Supernatural Fanfiction: The...


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A fan fiction of the CW Hit Television Series Supernatural set in Season 4. Sam and Dean are going about thei... More

Censored version
Author's Note


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"Have a fun time at the bar?" asked Melissa as she kept flipping channels on the TV.

"Yea spectacular," said Dean. "You should have come with us."

"I don't drink," said Melissa standing up to stretch. "Well there is absolutely nothing on TV. Agh," Melissa howled in pain. She felt like her head was on fire as she fell to the ground. Sam and Dean ran over to help her up. They were shouting her name, but it was all a blur as she just saw a girl named Anna in a mental hospital. She could see everything until Anna had ran out the front door. Melissa returned to normal and just looked at Sam and Dean. She stood up for a minute, kind of wobbly and grabbed the wall behind her.

"What the hell was that?" asked Dean.

"It looked like you were having a vision," said Sam.

"I think I was. But it was weird, like it happened in the past, not like the usual ones of the future. I haven't witnessed anything like that unless I touched an object that had history to it." Melissa walked over to her computer.

"What are you doing?" asked Sam.

"Looking to see if anything is going on," replied Melissa bringing up newspaper articles. The boys watched her suspiciously. "There." Melissa pointed to the page that was talking about Anna. "Anna was claiming that the world was going to end and she got the front page for that, also she was taken to a mental hospital, but the vision I had was that a demon was trying to get her and she escaped."

"Still think Ruby was lying?" Sam asked Dean.

"Ruby?" asked Melissa.

"Yea Sam's demon girlfriend," said Dean.

"Well you don't sound too happy about it," said Melissa. Dean didn't answer. "Huh, at least he's got a girl after Jess."

Sam made a hurt look. "Yea well Ruby has done a lot for me."

"Yea I'm sure," retorted Dean.

"Whoa hey, none of that ok Dean. Sometimes a little trust in someone helps," said Melissa thinking about Damian.

"What are you saying that it's ok to trust demons now?!"

"Sure why not? If they're helping you out, why not trust them?"

"Because they're demons and they're scandalous!"

"I'm scandalous too, yet you still trust me, well sometimes."

"Yea well sometimes we have no choice but to," Dean said venomously.

"Yup cause I got the powers that you need to use right?"

"Yea when they work," he snorted.

Melissa glared at him as she stood up. "I don't have to be here you know! I can leave whenever I want to and let you boys get yourselves killed, but I don't because unlike the cold heartless creature you think I am, I actually give a fuck about humans!" They stood nose to nose neither one backing down both starring daggers at each other.

"Yea well at least I actually am human and I fight for our side!"

"No you just want to die for your side," spit Melissa. "You don't fight; you're a coward, Dean. You went to hell why, to save Sam?! Please that's the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard! You figured if you died, you wouldn't have to deal with any more of this crap that's going on, well too bad! Now you're in the middle of it!"

Sam stepped between them pushing them both back. "Ok that's enough! You two need to stop fighting all the time. I'm sick of it! So can you please just stop?"

Melissa glared at Sam before looking back at Dean. He just sighed and put his brave face on for Sam. "Yea ok, Sammy. Well, we better get going if we're going to find out what the deal is with this Anna chick."

They began packing bags to leave. Melissa laid down in the back seat with her headphones on trying to get rid of her headache of the look of the demon. She hated their ugly faces and often tried not to look at them that way, but at the person they possessed instead. It was hard sometimes knowing that inside that thing actually was a person, not a monster.

"Hey wake up," said Dean. He shoved Melissa who had fallen asleep in the back seat.

"What? Are we here?" she asked frazzled.

"Been here. We just got done talking with Anna's counselor. Turns out both you and Ruby weren't lying."

"Of course I wouldn't lie about that and why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because you looked so darn cute asleep," smiled Dean sarcastically.


"Whore." Dean watched as Melissa rubbed her head. He didn't know what it was about her, but he couldn't stay mad at her for long. He even felt sympathy whenever she was in pain. He cleared his throat. "It was Sam's idea not to bother you. Did you take some of those pills that he gave you?"

"Yea I did. By the way we're out," said Melissa shaking the empty bottle.

"You finished that whole bottle in two days?"

"No, one, ugh. I don't know why I have such a migraine."

"Maybe you should see a doctor," said Sam who was looking at a book. "I think you might want to see this."

"Yea and tell them what? I'm a supernatural being who seems to be getting migraines from visions that I have, yea that'll work," she said rolling her eyes and taking the book from him flipping through the pages. She got interested when it came to the part about the seals. "What the hell is this girl?"

