Wake Up, Make Up, Come Out

By StripAndSmoke

285 75 0

Childhood best friend, his love turned to hate, a new attractive neighbour that is a major nuisance, and his... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 6

14 3 0
By StripAndSmoke

"My brother was checking out my tutor," Angelo complained to Isabella, "he couldn't take his eyes off of him!"

"Well what's so bad about that?" Isabella asked "I mean I know he's your tutor and shit, but I don't see the harm in it."

"He's finding love before me!" Angelo frowned, obviously joking.

The speaker made a shrill, ear piercing sound, students groaned and covered their ears. Then they heard a cough.

"Isabella Rodriguez and Parker Sanchez, retreat to my office immediately." Principal Stone's voice filled every hallway.

Angelo looked at Isabella, "good luck..." she whispered.

"Oh god, if this is about the bra thing I will evaporate." Isabella cringed, she just wanted to forget about it. "I'll see you later," she said and walked to the principals office.

Parker was already there, sitting in one of the chairs, Principal Stone was a tall man, unlike many men of his age he had a full head of brown hair with grey strands, he had a stubble and brown eyes, besides his crooked nose he was fairly attractive.

"Ms.Rodriguez, take a seat," Principal Stone pointed to the remaining chair.

Isabella slowly took the chair next to Parker making sure she was a safe distance away from him.

"What's this about?" She asked glancing at Parker slightly.

"Well, as you both probably know, our previous science teacher was fired, for stealing a students bra and returning it to their locker because they were flat chested. Rumours indicate that this student is Ms.Rodriguez, now Mr.Sanchez..." Principal Stone started to turn to Parker, causing Parker to groan.

"It wasn't me sir," Parker said truthfully.

"I'm not accusing you, but you did tease Isabella the most, bullying is against our school policy. I want you two to spend the whole day together to patch things up." Mr.Stone said.

"What?!" Both the students yelled out.

"You heard me, both of you follow the same curriculum so that makes the task a lot more easy." He said, them dismissed them.

Isabella didn't want to do this but the good girl part of her made her stay, she needed the principal to like her, and disobeying him was not the way to go.

"I'm ditching," Parker announces and headed to the exit.

"Hold up! You can't!" Isabella ran after him. "I need that old hag to like me and you will not stand in my way!"

"Or," Parker smirked at her, the smirk that would melt hearts and fool the weak into thinking he was an angel. "Maybe you just want an excuse to spend time with me."

Isabella rolled her eyes, could this idiot be any more conceited?

"What makes you think I want to do this in the first place or spend time with you in general?" She asked.

"Because if you walked out the school nobody would notice, I would get the blame, not you. Principal Stone would have you on his nice list and me on his naughty list. But you're determined to keep me with you, you haven't realised it princess, but you're into me." Parker snickered and walked out the school.

Isabella groaned but followed him. "I am not into you. Have you ever realised that not everybody likes you?" She snapped at him.

"I'm not saying everybody does, but you do, when we first met you could not take your eyes off me." Parker chuckled and crossed the road.

"That's a lie! I do not like you, you arrogant conceited piece of shit!" Isabella fumed, cheeks red in anger... or perhaps something else?

"Sure, sure," Parker jumped onto a rock in the middle of the river, then on the other side.

That's when Isabella came out of her bubble of anger. "Where are we?" She looked around confused, turns out she had been following him to wherever this place was.

"I dunno, I just walked straight ahead," Parker admitted and plopped down under an apple tree.

"Well aren't we gonna go back?" Isabella looked at the water timidly.

"You can," Parker said and leaned his back against the tree.

"Umm..." Isabella looked back and it was just more trees, truth is her map skills weren't the greatest. "I don't know the way back..." She meekly said.

"Neither do I, sugar," Parker admitted.

"Don't call me that." She glared at him, "how are we gonna get back then?"

Parker shrugged, "not my biggest concern..." he yawned, he grabbed an apple from a low hanging branch. "Take some time to chill, you're so uptight." He tossed the apple to Isabella.

Isabella caught the apple single handedly. She debated whether to stay or just get lost further into this tree infested area, "I am not uptight." She said hopping over the river to where Parker was. "Now budge over."

"You are uptight, for fun you I heard you read books and crash parties apparently." Parker said getting another apple.

"I like books, what's wrong with that?" She sat beside him. "And stop being so petty about me shutting your party down."

"I'm petty?" Parker scoffed, "yeah you might be right.

"Yes you are petty." Isabella smiled slightly.

Parker laughed melodically, he started eating the apple, "so princess, how bout we get some food?"

"Sure, where'd you wanna go?" Isabella asked looking at him. "And my name is not princess."

"Lets go get some burgers and fries, you do like fries right?" Parker asked standing up and tossing the apple core aside.

"Who doesn't like fries?" Isabella got up "you're paying by the way."

"Nah, I've got a cousin who works at the nearest burger joint and she'll give us a free meal. Also I lied I know the way out," Parker smirked again and walked out the woods.

"You really are an asshole you know that?" Isabella sighed following him. She was regretting coming along in the first place, but then remembered she was gonna get free fries.

"Love you too princess," Parker joked.

"Why do you call me princess?" She asked walking fast to keep up with him.

"I dunno, you have this dainty and delicate look to you," Parker said shrugging.

