Kara and Lena- Supercorp

By GreenB98

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Supercorp. This will include some action but probably not much it will focus more on how both Kara and Lena f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - The Interview
Chapter 3 - The Interview part 2
Chapter 4 - Realisation
Chapter 5 - Take out
Chapter 6 - Take Out Part 2
Chapter 7 - The Morning After
Chapter 8 - Games Night

Chapter 9 - Games Night part 2

451 16 7
By GreenB98

Kara's pov:

As we all settled around a pile of games in the living room and everyone was deciding what game to play I took the opportunity to start off my evil plan.

I leant over to Lena and whispered in her ear "Hey so, when I got changed earlier I borrowed some of you underwear..." I looked to see if anyone was paying attention and thank Rao that they were all too busy arguing over what game to play.

"I er, thought this looked rather 'innocent'..." I pulled my top at the neck so that Lena could take a quick peak.

"I'm slightly insulted at the fact it looks better on you than it does me" was all she said quickly looking away. Even though she looked away, I still saw that her cheeks had turned a rosy pink colour.

To continue my teasing I decided to run my hand up her leg and squeezed her thigh, I then continued to gently run my fingers up her arm. So that nobody would notice what was going on as I got up to go to the kitchen.

"Does anyone want another drink?" I offered before leaving. Lena's rosy cheeks had not faded and I could see that she was fighting the urge not to follow me.

Alex, Maggie and James wanted another beer and as I didn't have my powers I was going to make the most of it and have more than I should have too.

I returned to the living room where everyone was seated and handed Alex, Maggie and James their drinks and then sat in my previous spot next to Lena with my own. I accidentally sort off fell into it though and ended up laughing at myself, slightly embarrassed.

"Looks like the beers gone to your head Kara" Alex joked.

"More like Lena has" Maggie teased. Alex jabbed her in the ribs. "Ow! What was that for?" Maggie complained.

I just shot Lena an 'I told you so' look to which she just shrugged and took a sip of my beer with a wink. As simple as that action was it was kind of hot.

I cleared my throat "So what are we playing?"

Maggie was the first to answer "Well Winn and James wants to play Uno, I think Game of Life looks pretty good, Alex wanted Monopoly and Lena doesn't mind so it's up to you"

"Definitely not Monopoly, anything but that" I quickly spat out.

"I thought Monopoly was your favourite game Kara, you didn't mind it last night" I heard from Lena say from beside me with an flirty tone.

I flushed a deep red and my mouth fell open. I can't believe she just said that in front of everyone. Is she trying to get back at me for teasing her? If so things are going to get a lot more difficult for her.

"Come on you two stop flirting and choose a game" Winn said laughing.

"I wasnt- never mind, I'm going to choose Uno" everyone in here knew I was a terrible liar so I didn't even bother.

"Yes!" James and Winn both said in unison.


We had played 2 rounds of uno and I had probably drank about 3 bottles of beer and 2 glasses of JD and coke. I was keeping up with everyone except Maggie who had had like double the amount and was surprisingly only tipsy.

James had won the first round and Alex the second. I kept getting terrible cards so I was always the loser. Lena came pretty close to winning the second round though but Alex had a 'Swap Hands' card.

"I am so going to win this next round, I can't lose again!" I said, my voice full of determination.

"Ooh big talk little Danvers," Maggie laughed.

"I'm going to get another drink and then I'm going to beat you all" Lena challenged as she got up.

Maggie laughed "Like you beat Kara last night?"

"Something like that" she said confidently. Everyone except Lena looked shocked and I, well, I was beetroot colour.

"Er, I d-definitely need another d-drink" I said speed walking into the kitchen where I poured myself a glass of something stronger than beer. I downed the bourbon to settle myself. If I was going to make it through the rest of the night I needed more alcohol induced confidence.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard a soft voice say as they wrapped their arms around my waist. I knew by the sound of her heart that it was Lena.