"You got me," said Dean. "We were going to search her house next, see if we find any clues to where she could have gone."

"Sounds like a plan," said Melissa closing the book.

They walked up to the house, but Melissa lingered behind. She was starting to see double, that's how bad the headache hurt. Her sunglasses helped with the light, but not the sound. Even Dean's knock sounded louder than usual and she winced in pain.

"Maybe they're not home," Dean shrugged.

"Both cars are in the driveway," said Sam.

Dean gave them a look as he tried the door to find it unlocked. Melissa pulled out her gun. Something didn't feel right and she wasn't going to take any chances.

"Whoa, you're going to scare these people," said Dean.

"The door's unlocked, doesn't that seem something could be wrong." Melisa cocked her gun and fixed her sunglasses. Dean nodded agreeing with her argument.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Milton? We're from the sheriff's department," said Dean walking straight through.

"We want to ask you a couple of questions," said Sam walking into the living room. He sighed and Melissa followed him.

"Damn." It was all Melissa could say. Sam stooped down to smell some white stuff on the floor. He snorted at the smell.

"Sulfur," said Dean.

"Demons beat us here. Whatever the deal is with this Anna girl...," said Sam.

"Yea they want her and they're not screwing around," said Dean. "Alright, so I'm a girl interrupted, and I know the score of the apocalypse, just busted out of the nutbox, possibly using superpowers by the way, where would I go?" Dean was looking through mail and Sam walked over to look at some pictures. Melissa touched the bodies to get a reading. All she saw though was the attack, nothing about Anna.

"Hey do you still have those sketches from Anna's notebook?" asked Sam.

"Yea," said Dean.

"Let me see them." Sam walked over as Dean pulled the papers out. "Check this out."

"She's drawing the window of her church, over and over."

"Yea. If you were religious, scared, and had demons on your ass. Where would you go to feel safe?" asked Sam.

"Church," said Melissa. "Of course that would be the obvious place to go to hide from demons, holy ground. Let's go."

Guns held tightly in their hands, they searched the church. After a while they saw something moving behind some stained glass. Sam motioned for them to put their guns away. "Anna? We're not going to hurt you. We're here to help. I'm Sam; this is my brother Dean, and our friend Melissa."

"Sam? Not Sam Winchester?" asked Anna.

"Uh, yea," replied Sam. Anna walked out pretty quickly.

"And you're Dean? The Dean?"

"Well, yea. The Dean I guess," said Dean getting a big head.

"Don't flatter yourself Dean, it's not the title your thinking of," said Melissa.

"And you're Melissa? You don't look like a dangerous angel killer," said Anna.

"That's because you don't know her yet," said Dean. Melissa stomped his foot. "Ow! See what I mean? At least the Dean is better than angel killer."

"It's really you. Oh my God. The angels talk about you. You were in hell, but Castiel pulled you out and now some of them think you can help save us. And some of them don't like you at all," said Anna turning to Sam. She looked at Melissa. "All of them are afraid of you. They say you are one to be feared. They talk about you all the time lately. I feel like I know you," smiled Anna.

"So you talk to angels?" asked Dean.

"Oh, uh, no, no way. They probably don't even know I exist. I just kind of overhear them." Anna sounded like a kid getting caught for doing something they weren't supposed to be doing.

"You overhear them?" asked Sam.

"Yea, they talk and sometimes I just hear them, in my head."

"Like right now?" asked Dean.

"Not right this second. But a lot and I can't shut them out, there are so many of them."

"So they lock you up with the crazies, when really you were just tuning in to angel radio?" asked Dean.

"Yes, thank you," said Anna sounding relieved.

"Can you do that?" Dean looked at Melissa.

"I can read their minds if that's what you mean, only they have to have their guard down. My powers don't always work on them. It's kind of strange, they don't work so well on Anna either." She was skeptical with who Anna actually was.

"Anna when did the voices start? Do you remember?" asked Sam.

"I can tell you exactly, September eighteenth."

"The day I got out of hell." Dean looked at Sam.

"First words I heard clear as a bell. Dean Winchester is saved."

"What do you think?" Dean asked Sam.

"It's above my pay grade man."

"You got out of hell on September eighteenth?" asked Melissa shaking.

"Yea why?" asked Dean.

"That was the day the nightmares started and the day I..." Melissa gulped.

"What?" asked Dean.

