Let Me In. (Luke Hemmings) *...

By lilahrose_Fan

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||No one can hurt you, unless you let them in|| WARNING: Self Harm, bad language and mature contents. More

Let Me In. (Luke Hemmings)
Chapter 1-"Yeah, I'm Luke"
Chapter 3-"HELLO, I'M AUTUMN"
Chapter 4-"I promise, it'll be our little secret"
Chapter 6-"I'm sorry I was around for these 16 years, I won't be anymore"
Chapter 7-"I love you."
Chapter 8-"ALL TIME LOW!"
Chapter 9-"What size are you?"
Chapter 10-"I'm so proud of you."
Chapter 11-"NO! I can't be helped."
Chapter 12-"I love you. I care. I'm here. I won't leave."
Chapter 13-"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"
Chapter 14-"Tobie, IE not Y."
Chapter 15-"I have to tell you something."
Chapter 16-"Goodbye. Promise me you'll be OK?"
Chapter 17-"I'm fixed?"
Chapter 18-"We should be artists."
Chapter 19-"I love you. Only you."
Chapter 20-"Tyler Kian Irwin and Ava Rose Irwin."
Chapter 21-"Will you be a bridesmaid at our wedding?"
Chapter 22-"Can you and Luke sing this please?"
Chapter 23-"You know what? We're done!"
Chapter 24-"I'll always love you Luke Hemmings."
Chapter 25-"My fault?! OK then, Mr We're Done!!"
Chapter 26-"Will you marry me?"
Chapter 27-"I didn't do it right, so I'll do it again."
Chapter 29-"Good morning Mrs Hemmings."
Chapter 30-"Our Epilogue."

Chapter 28-"I do."

1.9K 31 8
By lilahrose_Fan

Dress in external link


Lily's P.O.V

*Night before*

I said goodbye to Luke before the boys stole him from me. I turned back to Tobie who was holding my outfit in his hands.  Carter was staying home with the kids while Tobie took me out for my 'last night as a unmarried virgin' is what Tobie called it.

"Go on!" He tapped my bum, I jumped and took my clothes from him.

I quickly got changed into the black lace top, floral patterned leggings and some black converse he had given me. I changed and then put my hair into a ponytail, Tobie jumped up and down before grabbing my hand and pulling me outside.

"We're gonna get you so drunk!" He exclaimed.

"Tobie, I don't drink." I laughed.

"I'll make you." he laughed, I rolled my eyes and he pulled me into a nightclub.

"Really Tobie!" I exclaimed, he laughed and dragged me to the bar. He ordered me a Vodka and Coke.

"Drink it." He told me.

"I don't drink." I told him.

"No, it only takes me like a tiny bot of alcohol to be drunk." I told him.

"Just that one please." He begged.

"Fine!" I exclaimed and drank down the drink, everything seemed 10 times louder when I finished it.

"ANOTHER?" He yelled.

"No. My head hurts." I whimpered.

"YOU'LL BE FINE! HERE THIS ONE'S JUST COKE!" He yelled and I knew he was lying by the smirk on his face but I still drank it.

Tobie's P.O.V

I laughed as I walked her home.

"OMG! LOOK IT LOOKS LIKE A BUTTERFLY!" She exclaimed as she pointed at something on the wall, she giggled heavily and stumbled into me.

"Your shoes look like cabbages!" She exclaimed. I burst out laughing and finally got her home, I walked up to her door and saw a tipsy Luke.

"WHY IS SHE DRUNK!" He yelled.

"Luke, calm down, OK, I watched her the whole time and she needs to be drunk."

"She has these attacks when she's sick which mean she can choke and die! She hates getting drunk because it usually involves her puking up, I'm staying with her, you can go home!" Luke exclaimed.

"Luke, I know, you go back with the boys and I'll sort her out." I told him.

"No! I don't like you one bit! I'm only putting up with you because for some fucking bizarre reason she likes you!" He said through gritted teeth, I knew he never liked me, he didn't mind Carter but he had a serious problem with me, maybe it was when she tried to...yeah. I think he's jealous.

"Look-" I was cut off by drunk Lily, coughing, she fell to the floor and Luke's predictions were right, she had some sort of attack while being sick. Luke picked her up and sat behind her, smoothing her back, he whispered stuff in her ear and he seemed to calm her down.

"I've had enough of you! Fuck off!" Luke exclaimed, I nodded and 'fucked off'.

Luke's P.O.V

I picked Lily up and carried her inside, I took her into the bathroom and she giggled at me.