"Hey, yeah I just, I'm new to this whole dating and being teased about it thing, you know? Plus I have my own agenda for tonight and Maggie is making it difficult with her jokes. I don't mind them as much as I thought I would but still..."

She turned me around and gave me a sweet kiss only to pull away quickly to raise an eyebrow at me "Your own agenda? And what might that be?"

I didn't answer her, I decided to show her. I pulled her into another kiss, then I began placing kisses down her neck, gently sucking on her pulse point. I trailed kisses back up to her lips and planted one more kiss on the end of her nose.

I know I had affected her because her breathing was faster and her heart rate had doubled in speed. Before she could do or say anything I quickly grabbed the bottle of Jack Daniels from the cupboard, I prefer this to the bourbon I just drank, then grabbed my glass and ran back to join the others.

Lena's pov:

"Something like that" she said confidently whilst collecting a bottle of Jack and her glass.

That's the second time she's done something like that tonight. What on earth is she doing? Other than teasing me. After she showed me the lingerie she had on under her clothes earlier I've wanted to rip them off of her.

I splashed some water on my face to clear my thoughts so I could get back to the game of Uno that I had just challenged Maggie and Kara to. Alex, Winn and James said they wanted to watch this round and not take part due to the amount of competitivity between myself, Kara and Maggie.

After a little while, we were all down to 2 or 3 cards each. I had 2 which were a red 4 and a Wild card, Maggie had 3 and Kara had 2.

"Well, whoever l-loses this round has to  drink the rest of the b-bottle of JD and s-spin it" slurred a fairly drunk Maggie referring to the almost empty bottle of Jack Daniels, there was probably a small glass left in there but enough to get an already pretty drunk individual more drunk.

"Well g-guess that's going to be *hiccup* you Mags" said a very tipsy Kara. I had never seen her drunk and she was having such a good time it made me smile.

Maggie Laid a pick up 4 card on the table so Kara had to pick up 4 cards which put her in the losing position. I laid my red 4 and announced that I was down to 'Uno'.

"Aw man, I'm so going to lose now!" Announced Kara and Maggie was looking hopeful, she was down to two cards. Little did she know that I could place my last card down regardless of what else gets put down.

I put my last card down "In your faces! I told you I'd win" I cheered laughing.

"Damn, good game guys but Kara, you have to drink the rest of the bottle as you have the most cards left" Maggie said chuckling.

"Roa, I'm going to feel this in the morning" Kara muttered as she downed the rest of the bottle and placing it down to spin the bottle which landed on me.

"I was hoping you'd get Winn because that would have been hilarious but you're lucky little Danvers, you gotta kiss your girlfriend,"

Kara blushed and looked at me, silently asking my permission which of course she always had but I gave her a slight nod anyway.

Kara began leaning towards me, I could feel everyone's eyes watching us so I closed the distance trying to make it quick as I know Kara still feels nervous about doing this in front of people.

When our lips met my face heated and my lips tingled, I could make this quick, I needed more. Kara must have felt the same because she deepened the kiss. After about 30 seconds I pulled away, remembering the eyes on us. To hide my blush I just looked down at my hands and played with my fingers.

"Wow, that was intense" Winn announced.

"When Alex kisses me like that, it's usually because she wants some lovin'" Maggie laughed and Alex just looked at her in shock and gave her an 'I can't believe you just said that to my sister' look.

"With the colour Kara's gone I would say you two sisters are pretty alike" Maggie continued, winking at Kara. Then she turned Alex and by the looks of it is trying to stop her from giving her the death stare.

I couldn't help it, I let out a giggle  which earned me a glare from Kara. I leant over and gave her a hug.

"Do you need some lovin' babe?" I whispered in her ear and left a gentle seductive kiss on her neck. I felt her shiver.

"I don't think that's a good idea right now" she whispered back.

A few minutes later we were all talking except Maggie who appears to have passed out.