"The day I became dependent." Melissa closed her eyes and bowed her head trying hard not to cry. "Now, I can't stop," she mumbled. Dean didn't have to think too hard about what Melissa meant and focused back on Anna. He knew now wasn't really the time to question Melissa's wrong doings.

"Well now we know why the demons want you so bad. Once they got you, they can hear everything the other side's cooking. You're nine one hundred angel," laughed Dean.

Anna smiled. "Hey, uh do you know if my parents are ok? I didn't go home. I was afraid." They exchanged glances, but no one had time to answer because Ruby barged in.

"You got the girl? Good let's go!"

"Ugh! Her face!" exclaimed Anna backing away.

"No, no it's ok she's here to help," said Sam.

"Don't be so sure," said Dean.

"I'm sure," said Melissa reading Ruby's mind. A band of demons were headed their way fast. "Damn it. You've got to be shitting me."

"I'm not shitting you. We have to hurry," said Ruby.

"Why?" asked Dean defensively.

"Because the demons are coming big time. We can fight later Dean."

"Well that's pretty convenient. Showing up right when we find the girl with some big wig on your tail."

"I didn't bring them here, you did."


"He followed you from the girl's house. We got to go now!"

"Dean." Sam was pointing at the Virgin Mary statue that began to cry blood.

"Son of a bitch," said Melissa activating the sleeves to her coat making the razors pop out. They were specially made burn a demon's skin.

"It's too late," said Ruby. "He's here."

"No, not him," said Melissa reading her mind. Alastair was the only demon Melissa was really afraid of. In a matter of seconds they could all be dead.

Sam grabbed a hold of Anna. "Come with me."

Dean went to look at the statue, but Melissa just stood frozen in fear. Sam came back out with the holy water.

"No, Sam, you got to pull him right away," said Ruby.

"Whoa, wait a second," started Dean.

"Now's not the time to bellyache about Sam going dark side. He does his thing, pulls that demon or we die."

"Well let Melissa do it. She knows how! She can kill him! Right?!" said Dean turning to Melissa. But Melissa was filled with horror.

"Right," she choked out.

"She can't Dean!" shouted Ruby.

"Why the hell not?"

"Because she...." Ruby stopped as the doors burst open and Melissa stared in fear at Alastair's face. She would never forget those deep, dark eyes, the ones that were like a bottomless pit if you looked into them.

Sam tried to use his power, but it wasn't working. "That tickles," said Alastair making little coughs. "You don't have the juice to take me on Sam," smiled Alastair. He threw him across the room. Melissa attacked next trying to place her hands. "Aw, Melissa, long time no see. Still using the same old tricks I see. Pity you didn't take my class." Alastair threw her too.

Ruby ran over to try to help her. "No, go. I need you to take Anna, get her as far away from here as possible. They can't get her. Go and don't look back!" Ruby nodded and did as she was told.

As Alastair attacked Dean, Sam picked up the knife off the floor and tried to stab him. But it only slowed him down. Melissa got up, using her powers to dig the knife in further making him fall to his knees. She shouted at Sam and Dean. "You two need to run. He's too powerful for us to take him on." They hesitated. "Go, I'll be fine! You'll have to jump, quick!"

Alastair turned around, but it was too late Sam and Dean had already jumped. Melissa attacked again. She almost had her right hand placed from behind when Alastair grabbed it, twisting her around. "I think I remember saying that you couldn't kill me." Melissa felt her arm crack and break. She yelled in pain as Alastair threw her to the floor. He continued to beat her until finally, she passed out.

When Melissa awoke she was strapped down to a bed. She tried to pull the chains free, but realized she was too weak. Then she saw a devil's trap drawn above her bed. Only it looked a little different, like the one her grandpa used.

"Do you like it? I would take credit for it, but really your granddaddy did all the work. I'm just a really good artist," said Alastair holding up her grandpa's journal. She saw him begin to flip through the pages. "You should be careful what you carry with you, it could lead to your end. You don't remember most of your childhood do you? It says here that as a girl you were uncontrollable. Fil spent many nights coming up with the right devil's trap, specially made for you, of course you read all this already." He tossed it onto a chair carelessly.

Melissa tried again to break free of the chains, but it was no use. Her arm popped loudly and Melissa remembered it was broken as she cried in pain. Alastair just watched. "You know it's useless to get out of there. Especially when you're on short supply," he smiled. "I just love how everyone who gets trapped forgets they're not at all powerful. The only powerful one is the one who set the trap. Have you decided to take my offer."

