Love You Better

De xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

773 0 0

Sisters like to steal everything from each other like food, clothes, and even songs from one another's Spotif... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

38 0 0
De xxxdancemomsgirlxxx

"Ready for tonight?" Khalid asked while we both walked in together. "Yeah, I'm more than confident that we'll end up beating Middleburg, their top forward tore a ligament at practice so she won't be able to play until the end of the regular season."

"I'm talking about Nick's party tonight, you're still going with Julian right?" "Yeah I promised to go with him and I'm telling you right now that it isn't a date." "I know considering that you'll be the third wheel." "What?" I asked as Julian walked into the room.

"Isn't it obvious that you're sister has a thing with him?" "No, they aren't even dating, if you haven't forgotten she has a boyfriend." "Oh I haven't forgotten since you bring it up every time I talk about your sister." He laughed which made me feel a little embarrassed.

"Hey Morgan." Noah walked by as he tapped on me like the other day. "Hi." "You goin to Nick's tonight?" "Yeah you?" "Yeah we were supposed to have a game tonight but the other team had to cancel." "Nice, so I expect to see you at my scrimmage tonight." "Oh I'll be there, wouldn't wanna miss seeing you play." "Ha that's if I get in the game." I joked.

"You will trust me. So do you have a ride for tonight?" "Yeah Julian is bringing me." "The new kid?" "Yeah." "Why?" He laughed like I said something funny.

"Because we're friends." "Wait you mean to tell me that you and soccer boy are friends?" "Yeah good friends." "Morg just be careful around him." "Why?" "Well he just seems like the kid who will try to get in every girls pants." "He isn't you just have to get to know him." "Whatever you say, I'll see you later." "Bye."

"Woah woah woah were you talking to Noah again?" Lexi asked rushing over to me "yeah." "What did he say?" "He told me that he was coming to see my scrimmage tonight." "Oooo it sounds exactly like what he did when you two were together." "No it doesn't, just because he's coming doesn't mean he's more than a friend." "Yeah okay sis." She winked.

"Aye you ready for your game?" Julian asked walking over to me as Lexi walked out of the room. "Hell yeah." "Good because I'm actually kinda excited to see you play even though I've seen you before." "Well that was a one on one game against one another." "Doesn't matter, you were actually pretty good." "Thanks and I'll admit that you were pretty good last night too."

"Thanks I would've gotten in trouble if I did any worse considering that I went to a soccer school." "Makes sense, I mean you're gonna probably play in college." "Yeah that's something I wanna do. I think it's a good to have dreams and aspirations and that's something that I've been dreaming to do." "That's great, you're the first guy I've ever heard express their feelings for something like that." "Well there's a first for everything." He said and then class began.
"Welcome to the Gainesville high girls soccer scrimmage vs Middleburg high." The announcer said as our team was in a huddle doing our pre-game talk.

"Okay girls this is the first scrimmage of the season and we know the Middleburg is beatable since we beat their asses last year. My only advice is just pass the ball a lot because they like going after one position. Let's go girls 1...2....3 Gainesville." we screamed after I explained the plan to them.

"We will now announce Gainesville's starting lineup.
#13 Kamryn Reynolds Attacker
#22 Emilia Newburgh Center Attacker
#33 Jordan Scott Attacker
#35 Leah Hemmings Midfielder
#17 Taylor Armstrong Midfielder
#28 Sophie Conor Defender
#19 Camila Wilson Defender
#14 Bella Perez Defender
And your seniors and captains
#42 Alyssa Hernandez Defender
#14 Ariana Conor Goalkeeper
And finally
#11 Morgan Ryan Midfielder."

As they announced the other team I looked around to see who came. I saw Tanner but there was no sign of either Julian or Noah. I wasn't surprised about Noah but I didn't think that Julian would lie.

As the game started I got into my position and before I knew it the game started. The center passed it to one of the other Midfielders Taylor who passed it to me and I immediately scored.

As the game continued we continued to score and had good defense. In the end we ended up winning 6-1 due to a penalty kick which allowed the other team to score.

"Hey good job out there." Tanner said running towards me with his arms wide open and Julian right beside him. "Thanks little one." I laughed while patting his head.

"Nice game, I bet I could've defended you better though considering That team sucked." "Yeah okay." "Ooh I would wanna see a little 1 v 1 action." Tanner said encouraging something that already happened. "Oh I'll show you some 1 v 1 action." He said and then threw me over his shoulder.

