To Save The Lost Thief

By Kenzierz23

54 19 5

This is the is the sequel to "Heroes at Heart," I suggest that you read that first, or you may have a hard ti... More

Heroes With a Chance of Finding Our Little Thief
The Storm Surge of Heroes
Greetings and "First Meetings"
Why, Adam, Why?
Why me? Why Cars?
Bright Lights, and Wait Blood?
Emily Calm Down, Dang Girl!
This is The End as We All Know It
Sealed With a Kiss

Hello Darkness My Old Friend

10 2 0
By Kenzierz23

People cry, not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long.
-Johnny Depp

Emily Carter

-January 18, 2017-  ~Gavin High School, Lake County, Illinois~

It has been three months since I have left Lucas. Correction, three months since I ran away from Lucas, our devil parents, Lily, and the remaining members of the Elite Force that weren't previously listed.

It was now January, cold and bitter January, much like my heart and soul at the moment. It is January 18th, if anybody had the desire to know. Not that anyone really cares, though.

In those three months, I had not only managed to start over, completely, but I also made it halfway across the country. I now lived in Ingleside, IL. A place that nobody would ever think to look.

There were some perks about being an ex-criminal, though. I make myself a fake identity, a clean slate. I also had my money from when I was Emily. I managed to afford an apartment for myself and come up with a believable back story. I worked at a convenience store after school, and a nearby McDonalds, to afford my life style. I disabled my phone number and acquired a new one turning off its GPS so I wouldn't be able to be tracked.

When I ran, nobody ever thought that I would return to Lily's. I did though, I gathered all of my clothes and belongings that I would need, along with any cash I had earned. I dyed my hair platinum blonde that faded into blue and purple tips.

Emily's hair ^^^

There were some things though, that I couldn't leave in the past. Ever since I have left, my depression has been flaring up, I had night terrors that became more and more frequent, and sleep was foreign. If you don't remember, I have anorexia nervosa. I was getting better when I was with Lucas, he helped me greatly.

I also held onto another souvenir from my past, all the phone numbers that I had in the past, I kept. I was even tempted to call Lucas, I actually resisted, but I resulted to cutting that night, which was unfortunate for me the next morning.

I wasn't sixteen yet, but with my fake identity all I had to do was click a few buttons and I was officially sixteen, never said I was legally sixteen, but officially I was. I also had my drivers license. Sadly, I also had to enroll in school. I went to Gavin High School in Lake County, IL.

I mostly walked to school, even though I had a drivers license. I did this to save money, although, I did have a car. I have a problem though, hard to believe that I actually have a problem, after all of my other issues.

Besides that though, I am straying off of topic. I managed to keep the same school schedule, completely, even hour wise. I was walking to my 8th-hour class, choir, that was, fortunately, my last class of the day.

I haven't seen my bullies, Xavier and Axel all day, and I may manage to get through the day with out a beating. Luckily today was a Thursday, and after today, I only had one more day of hell before the weekend, yay. Note the sarcasm. Weekends may get me away from torture, but I still had to work, leaving me with just enough time in my life to do homework, work, go to school, and get a few hours for time to sleep if I slept that is.

That isn't my problem, though. I fear that Lucas some how found out where I am. There is a news report of a group of heroes that move across the states, fighting criminals, leaving a trace of some good in their path, and they were making their way closer to where I was.

This could be a coincidence to most people, yeah, except for the fact that they had the same fighting pattern as The Elite Force. Still believe this is a coincidence, no, me either.

We did warm ups, and we were preparing for Solo Ensemble that would take place this February. Ms. Storo did role call, and we performed warm ups, preparing to be taken in one on one with Elizabeth, our accompanist, and learn our songs.

I was doing three songs, a duet with a girl I befriended, Cassie. A quartet, with Cassie, a nice girl Marissa, and a Senior, Jamie. I had another duet with Marissa, one I was singing with her after her original partner dropped out.

Those three girls, were the only people that I had really befriended, and only because we became the band of misfits. I also made friends with a girl Jackie, who was similar to Lily. They knew about my past, and they accepted me. I rarely talked, mostly when called upon, or to said, girls. But, I did sing. Choir class was what managed to keep me slightly sane.

Brrrnng. The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I went to my locker, locker 246, and put in my combo; 3- 41 - 33. I grabbed my bag, putting in my notebooks and books that I didn't need back in it, only to have the door to my locker slammed shut.

I flinched slightly, praying that it wasn't Axel, Xavier, or any jock really. JJ, it must be my lucky day, he was in the punk stereo type at my school or would be if I still went to Token Creek, and he was always hitting on me, ha, if he knew that this isn't what I looked like in real life.

"Hey Maddie," he greeted, trapping me between him and my locker. I groaned in annoyance.

"What do you want, Jay?" I scowled, this guy was stupid, and couldn't take a hint and know when someone wasn't interested.

"Oh, so we are on a nickname basis now?" I glared as JJ smirked, oh how I want to punch that smirk off of his face.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" I ask sweetly, giving him an innocent look. He nods, I have been killing to ask this question because he looked awfully familiar. "Do you by any chance know a Lucas Greene?"

"Well, yes, I do, I am his cousin, why?" He cocks his head to the side like a puppy, obviously confused.

"Oh, no reason, I used to be his girl friend, no big deal," I batted my eyelashes as JJ growled and left, good for him. I slipped, covering my mouth, I faked a yawn.

I was reminiscing the past, continuing to shove things into my locker, debating what I definitely needed, and what I didn't need when I heard a voice call out, "Hey Maddie, or should I say Emily?" I resisted the urge to turn to the owner of the voice, very well knowing who it was. "I called Lucas, and he told me the only real 'girl friend' he had gone by the name Emily, Emily Carter, but he also said that she mysteriously fled randomly." I stiffened, why did I have to open my big mouth. "Say cheese," I turned and JJ snapped a photo of me, sending it to Lucas, well, at least he won't be able to tell it's me.

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