"You have Blue eyes, I like blue eyes they look like rainbows." She giggled, I rolled my eyes and she smiled.

"Sure what ever beautiful." I smiled.

"I have a boyfriend." She replied seriously. That's my girl, at least I know she's faithful.

"I know what's he like?" I asked her.

"He's cute. He does this thing with his lip when he's nervous and it makes me want to rip all his clothes off." She giggled.

"Oh, ditto, what else does he do." I asked her.

"He's really strong and he scares me when he yells." She whimpered, I felt my heart sink.

"Why?" I asked her.

"Because Alec used to yell, over and over, he'd say I never so shit right, he'd hit me and...I was terrified of what he'll do, he didn't do anything like force me into something just beat me up and sometimes I see the same look in Luke's eyes and I'm sure it's pure hatred." She started crying and I grabbed her, wiping my own tears. I couldn't hate her even if I had to, I couldn't.

"He doesn't hate you! He loves you! You're gonna get married." I told her and she stopped crying.

"We're gonna be married and have cute little children!" She giggled, I nodded and took her to bed.

"Luke?" Ashton's voice called.

"ASHTON! ASH! ASHY! ASHY-POO!" Lily giggled, Ashton came in and gave me a weird look.

"Tobie." I spat before tucking her in bed.

"Oh, you want me to stay with her?" He asked.

"If you want." I replied.

"I'd love too." He smiled.

"Thanks Ashton." I smiled, he sat beside her and I waited till she was asleep.

"K Ashton, the stylist has all her stuff, if she's sick hold her upright, don't let her down and smooth her back and sing to her." I told him, he nodded and I left, heading back to my two drunk best friends.

Lily's P.O.V

I groaned as I woke up, my head was banging and I could literally feel my heart beat. I turned and came face to face with a shirtless Ashton. I screamed and fell out of the bed, Ashton jumped awake and I stared at him.

"We didn't," I gestured to the bed and then between us. "Did we?" I asked him.

"OH GOD NO!" He laughed.

"Thank fuck for that, for a moment there I thought-OH MY GOD I'M GETTING MARRIED!" I screamed, Ashton laughed and my head banged.

"Hey, calm down." he laughed.

"What time is it?" I asked him, he pulled out his phone and gasped.

"20 past noon."

"OH MY GOD! THE STYLIST WILL BE HERE IN 10 MINUTES!" I screamed running downstairs.

It's the middle of winter and my dream wedding is a beach wedding, Luke's dream wedding is a snow wedding, put the two together and you have snowy beach wedding.

Ashton came downstairs and grabbed something to eat, I didn't want to eat so I sat waiting for the stylist, Lou. The doorbell went and I fell off my chair, I ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." She smiled back.

"Ready Miss Rivers?" She asked and I nodded, I sat down and she began.

I sat quietly while the stylist did my makeup and hair, she had just done my nails and I must admit they were very pretty. They were like a sparkly white and I loved them, I think I’ll get them done permanently like this. I smiled as the stylist pulled away.

See Luke planned everything for me during our wedding and I’ve planned everything for Luke during our wedding. I have no clue what I’m wearing but either way I’ll love it because Luke knows me better then I know myself.

"OK Miss Rivers, all done." Lou smiled. She pulled a mirror in front of me and I gasped, the girl in the mirror wasn’t me, she was beautiful.

"How did you do it?" I asked her.

"Trust you’re beautiful without makeup, this is a semi boost to make your eye lashes bigger, eyes brighter and your lips look fuller." Lou smiled, she passed me my dress and I went to get changed, I fell in love with the dress, it was beautiful, it was a long lacy dress not puffy like most dresses, I slid it on and then put on my purple converse.

Yes, I’m wearing converse on my wedding day. The promise I made to myself when I was 13. I smiled and Lou walked in, she smiled at me making me smile.

"I love that dress!" She exclaimed.

"Thanks; well you should tell Luke that, he picked it out." I smiled.

"AW!" She exclaimed, I laughed and walked out, Ashton was in his suit and I smiled, he saw me and his jaw dropped.

"Want to marry me instead?" He joked; I laughed and shook my head.

"Sorry but it’s a no." I laughed. He smiled and the door went, we walked out and I was put in the car, Lou put the veil over my head and I started shaking.

"Lily, don’t stress." Ashton told me, I nodded and took deep breathes. I looked at Ashton and he smiled.

"I feel like you’re my little sister and I’m watching you grow up." Ashton smiled, I laughed nervously and he leaned over and hugged me.

