Indiana Jones and the Kingdom...

lunrue12 tarafından

28.7K 419 89

Indy is trying to outrace a brilliant agent for the mystical, all-powerful crystal skull of Akator. He teams... Daha Fazla

Nevada, 1957
The Warehouse
I Like Ike
Jack and Mutt Williams
Nazca, Peru
Orellana's Resting Place
Old Friends and Enemies
A Truth Revealed
Family Squabble
Big Ants
Three Times it Drops
City of Gold
A Hive Mind
Finding the Real Treasure
Author's Note

Of Interest to the Bureau

1.7K 30 4
lunrue12 tarafından

At a military base, two cars were driving up to one of the buildings.

Inside a room, men dressed in hazmat suits were scrubbing Indy clean. Trying to get the radioactive chemicals off of him.

"I had no reason to believe Mac was a spy," Indy began, after he was clean and dressed. "He was MI6 when I was in OSS. We did 20, 30 missions together in Europe and the Pacific."

"Don't wave your war record in our face, Colonel Jones," one of the men said to him. "We all served."

"No kidding?" Indy asked. "What side were you on?"

"I don't think you know the gravity of the situation your in," the other man spoke. "You aided and abetted KGB agents who broke into a top-secret military installation in the middle of the United States of America, my country."

"What was in the steel box they took?" Indy asked.

"You tell us," the first one said. "You've seen it before."

"You mean that Air Force fiasco in '47," Indy replied. "I was tossed into a bus with blacked-out windows and 20 people I wasn't allowed to speak to. Hauled out in the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere on some urgent recovery project and shown what? Pieces of wreckage and an intensely magnetic shroud covering mutilated remains? None of us was given the full picture, and we were threatened with treason if we ever talked about it. So, you tell me, what was in the box?"

A man walked in, and went over to Indy.

"Don't you know it's dangerous to climb into a refrigerator?" The man asked him. "Those things can be death traps."

"Good to see you, too, Bob," Indy said, shaking said man's hand.

Bob turned to the men questioning Indy.

"I can vouch for Dr. Jones," he told.

"What's going on?" Indy asked. "KGB on American soil? Who is that woman?"

"Describe her," one of the men told Indy.

"Tall, thin, mid-30s, carried a sword of some kind, I think a rapier." Indy said.

One of the men laid a file down on the table, and Indy opened it. Recognizing the woman in the picture.

"You sure she's here?" Indy was asked.

"Here and gone, who is she?" Indy answered.

"Irina Spalko," Bob said. "She was Stalin's fair-haired girl. His favorite scientist, if you can call psychic research science. She's leading teams from the Kremlin all over the world. Scooping up artifacts that she thinks might have paranormal military applications."

One of the men, Paul, was trying to get Bob, or General Ross, to stop telling Indy everything.

"Not everyone in the Army's a Commie and certainly not Indy," General Ross said, sitting down.

"What exactly am I being accused of?" Indy asked the two men. "Besides surviving a nuclear blast."

"Nothing yet, but frankly your association with George Mchale makes all your activities suspicious," Paul continued. "Including those during the war."

"Are you nuts?" General Ross asked. "Do you have any idea how many medals he won?"

"A great many, I'm sure," Paul sarcastically said. "But does he deserve them?"

"Dr. Jones, let's just say for now that you are of interest to the Bureau," the other said. "Great interest."

Back at the college Indy teaches at, the dean of the college, was walking to his classroom. As Indy was teaching, he walked into the room, and Indy faltered, but continued.

"There's no clear evidence as to why its occupants decided to abandon a perfectly healthy environment," Indy spoke, before turning to his friend. "Yes?"

"May I have a moment, Professor?" The dean asked, Indy complied.

"Open up Michaelson," Indy told his class. "Review Chapter 4. When I come back we'll discuss the difference between migration and exodus."

As Indy and the dean stepped out of the room, the students started talking, that bothered Jack. Jack, a 19 year old girl, with light brown hair and hazel eyes, was annoyed by this. The students always talk when the teacher walks out of the room, in whatever class she's in. Some people thinks she's weird because of her name. Her real name is Jacquline, but everyone calls her Jack.

Out of the corner of Jack's eye, she could see that Professor Jones wasn't happy about something. Curious, she strained her ears, trying to hear what was being said, but the class was louder than the conversation outside the room.


The class stopped talking, when they heard their Professor.

With the class looking at the two men in the hallway, Jack could hear the men's muffled voices.

"You've no idea the pressure coming from the Board of Regents," the dean told Indy. "The FBI showed up this morning, ransacked your office, searched all your files!"

Jack was very curious of why the FBI would search the Professor's office. The class, curious of the conversation, walked closer to the door. Wanting to know more of what was going on.

"You're the dean of the college," Indy started. "Why didn't you stop them? They have no right."

"They had every right," he said, a bit offended. "They weren't vandals. They were federal agents with search warrants. The university isn't gonna get itself embroiled in that kind of controversy, not in this charged climate."

Indy noticed the students walking to the door, so he led the dean away. Wanting the conversation to be private.

"So you're firing me?" Indy questioned, angry.

