Jenny Smith-Holmes

By Jessica_Pond

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What if the Doctor and River had a child, but after the Time War she took a break from traveling and turned h... More

Chapter 1: How It all Started
Chapter 2: Understandings
Chapter 3: Mummy, Daddy, and the Voices
Chapter 4: Nightmares and Uncle Visits
Chapter 5: Drumbeats
Chapter 6: The Time Vortex
Chapter 7: Clothes Shopping
Chapter 8: Angels
Chapter 9: Blue Box?
Chapter 10: Joe
Chapter 11: Lies
Chapter 12: The Pool
Chapter 13: Jessica, Rose, and Mr. Smith
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Fish Fingers and Custard
Chapter 16: Flubble
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: AMERICANS!
Chapter 19: Deffry Vale High School and Pirates
Chapter 20: We're Back!
Chapter 21: Jessica!
Chapter 22: Sneaking out
Chapter 23: Time Flies
Chapter 24: The Reichenbach Fall
Chapter 26: Doctor's Visit
Chapter 27: Some Answers

Chapter 25: Goodbye

34 1 0
By Jessica_Pond

Jenny's P.O.V.

I stood with John, Mrs. Hudson, and Jessica. We were all wearing dark colors as we stood in front of the black marble headstone. In golden letters, Sherlock Holmes was carved in it. Mrs. Hudson and Jessica had put some flowers down at the base of it. I looked up at Jessica as she wiped a few tears away before she walked away
"There's all the stuff, all the science equipment. I left it all in boxes. I don't know what needs doing. I thought I'd take it to a school." She looked over at John as I looked behind me to see Jessica disappear behind some trees to probably have a moment to herself. "Would you ...?" Her voice trailed off.
"I can't go back to the flat again – not at the moment." She took his other arm as she looked sympathetically at him. "I'm angry." He took a deep breath as Mrs. Hudson patted his arm.
"It's okay, John. There's nothing unusual in that. That's the way he made everyone feel." If the circumstances were different, I might have laughed. But right then, I couldn't even cry. I was so emotionally and physically exhausted. Every night, I dreamt about his blood on my hands and his warm body slowly getting colder. "All the marks on my table; and the noise – firing guns at half past one in the morning!"
"Bloody specimens in my fridge. Imagine – keeping bodies where there's food!"
"And the fighting! Drove me up the wall with all his carryings-on!" I heard her voice crack.
"Yeah, listen: I-I'm not actually that angry, okay?"
"Okay." She turned away and let go of his arm.
"I'll leave you two alone to, erm..." her voice broke again, "... you know." She walked away crying and blowing her nose.
John looked at the grave before looking back over to Mrs. Hudson. He took a deep breath before he walked closer to the stone. I could barely hear him as he said goodbye, but I could tell he was having a hard time with it. So I quietly walked to his side and gently took his his hand in mine without looking up from the grave.
"Um ... umm." He pulled himself together before continuing. "You ... you told me once that you weren't a hero. Umm ... there were times I didn't even think you were human, but let me tell you this: you were the best man, and the most human ... human being that I've ever known and no-one will ever convince me that you told me a lie, and so ... There." He took another deep breath as he looked over his shoulder away from the headstone. He gently put his hand on top of the stone before he continued. "I was so alone, and I owe you so much. Okay." And with that we turned around and started walking away. But before we got very far, he stopped and walked back towards the grave. I stayed back so he could give his last goodbye.  I didn't hear what he said, but I saw him gesturing before he brought his hand up to his face and cried for a moment before raising his head. He gave a small nod before he turned on his heel and walked back towards me. I let him walk past me as I stared at the black stone.
I quietly walked back closer to the grave. I looked down at my hands and the image of his blood on them was imprinted on my mind before I looked back up at the stone angrily and swiftly kicked the headstone. There was a throbbing in my foot but I ignored it.
"I hate you. I hate that you left. I hate that before you died, you started keeping secrets from me. I hate that everyone still thinks you're a fake. Every newspaper has you on the front page with some stupid title like 'fake genius suicide' or something." I took a moment and looked at the ground to calm down. "What's...what gonna.." I swallowed. "What's gonna happen to me now that you're gone? Who's suppose to stay up late with me, or pull pranks on John when I'm bored? Who'll teach me about science or how to deduce a person? Now you'll never finish my violin lessons." I looked back at the ground.
"This is stupid..." I muttered. "You're dead and you're never coming back. So here I am, talking to a stupid polished rock pretending that you'll somehow hear me." Tears were silently flowing as the realization of it all finally hit me. I took a few deep breaths.
"Goodbye daddy."

