By HephziLolami

145K 578 36

Book 2 | His series "I want you." " But you can have any girl you want. I'm just a random girl who doe... More


Chapter one : Another Argument

11K 407 36
By HephziLolami

Word count: 1612

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"I can't do this anymore!"

"You have no choice love. I'm not leaving you for any damn dog!"

"Well what are you if not one?"


"A dog of course. You slept with Christy. Just because I wasn't in the state for just a day. Jacob, she was the house help. I swear you're the definition of pathetic!"

"You are also pathetic. In fact, when are you not? I also saw my buddy flirting with you the other night!"

"What freaking night, Jacob?"

"The night Freddie was here."


"When I asked him to pick you up for our make out date?"

"It was a makeup date, not a make-freaking-out date. I know you're currently imagining yourself making out with one of your stupid bimbos. I'm sick and tired of all this."

"Okay, I- I'm sorry."

"No you're not."

"Yes I am!"

"I said yo-you're not!"

"I am!"

"I'm leaving. This is all bullshit!"

The heat of the rising sun penetrating through my window, coupled with the debate coming from my parents downstairs as usual, wakes me.

Grudgingly getting up (albeit weakly), I begin my  preparation for the day.

I tune out the noise coming from our humongous living room with a loud groan and head into my bathroom. I'm used to the noise and though it's quite deafening, I don't intend to interfere. I'm not ready to be on the receiving end.

I check my face in the mirror and a groan rips off my throat.

I'm quite a squirmer, except someone is sleeping beside me and that's a solid backup to how awesomely horrible I currently look. My honey brown hair is sticking out in all places like glue was poured over it. The thought of what I'll go through while combing it alone makes me feel sick to my stomach. I swear this doesn't feel like college resumption day for me. It feels like my last day of my last session in school.

I feel exhausted for no reason!

I guess I have to do something about my insomnia anyway.

My eyes have little dark circles under them and my thick eyebrows look like they're waving their tiny hairs up in the air as usual. I'm used to combing them into a straight style every morning.

I rinse my face and grab my brush quickly, doing justice to my mouth.

I strip quickly from my Dora the explorer PJ's and my Disney fairy tank top. Yes I'm a sucker for Disney cartoons, but that doesn't mean I behave like a six year old.

"Honey, your dad and I are heading to work. Don't forget to take your pills and I made pancake. Your drink is in the fridge so take care of yourself and I love you!" My mom's sweet voice announces from the passage as if she wasn't just screaming her throat off ten minutes ago.

A few seconds later, I hear the main door slam downstairs and my shoulders slump.

There's no need for me to give a reply before she leaves. She probably wouldn't have waited for me to finish talking before heading out with my dad anyway.

Once again, they've had a heated argument over something they've probably fought about five hundred times already this year and my reward is this headache.

Stepping under the shower after getting rid of my clothes, I scrub my body with my sponge cloth and rub the soap over my face to wash out the dirt and oil on it.

Next, I pour water on my head also and pat it several times for the water to sink in properly. I have no choice but to do that due to how badly my head is throbbing.

It's terrible!

I wipe my body squeaky clean of water droplets after making sure there's no soap remnant wherever and exit the room with towel around my chest. I mumble to Harry Styles 'As it was' from my phone while moving around my room to get my notes off the edge of my wide bed and into my bag.

My room has features of my favorite color around it, which is orange. My bed and curtains are both painted in orange and my wardrobe has a big poster of Harry Styles in his black outfit which I creepily painted orange. I don't have an answer to why I did it though. I'm just like that.

Also, Harry's favorite color is blue and orange. That's the similarity screaming.

What can a poor girl who's in love with both color orange and Harry freakin' Edwards Styles do?

After dressing, I unwrap the towel from my head and quickly dedicate a few seconds to butt jiggling and twerking.

Placing my big face towel on my back, I blow dry my hair before putting it into a neat bun and check the time which reads seven fifteen. Our first class should probably be nine to eleven am though the new timetable hasn't been finalized yet so I have an hour and thirty minutes to be in class.

I do a heavy makeup as usual, making sure to cover the bags under my eyelids and use my pink lipstick.

After finishing my makeup, I close my window, pick my phone and carry my backpack. I rush to the kitchen to eat and that's when the song playing changes to my ringing tone which is Forever Young by Lil Yachty.

"But we could be together forever,



I open the fridge and bring out my apple and watermelon flavored smoothie.

"What's up babe? Are you there yet?" Charlotte screams immediately I pick the call and I chuckle at her childishness. We're best friends from diaper days and her parents are close to mine.

Really close.

"No. I'm just about to break my fast." I reply her and stroll towards the island which is in the center of the kitchen. I make myself comfortable on the barstool and begin my breakfast direct from the pot.

It's bad habit but I'm not ready to change it. Besides, who cares?

"What's for breakfast?"

"Pancakes and smoothie. Your favorite, watermelon!"

"Okay, can I join you?" She whispers creepily into the phone, making her breathing sound ragged. She sure doesn't like hurting her pride.

"Do you need to ask or are you playing as usual?" I roll my eyes.

"No. I'm almost at your place." And she's back to her squeaky self.

"That's good. We'll leave together then."

"Sure. See you and the smoothie in a bit." She drops the call.

I dig into the meal, not caring if it's unladylike of me and five minutes later, Charlotte barges in like she owns the place. Her large eyes, just like mine scans the kitchen immediately she enters and she crushes me in a bone cracking hug.

She also used her pink lipstick today as we usually do on Mondays. She also has honey brown hair and we're both five feet two. I don't blame some teachers for mistaking us as twins when we were younger. Sincerely.

"I missed you!" She screams and literally bursts my eardrums. I can feel my headache increase instantly.

"We were still together yesterday, you monkey! We attended the same Sunday school service yesterday, went to the same high school and  even go to the same college!" I whisper yell.

"I saw your parents and they said they were heading to my place." She pulls away and sits opposite me.

She grabs the large cup of smoothie and the next thing I know, half the content is travelling down her throat.

"Probably." I shrug.

"I hope all is well?" She raises an eyebrow but I look her straight in the eye.

I learnt to look into people's eyes when my parents were beginning to get really annoying. When it comes down to it, I scream at the both of them in the middle of their heated argument and then we call it a day.

"What do you think?" I question in a monotone. We both know all is not well. In fact, nothing is well.

She drops her gaze while shaking her head and immediately heaves a long sigh.

"I'm sorry."

"No. why would you be?" I laugh bitterly.

Is she sorry because my parents are my parents?

Or maybe because they're just too busy fighting one minute and then making up the next to even remember me? Their only daughter and child?

"I mean they're not making you happy." She grumbles sadly in response.

"You're right but who cares?"

"I do."

Silence follows after that. I don't know what she's thinking but I'm definitely not thinking about my parents.

I stopped thinking about them a long time ago.

"Enough with the emotional talk and just let's head to school." I scoff at her sad expression, knowing she's feeling bad for me.

I don't feel bad for myself though. I, Chloe Black, the daughter of Natasha and Jacob Black who fight all the time and break things around the house but can never allow anyone to advise them on divorce or temporary separation.

Do I need anyone's pity? Hell nah!

"We're good to go then. Welcome to the first day of our second year in college!" She screams enthusiastically again and I cringe in response with a good glare in her direction.

She drops the plates inside the sink and wipes her hands with the napkin beside the plate rack.

"I'll meet you at the front porch okay? Let me just lock the door."


Time to head to school.

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