Escape The Basement (Complete)

By X_Tibbit_X

80 3 0

*All the credit for the cover goes to Myrtillis on DeviantART* *This was an idea I got after talking to my f... More



3 0 0
By X_Tibbit_X

I wake up to my alarm beeping at me again. I roll over and wipe sleep from my eyes. After saying good morning to my posters, (shhhh!) I go take a shower.

Afterwords, I put my You Mad Bro? shirt on (Amazeball picture on the side xD ) and throw my hair up. I head downstairs and get out two bowls.

I hear the door open but continue what I'm doing. I get my spoon out then my Mini Wheat. I can tell Amanda is behind me so like the amazing ninja I am, I turn around and yell "Die!" while jabbing with my spoon.

It isn't Amanda. 

It's my mom.

"Holy crap mom," I yell, the spoon clattering on the ground. I put a hand where people's hearts are. "I thought you were," I pause, gulping air. "I thought you were Amanda. Wow. That was something." 

My mom just shakes her head. "Where are the little ones?" I call out as she walks out. 

"Yeah, she came and got them last night. She came not long after you asked about going.." She trails off. The door slams shut and I turn back to my Mini Wheat's.


"Well if that isn't embarrassing, then I don't know what is." I just told Amanda about this morning. "Oh, and sorry about not picking you up. My alarm didn't go off. I barely made it to first hour. Nightmares kept me up all night."

I freeze. I know what nightmares she is talking about. I have them too. Not so much anymore, but when they do I wake up in a cold sweat and am unable to fall back asleep.

"So, what did your mother say?" I start. Haden is looking at me expectantly. 

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I kind of had to lie to my mom but it is alright." I turn toward Haden and look at Amanda. "If my mom calls and asks, we are going camping together okay?" She nods. "Eavesdrop much?" I ask under my breath. Haden laughs.

The bell rings before Amanda has time to respond. "Alright, take your seats. I am going to go over the project a bit more in detail then I will let you work on your background study."

Fifteen minutes later I am on the computer talking to Amanda via gmail IM. I have my computer angled away from Haden because his name has come up a few times. 

E: Amanda, I need you to buy me condoms.

I press enter and hear Amanda gasp. I laugh.

Amanda is typing...


Amanda has entered text...

Amanda is typing...

A: I was worried there for a second. what if he brings....Eliza don't do anything I wouldn't do

E: was a bad joke. I will use my ninja skills and chop him to pieces. then he will come live in our basement for a few days. ;)

Amanda is typing...

A: if you make food out of him then I don't want any. 

"What are you talking about?" I turn and see Haden reading our conversation.

I quickly click another tab and try to act casual. "Oh, you know. Girl stuff." I get a wicked idea. "How Amanda's period is really heavy." In my other tab it says, Amanda says... and I laugh. 

"What does that have to do with making food? I know some people like their steaks bloody, but I don't think it is that kind of blood." I slowly nod.

While trying to discretely turn my computer away, I say: "Amanda isn't able to help me move stuff when she is on her period and it is heavy like that." The awkwardness of the conversation finally processes in my head and my ears start to get hot.

"No comment. If you arn't too busy doing nothing, I would appreciate the help on the background study." I glare at him. He laughs.

I click on my other tab to see what Amanda says.


A: Eliza???

A: Shut up!

E: Chill broski,,,everything is totally fine. i used my smooth ninga skills

E: *ninja lol

Amanda is typing...

A request to chat from pops up and I click accept.

A: -.-

H: So what are the plans for this weekend?

A: Who are you talking to besides me? you arn't replacing me are you??

E: haden

Amanda is typing...

E:I will copy/paste it for yoos chill

Then, to Haden:

E: You tell me.

 H: The sooner we leave the sooner we can part ways and never speak to eachother again.

E: Well then...What do we need for this? I don't really have any camping stuff...

H: Don't worry about it. I have camping stuff we can use. You can bring whatever you need I guess; We just will need bags for the mold. Unless you think we need to bring other stuff?

E: Don't matter to me. So, when are we leaving?

H: I would perfer we leave sooner rather then later, so we can get situated before it gets dark. Or if that doesn't work I can go after school and get everything set up. 

We message back and forth for a few minutes before it is time to go to lunch. 

The rest of the day shoots by and before I know it the end of the day is here.

I shut my locker and turn to Amanda. "Ready?" She turns away from her locker and frowns at something behind me. I turn around and jump.

"Sorry," I hear Amanda snicker behind me. "I just wanted to clarify that we are only going for science purposes." My mouth drops open and I look at the floor, cheeks blazing.

"Duh, why else would we be going? Speaking of going, Amanda?" I grab her arm and walk down the hall. She doesn't even bother trying to hold her laughter in.

 We exit the school and head for Amanda's car. Once we get there, I stand there and pull on the door handle like that will magically unlock it.

"Yo-Your face is s-still red," She is doubled over, trying to catch her breath and stop laughing. "I don't think I have ever laughed so hard before in my life." I glare at her and continue to pull on the door handle.

 "You know what Amanda? Go die in a hole." I spin on my heel and walk toward my house. 

"Wait, Eliza." I hear Amanda call, but I just walk faster. I unravel my headphones and press play. Weaving through the parking lot I take a shortcut through the park and look behind me. Not seeing anyone, I slow my pace a bit. 

I turn the corner and head down the street of rambling Victorians until I see my dull pink one. My eyes sweep across the yard until they land on a guy sitting on the porch step.

I pull my headphones out and put my phone in my pocket. I glance around looking for a car before heading up the walkway towards Haden. He stands up and smiles.

"I would call you a stalker but- Yeah, you are a stalker. What are you doing at my house?" I look again for a car but unless he was driving the invisible boatmobile (Spongebob anyone?) the street is empty.

"This," I turn back to him, confused, and suddenly find his lips on mine. My hands started to tingle so I took a step back. As much as I hate to admit, that was my first kiss. Yeah, I'm sixteen but..Hey. I talk to the posters on my wall. Does this surprise you?

I tug my lips up and hope he can't tell. His brows furrow together. "I'm sorry, I thought-"

"Its fine. Promise. It just caught me by surprise and-"

"That was your first time kissing a boy?"

"Wha- No." My face heats up and I look around, trying to think of something to say. "Wait, how did you get here?" I look around for the bajilionth time and still see nothing.

"I am not at liberty to say. But she should be showing up sometime soon so I should go. Catch ya later." He steps around me and heads down the driveway. He continues walking and I watch him disappear around the same corner I just came from.

I stand there, dumbfounded, until Amanda pulls up. She gets out of the car, her grin so big Jeff the Killer (or the Joker) would be proud. She is beaming so bright that I put my hand up.

"What are you so happy about?" I shift my backpack and head for the door. 

"You were the one smiling at nothing in the distance like some psycho. You tell me." I know she knows what happens but I am so excited right now I could just blow up.

"I need to get my stuff together. You help me and I will tell you what happened." 

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