It was the same offer that stood years ago when she first met him. She could become a full on powerful demon and together her and Alastair could rule Earth and hell or he could force power out of her and kill everyone she cared for using her own hands. "No, and I'm not scared of you," spat Melissa.

"Oh, but you are. See you had a good chance of taking me down in that church didn't you. Yet you willingly gave up or were you distracted?" asked Alastair curiously, but she didn't answer. "You remember our last meeting don't you? What I said?" He walked over to the bed and began to stroke her leg, Melissa tried to pull as far away as possible. "You really are a beautiful woman, it's too bad you won't play the role you were meant for." Alastair smiled at Melissa wickedly then went to grab a white rag off of what looked like an operating table. He saw Melissa stare at it. "Oh, don't worry my love. It will still be there when I am through with you." Melissa tried to fight as Alastair tied the rag around her mouth, but he won. He felt her up and down, breathing down her body and she got chills knowing what was coming next. "Like I said last time, you are going to have my kids, more of your kind and now that your of age, I think that time is now." He looked at Melissa still fighting to get free, desperately trying to get her powers to work, and making noises so that somebody, anybody would hear her. Alastair smiled at her attempts. "Sorry, but I'm afraid It's just you, and me."

Alastair was having his fun with Melissa until he stopped a moment to look at her squirming body beneath him. "You know you don't get to do these fun things in hell, at least not that often." However she was careful not to make any noises so he would hopefully become uninterested. But all that managed to do was make him frustrated. "You should have been pregnant by now, why isn't this working?"

Melissa laughed weakly spitting out the rag. "You're so stupid you know that. I don't have what it takes to make children." Alastair got mad at her and slapped her hard across the face. Then he climbed off her.

"Well time to get back to business anyway," he said buttoning his shirt. He picked up a knife and sharpened it. Then he snapped his fingers and Melissa was in the operating table all strapped down. "Now you're going to tell me where they took that girl."

"I don't know." Melissa yelled as Alastair cut up her side.

"Oh you don't? See before your friends disappeared, you whispered something to that traitor Ruby. Now what was it?"

"I told her she needed to leave, that's all." Melissa screamed again as Alastair cut her again this time in the chest.

"Don't lie to me?! Where did they take her?! You told Ruby to keep her safe, where did you tell her to take her?!" Alastair continued to cut deeply. Melissa felt like passing out. "No, no, no, I need you awake," said Alastair holding her head up. "Now tell me where they went! Tell me!" Melissa looked dizzily at him and then passed out.

Melissa noticed that she was somewhere different, in a motel with Sam and Dean. They were talking about Ruby and Sam was telling Dean about the months without him. Melissa could see why Sam liked Ruby so much.

"I didn't know you felt that strongly for her," said Melissa as she got up to touch Sam's shoulder. But her hand went straight through. As she freaked out, Sam and Dean continued to talk like she wasn't there. Could this be a dream? Well it wasn't a memory because she had never been here before. Maybe she was dead. But that didn't fit either, she could still feel the pain of the knife and still see Alastair's face. It wasn't a vision either, so it had to be an out of body experience! That meant she could reach out to Sam and Dean to get them to help her. Melissa tried her best to get their attention, but nothing seemed to work. Melissa tried to touch them, throw things, get her powers to work, even shout until her lungs were blue, but nothing worked. Then, Dean let a black maid in the door and Melissa recognized that it was Ruby riding her. Melissa tried to get Ruby's attention as well, but Ruby was gone as quickly as she had come. Sam and Dean packed up their bags quickly and escaped as Ruby had told them. She watched helplessly as Sam and Dean had to escape out the bathroom window. Then she was back in the torture chamber with Alastair.

"Now, we're going to play a little game," said Alastair. "I'll ask questions and you answer. If I feel that you are lying to me..." Alastair cut a long deep gash down Melissa's arm and she screamed in pain. "If you decide to simply not answer me..." He stabbed Melissa five times. Alastair laughed and cut her again. "And that was just for fun because I love to hear you scream," he whispered in her ear.

After a few more hours of torture, Melissa decided to try the out of body experience again while Alastair was talking to a few other demons. They couldn't find a trace of Sam, Dean, or Anna and Melissa smiled silently thanking Ruby. It took all her strength, but she finally managed to get through. She was at a house where Sam and Dean must be. She walked up and knocked on the door. Dean opened it and pointed the gun at her. Melissa held her arms up. "Whoa, take it easy sheriff."

"Melissa, how did you? We thought you were...." Sam started.

"Not yet," she replied.

