The Christian Girl's Blog

By lovedsoul3897

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#90 in spiritual The blog about a, geeky, nerdy , Jesus freak. Who is a little on the dramatic side and nee... More

August 25, Vicksburg Mississippi, 12:03am
Friday, August 25, Vicksburg Mississippi
Friday, August 25, Vicksburg Mississippi, 11:34pm
Saturday, August 26, New Orleans Louisiana
Sunday, August 27, Vicksburg Mississippi
Sunday, August 27, Vicksburg Mississippi, 11:21 pm,
Tuesday, August 29, Vicksburg Mississippi, 12:55 am
Wednesday, October 18, North Las Vegas Nevada
Thursday, March 1st, Las Vegas Nevada
Thursday, March 8, North Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday, March 15, Las Vegas Nevada

August 23, Vicksburg Mississippi , 11:13 pm, rewritten

920 58 82
By lovedsoul3897

Hi I'm loved soul, I'm a forever Christian. Who hopes and prays that my actions reflect my heavenly father. I travel a lot and my focus tends to drift more often when I'm not surrounded by people firmly planted everyday. I hope by writing this it will keep me planted and I hope by reading this, you grow your faith in Him. A win win situation, anyway thanks for being interested hope me and God can keep your attention.


"I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." Matthew 18:3-4

Awhile back I was outside with my newly turned 6 year old nephew. Letting him get out some of his unyielding energy by running around outside. I'm sitting on the hotel porch watching him while playing my guitar, drinking the juice out of the fruit cup, just lazing around in general when he stops and looks at the sky and asks me "Is God up there?". And I almost drop my fruit cup because he asks me out of the blue while I'm in my little world of Mandarin oranges and music So while I'm wiping juice off my nice new shirt I answer him.
"Yes and He's all around you too". He looked thoughtful then asked,
"so is He in the air?"
"He's everywhere."
"Is he in the ground?" He asks
" I guess "
"And the trees? "
"Is he in the water?" He asks looking at his cup of water next to mine .
"So I ate God!" You should have seen the look on his face. You guys he looked horrified and me being me I had to mess with him so more so I said.
"You know the crackers and cranberry juice at church that we eat."
" that's Jesus' blood and body. "
"I ate blood no I didn't"
" you don't know that" I said in a singsong voice.
"But I didn't eat Jesus."
"Uh huh."
" I didn't eat Jesus!! "
"Ok, ok no you didn't eat Jesus. " I say putting away the "he's in th air you breath" joke and deciding to use this as a teaching-my-nephew-about-God moment and not a freaking-my-nephew-out moment. I can make pretty good choices if I don't say so myself.
"But the holy spirit is everywhere and he's in here too." I pointed at his chest.

"Yep!" He said proudly already starting to move around again. Then he asked "What's the holy spirit?"

After I explained, he had another question. And on and on question after question I was more than happy to answer. I ended up explaining it to him using the water analogy which leaded to a new discovery that. "Woah water is ice!?" And telling my mother that we had no idea why there was all that water on the floor But the thing I want you guys to think about is how inquisitive he is. How he wanted to know everything that popped into his head about God, and how he kept asking about him.

Now picture us. We know more and are still learning but how often is ever do we ask question after question about him. Sure when we became a new believer there was much we wanted to know and felt the desire to. But eventually it wore off. Like a child who grows up in the world. We stopped questioning with the desire the learn. We stopped asking questions, or felt that they were silly and obvious. But are they really?
There was a point in my life where I questioned whether God was real. I knew he was I just kept having doubts. And if that has ever happened or is happening to you right now. Then I want to congratulate you and your faith. Because you see, the devil/Satan/someoneyoustayawayfrom wouldn't plant seeds of doubt in your mind if you weren't a threat to him. If faith your was stagnant then the devil/Satan/someoneyousayawayfrom wouldn't give a care about you. so now you have two options you can keep moving forward (throw back to meet the Robinsons) or let the doubts consume you. I vote for moving forward and since the doubts are there why not ask the question. Ask God if He's there. He might not answer because the teacher is always silent in a test but He is listening. Ask the questions, and get your answers. Fight for God. And for the people who havn't had doubts yet, trust that if, and hopefully, when your faith gets stronger, you will have doubts. So when that time comes fight back. Ask questions and get answers.

But, (yes there's a but), sometimes we're not supposed to ask questions. Like when God tells us to do something. We shouldn't loiter around scrutinizing God. No we need to do what He says no stupid, disrespectful questions asked.
In Matthew 18:3-4 He asks as to be like humble children and just trust Him. Just like my nephew believed me and how we as little kids believe everything their parents tell us. God is asking us to do the same. He's asking us to trust him as little children. In all things. To follow His commands and do what He says. To have faith that even when He asks us to do something scary, we do it because we trust him. Just like when we were little and we trusted our parents or whoever cared for us.
Keep asking question after question. There's always going to be something you don't know and if you don't have any questions then you're not learning anything which means you're not in your bible spending time with God. Which is another issue in itself.

God tells us to be childlike in the way we ask question after question. In the way we want to know anything and everything someone older could give us. (Not childish. He doesn't say to act childish. *cough cough* like the way I did in the beginning messing with my nephew) The more we learn and ask the closer we become to the one we're asking
But remember whenever you question to something you have to be willing to receive the answer. Also don't go. "Hey God if you're real make a lighting bolt strike right here." For it it sad you shall not test the Lord your God. Aka what Jesus said to Satan in the wilderness. Just don't do it I have enough head aches as it is without worrying weather or not is someone's asking God to rain potatoes. Honestly, where I grew up it rained potatoes all the time. There was a special cloud that we all knew. Whenever the someone finished fasting it would rain potatoes.
I'm joking I live Vegas the land of dry heat and melted crayons. I grew up/am growing up all over the US . I sadly have never seen a potato cloud It would be cool if all that happens though.
Anyway remember, be childlike in the way that we want to know everything about Him. And childlike in the way that we trust Him to take care of us. We must rely on God otherwise we will fall and fail and just get into a lot of trouble so stick with God. Rest your head on His shoulder and be at peace. Then sleep like I'm about to do.

Goodnight everyone thank you so much for reading and checking out my blog/book. I hope you enjoyed and that it in someway made even the tiniest of impacts.
Lord thank you for today, for the new readers stopping by. Lord teach us to be childlIke loving you deeply and wholeheartedly. Lord give us the answers to our questions as we search for them. Givewe us a soul and mind to trust you without questions and without doubts. Lord strengthen us lead is to you Always.
Love you Always

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