
By NoelLumos

162 22 8

Shortly after arriving to the states Pyru a young prince encounters two boys Danny and Parker. swept up into... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Part 8

6 0 0
By NoelLumos

He glanced back at where Parker slept. Feeling a bit uneasy he walked to the large bathroom and begon removing his clothes, his skirt falling effortlessly his cock flexing slightly in excitement but he pushed the urge into the back of his mind, it was just a shower that he promised he didn't need to get excited about it. Glancing up his face flushed as he saw Danny standing under the water naked, the droplets rolling down his toned slender frame effortly, his eyes wondered down his curves taking thim in, he followed them down to Danny's cock which rested at the lower half of his thighs the skin pulled back. His face goes up in flames or so he thought as he walked in and gently nuzzled Danny's chest with his head, it has been four months since he arrived in this state and he's managed to take down plenty of ghosts and monsters, befriend a witch, make Parker hate him and get closer to Danny but he was unsure where they stood, he glanced up at Danny who smiled down at him and put his arms around him pulling him into a embrace, there warm and smooth skin touching one another, Danny had become erect like Pyru and their cocks were going through one another's legs making Pyru's focus shift a bit, but just wanting a romantic shower he laid his head on Danny's shoulder as they held one another, they stood like that for a few minutes before Danny gently turned Pyru around and began to clean him from the neck down, he smiles "This actually feels nice, i've never showered with someone else before." Danny chuckled as the soap and loofa made its way to Pyrus but, there Danny took some time gently rubbing it over Pyru's hole and entirety of his butt making Pyru's heart speed up, Danny nuzzled his neck softly "yeah it is nice and i feel special that no one else has gotten to do this with you." Pyru nodded as he was turned around and Danny began to scrub his chest "so what are your plans today?" he said to Danny who was working his way down to his navel. "I don't really have any, i finally convinced you to take a break with the help of La'blanc but i didn't really plan further than that." Pyru nodded thoughtfully, he looked up glancing out the small tinted window "I guess i'll go to the park to see what its like when im not fighting. Could be relaxing." Danny nodded as he took Pyru's cock which was still erect and now throbbing and began to gently scrub it. Pyru shivered and let ot a soft moan "i..." he stopped unsure what he wanted to say, finally Danny removed the Luffa and turned back facing Pyru handing him the loofa. "Your turn Pi" Pyru nodded bashfully and took the loofa, sliding it over Danny's upper back, making his way down he placed a hand on Danny's butt, heat rose into his cheeks as well as his loins as he rubbed it with his free hand before bringing down the loofa to glide it between Danny's cheeks, he bent down onto his knees to scrub danny's legs, his eyes focusing on Danny's butt, it was perky and round and he was having a hard time resisting. Without thought he leaned in and licked making Danny shudder and glancing back, Pyru flushed and quickly withdrew getting himself under control "i'm sorry..." Danny was flustered his cheeks ablaze he glanced away "it's um.. fine i didn't mind." Pyru nodded and began to scrub Dann'ys chest noting how toned and slender his frame was, Danny however leaned in and kissed Pyru, a heavy and hot kiss filled with unspoken emotions, Pyru's mind swirled as he accepted the kiss opening his mouth invitingly. his hands made their way down where he scrubbed Danny's member as it flexed with excitement. Pyru leaned in deepening the kiss.

