Hammer of Steel: A Supergirl...

By Aspergirl23

81.4K 1.5K 551

You've seen Supergirl fight crime with the Flash, but what happens when the Girl of Steel comes face-to-face... More

Prologue: Two Brothers
An Unexpected Visitor
Strange Alien from an Unknown World
The Confrontation
Aliens From Another Dimension
A Day in the Life of Kara Danvers
The Capture
A New Plan
The Exchange
The Distraction
The Battle
A/N: Possible Sequel

The Search

9K 146 61
By Aspergirl23

-----------------Secret Cadmus Warehouse------------     

With the drama going on at the DEO following Thor's capture and escape, Loki had spent that time trying to figure out where exactly he had landed. He knew for certain that he was definitely on another Earth in a completely different dimension.

A little more exploring of his surroundings, Loki eventually found himself bumping into a seemingly abandoned warehouse. Loki, however, knew there was more to this warehouse then meets the eye.He steps inside to investigate.

"What have you to report on the portal that appeared above National City not more then several hours ago?" Lillian Luthor inquires of the Cadmus operatives inside the warehouse. "The portal contained high traces of energy from an unknown substance," one the Cadmus agents informs her, "The DEO have been investigating the surges that came from the portal as we speak." "Of course they are investigating, that's what they do," Lillian says like it's obvious, "What I want to know is whatever came out of there is a threat to our cause." "There is one thing," the agent informs Lillian, "Our sources tells us the DEO did find an unknown life form that possibly came out of that portal." "Is it alien?" Lillian presses. "Most likely," the agent answers. "Just one more thing Cadmus has to take care of," Lillian mutters, "No matter, we'll take care of it along with Supergirl and every other alien parasite on this planet."

Loki overheard Lillian's conversation during this time and figured he could use them to his advantage in retrieving the Tesseract. Taking a rather hefty gamble, he steps further inside the warehouse so as to be spotted.

The alarms suddenly go off. "Alert! Alien presence!" a computerized voice announces on the PA system. Cadmus agents surround Loki and he puts his hands up in surrender. They apprehend Loki and bring him to face Lillian. "How the hell did someone like you break into a place like this?" she frowns. "Oh, believe me I've broken out of more...advanced facilities then this ma'am," Loki merely answers, "However, I couldn't help but overhear you have a problem with..." "With people like you," Lillian finishes for him. "I am nothing like the scum you so desperately want to eradicate form this planet," Loki assures, "If you call off your dogs, allow me to offer to solution."

Lillian was hesitant to hear what this stranger had to offer, but she refused to show it. Nevertheless, she sensed this man could be of use to the Cadmus cause. "Let him go," she reluctantly orders, "I'll hear what he has to say."

The agents release Loki from his bonds, him grinning as they did so. "Now," Loki begins, "What you're really seeking from the portal is a...special ancient artifact that contains limitless energy." "I'm assuming that's what caused this rift to occur," Lillian replies. "You catch on fast," Loki nods as an attempt of flattery, "This...artifact is key to opening another portal, one that could be used to send these aliens to another dimension where you no longer need to worry about them." "Really?" Lillian asks intrigued, "Please tell me more." "The item in question is under highly secured storage by this place called the DEO," Loki continues, "But I have a plan where you could steal it from them. You will, however, need me to make this plan work." "Why would you help us?" Lillian frowns, "What's in it for you?" "Merely the gratuity of seeing someone I loath fall at my feet," Loki simply answers as if that's all he wants. Lillian is still skeptical of this strange alien's true intention but decides to listen to his plan. 

------------DEO Headquarters----------

"What were you thinking?" Kara lectures Mon-El in the infirmary as he was getting patched up from his fight. "I was thinking I could have easily taken this guy down," Mon-El grimaces from the pain, "How was I suppose to know he would do that?" "We didn't know what he was capable  of, Mon-El," Kara says sternly, "You can't just blindly rush into a fight like that."