"What do you mean not yet?" asked Dean closing the door behind her.

"I managed to do an out of body experience. What you see is not really me. I'm actually held up somewhere tied down to an operating table thing. Alastair's there, uh, interrogating me."

Dean closed his eyes and turned away. "We never should have left you there."

"Dean it wasn't your fault, I gave you orders to leave. I used my powers on you, trust me you had nothing to do with it." Melissa wanted to comfort him more, but she couldn't touch him and just put her hand down.

"How long?" asked Sam.

"I don't know, not long. I've lost a lot of blood already. I don't even know if I'll be able to talk long now, Alastair will be done with his distractions soon and probably bring me back."

"Distractions?" asked Dean.

"He has other demons looking for all of you. So I came to warn you to be careful."

"That's not why you came," said Sam studying her. "Why did you really come?"

Melissa sighed. "I came to say goodbye. I've failed your father and will probably be in hell soon, never to escape. Alastair's plans for me I'm afraid don't involve a happy ending." She smiled weakly then gulped back the tears in her voice. "I'm sorry I failed you boys."

"No," said Dean sternly.

"No?" asked Melissa. "Dean I'm dying. Even if you did find me it would probably be too late. I won't survive another night. You have no idea what I'm going through."

"Yes I do! I was there once, remember?! I know how Alastair is! Look I will find you and I will help you! Ok, you can't give up!"

"Give up Dean?! I'm facing reality!"

"Dean's right, we will find you tonight," said Sam.

"You can't it's impossible! I don't even know where I am and you won't be able to find me!" Melissa struggled to hold back tears.

"Then we'll get help," said Dean.

"Hmph, the only way to find me would have to be somebody powerful."

"Ok we'll get a psychic," said Dean.

"It's not that simple. Where I am it's heavily guarded by demons. Plus whatever they did, a psychic won't be strong enough."

"Then we'll ask Ruby. I'm sure..." started Sam.

"She's not strong enough either. It would have to be someone way up high in power. Someone almost as strong as Alastair." Melissa started to fade like a channel on a TV and folded downward in pain. Alastair had come back into view and was now cutting her stomach. "I can't stay any longer, I'm being pulled back," she breathed. "Please don't do this. It's a suicide mission. Argh!" With that Melissa awoke in the chair.

"Nice to have you back sweetheart. I thought you were dying on me. So I thought I would wake you back up." Alastair laughed wickedly and continued to ask the same questions Melissa couldn't answer. So he kept on beating her.

"Where are you going?" asked Sam as Dean walked out the front door.

"Melissa is not going to die, Sam, not for us. I'm to go get some help so that I can go find her. I'm going to go find the angels."

"You want to go towards the angels who attacked us?" asked Sam confused.

"You heard Melissa, she can't reach out to us unless she can get to somebody powerful. The way I see is we got two choices, demons or angels. So far the demons damn nearly killed us...."

"Yea and the angels attacked us! Why would you want to ask them for help?"

"Not them, just the one. Castiel seems to be different from his buddies, you know like more pro human. He could be our best shot."

"Ok, well I'm coming with you."

"Sam, no."

"Well you can't go alone. Besides Ruby will be here watching Anna. Dean please," pleaded Sam.

"Alright fine," said Dean climbing into the car. "How do you get an angel to come to you?" Dean asked Sam. Sam gave him a look. "What? You're the one who believes in all this God stuff?"

"I don't know Dean. No hunter has ever seen an angel before. No one really knows much about them," said Sam flipping through a bible.

"Come on there's got to be something. A spell maybe, a, uh, uh, summoning?" Sam looked up and Dean got the idea Sam had an idea. "What is it?"

"A lot of people believe that if you pray for an angel to protect them, like a guardian angel. If the angels really do come down to protect people, then maybe they just can't be seen."

"Well Castiel and Urial don't seem like guardian angels. Does it work for all angels?"

"Worth a shot," said Sam.

"Ok then." Dean folded his hands like Sam and they bowed their heads.

"We are seeking the angel Castiel. We pray that he present himself to us," said Sam. They both looked around to see if they could see anything.

Dean closed his eyes again. "Castiel, come on you son of a bitch, we want to make a proposition." Sam looked at Dean curiously.

"What do you want?" asked Castiel. Sam and Dean turned around.

"Nice to see you too," said Dean sarcastically.

"Where's Anna?" asked Castiel. "That's what we wanted to talk about," said Dean. "You remember our friend Melissa, you know the one you attacked," smiled Dean. Castiel just looked at him. "Well anyway, when we got to Anna, Melissa stayed to fight off Alastair. Now he has her locked up somewhere and is torturing her. Melissa said she is almost dead...."

