
By Linxi00

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A mischievous girl who gets into trouble all the time.Then she meets a furious guy in her new school. complet... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Pay Attention!!
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not an update!
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Author's note
Authors note!
Chapter 26 ( last chapter)

Chapter 13

140 26 166
By Linxi00

( Narrator's pov )

"So your done with the girl?" Dong Woo kicked the lifeless body making it roll on the floor.

"She's fucking crazy but I had an amazing night"

"I can see that" Dong Woo stared at the man who was leaning on a classy couch. He had never clearly seen the face of his boss, only the bright eyes which made a chill in the spine.

"Tell me about Taehyung.... did
Ji Sun killed him?"
( in chapter 11, the one who kidnapped Taehyung. Sorry I couldn't mentioned it earlier)

"No sir Taehyung almost killed Ji Sun!"

"So we didn't get the money "

"Sir.. about the money.... I think Taehyung is telling the truth. I think he spent it all"

"Such a waste of money! I need him! I need to kill him with my own hands! Being him here!"

"Sorry  sir.... but I can't do that.. "
Dong Woo took a step back as the bright eyes got narrowed.

"Why?" Even though the voice is calm Dong Woo shivered like a sick person. That calmness feared him the most.

"He's dangerous! He's a mad freak!! I might die if I saw that weird smile on his face!"

A loud laughter echoed inside the room.

"Freak?.... ok then.... seems like we can't have our money back.... so then it's time for.."

"Time for what sir?"



( Yu na's pov )

"What the heck is happening to you!!" Eun ha pointed her finger at me while giving me a death stare.

"Come on Eun ha! It's just.... two days" I yawned and stretched my arms. I didn't get any sleep yesterday. I was worried about Taehyung and ended staying up all night.

"But he would have killed you!!" I did the most stupidest thing by telling Eun ha that I stayed two days at Tae's place.

"Did he threatened you to stay??"
"Ash!! No! I'm the one who wanted to stay at his place" I covered my mouth after I realized what I just said!

"HUH!!" Eun ha jumped up.
"Quit it! I didn't mean to say that!" I dragged her back to the seat.

"Yah!" Taehyung tapped my shoulder from behind.
"Aren't you gonna come to your seat? I'm bored here!"

"You are  annoying!!! I was gone for 10 minutes!... sheesh!! Ok ok I'm coming! Stop pinching me!..... bye Eun ha!" I got up and walked to my seat.

"Ok.. what now?" I asked.

"Let's go to the old music room?"

"What for?"

"It's too noisy here I wanna sleep"

"What the heck Taehyung! Yesterday you slept like you are dead!
And you are still sleepy??!!"

Taehyung got up and pulled me from my sleeve.

"Yah! I'm not coming with you! Why you need me if your gonna sleep!"
"Your asking too many questions!" Taehyung grabbed my wrist dragging  me out from the class.

"YOU CAN'T DRAG ME LIKE THAT!! DO I LOOK LIKE A STUPID TOY TO YOU!?" I yelled loudly as he tugged  me alone the corridors making every one glanced at us.

Taehyung didn't even looked at me. He made me sat on a box as we came to the music room.

I folded my arms and glanced at him. Taehyung sat next to me.

"No you are not a toy. But don't forget about the photos darling.." he held my chin trying to seduce me with his charming looks. But I slapped his hand away.

"Nice try punk! I deleted them all!!! BWAHAHA!!" I let out my evil smile and Taehyung widen his eyes.

"That was your plan!! that's why you stayed at my place! you monster!... but anyways sing for me" he leaned his head on the wall.

"Look! I'm not here to entertain you ok?! Your making me skip lessons and.."

"Sing!! Now!!...... ppalli"

I sighed.

I can't win over him! He's so seductive

"I'm not good at singing!...... but " I looked at the piano.
" I can play the piano"
Taehyung yawned.

"What ever , be quick"

I walked to the piano and Taehyung sat next to me giving me a sleepy face.

I slightly smiled as I ran my fingers on the keys.

"Ok.." I started playing numb.
"Yah.... that's not a lullaby...." Taehyung whispered while closing his eyes. I didn't respond. We both got hypnotized by the music.

I softly muttered the lyrics....

".......I've become so numb
  I can't feel you there,
  Becomes so tired
  So much more aware...
  By becoming this ,
  All I want to do,
  Is be more like me,
  And be less like you......."

I made heavy moves on the keys and ended a the song.

"So....... how's that?" I turned to Taehyung. He was asleep, his head leaning on my shoulder ,
his breath tickled my neck.

