Sexting- g.d. [COMPLETED]

By cocochaneldolan

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As odd as it may sound, Gabrielle is an addict. Addicted to books, smut, drama, dad jokes and Grayson Dolan t... More



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By cocochaneldolan

Saying that I feel embarrassed for myself is probably a understatement. I want to disappear, to just become invisible and never feel pain or witness betrayal ever again. I want explanations, I want reasons, I want something to hold on to that'll keep me from exploding and storming out of this place. But too many things are happening at once. Jack's eyes are steady on me and he's blushing. Ethan hurries to go salute his friends but my attention is on Grayson and the girl,"oh my gosh.." he whispers surprised as she pulls away and I want to evaporate once again so I don't let anyone know that I'm on the verge of crying but also of throwing punches at anyone that gets on my way. In the span of two seconds only, I feel a mix of emotions that I wish no girl on earth will ever have to face because of a boy they love: confusion, madness, disappointment, disgust. Two seconds in which a girl jumps on my boyfriend and kisses him.

Grayson's eyes meet mine and I look away, afraid I might cry a river. Lea looks like she's about to cut a bitch and she looks at me for approval. I shake my head and feel a little bit better as I realize that Lea will always have my back, no matter what. I hold on to the little bit of confidence I still have to report my attention back on Grayson and he seems to snap back to reality and looks confused. He quickly lets go of her,"What the hell ?"

I almost feel guilty as the face of the girl twists in pain as if he had slapped her. Keyword: almost. She's honestly pretty. She's a red head, her hair is long and curly as if she has Latino blood. Her eyes are a mix of green and brown and her lips are pink and full. Her sad face quickly turns into a smirk,"14 years old. At that time we haven't seen each other for 3 years and when we met again we kissed because we were so happy to see each other. 16 years old, same thing after not being able to see each other for 2 years. Why try to fight tradition ? What about 'I missed you more than anything beautiful' instead of being rude ?" she lifts up an eyebrow and I want to shove her tongue down her throat, I want her -no- I need her to stop talking,"Ooh...does it mean that Grayson Dolan finally got a girlfriend ?!" continues the girl,watching carefully his expression.

Grayson seems uncomfortable,"Yeah.."

The two Jacks run towards his direction,"Whaaat? Greason got a girlfrieend?!" Shouts Jack Johnson,"How come I haven't heard of her ?"

"I'm sorry then for kissing you but i'm pretty sure you liked it" she laughs and I mentally groan. I smile as Grayson rolls his eyes,"Wow, geez, i'm kidding. I'm your best friend and you never told me that you had a girlfriend !"pouts the annoying girl.

"Well, you're also his ex so what did you expect ? Anyway who is the lucky girl ?"questions Jack G.

"Uh...I'll introduce you guys to her as soon as I get the chance.."he says and for a fraction of second, he locks gaze with me. I don't know how to feel, all I know is that I don't want to be here nor to know her and simply want time to stop. Well, this says quite a lot about how I feel. I watch as Grayson and the Jacks hug manly and also as him and the girl share a moment laughing and teasing each other. He seems actually glad to see her and he seems so comfortable around her. After they talk, Ethan and the girl give each other a huge hug and she gives him a thousand kisses on the cheek, making him giggle.

It seems like hours before Grayson finally decides to introduce us all,"Uh Gabrielle, Lea, this is Natasha my best friend. There really is nothing between us, I just know her ever since I'm a baby" he explains and his eyes won't leave mine,"And well this is Jack Gilinsky and this is Jack Johnson" he tells us even if we already know who they are. The iconic duo Jack and Jack, two best friends, a rapper and a singer that share the same name.

I lock gaze with Jack Gilinsky and the intensity of his stare makes me blush,"Gabrielle Hailey. You're a thousand times more beautiful in picture than in real life" he whispers shyly and I lift an eyebrow.

