I'm In Love With The Bad Boy.

By _itsbunni14_

23.2K 638 127

Meet Ashely Miller, A good girl who is a bit of a nerd. She and her best friend Lydia Johnson have been attac... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 1

5.4K 93 21
By _itsbunni14_

Chapter 1


As I wrap my arms around his neck I can feel his strong arms move around my waist pulling me closer to him. His warm minty breath fan my blushing cheek as he leans in closer and whisper those words I've been waiting since freshman year to hear, "I love you, Ashley." I glance up, my eyes meeting with those deep hazel eyes staring at me with such passion and love its unbearable and as if on cue I say those words that I have been holding back for 3 years, "I love you too, Ricky." A smile lights up his hadsome face just as he leaned in his lips inched closer to my own.

"Ashley! Wake up!" I hear my mother's voice yell from downstairs. I rolled over and covered my head with my pillow, trying to block any sort of sounds that would keep me from continuing my sleep.

"Ugh! So close." I yelled into the pillow, poor thing had no idea what it had coming. I find dreams like that a little bit too cliche for my taste, but I can't help what my mind wants to dream about. Maybe I could? Is that even possible? It's too early in the morning to be thinking this hard. Grimacing, I push the blanket off of my body catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Man, my hair is like a bird's nest. I tried to pat it down and run my fingers though it, but yet it wants to be stubborn and continue to stick up all over the place. Stupid bed head, I thought as I started to trudge down to the kitchen. As I enter the kitchen, I was instantly over powered with the smell of bacon and maple syrup. Looking up, I saw my mother by the stove, my father sitting at the table reading the newspaper and my four year old brother seated next to him playing with his small racecars. It looked all too old fashion if you know what I mean.

"Morning." I said taking a seat next to my brother.

"Good morning sweetie." My dad replied. "Slept well?"

I nodded and turned to my brother ruffling his brown hair, "Morning squirt."

"Mom! Ashley messed up my hair." He bellowed, giving off a pout that looked so adorable on his four year old face.

"Ashley, Don't mess with Tyler's hair." She said with a small smile on her face. "Apologize."

"I'm sorry Tyler, Forgive me?" I apologized giving him a small pout and puppy dog eyes.

"Of course, Ash!" He chimed wrapping his small arms around my neck for a hug and I returned it.

I laughed at how cute he sounded, Man, I love this kid. When I saw the food that was placed on the table my mouth started to water. One thing you should know about me, I LOVE food, It's one of the best relationships I ever had. Well...It's the only relationship I ever had, But that's beside the point.

Once I was finished with breakfast, I headed back upstairs to get ready for school. I decided to put on a pair of dark wash skinny jeans with a white cami and a navy blue cardigan, parining it with my black and white converse. I kept my make up to minimum by just adding a thin layer of eyeliner and tying my hair in a ponytail. I use to wear glasses but thank god I god rid of them and got contacts. Those things were huge! And not to mention ugly..They took up my entire face. I took one last glance in the mirror and was scared half to death by the sound of a car horn blared. I quickly grabbed my backpack and ran down the stairs.

"Bye mom, Bye dad!" I yelled as I exited the house not waiting for a respone and jogged out of the house to the black car in my driveway. Getting into the car, I turn to see my best friend Lydia who I have been friends with since kindergarten. Lydia is 5'6 with dark brown hair and light brown eyes and let me tell you my best friend is beautiful, But this stupid girl won't believe me.

"I hate you." I said glaring at her.

"Why?" She responds as she pulls out of my drive way and begins to drive down the main road.

I smacked her arm, "Because you scared me half to death with that damn car horn!"

With a little chuckle, she replied, "Sorry but I needed a way for you to get your butt to my car quick and that seemed like a simple way." She gave a smile showing off her white teeth.

"Still." I pouted "I could of died from a heart attack from that horn."

I heard her giggle but didn't respond. Glancing out the window, I noticed that we were pulling into the Jefferson High parking lot. This school is known for their football team and it's a wonder why Ricky isn't on the team. Okay, So heres the run down on Ricky Black. Tall, dark hair, hazel eyes, muscler and of course he is a bad boy and yes, I might have the tinest crush on him. I mean its not one of those crazy crushes that the girl stalks the guy, I just find Ricky a bit attractive and despite that stupied dream doesn't mean I am in love with him. I hate dreams.

Pulling into a parking space, Lydia and I jump out of the car and make our way to our lockers, Passing the popular crowd which consists of jocks and cheerleaders and if you're wondering if we're part of the crowd, the answer is hell no. Some of the cheerleaders are bitches and some of them are actually cool, The jocks are players and jerks and that's the reason we steer clear of them. Lydia and I are the type that keep to ourselves and stay quiet in class while doing our assignments. Call us nerds if you want but that's just the way we are and we don't mind it at all.

"I dislike school." I whined to Lydia as we open our lockers and place our books inside of them. I grabbed my textbook and notebook I will need for my first class.

"I know, I feel the same but you just hate your first class." She replied with a smile tugging at her lips.

"Okay, You can't blame me. Math is evil! No on should be doing math so early in the morning. It's the worst subject to start the day with. It definitely stands for Mental Abuse to Humans." I complained as we close our lockers and start to walk to class.

"At least you have me to help you through it all." She stated as we turned the corner passing other people in the hall. "If it wasn't for me, You would be failing the class."

I glared at her. Okay it's not my fault that math is so boring! If the teacher could at least make it interesting. Maybe if the teacher dressed up as a clown and went around class making balloon animals I would pay attention. Mhm, Now thats an idea.

"Yeah you're ri-" I started to say until I crashed into something hard, Sending me flying to the floor. Ouch, What was that?

"Ow, What the hell?" I heard a deep voice curse. Remember that guy I was talking about earlier? The tall, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, bad boy type guy? Well, Guess what? Ricky Black was the one on the floor in front of me.

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