"Julian put me down!" I demanded trying to be serious while laughing. "Sorry I'm gonna beat you at your little game." "No Tanner help!" "Nah I'm enjoying this." He laughed.

"Morgan." I heard Noah's voice call from behind. After Julian kept me on his shoulder while he turned to Noah. "What's up?" he asked getting defensive. "I wanna talk to Morgan." "She's all yours, I'll see you later." He said putting me down and walking away with Tanner.

"Great job today." He said and then kissed my cheek unexpectedly. "Um thanks." "I forgot how hot you were in your warmup."he winked  "yeah I am pretty hot, what is it like 80 degrees and I'm in a long sleeve shirt." "What?" "Nothing." I joked hinting that I knew exactly what he was doing.

"Well I'm gonna head home to get ready but I'll see you later." "Yeah bye." I waved relieved that he was leaving since the flirt attempt was so bad.

"Hey crazy girl your brother took your car I'm bringing you home." Julian pulled up on the side. "Of course he did he hates me." "Well he doesn't hate me." He winked.

After he drove in silence all the way to my house. I was exhausted but I made a promise to him that I would still go to the party.

"So what time are you coming back?", I asked. "Im actually not leaving I'm gonna wait for you." "Julian it's okay to get ready and then come back." "It's all good I'm all set." "Okay whatever you say."

After I quickly picked out an outfit, brushed out my hair, and applied new makeup to my face. Before I ran out to the car I also grabbed an apple so that I didn't end up starving or drinking anything without food in my system.

I quickly ran back to the car before my sister would come to the car and be all over Julian. As I got in I noticed Julian staring me up and down.

"Sorry for taking awhile I needed to eat a little something." "Nah that's okay." He said throwing his arm around my chair. "Lexi should be out in a few." "Sounds good."

After we sat there is silence for a few minutes. It seemed like he wanted to say something, but held it off. "You do know that these parties get out of hand." I blurted out trying not to make things awkward. "Yeah Khalid told me about this one time where you got super drunk and you could barely walk and-" "don't bring that up." I hit his shoulder playfully.

"You look great tonight by the way." "Eh I don't know if I could say that same thing about you." "Wow no love for me?" "Nope."

"Man I miss those days in California when there wasn't a care in the world and  wasn't expected to always be places, you know?" "Yeah I like starting fresh where no one knows me . I hate always being asked questions about the breakup." "I agree, when I left home for vacation I was relieved not only because vacations are always a good escape, but also because there was shit that was started before I left. That story is for another time though."

"Well at least you tell the truth, that way shit doesn't get around here." "The truth hasn't gotten me anywhere here. If anything it's everyone twisting the truth into a lie. Girls have been telling one another that I've taken them to third base when we haven't even reached first and guys have been telling everyone around the school that I hump and dump."

"Ignore that, those are just the guys that don't get any action other than watching weird shit if  you know what I mean and imagining themselves fingering a girl way out of there league." "Yeah I can tell considering one was moaning in the bathroom that "it felt good" when he was the only one in the stall." "Ugh ew don't ever say that again."

"Man you were wrong when you said she was about to be done inside." "I wasn't, she told her friend that was talking on the phone with her that she was almost ready." "I guess you don't know that definition of almost ready then." "I guess not." We laughed.

"I honestly wish I met you before I did. Someone like you would've been great to have during the rough times.", he said. "I agree but I also slightly disagree. The reasoning behind it is simple. If we had met before we wouldn't have the friendship that we have now." "Finally, I never thought that you would admit that we were friends." He laughed. "Yeah that'll be the only time I'll admit it."

"Your an amazing girl, did you know that?" "I've heard that before but I tend to never believe it." "Well believe it. You're the realist girl I know and I like that about you." He said and then before I knew it he kissed me. I immediately kissed back and it felt good to finally kiss him again after a few months.

As we continued to kiss I saw my sister right outside the window. "Julian!" I said pulling right away. "It's okay the windows are tinted." He said unlocking the door.

"Hey Cutie." Lexi said opening the passenger door not noticing that I was there. "Morgan, what the hell are you doing here?" "I invited her to come to the party. I asked her before I asked you." "Oh I thought you know that I would just be the two of us." "Well it's not." I instigated.