I laughed and then looked at the clock on the wall, it was 2.07am. Fuck, I have work tomorrow.

"Guys I think we're going to have to call it a night, I have work in the morning and..." I chuckled pointed at Maggie who was soundo on my sofa which made the others laugh too. Alex poked her a few times and tried to get her to wake up to leave but she was comatose.

"Hey, Alex, she can stay here tonight. You're going to have trouble getting her home like that" I didn't mind, Kara was going to be here so it's not like shed be alone in a stranger's house.

"Are you sure?" She asked with an apologetic look on her face.

"Of course, I'll just see off Winn and James then I'll sort out some pillows and a duvet for her" I smiled and then turned to say my goodbyes. Kara was already giving both of the men hugs.


Alex's pov:

I can't believe Maggie has passed out. I've tried poking her, shaking her, she is completely out of it. Kindly, Lena has offered us to stay the night, if it wasn't for Kara blowing out her powers I would have declined.

"Alex, you are more than welcome to stay here with Kara tomorrow but I have to leave early for work so I'd like to thank you for coming tonight and enjoy the rest of your week" Lena say politely before heading off to bed.

"Kara, what time do you have to leave tomorrow?" I ask as she comes out of the kitchen.

"Um, my article has to be in at 9 but then I have the rest of the day off. I was going to come back here and clean up the mess we've made and then go home. I don't want Lena having to clean up after us," she pauses, "Why?"

"Because if I'm not awake by the time you wake up, wake me up, I have to be at the DEO for 9 too and I've got to make sure this one-" I nod towards a comatose Maggie "-gets up and doesn't have a hangover before I leave"

"Well if she's feeling rough then she can come to mine and I'll take care of her, I'll be back here by 10 so should be fine. You can call her precinct and say she's working with the FBI" Kara suggests.

How this girl can still come up with a plan when half drunk is beyond me, it's like shes- never mind, she is an alien so it's makes perfect sense.

"Would that be okay? I know she's going to be hanging tomorrow, she really needs to learn when enough is enough" I complain. This isn't the first time this has happened.

"Alex, it will be fine. I doubt she will even be awake by 10. Now I'm going to bed. Get some sleep" she says leaving a kiss on my cheek and then padding off to Lena's room.

Kara's pov:

I left Alex and then walk into Lena's bedroom and I'm stopped dead in my tracks. Lena is laying on the bed with a light blue lace bra and panties on.

"Close the door Kara" Lena whispers. "Good, now come here"

I slowly walk over to the bed and as I reach the side Lena instantly pulls my top off and is kissing the soft spot on my neck. She trails kisses up to my ear.

"You have no idea how hard you've made it for me not to drag you in here earlier this evening. You are a tease Kara Danvers and my god you look sexy in my underwear" she says in a husky tone, her breathing slightly laboured.

"I was merely proving a point Ms Luthor" I say confidently, felling satisfied knowing that my plan had worked.

I push her down onto the bed and lay myself on top of her, pinning her. I purposefully place my knee between her thighs and put a little teasing amount of pressure against her centre and to my pleasure she lets out a small gasp.

"This is going to be a long night isn't it?" Lena asks.

"Mm, I hope you can keep quiet, we have guests" I say as I nip her neck with my teeth causing her to moan.

I honestly have no Idea where my confidence is coming from but thank Rao it's there. This is only my second time and I intend to make it count.

Lena's pov:

I woke up to my alarm the next morning, but only just. As I went to stand I felt an ache between my legs and the memories of last night's after dark activities came flooding back.

Kara Danvers, a sexual deviant. Who'd have thought, not me, I'm not even sure she knew. That was probably the best sex I've ever had and boy am I feeling it now. It kind of turns me on thinking about it so I quickly take a cold shower and get dressed before I can lock eyes with the beautiful blonde in my bed, otherwise I wouldn't be making it to work today.

