The Harbour Girl

By innocentlyafloat

37.1K 961 56

For some life comes easy, but there are the other half who struggle on as hard as they can. Through the abuse... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Three

2.7K 75 1
By innocentlyafloat

I wake up, shower and get dressed into a purple t-shirt dress, some white converse all stars and put a long necklace with little daisy on. I walk over to the table at the back of my wardrobe and dry my hair pulling it back into two cute buns. I then apply some makeup.

Walking downstairs I just grab my school bag and leave. I walk through the small lane and reach the harbour. I as always go to the plaque on the rock trailing my finger across it slowly. For once I stay looking at it for longer than a few seconds. I notice the face of Sonny Waters at the top of the plaque. How weird his last name is Waters, his boat went missing in these waters.

After a little while I get closer to the edge of the harbour and sit on the worn cement. Listening to the morning breeze, the waves crashing against anything that is in there way including each other, the seagulls in the distance going crazy around a fishing boat and the silence, the weird silence when it really isn't silent but as you sit down it's all there ever is. No one to talk with, no reason to laugh and no reason to care or for someone else to care. Maybe it's a good reason no one cares, well my mum does but she's away most of the time, she won't miss me that much when I'm dead.

The seven o'clock bell rings and I stand up and leave putting my bag on my back. I reach the end of the harbour, turn round and look at it all taking in every minuscule of detail before turning away and walk to school.

I'm currently sitting inside my English class and I just can't stop coughing. When I have had enough of people giving me weirder looks than usual, I stand up grab my things and leave. I race to the nurse and she immediately gets into action.

Nurse Moore called an ambulance and it will be here soon while I'm sitting coughing and spluttering. "Where is she?" Someone yells as the door slams open "here" Nurse Moore yells back. They get me to the ambulance and drive me off to the hospital.

I reach the hospital and began choking when blood starts spilling out my mouth. I'm being sick, but with blood. It's absolutely disgusting.

After being sick I'm sitting inside a hospital room waiting for some doctor to arrive and then I can leave. To be honest right now I'd rather be at home in my bed than in this smelly hospital. Seriously as much as these places help people it stinks of disinfectant.

"Hello, I'm doctor Mark Andrews and I'm the cancer doctor here" he said holding out his hand for me to shake which I did while muttering a small 'hi'. "So I'm going to say this straight out as I don't believe in sugar coating anything" he said to which I replied with a brief nod. "So on here it tells me you know you have lung cancer that's spread" he says looking down at his clipboard with some paper on it. "Yes" I reply hoarsely with my throat stinging from the blood. "I'm afraid this is even more serious than we thought before. You only have around a month left" he said now holding my hand and squeezing it slightly "I'm sorry" he said before going to the door "your free to leave when your ready" Dr.Andrews said before leaving. I sat in shock.


I slowly stood up grabbed my bag and began walking out the hospital nurses and doctors giving me sad smiles. I left the hospital walking down the small alleyway that is a slight short cut to my house.

I reach the house, change into pyjamas and burst out crying silently so my brothers won't hear me. I fall asleep my eyes swollen for crying so much.

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