He realizes his fault and his cheeks flush with heat and I think I never made a guy blush that much,"I..I meant you're prettier in real life" he says quickly and I burst out laughing as Johnson hides his eyes with his hand and shakes his head feeling embarrassed for his best friend. Grayson, on the other hand, looks amused. It's adorable because Gilinsky doesn't seem to be the type of shy guy at all. He's usually confident and flirty.

"I'm guessing you already know that you look pretty perfect yourself.."I smile, knowing the effect I have on the Jack Gilinsky and it makes me feel so much better about Gray having a perfect looking best friend that is also his ex. He grins back, taken aback by my response. At this very moment, Gray is fuming with anger.


It was a little bit awkward at first. We sat on the couch, Lea to my right, Grayson to my left, Natasha was next to him and the others were in front of us. The boys talked a little bit, asking about their friends and what was happening in their lives and when they finished a long silence took place. Eventually, we introduced ourselves and we would end up having more and more things in common. I'm excluding Natasha of course because she already knew the boys and Lea and I didn't want to know her. E would crack up some jokes and by the end of the day we had all bounded. It felt like I was discovering Ethan all over again, but of course, I almost knew Grayson by heart by now.

And just like that we formed a group. Grayson, Ethan, Natasha, Lea, the two Jacks and I were a bit like a inseparable group even if it seems hard to believe. Jealousy was obvious to Ethan and Lea: I was jealous of Natasha and Grayson of Jack. Although all Jack did was being nice to me. He didn't flirt or anything, not trying to rush things. Simply nice. I also suspect him to be too shy to rush things. Lea and I didn't talk much to the girl but other than that we were all really tight. Going to the movies together, going to restaurants, chilling while cracking up dumb jokes and backing up each other. We were honestly a great squad even if the boys spent their whole time teasing and bickering. I had the nickname Gabriella and sometimes Johnson and Natasha would call Gilinsky, Troy. Lea's nickname was Lele even if it was longer than her name. Soon, there were pictures of us on the internet and we had a few fans coming up to the twins or Jack and Jack. Grayson would come up to me and ask if I'm okay, if I was mad and he would assure me that Natasha was only his friend. He would tell me that he needed time to tell Gilinsky and I was starting to ignore him, to ignore the fact that we ever happened.

We all entered my living room and Johnson hurried towards the phone to order pizza. E and Gray turned on the PlayStation 4 they had left the night before here. As they played, Ethan yelled,"Oh my god guys, I have a crazy nickname  for Gilinsky we call him jackoff and the other jackon !!"

I bursted out laughing, deciding that I'd keep calling him Gilinsky. We all laugh together. Lea groaned and stood up to turn off the TV, "Give your brain a break and be social boys !"

Gray sighs but gives in and Ehan agrees right away.

"Ooh let's play Truth or dareee" grins evily Natasha. I am hesitant at first because playing this game is honestly so predictable. We all know how it ends, right ? Someone kissing someone else and next thing we know they are having public sex in the living room while we all yell for them to stop. With a little bit of luck, I won't have any bad dare. I was also hoping Lea would kiss Johnson because they really clicked well. It surprised me but I honestly still ship her with E. We sat in a circle and started.

E messes Lele's hair with his right hand," Liyaa truth or dare ?"

"Le-a"corrects my best friend knowing Ethan said it on purpose.

"Excuse me Le-a" he imitates in a British accent.

"Truth." She rolls her eyes as I grin.

"Uh..if you had to kiss someone in this room, who would it be ?" E questions, looking directly at her. Johnson, or should I say jackon, and Lea exchanged a look and she looked a bit shy. My bestie seemed hesitant and I understood that she wasn't sure and had someone else in mind too. I gaze at her and wink and she non-chalantly says,"Gabrielle" making the whole room fall silent for a second but everyone starts laughing.

"I doubt you're saying the truth" E shakes his head and I understand that saying this is easier than choosing between two boys and hurting Johnson or making them official when she's not completely sure of herself.