"Well if she contacted you, I'm sure you can find her. Besides this isn't about Anna." Castiel didn't mean to be so rude, but he had orders that needed to be done. Anna was to be found and to be killed before she could reconnect with her grace. Falling from heaven was great sin amongst angels.

"See the thing is that Melissa contacted us through astral projection, you know an out of body experience type thing and she said that the only way to get to her was to find somebody powerful...." Sam started to explain.

"And you think I can help you?" asked Castiel.

"Well you did get me out of hell," pointed out Dean. "You help us find Melissa and we will give you Anna."

Sam looked at Dean shocked. "Uh, Dean that wasn't the plan..." Dean silenced him.

"Bring me Anna first," said Castiel. He could see that the boys were reluctant in giving Anna up, especially Sam. But Dean really wanted Melissa back. The guilt had began to tear away at him already.

"Well see, we can't exactly do that. Melissa won't survive another night. It would take a while to bring Anna to you and we don't have that time," said Dean. He struggled to keep his composure as his voice choked and he got a little quieter. He still wasn't sure if he could trust Melissa sometimes, but there was something about her that made him want to. Plus she had helped them several times giving her life time and time again to save them from danger. The small voices in his head scolded him. Just admit it Dean you care about her and if she died that would be on your hands once again. Why is everyone dying for you? Your nothing special! But if there's a GIRL that's trying to help you, then you must be. You love her Dean, can't you see that! No I don't! She's a good friend, but I don't love her in that way! Do I? Dean silenced his thoughts and tried to focus on Castiel.

Castiel was thinking things over. His mission was to find Anna, but he had found that he prefered to help the boys when he could. He was going against his orders, but he couldn't stand the guilty feeling Dean felt inside him all the time. If this helped ease some tension, then so be it. He'd rather help his friends than obey this one stupid order. After all Anna was his mentor at some point and he really didn't want to kill her. Wait did he just think that? No other angel would even dream of disobeying, but lately he couldn't help, but feel more strongly about these feelings. Angels weren't supposed to have feelings, but he couldn't stop them. He sighed making up his mind. "Fine, I'll help you. Now do you have anything of Melissa's on you? Something that she can connect with, something very valuable to her, something she would always keep close to her no matter what?"

Sam and Dean looked in the car, but nothing Melissa had seemed valuable. Sam looked in the back seat. "Hey Dean check this out. Melissa left her cross necklace here." He gave it to Dean who rubbed his thumb over the engraving on the back before holding it out to Castiel.

"Will this work? I don't know how valuable it is to her, but she usually always wears it. Must have fallen off or something."

"This will be perfect," said Castiel holding it. "It was a gift from her grandfather, truly treasured. Now I'm going to run and get everything else to make a summoning charm and you two wait here."

"Wait, do we... and he's gone," said Dean.

It was nearly nightfall when Castiel finally returned. "Where the hell have you been?" asked Dean worried that Melissa might already be gone.

"It takes a while to get all this stuff, even for angels. A thank you would be nice," said Castiel bitterly. Dean just looked at the ground.

"Thank you," said Sam. "Now what do we do?"

Melissa could feel something tugging her. But with Alastair right there, she wouldn't dare try to project, he could find out. So she tried her powers one last time and made the demons appear again. Alastair was pissed and went to go yell at them and Melissa saw her chance. She was pulled like a dog on a leash and next thing she was standing in a circle over a large bowl. Sam and Dean were there.

"I told you this was a suicide mission. What did you guys do, I mean how did you...?"

"We had help," said Sam looking over at Castiel.

"Him? But he?"

"I know," said Dean. "But we made a deal, you for Anna."

"No, Dean you can't! I'd rather die first!" Melissa glared at Castiel for wanting to even consider this deal with the boys. Anna needed to be protected from these dick heads.

"Well that's not going to happen and you have no choice," smiled Dean.

Melissa didn't bother arguing. She would deal with it when she got back. "Alright, so how do you plan to find me? I'm hidden," said Melissa looking at Castiel. "And I don't even know where I am."

"You can still use your powers right?" Castiel asked.

"No I don't think so, I'm in my own special devil's trap and I'm practically powerless. The little bit I do have is fading and I'm not strong enough."

"You managed to project yourself, that isn't a demon power as far as I'm concerned," said Castiel. Melissa looked confused. "I may be able to get to you, if you let me."