"Morgan can you sit in the back please?" She asked already irritated at the fact that I ruined her "date". "Sorry I'm comfortable where I am." "Of course you are bitch." I heard her say mumbling the bitch part.

On the way there Lexi blabbed on to Julian about Miles and how her day went. Julian and I on the other hand didn't speak to each other at all.

When we walked into the house everyone immediately swarmed Julian. It was like he was a celebrity with all the paparazzi waiting for pictures of him. I still didn't see the big deal about Him. To me he was just like every other average boy I know.

"Hey Morgan!" I heard a voice behind me say. "I didn't expect to see you here." Nick said putting his arm around me as I continued to walk. "What do you want Nick?" "What do you mean?" "We haven't talked in months and today just so happens to be the day you talk to me." "I guess it just so happens to be a coincidence." "Yeah okay."

"So you and Julian Huh?" He asked already knowing that we were friends. "That's funny but no." "Oh c'mon you just walked in together." "So what? My sister came with us and she would probably kill me if I laid a hand on him."

"You know, you shouldn't just let your sister have him if you want him. I mean technically she still has a boyfriend and I don't think Julian would appreciate being played by a girl who has a boyfriend."

"Okay nick what's your point?" "The kid needs a real girl, not one who wants to be all over him all the time. You sound perfect for him. He talks about you all the time and how all your conversations are meaningful and real."

"Well he isn't lying to you, but he isn't looking for a girl who looks like me." "Dude you're hot though, lots of guys would like to tap that." "Shut up that's easy for you to say because we were together." I laughed. "That was years ago and you're still a snack." "Stop"

"But in all seriousness if you like him don't hide it. I don't care who you're with as long as you're happy." He said walking away with a smirk.

That last sentence killed me. It made me regret my past and all the people I hurt. Nick and Noah weren't your typical best friends, they were more like brothers. They did everything together from going on vacation together to even living together when Noah had problems with his family, but all of those memories became overshadowed because of me.

Nick and I had a really tough break up and I affected the both of us equally. We didn't dare look at each other or talk for about two months. Our breakup was over little fights that turned into one big one. We fought over little things like which color we would wear to the freshman winter formal and which stores we would go to at the mall, but overall we broke up due to disagreements.

One day I was just tired of sitting around and being sad so my ex friends told me to go find a new boy so I ended up listening. I ended up going for the next cutest guy that I knew who was single which was Noah. That day I decided to go to his house so that we could meet up. When I got to his house Nick was there. Nick got really mad because he thought that Noah invited me earlier since he came unexpectedly.

Noah and Nick fought a lot after that. A few days later Khalid talked Noah into asking me out even after he knew that they fought over that. Eventually I gave in and Nick gave out. They officially hated each other. When Noah and I ended things Nick started talking to me again. It was horrible to know that I ended a friendship, but they never even attempted to fix it.

"Hey girl!" Allie said coming from the other side of the room. "Hi." "So you ended up coming with him?" "Yeah and my sister." "I swear she doesn't know how to stay in her lane." "I know, she can never give guys a break."

"So I saw you and Nick talking which rarely happens so what's up?" "It's stupid." "Morgan!" She rolled her eyes. "Fine it was about Julian. He was telling me about how he talks about me all the time." "Isn't that a good thing?" "No not at all, were friends."

"I swear you are so bipolar when it comes to him. One minute you say you're just friends and the next you're ranting because your sister is trying to pursue him." "Okay so maybe I'm a little confused." I admitted.

"I knew you had a thing for him still." "Shhh nobody else needs to know." "Did he do something?" "Well when we were in the car waiting for Lexi he may have kissed me." "Stop lying." "I'm not." "Are you kidding me?!" "Nope we were just talking and it just kinda happened." "Wait so that must mean he likes you too." "I don't know."

"Hey girls lookin nice." I heard Noah say as he wrapped his arms around me. "What do you want?" Allie asked. "To talk to your best friend." "Well she isn't available right now." "Oh c'mon now I'm sure she would appreciate talking to me." "I'm sure she wouldn't."

"Morgan." He said holding his hand out to me. "Morg don't do this, it's only gonna make things worse for you." She whispered. "I have to, I swear I'll come right back." "Fine." She said and I grabbed his hand.

"Have you gotten anything to drink yet?" "Nah I haven't made my way over to the kitchen yet." "That's okay, yo miles get this girl a cup of vodka." "Gotcha bro." He said very annoyed due to the fact that Noah used him.