"Tae........"I slowly shook  my shoulder and Taehyung fell onto my lap!!
"Oh God! Yah! Get up!" I hit his shoulder."Lemme sleep......." he whined like a kid.

"No!! Get up!"

"Five minutes...!"

I sighed. "Ok..... five minutes "I  whispered. I played with his hair and poked his cheek.

After doing it for a while, I felt my eye lids getting heavy. Then it became heavier and heavier... Maybe because I didn't get enough sleep yesterday...

I tried hard not to sleep, but I ended up sleeping on top of Taehyung.


( Yu na's pov )

"Ahh! I can't believe it!!" I whisper screamed.
"Will you shut up!" Taehyung elbowed me.
"I hate you Kim Taehyung! It's all your fault!"
"What!! Why  did you slept on me!?
"Because I was tired!!"

"Keep your mouths shut! Or I'll send you to the principles office!" Mr Jan ho slammed my head with a heavy history book.

"Ow!" I whispered and Taehyung smirked.

We are kneeling near the teachers table and all the students are smirking at us!!
AHH! We slept in the music room for 2 hours and Mr Jan ho sent Eun ha to find us. And she betrayed us! What a nice friend!

"Concentrate on the lesson!" Mr Jan ho started the lesson but Ji Sun  ( math teacher ) interrupted him.

"Excuse me Mr Jan, we have a new student"

"Come in! Quickly! I have a lesson to be completed!" Mr Jan ho said harshly.

The new student came in showing us a bright smile..

"What!!!" I got up and pointed my finger at the new guy.

"You!!" I shouted getting the attention of the whole class.

"Oh!...volcano!" he smirked.
"Ok Yu na and Taehyung go back to your seats and new kid sit next to Eun ha" it means the seat in front of me.
"I don't have to introduce myself?" new boy stared at Mr.Jan ho.

"Ash no need! Just sit! Ok children back to work!"

He came to his place and girls stared at him. He was annoyingly handsome? What ever..

"So,he's here?" Taehyung said.
"Y....you remember him? Even I'm surprised! "I stared at the new guy.

"Hmm.... Maybe it's because of your destiny...."

"What the! Are you crazy?"


I step on his foot.
"Ow! You rascal!" Taehyung kicked me.

"Stop it Tae...!"

"Taehyung! Yu na! Please go out of the class!!!"


"Are you having your lunch Yu na?"
"No Eomma it's 6pm here.." I said annoyingly. Eomma knew it's evening  in here but she kept asking the same thing again and again probably because she got nothing to ask.

"How's school darling?" I bit my lower lip.
"Well Eomma... school's  o....k?"
Eomma smiled.

"What's wrong?"
"Eomma! I miss you and Appa! Why don't you guys come home?" I went off topic as usual.
Eomma laughed.

"So you are lonely? I have some good news. We are coming home next week!! "
I couldn't believe my ears!
I screamed!

"Yes darling! And we are not going back to Australia. We will stay with you!"

I wanted to tell her how much I missed them but my stupid door bell interrupted me.

"Eomma someone's here, I have to go. I'll Skype you tomorrow ok? Bye! Love you!" I closed the laptop and walked to the door.

"Who is it?" I yelled.
"Your fairy godfather!"

I chuckled.

"What do you want godfather?"
"A young lady with a perfect body?.... I mean with perfect legs since you only have good legs "

Ash! Pervert! I opened the door.
"What is it Taehyung?"
He leaned on to the door.

"Well.. I... I'm in a huge trouble!
C..can you help?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Go on"
"Well.." Taehyung's face turned red!

What's with this punk?!!

"Taehyung you are wasting my time!" I frowned.

"Ok! There's a b..bee in my house c..can y..ou  get rid of it?"
I hardly stopped my laughter!!

Taehyung's scared of a bee!!! This is hilarious!!

"Are you scared of bees?" I smirked.

"Fine! What do I get in receive?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes and let out a loud sigh.

I crosses my arms.
"You have to do everything that I tell you to do till tomorrow, deal?" I asked and Taehyung groaned.


Oh! My! God! Is he that scared of bees!??

I chuckled and Taehyung kicked me!


So I walked to his place. "Where is it?" I entered the house.
"In the kitchen....." Taehyung followed me.

"God! Taehyung! That's a small bee!"

"But it's still a bee! And I hate'em!"

I took a frying pan and walked to the bee. "B.. becarful!" Taehyung yelled. I hit the bee with the frying pan and turned to Taehyung.

"There! Dead "
"Good" Taehyung came to me as I threw the  bee out.