"I am, Gabrielle is probably the hottest person in this room" she winks and I shake my head, laughing along.

"Ooh I have a dare ! For Gillinsky !" yells Natasha making Lea and I roll our eyes.

"It's called Truth or dare for a reason, he gets to choose" frowns Lea, not trying to let anyone know that she hates her almost more than I do.

"And, It's not even your turn.." I add but I stop myself as I see Grayson giving me an obvious "please give the girl a break" look.

Jack coughs,"But it's okay, I'm listening what's the dare ?"

She doesn't hesitate,"I dare you to kiss Gabriella."

The room falls silent as I prepare myself to protest. I look at Grayson, his eyes are wide, his eyebrows furrowed. Jack shoots me a worried look and I don't know what to say. I should say no. I should stop him. It's now or never.

"So ? Get your ass up Jack!" She says and I realize I never wanted to strangle someone that much. I look down. I should say no. I need to say no and there is nothing wrong with saying no. As I'm about to say it, I hear someone stand up and I look up to him. I look up to Jack Gilinsky. I realize how brown his eyes are and how they are hypnotizing. He stretches out his hand and without thinking, I grab it and he helps me stand up. At this moment, there only is Jack and I in the room and maybe kissing him isn't such a bad idea after all. Maybe, I want to trace my finger down his jawline. Maybe, I want to run my hand through his hair. Maybe, he's more than my friend. Maybe, I want to feel his lips against mine.

At this moment, his hand slides around my waist and I know that what I'm doing is wrong but there is no turning back now.

His lips are only inches from mine,"Stop !" yells a voice and I look down. It was about time.

"Gabrielle...what are you doing ?" Whispers Grayson and I realize that I probably broke his heart. I pull away from his grip and look at Grayson. I glance back at Gilinsky and he looks lost but slowly he's starting to understand.

"Jack...I'm sorry...Gabrielle and I are together and I...I didn't know how to tell you" Grayson says and the look on Jack's face is hard to watch. He's hurt,"Are you serious man ?" He questions and I can tell he doesn't believe a word of it even if he looks hurt. He steps back and glances at me as I look away,"Wow." Is the only thing he says, and we all stay in silence for a few seconds.

"Since when ?" He asks calmly.

"Ever since I came back to New York"

At this moment, he felt terrible and it was obvious by the look on his face,"I thought you were my best friend ! Why did you never tell me ?!" And then he stares at me,"I didn't have any chances with you from the beginning, did I ?" he looks away,"and you were playing with me right ?" He glances back at me and I feel horrible. Before I can protest he speaks up, "I don't believe it. I know you feel something for me, Gabrielle" Jack looks desperate and I know that I won't be able to give him the answer he wants.

"Jack.." warns Grayson, he has his limits and I can tell he doesn't like what he's saying.

Jack gives him a look full of hatred and then starts smirking and says,"I'm only doing this for the dare anyway" and his hand slides around my waist, he brings me to him and kisses me as my mind goes blank.


I'm not ending the chap on a cliff-hanger this time lmfaoo


My wifi is so bad, I can't answer ur comments yet but I will !! I hope I'll get good wifi soon cauz I can't go on snap nor insta ://

Four chapters left I believe and it's actually kinda stressing but these chapters are going to be extra long. There are a lot of time skips but I don't think it's interesting to really get into these details. I wrote the two upcoming chapters and I'm actually really pumped for u guys to read them !!!!!!! ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

They actually form a real group. I got inspired by a story called 'Basic bitch' about Grayson Dolan and it really made me want to imply a group a bit like "the Fantastic Four" (you have to read the book to get it) and it's one of my fav books ever. So yeah the boys are all here for Gabrielle and Lea and they are really close, all close of being best friends except for Natasha.

I'd love to actually write scenes were we see the group in action, cracking up jokes and backing up Gabrielle and Lea but I couldn't do that while Gray and gabs didn't say the truth about their couple cauz that would be pretty weird

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