"Well now we know this man is capable of summoning and redirecting electricity," J'onn quips as he and Alex enter the infirmary, "We have our men looking for this 'Thor,' but there's been no signs so far." "Yeah, you'd think a muscular blonde body builder with a large hammer would be easy to spot," Alex interjects, making everyone else stare at her. "What?" Alex shrugs, "Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm blind to those aspects. Anyway. That hammer he summoned was the exact one we found at the docks with that cube." "Wait, how was it he was able to pick it up but not even a forklift could lift it?" Kara frowns.

J'onn thinks before providing an answer, "Maybe the hammer shares some sort of connection with our fugitive. It doesn't make sense but it's the best explanation I can come up with." "Maybe wherever he's from, hammers have minds of their own," Mon-El adds for slight humor. "He said we had no idea of the forces that were at work," Kara says, going over what Thor told her. "We only investigated two of the light surges from the portal, we never bothered to look into the third one," Alex interjects. "We need to locate the energy levels of the third surge," J'onn instructs, "Where is Agent Schott?" The group looks around, but there was no sign of Winn. "Winn?" Kara calls out for their friend. 


Meanwhile at command central, Winn was going over what he saw on the monitor from Kara's battle with this strange Thor character. Winn had a feeling he'd seen someone like him before, but he couldn't figure out where. It was then, Winn decided to actually consult the internet using key word "Thor." What Winn found on the internet was not quite what he had expected. Unsure of what to do next, Winn left the building and heads for his home to find some other things.


"We'll have to do this without Agent Schott," J'onn says, "Our first priority is to find our missing fugitive." "Let's do this then," Mon-El says excitedly only to grimace in pain when he stood up. "Uh, I think you should sit this one out," Kara says with a concerned tone. "Agreed," J'onn says. "If we're looking for the missing alien, I think I know where to start," Alex and leaves to get started with the search. "I"ll get started too," Kara afterwards, "I have contacts of my own."

While the ladies went off on the search, J'onn headed for another section of the headquarters where the energy cube was stored. "What exactly are we looking at?" he inquires of the scientists who were on the scene. "Well based on the data we just collected, the energy from the cube is self-sustaining," one of the scientists answers, "The matter from which this energy comes from, however, is unknown." "This is the same energy that was used to create that portal above National City," J'onn reflects, "Question is what else is this thing capable of." "We are attempting to extract a piece of the cube right now to assess the matter of the cube," another scientist explains as one agent dressed in a protective suit approached the cube. The moment the agent used the proper equipment to take a sample, surges of energy burst from the cube, causing everyone around the perimeter, including J'onn, to be knocked down from the blast. "Okay, so this thing can't be taken apart," J'onn says once he gets back up. "Should we use other methods to take a sample?" the first scientist said, getting back up. "No," J'onn orders, "Something tells me anymore attempts may cause this thing to bring the whole building down on us. Until we find the missing alien fugitive, it's best we store this under extremely high security." 

  ---------Alien Bar-------

"So what brings us to our usual place?" Maggie asks curious as she and Alex walk into the alien bar. "The alien Kara found fled from DEO custody," Alex explains, "I figured this would be the best place to start looking for him." "So what exactly does this fugitive alien look like?" Maggie presses. "Tall, blonde, wears a red cape, and carries a large hammer that can summon lightning," Alex describes. "Well then, he shouldn't be too hard to locate," Maggie says with confidence as she proceeds to order a drink from the bar.

Alex and Maggie both began to mingle about, asking various bar patrons of the blonde alien's whereabouts. Half an hour in, Alex decides to follow Maggie's lead and decided to order a drink from the bar. "Allow me," a raven haired woman with green eyes walked up to the bar and order a drink for Alex. "Uh, thanks," Alex says unsure, accepting the drink. "So I heard you're looking for someone," the woman tells her. "You know something?" Alex was quick to ask, despite the skepticism. "Well it's really none of business," the woman says in that British accent, "but I did see a blonde with a hammer near an abandoned warehouse. Strange though, he was raving about something called Cadmus." Right then Alex's ears perked up at that certain word. With her undivided the attention, the woman continued explaining what she knew.