"A leave of absence is all," the dean replied, trying to explain. "An indefinite leave of absence."

"You are firing me," Indy said, summing it all up.

"During which they've continued to pay your full salary for a period-"

"I don't want their money!" Indy almost shouted.

"Please don't be foolish," the dean continued, sitting in one of the chairs lined up against the wall.

"You don't know what I had to go through to get that for you."

"You went through?" Indy asked, incredulous. "What exactly did you have to go through, Charlie?"

Charlie stared Indy in the eye, and said,
"I resigned."

After class, Jack went to Indy's office, and knocked on the door.

"Dr. Jones?" She asked through the door.

"Come in."

She walked into the room, and saw Indy packing papers that were laying on the floor. She saw that some of the papers were still on the floor, so she immediately got down on her knees to pick them up.

"Thank you," Indy spoke, picking up more papers.

"You're welcome," Jack replied.

It was silent for a few moments, till Jack finally spoke.

"Are you leaving?" Jack asked.

Indy nodded.

"Where are going to go?"

"London," Indy answered, after a sigh.

"What about the class?" Jack asked.

"They'll either find someone else to teach it," Indy said, finally looking at her. "Or cut it."

Jack was sad to hear that her favorite teacher was leaving, and her favorite class wasn't going to be fun anymore.

Indy saw the sad look on Jack's face, and gave her a sympathetic smile.

"I know," Indy said. "The class won't be fun, will it?"

"No," Jack replied, shaking her head. "It won't."

A minute passed, and Indy put on his hat to leave.

"Don't worry about me," Indy told her, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Everything will be fine."

Jack nodded, trying to keep her tears from falling. With that, Indy walked out, followed by Jack.

*20 minutes later*

Jack walked through the front door of her house, and set her stuff by the stairs.

"Mutt?" Jack called.

No response.

She looked up the stairs, trying to find her brother.

"Mutt?" She called, louder.

"Jack?" A faint voice said.

She followed the voice to the kitchen, and saw the back door open. She looked out the door, and saw her brother Mutt, working on a motorcycle. He turned and saw her leaning against the door frame.

"How was school?" Mutt asked her.

She sighed.

"It was fine, until my favorite teacher got fired," Jack answered, in a sad and angry tone.

"Why did he get fired?"

"According to what I heard from the dean," Jack stated. "The FBI searched his office, because of something he did."

Mutt had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. No one would know they were twins, if it wasn't for their eyes.

"How's the bike?" Jack asked, nodding to the bike.

"It's almost finished," Mutt replied, with a small smile.

Jack smiled as well.

It was the one thing that happened today that was actually good.

"Thanks for teaching me how to ride a bike," Jack said.

"No problem."

The doorbell rang a second later.

"I wonder who that is," Mutt thought aloud.

"I'll check," Jack told, before walking to the front door.

"Who is it?" She asked through the door.

"Mailman," a voice responded.

Jack opened the door with a kind smile.

"Any packages?" Jack asked.

"Nope," the mailman said, handing her some envelopes.


She said goodbye and closed the door.

"Who was it?" Mutt asked, stepping into the kitchen, wiping his hands on a towel.

"Mailman," Jack replied.

She looked through the mail, mainly seeing bills, but then came across one that was different. It had Mutt's and Jack's names on it.

"That's interesting," Jack said to herself.

"What?" Mutt asked.

"This is a letter to us."

"Really?" Mutt said, curious. "Who's it from?"

Jack opened the envelope, and saw several pieces of paper. One looked like a brand new piece of paper, while the others looked ancient. Jack took the new piece of paper and read it, while Mutt looked at the ancient looking pieces of paper.

"It's from mom," Jack said, still looking at the letter.

"What the..."

Jack looked at Mutt and saw him looking confusedly at the other papers. She looked over his shoulder and saw drawings of skulls with a long cranium, and words that were a hard to read.

"What is that?" Jack asked.

"Don't know," Mutt replied, shaking his head before turning to his sister. "What does the letter say."

"It says," Jack said, starting to quote the letter.

Dear Mutt and Jack,
You must be wondering where I am, and I'm afraid to tell you that I've been kidnapped. In the envelope are papers with drawings on it. They were made by Oxley. He's been kidnapped as well, but there's something I need you two to do.
Find Dr. Jones.
He'll understand the drawings. Find him, he's the only person that can save us. Please hurry, or they'll kill Oxley. Be careful, there could be people after you. Make sure you give these papers to Dr. Jones and no one else. Be careful. I love you both very much.

Jack and Mutt looked at each other, very worried for their mom and Oxley.

"We have to find Dr. Jones," Jack said, heading to the stairs.

"Do you know where he is?" Mutt asked her.

"He'll be going to the train station," Jack answered. "And we have to hurry. Change, and we'll head out."

Mutt nodded, and put the ancient looking papers in the envelope, before heading upstairs to his room. After changing, Jack took the envelope from Mutt, and put it in her small satchel. As Jack went around the house, turning everything off, Mutt checked on their bikes.

Once they were ready, they locked the doors, got on their bikes, and rode to the train station.

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