"A-Ashton, what if he doesn’t show up?" I asked.

"He will. He’s never felt this way about someone before I promise he’ll be here." Ashton smiled, I nodded and we arrived, I was met by Tobie, Carter, Elsa, Brad and Cameron. They all smiled as I stepped out the car, the snow collected on the ground near the beach.

"What happened last night?" I asked Tobie.

"He got you drunk." Ashton spat and I nodded, Tobie tried to speak but I walked away. Ava and Tyler were with Michael who was standing in the dressing room, I walked in and smiled at the two babies, Ava’s a bridesmaid and Tyler’s a page boy.

"OK, give Lily a few minutes." Ashton said, they all left the room and I sat taking deep breathes.

"Oh my god, look who it is James." I jumped and turned around coming face to face with my father.

"Dad?" I asked, he nodded and that’s when I noticed the 10 year old beside him.

"JAMES!" I exclaimed, he ran up to me and hugged me.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"You really think I’d miss my little girls wedding?" He asked and my anger grew inside.


"I’m sorry Lily, I’m not with Sophia anymore, I’ve changed, and I’m not like that anymore!" He exclaimed and I sat holding an upset James in my arms.

"You left me! I was 14!" I exclaimed, not wanting to cry.

"I’m sorry, please forgive me?" He begged, I nodded and he wrapped me in a hug.

"Lily, are you-Oh…who is this?" Ashton asked.

"This is my dad…and my little brother, remember that little 4 year old you drove home from the hospital." I muttered, Ashton smiled.

"You got the invitation." He smiled at my dad, what invitation?

"Luke sent your dad and invitation, he didn’t think he’d get it and even if he did, Luke thought he wouldn’t come." Ashton told me and I nodded.

"Lily, is your dad going to give you away?" Ashton asked, I looked at my dad and raised an eyebrow at him.

"If he wants." I mumbled, originally Ashton wanted to give me away.

"Can I?!" My dad asked, I nodded and he smiled at me.

"OMG ITS TIME!" I heard Michael yell, we all walked out and the music began to play, my dad held out his arm and I wrapped mine through it.

"I love you Lily." He smiled down at me.

"I love you too Dad." I replied, the doors opened and we walked down, I saw Luke and I felt extremely nervous.

Luke’s P.O.V

I stood at the altar; my hands shook with anticipation as I waited to see the smaller brunette. Calum, my best man stood smiling beside me, Tobie, Carter and their adopted children sat talking between each other.

We were having a beach wedding, in the snow, a wish both Lily and I made. It started to snow heavily and that’s when the music played, I turned and everyone stood up, Lily wasn’t on Ashton’s arm though, she was on her father’s arm. I smiled at them both, Lily gave a full blown smile making my heart skip beats, Lily’s dad gave a nod, I’ve never her dad so this brings my nerves up.

Lily was beautiful. Her hair was perfect, her makeup made her eyes pop and she was just completely beautiful.

The closer she got the more relaxed she looked, finally she was stood right in front and I let out a breath I never knew I had.

"Got her?" Her dad asked as I grabbed her hand.

"Yep." I smiled at him, he nodded and headed off to the side with a little boy, who I assumed, was James.

"You look beautiful." I whispered in her ear. She blushed a bright red colour and smiled up at me.

"Thanks, same for you." She winked. We turned and the person giving the ceremony stared at us.

*Some point later*

"Will you now please say your vows, Luke you may go first?"

"OK, so…Lily, I remember everything the moment, I know this sounds cliché and pathetic but when you walked into hat science room, I felt like all the air was knocked out of me, I knew from then, September 8th 2011, that I wanted you mine. Yeah, it may have taken me a few months to actually get to you but hey, it worked. When I left, I knew I should’ve said bye but I don’t know why I didn’t. I’ve been through a lot with you and who knows where I’d be without you. I promise to love you forever because I already do. I’ve always wanted to say this…you’ve saved me." I told her, she smiled and I swear she was crying, Lily’s hair was getting covered in snow and it was all so beautiful. Lily pulled out her paper and smiled, she took a deep breath before reading.

"Luke. 4 letters that never fail to make my heart jump and a smile appear. No one’s ever meant this much, most people left and even though you did a few times, you always made it back somehow. You’ve been one of my few reasons to stay alive. I’ve never met someone like you; someone who’s seen through my lies, my fake smiles and who always knows how to make me better. I’ve been broke, smashed, shattered and throw, again and again but you’ve been there to pick up the pieces. You were there when I was in a coma and you proposed as soon as I woke up. I love you and I haven’t loved someone as much as I love you. Thank you for fixing me." Lily stated, her tears fell but her makeup was perfect.