"So..deal is a deal ok ?" I sat on his couch. "What do you want?" Taehyung plopped on the couch next to me.
"Let's go to the park!" I said.
"Hmm walk around.. I need some fresh air"  I  got up.

Taehyung leaned on the couch indolently.
"Get up!" I pulled his jacket.

"Alright! Sheesh!" he pulled me away and got up.

We came out and started walking to the park. I wanted to find some worms there for Luis and occur to take the advantage of this golden chance!!!

"Let's eat ice cream!" I yelp as I ran towards the ice cream parlor.

"Should I pay for ice creams? I don't have money!" Taehyung digged his hands in to the pockets.

But I made him buy two ice cream.

"I hate you brain dead filthy worm!" he cursed me as I licked my ice cream happily.

"Aww! I love you too! Come on let's go to the park!" I led the way.

"You love me?" I faced Taehyung and as I expected I saw the smirk on his face.
"Yes! As a friend!" I replied.
"Ah.. how disappointing.." I ignored him.

"Taehyung can we..." I couldn't complete my sentence because some one yelled my name.

"Yu na!" I turned.
"You!!" I muttered. It was the new boy and he was  really bothersome!

"Hi! So where are you going?" he came to me.
"Why do you care?!" I narrowed my eyes.
"Don't be so rude!" he smiled.

"We are just... hanging out, don't ruin it!" Taehyung put his hand around my shoulder pulling me closer.
"Rigghhttt??" he gazed in to my eyes forcing me to say 'yes'.

"Yeah.." I smiled awkwardly.
"Oh! Sorry I didn't see you" new boy said to Taehyung and smiled to me.

"Enjoy your date bye!" he ruffled my hair and walked away. My eyes got widen!!


"Yah! It's not a date!"
"What the!" Taehyung glanced at him. "He's very interested in touching you... I guess" I turned back.

"Let's go home" I said.
"Yah! Don't you wanna go to the park??"
"Nah.. not in a mood. And our deal is over. You don't have to do everything I say"

Taehyung grabbed my shoulders and bend towards me.

"I came this far because of you and the park is few meters ahead. NOW YOUR TELLING ME YOU DON'T WANNA GO!!??"

I startled at him. "Ash! What's wrong with you!" I asked him while getting annoyed by his stupidity!

"My legs are tired. Carry me!"
"Come on don't act like a five year old! and come..AHH!!" Taehyung jumped to my back and I bend down!
"Ash! Come on! Don't be a grandma!"

"GET! OFF ME!" I shouted helplessly!

"Nope!" he wrapped his hands around my neck blocking my air way.

"Y... yah! C..an't! BREATHE! "
"Oh! Sorry!" he loosed his arms and tapped my head.

"Show me how strong you are! Girls are weak creatures  you know!" he teased me!

Oh! That's too much!

"Oh you pick the wrong girl to tease about strength!" I shouted and picked up the pace.

"woah..." I heard his voice surprised by my strength and he held tightly.

I started running as fast as I can making him gasped.

Just imagine..

In a nice warmth evening.. in a very calm and a silent road..
A girl running with a boy in her back?? Pretty awkward right?

All people startled at us, but as long as Taehyung doesn't care I'm fine with it!

After running for few minutes I started panting and I sank in a sweat bath!

"I..c..cant!Ah!" I stopped and Taehyung jumped down.
"Hmm you are pretty good" he slapped my back.

"I...... am strong!!" I answered while struggling to breathe.
Taehyung smiled.

"Come on let's go home."
"Yah!" I grabbed his arm.
"I... I can't walk!"

"O....k then.. come to my place after you catch your breath ok? Bye!" he went away!!!

"What the heck! You can't leave me like that!!!" I whined. I tried to get up but my wobbly legs made me sat on the road.

"Yah..." some one pulled me up.
I raised my head and pouted.

"Don't do aegyo! And get on!" I jumped on to his back.

Taehyung held me and started walking.
"Why did you came back?" I muttered.

"I own you... you saved my life... twice..." I was surprised by his reply.

He really is something..

I leaned my head on his shoulder.
"I'm worried... about my future.."   I said.

"Hmm" Taehyung hummed.

"Just imagine me kissing the janitor. I.. am.. ruined"

"..............what?" Taehyung asked.

"..oh no... nothing... I'm just being weird .." I smiled tiredly.

"You better get your brain checked " I slapped his head.



Hey! Sorry for late updates I'm kinda busy these days!
And thankyou soo much my dear readers! love you all!
Enjoy the story!


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