Jessica's P.O.V

"You're a very good actress, I almost believed you for a second there." The tall figure asked in his deep voice as I walked up besides him. My hands were in my coat pocket to shelter them from the cold.
"Yeah, well. It'd look suspicious if I didn't cry." I wasn't really crying for Sherlock, but for my family. I never got to have a formal funeral for them.
"How'd you know?" He asked, looking over to me.
"There's a lot of things I know Sherlock. Like how everything from now on is going to be different." I said as we watched John and Jenny say their final goodbyes.
"Of course they're going to be different, I'm dead." I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, but you're more important than you realize. Especially to John and Jenny."
"They'll move on, they have to."
"Just because they have to, doesn't mean it'll be easy for anyone. It's going to be especially hard for Jenny. You were her only legal guardian."
"Mycroft's arranged for you and John to become her guardians, it's in my will."
"It's still going to be hard for her to be bounced around between me and John."
"What else am I supposed to do? This was the only way to keep her safe."
"Write her a letter. She's going to be blaming herself for a while, so tell her it's not her fault. You don't have to give her the reason why, but just some closure. I'll give it to her and say it was in your room or something."
"You're saying this like you've done this all before." He raised his eyebrows at me.
"I've never faked my death if that's what you're saying. My father did though... and my guardian, and my granddad, kinda. And one of my dad's friends, and I guess a few other people." I ranted a bit and he looked at me strangely. "My family has a lot of issues." I smiled.
"Be careful Sherlock, I don't want you to actually die. Come back as soon as possible."
"I'll be back when it's safe for them." He looked back at Jenny and John, who were both done saying goodbye.
"Goodbye Sherlock Holmes, until we meet again." I smiled softly and started walking back to everyone else.
"Goodbye Jessica Pond."

Jenny's P.O.V.

I sat in my physics class waiting for the teacher to come in with my head in my arms on the desk like I was sleeping. It had been a year since dad died. It had been boring and lonely. I didn't really make any friends since then besides Nina, but she went to the nurse's a couple of days ago, and I haven't seen her since. If dad was still alive, I would've ask him to find out what happened to her.
I heard the door open and footsteps walking up to the front of the class.
"Good morning, class. Are we sitting comfortably?" The teacher was wearing a brown suit with some white trainers on. He looked very familiar, but I really didn't want to focus on that right now. He turned around and started writing physics on the board.
"So, physics. Physics, eh? Physics. Physics. Physics! Physics. Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics, physics." I thought that guy was crazy. "I hope one of you is getting all this down. Okay, let's see what you know. Two identical strips of nylon are charged with static electricity and hind from a string so they can swing freely. What would happen if they were brought near each other?" That was easy enough, they would repel each other because they had the same charge, like when you put the same poles of a magnet would.
I looked around to see if anyone one else knew the answer. In front of me, Milo raised his hand.
"Yes, er, what's your name?" The teacher said.
"Milo." He said simply.
"Milo! Off you go."
"They'd repel each other because they have the same charge."
"Correctamundo! A word I have never used and hopefully never will again. Question two. I coil up a thin piece of microwire and place it in a glass of water. Then I turn on the electricity and measure to see if the water's temperature is affected. How do I measure the electrical power going through the wire?" I know that you would at least use an ammeter to measure the flow of the current. Again, Milo raised his hand. I wasn't surprised that he would know the answer. All the kids here were extremely smart and actually gave me a challenge.
"Someone else? No? Okay, Milo, go for it."
"Measure the current and PDs with an ammeter and a voltmeter."
"Two to Milo. Right then, Milo, tell me this; True or false, the greater the dampening of the system, the quicker it loses energy to its surroundings."
"What is non-coding DNA?"
"DNA that doesn't code for a protein."
" Sixty five thousand nine hundred and eighty three times five?"
"Three hundred and twenty nine thousand nine hundred and fifteen."
"How do you travel faster than light?"
"By opening a quantum tunnel with an FTL factor of thirty six point seven recurring." wow...

