Sell Me Sunset

By cgblue1993

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INTRODUCTION Meet Selene. Your typical workaholic, her happily married friends press her into endless blind d... More

SMS Chapter 1
SMS Chapter 2
SMS Chapter 3
SMS Chapter 4
SMS Chapter 5
SMS Chapter 6
SMS Chapter 7
SMS Chapter 8
SMS Chapter 9

SMS Chapter 10

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By cgblue1993

I met her the next morning, 20 minutes late and slightly hung over. I spent half the night trying to drink away the nightmares of her bleeding out from gunshot wounds in my arms. Trying to forget how warm she was, the stark contrast to her apartment. Trying to forget how much I wanted to kiss her. She's a goody two-shoes know-it-all loudmouth. Totally not my type, but when she was  relaxed and comfortable, not as stiff, prim and proper, she was pretty earthy and unique. I walked into the dress shop, not seeing her, and plopped down on one of the cushy sofas. Just as I was about to call her cell, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde walked out of the dressing room in a long, blue, sequined gown. She was facing the other side of the store, so I couldn't see her face, but I could tell that the dress was practically made for her. She spun and I caught a glimpse of her... Allana's  sweet face, smiling and twirling like a little girl in a new Easter dress. She looked breathtaking. I paused momentarily, thinking that it would look much better with her long dark hair. She spotted me staring her, probably slack jawed, and smirked.

"Cat got your tongue, rockstar?"

I collected myself and responded in truth. "You look like the belle of the ball. You won't need me as your date, every other man there will be begging you to be his."

She stared at me for a minute, startled, and then with a somewhat melancholy look said, "You and that silver tongue could sell sunset to the moon. Do you ever not sweet talk women to get what you want?"

I longed to take that sadness from her face and... What was I thinking? I'm a rock star. I do not walk around like a sad puppy pining for his master. "Nope," I responded as I turned to look at the monkey suits. I picked one in my size and went to try it on. By the time I was done she had left her charge information with the saleswoman and left.

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