A few minutes later they arrived at a burger joint, Parker walked in as if he owned the place.

Isabella awkwardly walked in behind him, she didn't mind attention but would never purposefully attract it to herself.

"Abigail! Two burgers and fries!" Parker announced and took a seat.

Isabella sat opposite him, and texted Angelo. 'Parker forced me to bunk with him'.

'Whaaaat?' Angelo texted back, she was eating her lunch alone as usual.

The food arrived, "who you texting?" Parker asked taking a fry.

'Yeah, I'm having lunch with him right now. I'm just as shook as you' Isabella texted back and pocketed her phone. "Someone." She shrugged eating her fries.

Angelo didn't respond since the bell went and she returned to class, Isabella was all on her own now...

"Is it that Streams chick that Jared made out with?" Parker asked curiously.

"Her name is Angelo and yeah." She answered. She felt really awkward around Parker, he would piss her off but then have normal conversations with her.

"She once helped me pass chemistry, she seems decent, but Jared always seems to bully her. I tend to leave her alone, Jared hates her one moment then makes out with her the next..." Parker shook his head and sipped his soda.

"I think they would look cute together," Isabella said randomly. "I mean Jared probably bullies her 'cause he likes her," she guessed.

"Still pretty messed up reason, I personally think that he shouldn't do that. It's dumb that girls are taught to believe that if a guy is mean to you he likes you. What happens if her future husband is abusing her? Does that mean he loves her?" Parker asked rhetorically, he deeply sighed and bite into his burger.

Isabella was taken aback by Parker and the fact he even cared about women's rights, "I didn't know how to respond. "I didn't know you cared about women..." she muttered.

"Why wouldn't I care about how a woman is treated? A woman birthed me, a woman carried me in her womb for 9 months, a woman loves me. Why would I disrespect them?" Parker asked confused by the concept.

Suddenly Parker didn't seem as douchey as he did an hour ago. "You're not as big of a douche as I thought you were." Isabella said looking at him closely, waiting for the douchey comments.

Parker looked at her, directly in the eyes, silently, "you haven't eaten," he changed the subject.

Isabella looked down at her food that still hadn't been touched. She stared at it absentmindedly. "I'm not hungry," she muttered, "why do you care?" She looked at him.

"Dunno," Parker shrugged, he leaned back in his chair.

"Are we gonna back now?" She asked, propping up her elbows.

"Nah," Parker said and exited the joint.

"Urgh," Isabella got up and followed him.

"So then what are we going to do?" She asked curiously trying to keep up with him, damn,how fast could he walk? Answer-very.

"I don't know, if I'm gonna be honest I usually just sit and think about everything, or hang out with my friends and all they do is terrorise others." Parker said, "that's not fun, it's boring, I prefer video games."

"Well technically you also terrorise me, and it seems to me that you find that very fun." Isabella huffed.

"Well you crashed my party, that was supposed to be mine and Jared's 7th anniversary as best friends," Parker frowned and crossed his arms.

"Oh," Isabella suddenly felt really guilty for being such a bitch but then remembered how he ridiculed her. "I'm sorry," she said mentally cursing her good girl personality.

"It's fine, and I really didn't start the rumour," Parker said truthfully, "somebody must've seen it firsthand and made an anonymous account and made the post."

"I never thought it was you..." she looked up at him, and that was the truth, despite the fact that Parker was being a dick, she didn't accuse him of it.

"Well everyone else does, I don't know why. I wouldn't know, I've never even been in the girls locker room. I'm not that perverted." Parker frowned.

"If it's worth anything, I believe you." Isabella tried to reassure him.

"Well if only the whole school thought that, people think I'm a perverted freak, you're not the only one who the school is targeting," Parker sighed and sat down on a rock that he came upon.

"What do you mean? You have it so much easier than me." Isabella said looking at Parker, was he ever a dick? Or was that all an act?

"Nope, I have to constantly act like I want to have sex with every girl or everyone's gonna think I'm queer, not that there's anything wrong with that but queer people are so ridiculed by the media. If I don't hurt others I won't be considered masculine, it's hard to fake it y'know?" Parker deeply sighed and sank into the rock.

Isabella just stood there, "Hey Parker? I'm sorry, for being rude to you, for crashing your party, for just being a bitch." She choked out, a lump was forming in her throat, so did he really not mean any of the rude comments?

"Doesn't matter, it was too loud anyway, it's good that you did. Otherwise someone would've called the cops, so you helped in a way." Parker mumbled and looked at the dirt, elbows propped up against his thighs and he cupped his face.

"You really aren't the person I thought you were." Isabella sat on the ground in front of him. "So if you aren't a dick, a douche bag, or a jerk, what are you?"

"I'm Parker Sanchez, and I'm... confused of what to do..." He admitted, then looked up at Isabella, "don't tell anyone."

"I won't." She smiled at him, for once she was happy that Parker was her neighbour.

Parker looked down at his watch and then back up at Isabella. "I'm pretty sure school is over now, the way to get back home is a left and then you go straight ahead and take another left." He explained.

"Oh, aren't you coming?" Isabella asked getting up, she liked hanging out with Parker today, she just didn't know if he'd be a dick to her in school anymore.

"Nah, I want some time to just... be." Parker admitted.

"Oh okay, it was nice hanging out with you today." Isabella smiled at him and headed back to school.

"You too," Parker said.

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