I sat down at my normal table and waited for my friends, Nina and Kenny to come and join me. I picked at the the food while I waited for them. I tried one of the chips, but like every other time they tasted weird. I frowned at it, but soon my attention was turned to the new physics teacher who was talking to one of the dinner ladies.

"Blame your boyfriend. He's the one who put us onto this. And he was right. Boy in class this morning, got a knowledge way beyond planet Earth." It sounded like he was talking about Milo.
"You eating those chips?" The dinner lady asked.
"Yeah, they're a bit different." I'm glad I wasn't the only one who thought that.
"I think they're gorgeous. Wish I had school dinners like this."
"It's very well behaved, this place."
"Mmm." She said as she ate one of his chips.
"I thought there'd be happy slapping hoodies. Happy slapping hoodies with ASBOs. Happy slapping hoodies with ASBOs and ringtones. Huh? Huh? Oh, yeah. Don't tell me I don't fit in." I quietly laughed. Most of my old teachers would try and act cool which never really worked. I stopped laughing when the head dinner lady went over.
"You are not permitted to leave your station during a sitting."
"I was just talking to this teacher."
"Hello." He smiled up at her. I really liked Mr. Smith. I finally remembered who he reminded me of; he reminded me of the doctor that I use to dream about. I hadn't dreamt about him in over a year now.
"He doesn't like the chips."
"The menu has been specifically designed by the headmaster to improve concentration and performance. Now, get back to work." And with that, the dinner lady left.
"See? This is me. Dinner lady." The other dinner lady said as she got up.
I stopped paying attention to them as my friend, Kenny, sat down in front of me.
"Jenny, have you seen Nina lately?" I shook my head as I took a bite of bread.
"I haven't either." Then Mr. Wagner walked up to our table.
"Melissa. You'll be joining my class for the next period. Milo's failed me, so it's time we moved you up to the top class. Kenny, not eating the chips?" He turned his attention to Kenny, who was in front of me. Kenny was eating a lunch that he normally brings from home.
"I'm not allowed."
"Luke. Extra class. Now." I liked this school better than the last, but I didn't like how the teachers treated some of the students unfairly, like Kenny.
Luke and Melissa followed Mr. Wagner out while we continued eating.
Kenny was about to say something as one of dinner ladies started screaming bloody murder. Everyone looked over to her as I instantly stood up and knocked my chair over. It reminded me too much of when dad jumped. People screamed like that. They also screamed like that in my dreams. I think I was starting to remember what happened to my family before I ended up with dad. So far, in my dreams, there was lots of fire and screaming.
Everyone was looking towards the lady except for Mr. Smith. He glanced at her, but when he heard my chair hit the floor, he looked towards me. I made eye contact with him before it felt like there was an enormous pressure in my head.
When I finally couldn't take it anymore, I grabbed my bookbag as I broke eye contact with him and ran out of the room. I kept running and running until I came to a familiar field. I stop to catch my breath before I continued through the front gate to quiet corner with the big pine tree.
I quietly walked up to the glossy black stone and sat in front of it. I sat there for a good thirty minutes just staring at it like I normally did before I finally decided to do something.
"I want to know why, dad." My voice was hoarse from barely using it but I continued. "I've been asking myself for a year. I know that it wasn't because the world thought that you were a fake, I know that's not true. You would've never let that get to you, you never cared what others thought of you. So I want to know the real reason. I've thought about asking Mycroft or Jessica, but I know that they'd just lie like most adults do. I know they know something more about what happened. I miss you be here to tell me the truth. I miss a lot of things that we use to do together. Like nights when I couldn't sleep, you would let me look at your old case files to see if I could solve them like you or helping you with cases under John and Jessica's noses. I miss you telling me the stories that grandmum use to tell you and Mycroft.
I've been teaching myself to play the violin better. I keep it at the old flat, because now I'm bouncing between John's, Jessica's, and Mycroft's, but 221b will always be my favorite. I think I scare Mrs. Hudson when I play one of your pieces. Sometimes I hear her crying when I leave. I think she really misses you because she hasn't even step foot into the flat and I don't think that she's ever going to rent it out again.
John really misses you too. I think he's missing you the most. He's met someone nice though, her name is Mary. I really like her, she's lots of fun.
Greg misses you too. I see him when I visit Jessica at work. Anderson's gone mad dad. You would laugh so much, he's trying to prove to everyone that you're still alive.
I really miss you dad, I can stop dreaming about that day. But it's not just that I'm dreaming about; I think I remember how many birth family died, or at least parts of it.
I still think it's stupid I'm talking to a stone, pretending it's you." I said the last part quietly.
There was a soft breeze blowing through the cemetery, sending a chill down my spine. I looked around the cemetery, feeling like someone was watching me. I stood up slowly with my bag in my hand, looking behind me. I walked out of the cemetery.