"Do you Luke Robert Hemmings take Lily Rose Rivers to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do." I smiled staring into Lily’s darker blue eyes, she smiled and wiped a few more tears.

"And do you Lily Rose Rivers take Luke Robert Hemmings to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." Lily smiled back.

"I know pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I leaned down and just as our lips touch Calum yelled.

"JUST A KISS!" Lily giggled against my lips before I pressed my lips on hers.

I pulled away and pulled her into a hug. We signed the certificate thing before I took Mrs Hemmings to get changed for the reception. I changed into black jeans and kept on my dress shirt. I walked out and waited for Lily. She came out in a black lacy dress, black vans and ripped tights. She looked perfect...wait when does she not?

I took her hand and we walked out, people threw confetti on us and we climbed into the car before being dropped off at the reception. We were taken inside and I finally got to dance with her.

"OK! First dance is to 'A Thousand Years Part 2 by Christina Perri and Steve Kazee." The DJ exclaimed, Lily smiled at me and I grabbed her hand, she can't dance so I lifted her onto my feet.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you too." She whispered back to me.

[Christina Perri:]
The day we met,
Frozen I held my breath
Right from the start
I knew that I'd found a home for my heart...
... beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

[Steve Kazee:]
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath
Every hour has come to this

[Christina Perri & Steve Kazee:]
One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more...

I'll love you for a thousand more...

One step closer

[Chorus: Christina Perri]
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

[Christina Perri & Steve Kazee:]
And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more 

I pulled away from her and saw her tears, I wiped them and smiled.

"Don't cry now beautiful." I smiled, I heard people awe and I pressed my lips on hers.

"LILY YOU SAID HE WASN'T YOUR BOYFRIEND!" A little voice yelled, Lily laughed and I turned to where I saw James. I smiled and he ran and hugged my leg.

"I love you Luke." James said, I smiled and picked him up.

"Love you too Kiddo, I missed you, god you're so big now." I smiled.

"I know." He smiled.

 Lily's dad walked over and I straightened up, Lily noticed and laughed.

"You'll look after her yes?" He asked me, I nodded and he smiled.

"Good because from what I've heard she needs it." He smiled.

"Dad!" Lily exclaimed and hit him.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there, have fun and I hope you have a great family, Luke, you better be a better father then I was." Her dad told me, I nodded and he smiled. I turned and grabbed Lily's waist she smiled and I danced with her.

*End of reception.*

It was getting dark out and we all left the building, the snow fell heavily and people threw confetti on us, Lily laughed and we climbed into our car, we waved goodbye before she leaned her head on me.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you more." I replied.

"Nu uh." She argued lifting her head up and looking at me, I pushed my lips on hers and she giggled. We were getting driven into the country side, I booked a little cottage in the middle of no where. she was looking out the window smiling, my hand ran down her back and she shivered under my touch. She turned and smiled at me.

*Some point later*


We arrived and Lily was like a little kid, she was so excited. I carried our stuff and just before she walked in, I dropped everything and picked her up bridal style.

"Luke, what the hell?" She asked.

"Sh!" I laughed, she giggled and I walked her inside, she giggled and I dropped her on the couch.

"Stay!" I told her, she laughed and I brought in all the bags. She helped me back it away and by help I mean she sat on my back breathing on my neck and messing with my hair. Once I finished unpacking I went upstairs with her, it was pitch black outside and Lily loved it.

Lily's P.O.V

Luke grabbed me and connected our lips, his lips moved fast on mine making me smirk, he pushed me against the wall and I chuckled against his lips.

"Jump." He muttered, I did as I was told and jumped, my legs wrapped around his waist and his hand gripped my thighs. His tongue ran across my bottom lip and I parted my lips, he slipped inside and I smiled. He pulled me from the wall and my hands wrapped around his neck. He carried me over to the bed and I smiled.

He pushed me on to the bed and crawled on top of me, his lips kissed down my jawline and onto my neck. He kissed it and began biting, I moaned and he smirked into my skin. My hands pulled on the collar of his shirt, he didn't take it off though he was challenging me, of course.

It was my turn to take control, I turned us over and leaned down before I kissed his neck, making sure to leave a mark, he moaned and it was the most satisfying noise ever.

He flipped us back over so I was once again under him, his hands slid under my dress and slowly pulled my tights down, I gasped and he pulled them totally off.