"How? I can't do anything. I already tried."

"Teleportation, you are the machine and we jump there."

"But teleporting is my demon power and I can't use it."

"No, but I can. Now listen to me. It's going to take a lot of strength and I need you to focus. Once you focus on your surroundings and where you're at, then I should be able to find you. Now concentrate really hard on all of your surroundings," said Castiel. Slowly Melissa began to disappear and a scene of a warehouse came up. They were now looking through her eyes and as she looked around there was blood everywhere. Castiel could see the boys cringe at the scenery. It was then that he decided that the deal for Anna was of no importance, all that mattered was getting Melissa out alive. Then he would act like nothing he did with the brothers happened.

Melissa did as she was told and went back to look at the room. It was big, like a warehouse room big. There were huge doors in front of her where Alastair was talking to the demons. She brought in all that she could see around her. Then she looked out of the windows on the very top. To the right she saw a worn out sign. It read Al's Shipping and Construction.

"What do you mean I called you here?! I never did a thing!" Alastair's shouts made Melissa jump. Then he walked over to her. "You, I thought you were powerless, what the hell are you doing? No demon power can do that! Your more than half demon aren't you? I knew it." Alastair raised the knife.

"No, please, don't. I don't know anything. Aaaahhhh!!!!!"

Sam, Dean and Castiel could see everything Melissa saw. They watched as Melissa was stabbed and the knife digging and twisting in her. "Well come on Cas, let's go after her!" shouted Dean not being able to stand it anymore.

"Cas?" asked Castiel. He had never had a nickname and it threw him off guard.

"We need to help her!" pleaded Dean.

"Can't until she concentrates."

"She's dying," said Dean.

"Melissa can you hear me? I need you to want us there with you ok? Take us to where you are," said Castiel.

"Ok, I'll try," she whispered as Alastair went to go yell at the demons some more.

A wormhole opened up in front of them. "Come on," said Castiel. They walked through the hole and were standing by the doors. Alastair looked at them confused. He wasn't prepared to take on an angel and disappeared with the two demons. Dean ran over to Melissa, there was blood all over the floor, and he almost slipped trying to get to her.

"Melissa, Melissa are you ok?" Dean shook her shoulder.

"Dean, glad you came to join the party," said Melissa weakly. She was coming in and out of consciousness.

"Well, you can't have a party without me," Dean joked. He began to untie her and Sam came to help. But when they tried to get her to stand up, she just slumped to the floor. "Where's your clothes?" asked Dean.

"Shredded," said Melissa looking back slightly at the bed. She felt dizzy and had to put her hands down to keep from falling. Dean put his hand on her back as she coughed up some blood. "I'm afraid I can't stand up, let alone walk. It hurts too much," whispered Melissa as she spat out more blood. "You know there are so many ways to torture a man, but so many more ways to torture a woman."

"Are you saying her rapped you?" asked Dean furiously. Melissa didn't answer, but instead began to sway a little. It was getting harder to stay awake.

"She needs a hospital," said Sam as he watched Dean hold Melissa up.

"I'll take her," said Castiel. He walked over and put his jacket on Melissa. She nearly collapsed even though the jacket wasn't that heavy.

"Thanks," she said weakly. Dean had to catch her before she hit the ground.

"No, we will," said Dean holding on to her.

"How Dean? You have no car and even if you did, you wouldn't make it to the hospital in time. She's lost too much blood," said Castiel. Melissa finally passed out.

"Melissa!" shouted Dean.

"Dean, he's right," said Sam. "She's just about had it. If he takes her, there's a good chance she will live if they make it to the hospital on time."

Dean reluctantly let Castiel take Melissa in his arms and they disappeared.

Melissa woke up in the hospital. Dean was by her side. "Hey how are you doing sleepy head?" he asked sitting up straighter.

"I feel like shit," she said rolling her eyes.

"Well you did lose a lot of blood."

"How long have I been out?"

"A few days. Doctor said you were in a coma, might take you a while to recover. Here, you left this in my car." Dean passed over Melissa's wooden necklace.

"Thanks," grunted Melissa as she moved sorely. She saw that her leg was also up in a cast. "I don't remember breaking my leg."

"Yea, uh, it's just a really bad fracture."

"Ugh, fractures take longer to heal than broken bones. So where are we headed next?"


"Yes we, I'll be out of this hospital by the end of the day and we can take off."

"Well Sam and I are going hunting for a while and you are staying here to get some time off to recuperate," smiled Dean.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't just leave me here!"

