision than Miranda knew she was capable of. She proudly finished, taking a moment to study his features. His jaw was set with determination and there was no denying hidden beneath that hair was a rather handsome man. Scooping up a handful of water, she wiped the remaining bits of soap from his face. The delicate way her hand caressed his skin had Braydon wanting more of her touch, not just on his face and more than holding her hand.

"Done!" Miranda declared, moving closer to wipe one final smear of bubble from under his ear, just as Braydon opened his eyes; instantly finding hers. He had never been this close to her before, not face to face at least. Every detail in her eyes was absorbed into his mind, the tiny lines around her mouth, the freckle on her chin - her lips. For a second he thought about kissing. He had seen plenty of it before, but he had never done it at lesat not lke how he was thinking of now.

Neither moved.

Seconds passed as something seemed to pass threw them and as a gentle breeze blew by, Miranda shivered. It was just what she needed to snap out of the trance they had both managed to fall in and instantly she blushed. Braydon licked his lips, coughing to clear his throat, as he didn't understand what just happened no more than she did.

"So why did you want to do that for?" He finally asked, running his hands across his practically bare cheeks.

"To see you. I may have seen, er, a lot of you - but not your face." Miranda washed her hands, hoping to wash away more than soapy residue and stray bits of hair.

"Oh," Braydon murmured, moving to look at his reflection. The person staring back at him wasn't one he easily recognized. Did Miranda like what she saw? So much of his life before this had been blocked out his mind, memories he didn't want. Now bits and pieces started to fight for freedom and any insecurity he may have once had about being too tall or not blending in to his friends at school resurfaced.

"I'll get us something to eat?" He decided, and Miranda only nodded, happy to put some distance between them. What the hell was going on? Maybe playing get to know your kidnapper wasn't working out to be the best idea. Leaving him to hunt and gather as men were apparently meant to do, she went back to the cabin.

By the time another meal of fish had been consumed, it was nearly mid-day and with Braydon half asleep and rather chatty, decided to keep pushing her luck.

"So I've told you enough about me now, my turn!" Braydon groaned, not thrilled at the switch in conversation. "Did you run away or were you dropped out here? Oh was there another place crash?"

If you tell her, she'll only ask more questions.

The voice reminded him, only making him extra cautious with how he responded.

"I ran away."


"I couldn't stay."


Braydon groaned again and rolling onto his side, looked over at Miranda who sat there looking at him with innocent eyes and a hopeful smile. How could he not tell her?

"My Dad died. I couldn't be there anymore." Miranda could tell he was getting agitated, and at the confession of his Dad dying, she wondered if maybe he had killed him. Was he on the run?

"I'm sorry to hear about your loss Braydon, that must have been really hard for you!" She reached out and held his hand, trying to be sympathetic.

"It was, but I kind of expected it. He was never going to win the fight, I just didn't think they'd turn on me like they did." Braydon frowned as he realized he said too much.

"Fight? Did he have cancer? Who turned on you?" Now Miranda was intrigued, thinking over what he had said before about bad people.

"No he wasn't sick; just old and weak. I don't want to talk about it anymore!"

"Braydon, please, tell me! Talking about things helps and-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it!" He yelled, getting up his breathing became erratic as he clenched his fists at his side, wanting her to stop asking questions. It wasn't a fun game anymore, and he'd already said too much.

The sudden outburst of anger had Miranda backing off, holding her hands up innocently she nodded, "I won't ask again."

With a grunt like moan, Braydon stormed off into the forest. Things had been going so well and she had to ruin it. Why did she have to keep asking? Feeling confused and fueled by the adrenaline from his anger, he decided to avoid her for the time being before he did something he really regretted. All he wanted to do was hit something, scream out his frustrations and the worst part, he wanted to tell her what had happened. He just couldn't and the constant mocking of his wolf didn't help.

Watching him go Miranda didn't move until she positive he was gone. Looking around, it wasn't like she could really go anywhere and there wasn't a doubt in her mind that if she did take off, she wouldn't be alone for long and her canine companion would return.

Eventually she ended up down by the river, clueless as to what to do. Picking up a handful of rocks, she threw them in while trying to skim the rather flat surface. About twenty shots later she had the hang of it and giving up on that, decided to go back to the cabin. Maybe she had missed something in there that would make the radio work?

She only took a couple of steps when rustling from the bushes up ahead made her stop. "Of course, come on Mr Wolf. Take me back to your master!"

Rolling her eyes she crossed her arms, actually glad to see the animal as at least it gave her someone to talk to - even if it wasn't able to understand or even talk back. Problem with that, as the animal did emerge, it wasn't the wolf or any wolf.

The brown bear was bigger than she imaged them to be. Her arms dropped to her side as her mouth formed a perfect round shape. The animal waddled out, slow, purposeful steps as it made its way to the water. While trying to remember if it was bears or rhinoceros that were practically blind, Miranda didn't move. Even she wanted to she couldn't and luck wasn't on her side as the breeze blew upstream, sending her scent straight to the wet, black nose that danced up and down as it checked the wind for any threats. Worse than that, a much smaller bear cub appeared, running out in front of it's mother without a care in the world.

The cub seemed to distract its parent, and the pair ambled along to the river. Miranda took a slow step towards the trees. Then another and again, and not moving her eyes from the animals even as she started to run. That was her biggest mistake as the sound of her gasping breaths and quick steps had Mumma bear turning to see her. The ferocious growl had Miranda's heart stopping and as she hit the tree line, she could hear the animal behind her.

It was Miranda's scream that had Braydon stopping, instantly turning to run back to the cabin. Again she screamed, the most horrible, skin crawling sound he had ever heard echoing through the forest. He moved with ease amongst the vegetation, leaping over fallen logs and breaking through bushes, desperate to get to her before god knows what happened.

Miranda had just hit the opening that led to the clearing that the cabin was built in when Braydon appeared on the other side. The charging growling snorts of the bear still behind her and catching up quicker than Miranda would have liked.

"Run! It's a bear!" Miranda screamed at Braydon, waving her arms at him to run the other way.

But he didn't.

Thinking her eyes and mind had finally failed her, the figure of Braydon turned into something more like a mirage, a blur she couldn't distinguish what was what as he was there then nothing other than a human like figure, which bent down before disappearing completely and as she blinked it was the wolf that ran past her.

In a couple of steps, Miranda stopped and turned to see the animal in Braydons' place as it squared up against the bear. Looking at the dirt, a human footprint was preceded by a paw print and then she screamed again, her mind blown by what she thought she could have just seen.

Rather than take her chances in the forest, she ran into the cabin and barred the door before hiding under the bed. It didn't take long before the sounds of the fight disappeared. What just happened showed her a whole new world of being terrified and little did Miranda know, it wasn't the only world that had just been opened to her.

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