Chapter 12: Northern Downpour

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You clicked your heels and wished for me.

Hey moon please forget to fall down

Hey moon don't you go down.

- Panic! At The Disco



"Y-you what?" he asks laughing.

I sigh.

Why was he laughing?

I could literally hear my heart tearing

"I. Love. You" I say on the verge of tears.

He doesn't respond but his laughing dies down.

For like 5 minutes neither of us say anything.

I look up at him years in my eyes.

"Say anything please" my voice shaky.

He scratches his head looking up at me.

"Hero... I don't know what to say" he says.

I nod pursing my lips together.

"Well, I would rather have the pain now rather than later" I say wiping under my eyes.

He doesn't say anything.

I pull out my phone and text Kylie to come pick me up and asking if I can spend the night.

She says she would be her in 10.

"Please don't go" he says quietly.

I laugh.

"Why I ruined everything I said it too early and you know I'm sorry" I say standing up.

He stands up.

I walk around the living room for a minute before finding my shoes and sitting down slipping them on.

"Hero, stop pl-"

"Pete! stop! I know I screwed it all up. I'm sorry but if its not how you feel I understand but still it hurts to love someone and to know they don't love you back and they're just trying to make me stay to make me stay! It just doesn't work that way Pete. I love you I do. I've loved you for a long time. But I realized it was real love when I really met you and hugged you kissed you everything. I gave my family up for you... us. That's a hard thing to do. My dad is so disappointed. Do you know how that feels? No. Pete I know it's early to say it and I'm sorry I did its awful timing it really was and I can't express how sorry I am! But after I said it all you did was laugh. You could have said something like 'I'm sorry Hero I really like you but I'm just not there yet' or just anything other than laugh. That tore my heart and that's what's hurting the most" I say.

By the time I'm done I'm crying.

It was true.

I know I did wrong.

But he did worse.

And if I'm being over dramatic about this I don't care because it hurt really bad.

He looks at me with glossy eyes and nods.

"I'm sorry" he says.

"Are you? Because the last thing I need or want is another empty apology." I say attempting to wipe away the tears but they just kept falling.

"I-I don't know. Hero, I'm not there yet I'm really not"

"That's fine. That's not what I'm upset about. I told you what I'm upset about and it's not that." I say my voice trembling and my body shaking.


"Don't please. I really just need some time to think right now" I say holding my hand up.

He nods and sadly sits back down putting his head in his hands.

I shake my head.

I hear a horn and sigh.

I walk over to Pete kissing his head.

I rub the nape of his neck for a minute.

I back away and walk towards the front door and outside shutting it behind me.

I hold back more tears as I make my way to Kylie's car.

Once I get in she smiles sympathetically at me.

"Are you ok?" she asks.

I instantly let all of my emotions come out and just have a meltdown.

She leans over the console and hugs me as best as she can.

"Shhh it's all gonna be ok." he says.

U nod still crying.

She pulls away and I feel the car starting to move.

I keep my head down the entire way trying to calm down.

Before I knew it we were at her apartment she shared with Brent.

I get out of the car softly shutting the door and running towards the door into the apartment finding Brent on the couch.

I needed Brent right now.

He was my best friend of all time.

Kylie was my friend but we weren't that close but close enough for our liking.

I run over and sit next to him still crying.

Brent instantly wraps his arms around me rubbing my back.

I bury my head in his chest sobbing loudly.

"Shhh hey hey hey, what happened?" he asks, worry clear in his voice.

"I told h-him I loved him too early..... A-and he l-laughed" I sob.

"Oh Hun" he says.

I keep crying.

After 35 minutes of me blubbering and moaning we decided to watch Mean Girls with chips and ice cream.

But I couldn't help but think about him.

Mr. Pete Wentz.

The man that ruined my social life

And my love life.


If love is even really real.


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