Jessica's P.O.V.

I stood in front of the Jenny's school waiting for her to come out. The bell rang and kids came flooding out, but I couldn't see Jenny anywhere.
"You'll never believe who I saw today." A very familiar voice came from behind me.
"Fancy meeting you here." I smiled as I turned around to greet my dad.
"Sarah Jane Smith, you remember her right? I can't even believe it." He smiled as he walked closer to me with his hands in his brown pinstriped suit pockets.
"Sarah Jane! Oh Rassilon, it's been centuries since I last saw her."
"I know! She didn't recognize me, although I know she still remembers." He smiled fondly as he looked up at the school.
"So what brings you to town?" I asked as I followed his gaze to one of the teachers.
"Rose's boyfriend had a hunch 'bout something and called us."
"Oh yeah, so you're pretending to be a physics teacher to figure out what's wrong with the school."
"Yeah, do you remember what's going on?"
"Not alien wise, I just knew that there was something weird and one of my friends helped get the school closed for a couple weeks or so. So I have no clue if it's even alien related or not, he wouldn't tell me a thing."
"Well, I think there might actually be something here, wanna come check it out with me?" He smiled over at me and gave me puppy eyes.
"That's not fair, I taught you that trick. You can't just turn it back on me." I laughed.
"Pwetty pwease?"
"Ugh, fiiiiiine, if I have too, I guess." I dramatically sighed.
"Great! The Tardis is parked inside the school in one of the lower school closets."
"Alright, d'you still remember where my flat is?"
"Uhhh, yeah, think so."
"Good, come get me in about an hour, I have to take care of Jenny first. Have you seen her? Yea high, black curly hair, very quiet, runs around with a kid named Kenny?"
"Oh, yeah. I knew I recognized her."
"What, did you forget what your own daughter looked like?"
"What?! Me?! I would never!" He had fake hurt look on his face as he brought one of his hands up to his chest in defense. "Although, to be fair, I don't get to spend a lot of time with that one and when I do, she doesn't even know who I am."
"Deep down, she knows who you are. But there's just a wall holding it back. Anyway, where is she?"
"Shouldn't you remember?" He teased.
"You try remembering exactly everything that you did 50 years ago. You more than anyone knows it gets kinda mushed together, especially after regenerations." It was my turn to be the dramatic one.
"Uh, she was in the canteen when one of the dinner ladies got hurt. Then she ran out. Where'd you go after that?"
"Oh. I think it's when Iran to the cemetery, I went to Sherlock's grave. Ya know, when he comes back, I'm gonna punch him for the hell he put her and John through. When I was her, I could look past it all because I was just happy he was alive, but now I really want to punch him."
"Violence is never the answer, my young padawan." He said in a wise old voice
"First off, the Jedi aren't even close to this galaxy. Secondly, sometimes it is."
"Sometimes I really wonder if you're my daughter or if you've just been lying to me for the past 400 years." He laughed.
"We tested my blood in the Tardis, remember? Looks like you're stuck with me." I laughed with him.
"Oi!" I hit him on the arm.
"Shouldn't you be finding yourself?" He laughed.
"Yeah, she should probably be reaching my flat soon, so I better get going. Don't forget about me, Mr. Smith!" I yelled as I started walking away.
"Wouldn't dream of it Ms. Pond!" He called after me.

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