They stood out on the balcony the soft rays of the sun drying their skin while the gentle breeze lifted their hair drying it, Pyru had gotten an ice cream and had managed to slip into his Gypsy Dance Garbs he had purchased a few days ago, he glanced at Danny who had slipped on his black skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. Pyru felt a bit over dressed as he glanced out over the city "im hoping i only have like two more battles left before i can finally find the Ancient Evil and take him down." he exclaimed as he glanced at Danny who tilted his head to side-long glance at him "oh? have you thought about how you're going to take him down?" Pyru had in fact thought of a way but Danny wouldn't lie it so he simply nodded and glanced down "yeah i have but nothing solid. Speaking of Ancient Evil" he glanced back at where Parker was sleeping "hasn't he seemed to have gotten increasingly aggressive twords me over these few months?" Pyur studied the sleeping Vampire as La'blanc called him with unease, Danny followed his gaze worriedly "i wouldn't say aggressive maybe just irritable, ill talk to him later about it im sure it's nothing to big." he smiled at Pyru and reached out the ruffle his hair. Pyru nodded and looked back "is alright i guess, you don't need to. I'm probably better off not knowing what's going on anyways. Danny if i may ask you something" he glanced at the dark haired boy with curiosity and nervousness, which was returned with compassion and warmth from those blue eyes. "Yeah anything." Pyru steeled himself as he readied himself to ask "We've been hanging out allot these few months and we've done things that im sure normal friends don't and it's, made me feel things. On the inside, warm feelings and fluttery. I was wondering if you've felt that way too?" Danny seemed to consider his wordings thoughtfully before responding "yes i've felt something similiar but i don't really know how to approach it with words." Pyru nodded and decided to stop talking about it, he knew it was something they should discuss but he didn't want to make Danny uncomfortable. Glancing once more at Parker he turned and kissed Danny softly on the temple before jumping onto the railing "i'll see you in a bit." he winked then fell backwards from atop of the building, the wind met him playfully and danced around him as he fell, reaching out with his left hand his broom manifested he spined and landed on it gracefully before sitting down on it sideways and crossed his legs flying off into the city.

Danny watched as Pyru flew off, he felt an odd sense of worry come over him and decided he might follow him to make sure he was okay, after all he had a crazed Ex fiance running around somewhere. Walking to his room he changed into his black and green tripp pants with the ghost symbol on the hip, a joke from one of his friends who tailored them for him. Walking out of his room however he stopped and got into a fighting stance, standing in the living room was Mihal his glowing smug emerald gaze making Danny really wanna punch his lights out, but he noticed that Parker was missing "What did you do to our friend lover boy?" Miha laughed as he tossed an apple into the air and caught it repeating the motion "why i didn't do anything my dear halfling, i merely just woke him up is all. Now i find this curious why do i smell Pyru's scent on you" Danny arched an eyebrow and sniffed his armpit, didn't really smell like anything but Old Spice, he shrugged and smirked "i have no clue, i was doing his laundry a minute ago here is an idea maybe you should stop sniffing people might help ya with the Ladies and gents. I hear socially acceptable behavior goes a long way nowadays." Danny pointed himself for the witty comeback, Miha however didn't seem amused as he scoffed walking around the living room "How clever, did you find that one on a popsicle stick?" Danny shrugged "of course not those sticks are too short for my rather lengthy witt!" Miha glanced at him a rather annoyed look on his rather rat like face, Danny laughed. Miha wasn't really rat looking in fact he is quite attractive but to Danny anyone with beady eyes and up to no good either looked like a rat or a ghost with a superiority complex. "So why are you here and where is Parker?" Miha sa down on top of the counter "well i was here to retrieve my fiance, however it would appear i just missed him which truly is tragic, but no matter he will be easy to find." Danny glared as he went ghost "you leave him alone or ill turn you into a ghost myself and put you in a coffee container you rat-faced stalker!" Miha frowned and touched his chest in mock offense "rat-faced? I like to think i have the face of an Seraphim. I however already know where Pyru is and after i deal with you i'll go handle me fiance, in truth i don't really need him alive so i might take him in a bag instead" at this Danny went to throttle Miha but before he could something heavy went agenst the side of his head and he flew into the wall and slid down. His vision began to black out as the pain throbbed to his head, glancing up he saw Parker standing over him holding a bloody egyptian vase, he struggled to sit up "Parker?! Wh-why?" but before he could get up Danny met the Vase again and everything went black.

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