"I'm sorry, Kara, but I haven't seen anything or anyone like that recently," Lena Luthor informs Kara (who was in her regular none-superhero attire) in Lena's L-Corp office. "You sure?" Kara asks to make certain. "Well other then those surges from that portal that popped out of nowhere, nothing..." Lena says before she realized something, "Wait." "What is it?" Kara presses.

"Around the time those surges appeared, one of them shot at a place not far from this building," Lena explains, "Half an hour afterwards I think I saw someone walk around that corner. There were plenty of people around but this particular person looked disheveled, almost as if he went through a really powerful wind tunnel." "What exactly did he look like?" Kara further questions. "He was dressed in weird greenish clothing," Lena answers, "Dark hair, dark eyes. He looked lost. I headed down there to take see if I could help, but the moment I came outside, he was gone. Not even sure if he wants to be found." "Maybe, maybe not," Kara replies, "but I know someone who could look for him. Thanks Lena." "Anytime," Lena says as Kara leaves the building.  

-------DEO Headquarters-------

"Are you certain he may be in league with Cadmus?" J'onn inquires of Alex. "That's what one of the bar patrons said," Alex answers, "I'm not sure if she was telling the truth. She could've just said it in hopes of getting something out of it." "Be that as it may, we still need to consider the possibility," J'onn replies. "I knew there was something I didn't like about that guy," Mon-El mutters. "You mean other then the fact that you got your ass handed over to you by him?" Maggie humorously quips, joining the conversation. "You told her?" Mon-El asks Alex in disbelief. "What, it was funny," Maggie chuckles. "It was kind of funny," Alex admits.

"I just spoke to Lena Luthor," Kara joins the conversation, still in her regular clothing, "It's possible there may be another one of someone like Thor in the city." "And also someone who may be working for Cadmus," J'onn adds, "Either one of them would also know how that cube works too." "If they know how the cube works, and if they're with Cadmus, we need to keep them away from it," Mon-El insists. "We don't know for sure if they're with Cadmus," Kara interjects, "If Thor is an alien then it's likely the other one is too. It's very unlike Lillian Luthor and Cadmus to collaborate with any sort of none humans to accomplish their goals." "Not unless those two have something Cadmus wants," J'onn points out. "It also be the other way around," Alex agrees. "Well until we know for sure, I'm not buying it," Kara sternly says, "This guy may be dangerous, but I find it hard to believe he may have any dealings with a terrorist organization."

Just then the alarm went off. "What's happening?" J'onn urgently asks one of the agents. "It's Livewire," Alex says looking at the monitor, "She escaped." "How?" Kara says worried. "We'll worry about that later," J'onn replies, "Where is Livewire now?" "Allow me," Winn quips in as he runs to the computers. "Winn, where have you been?" Kara asks. "I'll explain later," Winn replies, more focused on the screen, "but according to the National City security street cams, it looks like Livewire has just been spotted at the jewelry store on 8th." "I'm on it," Kara says as she runs towards the exit, changing into her Supergirl costume.


By the time Supergirl made it to the jewelry store, Livewire was busy collecting pearl necklaces and earrings. "What's the matter, Livewire?" Supergirl taunts, "Thought you would be busy plotting your revenge." "Believe me, Supergirl, I am," Livewire assures, "But it seemed like an opportune time to look fashionable while doing so." With that, Livewire draws electricity from the nearest lamppost and directs electricity at Supergirl, whom shoots her laser to stop the surge.

The blast form the laser and electricity forming was enough to knock both women off their feet. Live wire got back up and was about to shoot another bolt of electricity at a slightly dazed Supergirl. Just as the bolt was about to hit her, a hammer landed right in front of Kara, blocking the electricity.

Looking right in front of her, Kara saw the same blonde alien that fought her back at the DEO.    

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