"Uh, yea we can. According to the doctor's orders," said Dean flipping through the medical chart on Melissa's bed. "You are not supposed to leave until you have fully recovered both physically and mentally. Which I'm sure you'll be here, oh forever."

"No I won't! As soon as I'm healed I'm out the door."

"Yea I know, but you will be talking to a shrink and unless he or she, thinks that your fine, then you can't leave."

"Then I'll just fake it."

"Yea, knowing you, you won't leave for at least three months."

"Then three months it is." Dean laughed, but Melissa was being serious. She was not going to stay in a hospital long, especially since she didn't want to leave Sam and Dean alone with demons and angels on their asses. "So what happened with Anna?"

Dean told Melissa the whole story since she was last seen. A lot had already happened in just three days, what would she miss in three months. "And that's about it," Dean concluded. "Haven't heard from any of them since."

"Wow, an angel huh? No wonder my powers didn't work on her," said Melissa looking at the ceiling. She knew Dean wasn't done because she was in his head now and felt sympathy pains from him. His pain was becoming hers and her heart ached. "And you also told Sam?"

Dean was quiet for a minute. Then Melissa could hear him begin to cry. She thought she shouldn't have said anything, when he finally spoke. "He said I lasted thirty years, longer than most people would have. But I could have lasted longer, I was just so....." Dean cried some more. Melissa grabbed his knee and he stopped.

"He's right Dean. It wasn't your fault, Lilith set you up." Melissa saw he still didn't feel better. "I know I would have taken the easy way out. Once I got that offer I would have taken it," she sighed. "Some people think they are just so strong, but demons just know how to apply the right pressure, then everything is turned upside down."

"He got you started didn't he?" asked Dean referring to Melissa drinking demon blood.

"Yea," said Melissa turning away. She told him the full story of how she met Alastair. When she was done Dean stayed quiet. "I know how you feel Dean. I may not have been to Alastair's hell hole for forty years, but I might as well have. I didn't take your father's request because I was forced to, I took it because I could see a good man who wanted nothing more than to help protect his family, even if he was damned forever."

"That's not why you took it," said Dean. He had stopped crying now. "You took it because you felt you could redeem yourself." He looked at her for an answer and she sighed.

"And every day you save people to block out the things you did in hell. See, it's almost the same. That's why I say that you're not alone Dean. Settle down, it'll all be clear. Don't pay no mind to the demons. They fill you with fear. The trouble it might drag you down. If you get lost, you can always be found. Just know you're not alone. Cause I'm going to make this place your home."

They both laughed at Melissa's bad singing. Then Dean got serious. "I thought you said you couldn't die though."

"Well I can't, well at least my soul or whatever can't. But my body can, it's kind of hard to explain since I don't understand it myself." Melissa adjusted her position and winced. "My soul piece takes a lot to get rid of, but my body well it's still kind of human I guess."

Dean shook his head trying to grasp what Melissa was saying. "Oh. Um, I wanted to say sorry for you know trying to use you and stuff."

"Don't apologize, you'll do it again," smiled Melissa. "And to tell you the truth I don't mind doing it for you." She blushed. "I mean uh, I like helping people you know."

"Yea..." said Dean. He noticed the blush Melissa had and wondered what she meant. Could it be possible that she liked him in the way that he was starting to like her? He shook the thought out of his head and smiled back at her. They continued to talk more about random things until Melissa felt really tired. At one point she smiled at Dean sitting in the chair. Next thing she knew was that she was in sweet dreams, wonderful places where there was nothing to worry about. Peace at last.

Dean watched her doze off to sleep. She looked so peaceful, but he still couldn't help feeling guilty for her almost 'dying' trying to save him. Everyone risked their lives for him and he didn't know why. He was nothing special, why save him. Melissa stirred in her sleep making her hair fall into her face. He couldn't help but brush it away earning a small smile from her. His feelings were out of control right now, he felt guilty for what happened to Melissa, mad at himself for breaking the first seal for Lucifer, pissed at the angels for being dicks, happy for Anna for following her own path, and a strange love towards Melissa that he couldn't explain. Wait did he love her? He barely knew her, why would he feel this way; he's never felt this way for a girl. He sighed. There was no way there could ever be anything between them. After all he was human and she was some kind of supernatural creature. Besides he had other things to worry about other than his petty feelings. So he put on his stone brave face he knew how to use so well and walked out of the hospital to meet Sam. There was still a job for them to do somewhere else and until he could figure out how to stop the Apocalypse, he could at least help other people.

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