Lost Memories (Taehyung X Jen...

By Diamond_Fate

239K 6.4K 1.5K

HIGHEST RANKING IN FANFICTION - #68 It felt like I know him before... His voice is very familiar, his eyes... More

◆ Seven ◆
◆ Eight ◆
◆ Nine ◆
◆ Ten ◆
◆ Eleven ◆
◆ Twelve ◆
◆ Thirteen ◆
◆ Fourteen ◆
◆ Fifteen ◆
◆ Sixteen ◆
◆ Seventeen ◆
◆ Eighteen ◆
◆ Nineteen ◆
◆ Twenty ◆
◆ Twenty - One ◆
◆ Twenty - Two ◆
◆ Twenty - Three ◆
◆ Twenty - Four ◆
◆ Twenty - Five ◆
◆ Twenty - Six ◆
◆ Twenty - Seven ◆
◆ Twenty - Eight ◆
◆ Twenty - Nine ◆
◆ Thirty ◆
◆ Thirty - One ◆
◆ Thirty - Two ◆
◆ Thirty - Three ◆
◆ Thirty - Four ◆
◆ Thirty - Five ◆
◆ Thirty - Six ◆
◆ Thirty - Seven ◆
◆Thirty - Eight ◆
◆ Thirty - Nine ◆
◆ Forty ◆
◆ Forty - One ◆
◆ Forty - Two ◆
◆ Forty - Three ◆
◆ Forty - Four ◆
◆ Forty - Five ◆
◆ Forty - Six ◆
◆ Forty - Seven ◆
◆ Forty - Eight ◆
◆ Forty - Nine ◆
◆ Fifty ◆
◆ Fifty - One ◆
◆Fifty - Two ◆
◆ Fifty - Three ◆
◆ Fifty - Four ◆
◆ Fifty - Five ◆
Thank You Yeorobun!

◆ Six ◆

6.9K 204 23
By Diamond_Fate

- Jennie's

He narrated what happened to his girlfriend. He's eyes are very teary, his face was really red. He's sweating as well.

But what I was bithered with is that he haven't revealed the name of his girlfriend and the friends of her.

Then I was tapping him.

"You said it is only temporary loss of memory, then she'll be able to remember you again. Just wait."
      I ightened him up while I sat down infront of him at the floor carpet.

He shooked his head before answering...

"The fact that it was my fault and the time she was bleeding...she's in danger...I felt so guilty."
      While saying that, he started punching his chest and crying so hard.

I tapped his shoulder trying to console him.

"Jeosong habnida. Jeosong...habnida."
       He's out of breathe due to crying.
He have enough. It's too much.

I stood up and got some water from the tabke near my bed.

I reached it for him.
First, he hesitated drinking it but he did.

He stopped crying...

"She's an idol now right? Then she's fine. At least by that, you know that she's fine so stop being so hard."
     I held his hands and he looked at me blankly...

"It was my fault."
      He answered.

I didn't respond since he really insisted that it was his fault.

Then I just let him...
It is 2am in the morning...
We are still awake.

"If you're fine doing alone, you should go to sleep now. Sorry for making you tell me that, you end up crying."
      I smiled at him and stood up.
But he won't let mr hand go off of his hand.

"C-Can I have just a hug?"
      He was very detailed...
He askes me to do it.

I didn't respond and jist turned to look at him. He stood up and huggedme tightly.

I can feel his breathex he was preventing himself from crying and just looked at me with a smile after.

"Kamsahabnida, Jennie-a."
       Then he waved his head fixing his hair then he jumped to his bed leaving me frozen there.

As I composed myself, I lied on my bed as well...he was facing the wall and turning a back on me.

The I got remembered of one thing...

"I have an amnesia as well...
But the story of accidents are different.
...don't assume, Jennie. Don't assume. They have told you that your accident was a car accident. So stop thinking that Taehyung's girlfriend might be you."
      I thought and shook my head before shrugging a bit under my blanket.

After that then....

I felt asleep....


In the morning....

I woke up from my nightmare...

"I'm going to lock you in here. No one's gonna save you. Even your parents don't care about you, are they? Are they carring about you?"
     A blurry man from my nightmare talked to me sarcastically.

Then in my nightmare, I tried to fight but the blurry man stabbed me.

I started bleeding.
I collpased on the room with a thin air...
What was happening?
Am I dying?

Then I woke up and found a newly bathed Taehyung who was drying his air.

      He rushed upon me and asked me with worried eyes.

I stared at his eyes.
I'm recognizing something...

"Those eyes...those eyes...I have seen that before...at the hospital...that worried eyes."
      I thought as I was fetching something from his worried eyes.

      I answered and stood up.
I felt weak...but I managed to fix myself.
I took a bath and grabbed my clothes.
I have practice today together with my members, so, grabbed a black pair of pants and a longsleeves croptop.

I went outside of our room and gone to the dinning. There they are, all of them.

"Unnie, gwaenchanha? Your eyes are a bit tired and weak looking"
      Lisa asked me while sitting next to Jungkook.

I nodded in response and just went to my seat which is next to Taehyung.

"We have practice, Jennie."
       Jisoo unnie informed me.

"I know."
     I answered before drinking a glass of water.

I really felt weak today but I need to stand.
I saw everyone looking at me...

      I asked.

"Cause you look like you're sick or something, unnie."
     Chaeyoung answred for everyone.

"Ani, gwaenchanha."
      I answered.

And after several hours, Jisoo unnie invited the girls to the practice room. The boys followed us and went to watch our practice.

"Why are you here? It's awkward!"
      Jisoo unnie yelled.