I open the bedroom door and see two people asleep on my couch. Shit, I forgot about those two. I doubt Maggie heard anything but I really hope Alex didn't. Kara told me I should be quiet but I'm not sure how quiet I actually was. I head to the kitchen to make a coffee for myself. As I pull out a cup I turn to place it on the counter. I jump and drop the cup as I see a sleepy Kara sitting at the breakfast bar. She luckily catches the cup before it smashes.

"Kara you made me jump!" I whisper shout. She chuckles and then her smile fades. "Kara what's wrong?"

"You're limping... Which means I hurt you" she says looking down, almost as though she is ashamed.

"Trust me, you didn't hurt me, that was probably- No. That was the best sex of my life!" I say with a laugh. I cup her cheek and she turns her face into my palm which makes my heart melt.

"You're not lying to me? Because if I hurt you Lena, I could never forgive myself, and this-" she gestures between herself and I "-this can't happen, I don't want to hurt you Lena" she says sadly.

I pull her into a hug "Love, you didn't hurt me I promise and you are not leaving me, ever. Everyone I have ever loved has left me, I'm not letting you go Kara Danvers"

Kara's pov:

"I'm not letting you go Kara Danvers" Lena says and I can hear in her voice that she is deadly serious.

Shortly after that she finished her coffee and had to leave for work. I went and got dressed myself, so I'd be ready to take in my article. Once dressed I went to wake Alex, Maggie was still out for the count.

"Good night last night little sis?" Alex mumbles as she sits up.

"Huh?" I ask trying to play dumb. I should have known we were louder than what we thought.

"Kara, ooh Kara, faster, oh-" I quickly cut off Alex's imitation of Lena.

"Ah. Sorry, I er-"

"Kara, it's fine... Well actually it was gross but I had headphones so... and I'm not going to lie, if it weren't for the fact I knew it was you in there causing all that it would have been pretty hot" Alex says, although I know she was joking about the last part, she just wants to embarrass me even more but I don't feel embarrassed I feel kind of bad and Alex notices.

"Whats wrong?" She asks.

"I- Alex she was limping this morning" I say looking at my hands and then at the wall because it was my hands that hurt Lena.

Alex laughs hysterically and then stops abruptly. "Kara, I'- I'm sorry but you feel bad about that? It didn't sound like you hurt her at all"

"Alex I'm being serious, how can I be with her like that if I'm going to hurt her? Last night was with not even half of my strength back. What happens when it's all back?" I ask worriedly.

"Ugh, Kara, as much as I don't want to help you in that department, I'll subtly speak to Winn and see if he can do something with a small amount of kryptonite or something"


I got back at exactly 10am to Lena's apartment. Before I left, I left a note for Maggie telling her the plans for today, I also described where the bathroom was in case she needed it.

I walk to the kitchen first so that I can place down the donuts I had just bought and then headed through to the living room to check on Maggie but she wasn't there, so I then went to the bathroom to find her sitting on the floor by the toilet.

"Want some Advil?" I ask quietly, knowing her head is probably pounding.

"Please and thanks for the directions, I don't think Lena would have appreciated vomit everywhere" Maggie replies awkwardly.

"Probably not" I laugh.

I head to Lena's kitchen and hunt for the Advil. I found it in the cupboard at the end, left to her sink. I popped out two of the pills and filled a glass with water and headed back to Maggie.

"Here," I say handing her the water and pills. "Im just going to tidy round and then we're going back to my place, then you can admire my porcelain instead of Lena's" I say teasingly.

"Was that actually a funny joke from little Danvers?" She says sarcastically with a wink. I just laugh and walk away to tidy up. Maggie can't be too bad if she's still her sarcastic self.

A/N: Just so you guys know, I've edited a few of the earlier chapters because I realised that 1. things were moving far too fast and 2. Not all of it made sense.

It's probably still not perfect but I'm hoping it's a little better. Also, check out my other story, I mean, if you want to of course 😉
Also, feedback or ideas you guys might have are welcome.

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