"Luke-1 Lily-0" Luke Laughed, I smirked and flipped us back over, I left small kisses on his neck, I snaked my hands under his shirt before I slipped it off, I kissed his chest and he moaned.

"Lily.." He muttered breathlessly. I continued and I unzipped his jeans, he smirked and I pulled them off.

"Lily-2 Luke-" I was cut off when he flipped me over, he grinded his hips on mine and I moaned loudly.

"What was that Lily?" He asked, chuckling quietly. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his boxers, he smirked and pulled my hands back.

"No, no." He smirked, he kissed up my neck till her got to my lips. He kissed me and sat me up, his hand pulled my zip of incredibly slow.

"Luke." I said through gritted teeth, he laughed and pulled my dress off before it joined his shirt somewhere in the room.

He laid me back down and straddled me, he kissed down my chest before his hand undid my bra, he pulled it off and threw it somewhere, his right hand cupped my breast and I gasped, Luke laughed and kissed down to my stomach, his teeth pulled at my underwear and my legs tried to push him away.

I moaned as he kissed up my thighs, finally reaching my underwear, he pulled it off with his teeth making me try to stop him but his hands pushed me back, he threw them somewhere in the room and his hand slowly made it's way up my thigh. I squirmed as his hand ran down my...er thing.

"Lu...ke...I-" I was cut off by his finger slowly slipping inside. I gasped and my feet tried to push him away, he fought it and smirked down at me. He slipped another finger in and I began moving, he slowly began moving his fingers in and out of me.

"NO! Luke!" I almost screamed, he stopped immediately.

"What? You want me to stop?!" He asked.

"I'm scared." I mumbled.

"I promise, it'll be good, I promise." He repeated, I nodded and slowly pushing his fingers in and out of me. I gripped the sheets as he pushed in another finger and I gasped, he moved at a fast pace and my breathing became erratic. My hands tugged his hair roughly, making him moan.

"I-AH-LUKE!" I screamed, he laughed and his pace increased. My body thrashed more and more, my stomach suddenly felt weird.

"Luke...I think I'm-" His pulled out of me and smiled. I groaned pushing my head back.

"Why'd you stop?" I asked.

"Cause...I knew you'd get annoyed if I did." He smiled, I decided to play mean and pulled him forwards, I slowly slid my hand into his boxers and his eyes widened.

"Lily-FUCK!" He exclaimed, as my hand pulled off his boxers.

"Whoops." I muttered innocently.

"Don't play innocent with me, we all know you're not." He laughed, I smiled and kissed him, he kissed down my neck and then he pushed himself against me. He looked at me as if asking for permission and I nodded, he laid me down and lined himself up with me.

"You sure about this baby, cause it will hurt a little and then it'll be better." He told me.

"I'm sure." I answered without any hesitation, he's my husband now and I've wanted him to do this for a while.

"OK, tell me to stop, if you want me to." He told me before spreading my legs and slowly entering, I gripped the sheets beside me and he waited for me to adjust before he slowly slid out and then back in.

I squeezed my eyes shut, not used to this feeling.

"No, keep your eyes open baby, I want to see those beautiful eyes." He told me, I opened my eyes and he began to get faster.

I winced and let out a yelp, he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"Luke, I'm scared." I told him.

"It's fine, I promise, by the end you'll want to do it again, I swear." He laughed, I nodded and he held my hand while the other hand held me still. He began increasing his pace and just as I was about to tell him to stop the pain was replaced with an amazing feeling. Loud moans fell from my mouth and the faster he got the louder they became, his moans also got louder.

"Faster!" I exclaimed, he laughed and increased his pace, suddenly a funny feeling took over me and I looked a Luke slightly scared.

"Luke-AH-I-AH-think I'm-" He cut me off with a laugh/moan.

"It's OK baby." he hushed me then moaned loudly from his own pleasure, he sped up and I couldn't even breathe right. My moans became louder and soon I was screaming.

"AH FUCK LUKE!" Luke also began screaming and I realised we had reached our climax, I felt Luke release and his pace became slower by the second. Luke pulled out of me and collapsed beside me. Sweat fell from us both and all you could hear was our heavy breathing.

"Go to sleep babe." Luke told me and it was only then that I realised how tired I really was. Luke's arm wrapped around my waist pulling me close and finally I closed my eyes and slowly fell asleep.

 A/N: HEYYY!!!

This was actually really awkward to write but hey! I feel dirty...



Thanks! Love you!! xx

3 votes and 3 comments for next chapter xx

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