Happy As Can Be.

By HeresJohnny237

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Hero has devoted her life to this man. Pete Wentz was the only one she knew She would ever love. She just wan... More

Happy As Can Be.
Chapter 1: The Phoenix
Chapter 2: Sugar We're Going Down
Chapter 4: This Aint A Scene, Its An Arms Race
Chapter 5: Save Rock & Roll
Chapter 6: Dance Dance
Chapter 7: Ignorance
Chapter 8: Rat-A-Tat
Chapter 9: The Only Exception
Chapter 10: Chloe
Chapter 11: Miss Jackson
Chapter 12: Northern Downpour
Chapter 13: Bubbly
Chapter 14: White Flag
Chapter 15: Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met)
Chapter 16: Youth
Chapter 17: If You Cant Hang
Chapter 18: One More Night
Chapter 19: Fancy
Chapter 20: The Calendar
Chapter 21: This is Gospel
Chapter 22: Always
Chapter 23: Beaten In Lips
Chapter 24: The House You Built

Chapter 3: Just One Yesterday

236 19 3
By HeresJohnny237

Anything you say can and will be held against you.

So, only say my name, it will be held against you.

- Fall Out Boy Just One Yesterday feat. Foxes



"I can not believe that just happened! HERO YOU HAVE Pete WENTZ' NUMBER!!!!!!!" Brent screams stopping at the red light.

I shake my head.

"This is not happening" I say.

"Yes it is!!!!" Brent screams slapping my thigh.

I flinch because I was wearing short shorts.

I was like in my own world right now I couldn't even focus.

How is this happening?!

It all happened so fast.

It's crazy.

Brent starts driving again turning up the music in his car.

"Hey can I spend the night at your house my mom said not to come home tonight?" I say loudly over the music.

He gives me a simple head nod and continues to drive.

I nod and look out the window sighing.

I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and I quickly take it out.

I slide the lock button and enter my password and I open my messages.

Pete: Hey(:

I can't help but grin more than I ever have.

"Is that him?" Brent asks turning down his music smirking.

I blush and nod still grinning.

"Oh girl you like him!"

I stop what I'm doing and look at Brent like he's mental.

"Seriously Brent really!!!??? no fucking shot Sherlock of coarse I do!!! I've spent my entire life devoted to this guy and your now just saying I like him?!" I yell.

He laughs and shakes his head.

"I was only joking Hero, calm yo tits" he laugh more.

I shake my head giggling and looking back down at my phone.

Me: Hey :)

I click the home button and go to one of my games on there just playing with it for a minute yet eagerly waiting for him to text me back.

I click the power button and the screen turns black.

As quick as it turns black it lights up.

Pete: So can I ask you something?

Me: Anything(:

Pete: I kind of wanna sneak you out tonight....

I sit there for a moment staring at the messages jaw dropped and wide eyed.

I notice Brent is now parked and staring at me,

"What is he saying?"

I look at him.

"He... he wants to sneak me out tonight" I say.

Brent squeals and slaps my thigh.

I don't even flinch.

"Say yes!" he screams.

I shake my head.

"Brent, it's all so fast I mean I only met the guy today and he's already wanting to sneak me out. I mean I don't know it's all really quick." i say softly.

Don't get me wrong.

I've wanted this for a LONG time.

But I thought it would go a bit slower.

Me: um.. I don't know. I mean I like you a lot trust me I do, it's just so quick I mean we only met today.

I quickly send the text and get out of the car with Brent.

"Hero! come on live a little! i'll even cover for you anything just please go!!!!!!" He yells at me.

My phone vibrates and I hold my finger up to bBrent

Pete: Well, yeah. But you're super gorgeous and seem like an amazing person from all I've heard and I just really want to get to know you more(:

I stare at the text smiling not really doing anything just smiling like an idiot.

Me: ok fine(: You've won Pete! Pick me up at...

I text the address and what time and he says ok.

"So...?" Brent asks as he drags me inside of his apartment.

"He's coming to pick me up." I smile.

Brent squeals.

"Ok I'll tell the UNI teachers that you're sick"

It hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Shit. I can't go tonight I have classes." I say.

Brent shakes his head.

"No you're going this is more important than school! he yells.

Just as I'm about to protest there's a knock at the door.

"Damn he's quick" Brent says.

I laugh softly as he answers the door.

"Hey Hero" Pete's perfect amazing voice says.

I look at him and smile.

He has that little smirk that you can't help but feel all like, you lost control!

"Hi" I say shyly.

He chuckles and looks at his feet.

He was wearing a leather jacket with a white shirt and some dark jeans with boots.


"What?" he asks laughing softly blushing a little.

Oh my god did I just make Pete Wentz blush?!

"Yeah you ddid" Brent says llaughing

Shit I was talking out loud.

"Well I'm ready to go when you are." Pete says.

I nod and go over to the door.

I step outside and Brent squeals.

"Have fun!" he says shutting the door,

I laugh a little and look down at my black toms biting my lip.

"Ready?" he asks.

I nod.

As he stars walking away I stop him by grabbing his arm.

"Wait.... this is gonna be so weird"

Don't do it.

"Can we just hug for a minute?" I ask.

Dammit Hero!!!

He laughs but nods coming back over.

I wrap my arms around his waist and place my head on his chest while he wraps his arms around my neck and kisses my head.

"I've wanted to meet you for so long" he says softly.

I ggiggle

"Same here"


Sorry for the bolding and stuff my iPod is being retarded!


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