"So I never got to ask you how your summer was." It was ironic that he asked because he figured that all I did was mope around because I was upset that we had broken up.

"I went to California." "Nice, what did you do?" "Went to the beach, learned how to surf, and went to amusement parks. What about you?" "Nothin much I went down to Miami with the guys. He explained referring to all of his dick friends.

"So did you find any guys there?" He asked unexpectedly. "I did." I said looking directly at Julian. "Did you hook up with anyone?" "Dude I was there for 2 weeks not 2 years." "Well sorry for asking." "What did you hook up with any girls?" "Nah I was still getting over you." He said and I wasn't sure if I should believe him or not.

"So are you with this kid?" "Not exactly, but we still talk." "But would you be dating him if he was here?" "Noah I don't get the point of you asking me these questions." "I'm asking because I wanna know if you're ready to move on from me?"

When he asked that I looked up to see my sister making out with Julian on the couch. She was on top of him while his hands were wrapped around her. They were both laughing as she continued to kiss him and he kissed her neck. All is could feel were tears starting to well up in my eyes. My heart dropped and he broke it.

"Well are you?" He asked trying to gain my attention back. "No I'm not." "Good I've been waiting to hear that for weeks." I decided to make a sudden move and next think I know I'm kissing Noah. In the background I could hear everyone whispering which was embarrassing but good.

When I pulled away I saw Julian look at me quickly with worried eyes. "I'm glad you told me how you felt, maybe we should start where we left off." He said pushing himself on me. "Yeah right now isn't exactly the right time, but maybe later." "What ever you say." He said walking away as I bit my lip regretting what I just did.

" I thought all you were gonna do was talk?" Allie came running over. "Me too, but Julian ruined that." I said looking back up at him and Lexi. "Oh Morgan, don't do something for a guy that doesn't deserve you. He clearly led you on just to do shit with her." "I know and it's horrible." I cried starting to show my emotions.

"Yo Allie did you get this girl drunk." Miles came by laughing. "No, she's just going through a rough time right now." "So am I." He said as his voice got weaker when he looked back at Lexi.

"I wish I was drunk so I didn't give a damn about anything." "Me too, wanna do it?" He asked walking over to the cooler filled with beer inside of it. "Sure" I said grabbing the beer he passed me.

"Guys drinking won't solve your problems. Time will solve everything even if it takes days, months, or even years. I know you both are going through heartbreaks, but I think you just need some sleep." Allie said stealing the drinks from our hands

"Woah who broke your heart Miss high school boys are overrated dicks who just date for attention and sex.?" He smiled as he remembered the joke from sophomore year.

"A boy changed that last year. We talked and saw each other a lot to the point where I saw him everyday. Then one day I look out my window to see him kissing this girl outside of my house and it broke my heart. I was being led on by a boy that I never thought would hurt me. After staying in my room for a day or two I was completely fine."

"Okay so maybe you do know what it's like to feel empty and that dude is a total dick." , Miles said. "Yeah I know, I see him quite often now and even though him and his girlfriend broke up or at least I think they did, I don't see him as the same person."

"Who broke your heart?" He asked confused because I never mentioned being with anyone. "An overrated dick who wanted attention and sex." "Noah?" "Nope just someone I thought cared."

"Oh yeah speaking of breaking up I broke up with Lexi and that's why she's all over Manning. It's pretty ironic that she can't keep her dirty fingers off him, but was okay with keeping her hands off me when I told her I would sleep with her." "That's true."

"This party has completely turned into a sad fest let's go. I'll give you two rides home if you want." "Sure I just have to let my sister know." "Sounds good, meet us in the car." "Got it." I said as they walked out.

"Lexi I'm going home." I said as she hopped off of a tired Julian. "Why, aren't you having fun?" "Not at all." "Well I'm not leaving, I'm having a great time." She winked. "That's great I'm just letting you know that I'm going." "Bye." "Bye have fun sloppy second." "What?" "Nothing have fun."

"You're leaving?" Julian came from behind. "Yeah I'm just not having the best time." "What did Nick do, did he get mad at you and Noah?" "No my exes don't define me." I said irritated at the fact that every time he thought I was mad it was about Noah.

"Well I thought I was gonna bring you home." "You were but I'm getting a ride from Miles." "Okay well I'll text you on the morning." "Don't bother, text the girlfriend you didn't want instead." I said walking away as I heard him call me.

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