"Wae? Gwanechanha. We are just four men, you've been performing infront of bunches of people."
      Jin oppa answered smiling at Jisoo unnie. Then they ignored the boys and started playing the music.

After the music pkayed, we finished the last possing. I managed to walk near the water despenser and drunk some water.

I felt dizzy after...
My knees felt so weak...
Ny vision got blurry.

But I can hear everyone...
The boys are complimenting the girls while I saw Taehyung looking at me...I'm not sure if he was looking at me or just a thing that is in my direction...I can't see it, it's blurry.

Then in not time...

- Taehyung's

I was watching her even she was just drinking the water.

After drinking the water, she paused from walking...then she looked at everyone like she's bringing back her consciousness.

Then in no time, she collapsed.
She almost feel the floor but I managed to catch her.

I brought her inside our room and layed her down there while Jisoo was calling Jennie's doctor.

She was waken up by something earlier.
And she felt weak after...does it mean the she have dreamed of some events from the past that she have forgotten?

Few more minutes...
The doctor came ad checked Jennie's vital signs.

"How long is she unconscious?"
      The doctor asked.

"By thirty minutes, doctor."
      Jisoo answered.

"Have she told about something about remembering something?"
       The doctor asked few more things.

"Ani, doctor. But when she was awaken earlier by her will, she was sweating and was shockwd looking."
       I joined the conversation.

"Then maybe she have dreamed of the past events yet her brain got shocked ad her body collapsed. Her vital signs are fine, you don't habe to worry about her. Just wait for to wake up."
       The doctor suggested before leaving us.

"In no year, I can feel that she'll remember everything."
      Chaeyoung suddenly spoke, while looking at her unnie worriedly.

"Aish. Jennie-a."
       Jisoo groaned and mumbked looking at Jennie.

"Unnie! Wake up!"
        Lisa yelled trying to cheer them up but she end up worrying as well.

"Everyrhing will be fine, Jennie. Let's just wait."
        They talked to the unconscious body of Jennie.

Then they got bored, the went to the living room together with my members. But me...I just sat beside her bed and held her hand.

"I'm really sorry, My Jendeukie."
       I rubbed gently her hand thinking on how we used to walked with our fingers interlocked.

"I'm sorry."
        I repeated but this time, a tear escaped from my eyes.

I lied my head to her arm...
And I didn't noticed...I was asleep.

- Jennie's

I don't what just happened but I woke up with Taehyung sleeping on my hand. I can feel my head aching.

Then Jisoo unnie and the others went i side our room and found me awake...

     She yelled and hugged me.
While Lisa and Chaeyoung joined.

Then Taehyung got awaken.

"Take this. It's...It's....it's a.medicine and I can't read the name. The doctor recommended thay so just take it, no complaines and no questions."
      While taking the medicine, I saw Taehyung looking at me worriedly.

Then again...
My head suddenly ached...
And some vision flashed to my memory...

       Someone rushed upon me with that worried eyes...I think I was at the hospital that time. Eveything is blurred, the only thing that is clear for my vision was the eyes of the man rushing upon me.

I runned my fingers to my head as it was aching too much.

Everyone got worried, I can say.
But I can't tell them that I'm fine, my head suddenly ached and was flashing some events...

After few more moments, it stopped and I felt dizzy again.

But I looked on Jisoo unnie.

       She asked me worriedly.

I nodded in response and asked...

"Can I take a rest for this day?"
        I requested.
She nodded and layed me down my bed.

"Did...you remember anything?"
       Taehyung asked blankly.
I noticed, everyone.looked at hik but I ignored it.

"N-Ne...do you know that I have...amnesia?"
         Once I have askes that, he got shocked.
I thought only my members knows it including my parents...

"N-Ne. We know it since you're a famous trainee back then."
        Jimin covered up.

While Taeyung just froze there.

And in innocence, I believed whay Jimin answered.

"Rest your mind, unnie."
         Then Chaeyoung smiled at me.

After moments, they are at the living room.
While me and Taehyung are left in our room. He's sitting on his bed, facing me but not looking at me. So, I suppose to talk to him.

        Weak.voice came into my mouth yet it's enouhh for him to hear.

He returned me a look confused, then I repeated.


"Isn't I should be the one.asking you that?"
       He smiled dissing me off.

"I'm not pertaining on what's happening now. I remembered how hard last night is."
       I answered with a smile as well.
Then he looked at the floor carpet and turned a look on me again.

"She's fine but I'm missing her. I hope her memories come back."
        He prevented himself from crying and smiled at me.

So I returned a smile as well.

"It will come back."
       I gave him a cheerful smile.

Then...I don't want to sleep so, I just lied on my bed without doing anything.

I stared at him...
He's on his phone wearing a headphone.

"Why are you here?"
      I questioned him and he noticed me.

     He removed his headphones as he notices me.

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you there with them?"
     I asked him.
I literally don't kmow but I wanted to.ask him. Everywhere I was, he was there as well....am I assuming?

"Ah, if I left you here...you know that you're sick and I can't take...umm...okay, I...ahh, I'm watching you. You might collapse again."
      He answered with a hesitation in some sentences.

      I chuckled making him confused.

"Ne. Wae?"
      Cluelessly, he asked.

"Because...why are you going to be concern if we just met few days ago?"
       My tone was sarcastically serious.

"I just...I just wanted to. I'm concern as well...you're my partner. Believe it or not, I'm concern as well."
       He was looking for the right terms for his sentences bult what he answers satisfy me.

"Thank you, then."
      I answered and smiled at him.


NOTE:   Annyeong, annyeong, annyeong!
Thanks for those who are supporting me.

I hope this chapter isn't boring.
And thanks for those who voted.
Really, I appreciate it. I felt so happy!

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