Fantasy or Reality (Life is S...

By Nikida-San

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Today was the day she was going to be moving out of her comfort zone, Blackwell Academy the prestige art scho... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10 (End)

Episode 5

12 0 0
By Nikida-San

      The next few days were eventful for Flora, because of Nathan other students started opening up to her. Hayden was really cool but he was always trying to get her high, Dana was really sweet but her energy level was crazy high, Juliet was nice but she was way too obsessed with her boyfriend. Logan was always trying to get her to go back to his room, which Flora didn't want to do at all. Her mother warned her about boys like that before she got to Blackwell, she specifically told her not to let any boys take advantage of her.

Flora was in free period hanging out in front of the Girl's dormitories sketching a picture of Blackwell. To her, it was old and ugly but it looked good with the right light like right now everything was so serene. "Hey, Flora how are you doing?" Flora looked up to see Dana looking down at her partially finished sketch. "Hi Dana, I'm alright just killing time," Dana chuckled before continuing into the dorm. Flora went back to sketching until she heard someone sit down beside her, she looked over to see Nathan relaxing and going through his phone.

This had become normal for her, Nathan following Flora around everywhere, after class he would be waiting for her to walk her to the next class, or when she woke up he was in the dormitories waiting in the hallway for her to get ready. Nathan really wasn't as bad as everyone made him out to be but he was very annoying. Flora found out that like herself he was suffering from schizophrenia but he seemed a lot worse than her. His schizophrenia mixed with all of the drugs and alcohol he was taking which wasn't making him any better. "So, a couple of us are going to get high tonight, you should come and join in on the fun," Flora shook her head before handing Nathan the drawing of Blackwell.

Nathan thanked Flora for the drawing before tucking it away in his backpack, Flora was really cute and all but she was kind of boring. "I don't do drugs and I don't think you should be doing them either but I can't tell you how to run your life. Mixing drugs and schizophrenia is something the doctor told me I shouldn't do at all," Flora said pulling out one last sketch. The other day while hanging out with Nathan she saw a calm nice side of him that she knew a lot of people didn't see. At that moment, she took a mental photo and later sketched a portrait of him later that night.

Flora handed him the photo and he gave her a small smile when he noticed it was a photo of himself. Nathan moved closer to Flora before kissing her soft cherry red lips. Flora smiled into the kiss and pushed Nathan away. "I'm not good at this type of thing, maybe she should take things a little slower." Nathan scoffed and looked at the small girl. It was so obvious she was a virgin with absolutely no sexual experience, but that made Nathan want her even more. "Do you want to come back to my room? I want you to draw more pictures of me," Nathan said pulling Flora up and to the boy's dormitories.

Flora was a little freaked out by Nathan's roughness, she didn't think she was even allowed to go into the boy's dormitories and Nathan sure wasn't allowed in the girl's but he always seemed to be above the rules in Blackwell. As soon as they got to the room Flora looked around at the dark room, she was shocked to see the dark themed photos. As beautiful as they looked they were they also made her skin crawl, was this how Nathan felt on the inside? Nathan watched as Flora looked around his room, he was a little nervous that all his photos scared her away but then he noticed her smile.

"You're a real artist," Flora said quietly, she looked down and noticed an X rated movie and porn magazine on the floor. Nathan followed Flora's gaze to the ground and he felt his heart stop when his eyes fell on the X rated movie he watched along with his magazine he used just this morning. He quickly kicked them under the bed and sat Flora down, his face burned as Flora giggled. "Do you want to watch something, I have plenty of movies," Flora nodded as she put her things down, she was really nervous about being in a room all alone with a boy. Yes, she was 17 but she was always homeschooled so things like this never happened.

Nathan took one of his milder movies off the shelve and placed it in his computer before turning on the projector. Once everything was set up he sat down on the bed beside Flora and got comfortable. Flora was so tense she was sure Nathan knew but she couldn't help it, she watched enough movies to know where this was going but she was paralyzed. No way was she ready to lose her virginity, she was saving herself for when she felt comfortable enough with people and her illness. "You can relax you know, take your shoes off and just chill," Nathan said from the corner of the bed. Flora hadn't even realized he moved and made himself comfortable and was leaning against the wall. She did want he said and took off her sparkly pink shoes and moved beside him, she was completely oblivious to Nathan staring at her. Flora made sure her skirt was smoothed down before she relaxed and focused on the movie.

Halfway through the movie, Nathan had lost interest but Flora was reeled in, she was a little freaked out by the gore and suspense of the film. Even though she wasn't one for scary movies she couldn't look away from the large projected screen on the wall. Nathan took this as his opportunity to make a move on the distracted girl, he moved closer to her and moved his hand to her thigh. Flora still completely zoned in on the movie sat there obvious to advances of her friend beside her. Nathan took the opportunity to move his hand under her skirt and up her thigh to her lacey panties. He never pegged Flora as one that would wear lacey undies but it was a big turn on. He stopped when he felt Flora pull her leg away, he sighed and looked over at her frowning face.

Flora was also little shocked at Nathan's forward actions, in the back of her mind she thought this was the real reason he invited her to his room but she wanted to believe that he was just being nice. "Don't give me that look, your way to pretty to be frowning. I know I shouldn't have done that without your permission so my bad," Flora could tell his apology was fake and it made her hate him. She grabbed her things and walked out of his room and into Mr. Jefferson, great now she was going to get in trouble for being in the boy's dormitories.

"Flora what a surprise I did not expect to see you here. I guess you seeing me is here means I'm going to have to be uncool, you know the rules just like Mr. Prescott does as well. So, detention after class tomorrow and don't be late," Flora nodded and bolted out of the dorm before she got into any more trouble. First Nathan and now Mr. Jefferson, today wasn't going too well for Flora.

The next day Flora did what she was told and met Mr. Jefferson in his classroom for detention after school. He had her sit in the room in silence while she worked on homework and he worked on grading his class assignments. Mark looked over his glasses at the small frowning teenager in his room. Since yesterday she had been in a mood after she left the boys dormitory he asked Nathan what he did to her. Come to find out Nathan was trying to engage in sexual activity with her, knowing she has no clue how to handle situations like that.

"Hey Flora do you think you can help me out with some of these photos," Flora nodded getting up and moving a chair beside Mr. Jefferson's desk. Mark places a few photos down on her desk and she looked over them and picked out three of the six he put down. Those look the best in my opinion mostly because they have character, the others are just pictures," Flora explained, her eyes fell on the computer and she felt her face burn at the photo. It was the photo that Mr. Jefferson took when he found her outside of the building after midnight.

Mark noticed Flora staring at the photo he was editing and chuckled a bit, she looked so amazed by the shot of herself. "I hope you don't mind if I put this up on my website, I haven't taken a photo this nice in such a long time and I need to share it," Flora was mesmerized, she was more than happy to have him put a photo so beautiful up for everyone to see. "It's alright I want you to share it, I don't ever remember myself looking that nice," Flora said quietly. Mark smiled and printed a large copy of the photo and brought it over to Flora, she gasped as her smile widened.

"We can hang this up in the classroom, show it off to everyone in the class," Mark looked over at Flora and laughed when he noticed her eyes the size of saucers. Flora was so excited about having everyone see the photo of herself, she wondered what Max would think when she saw her looking so vulnerable. "You can go if you want, detention is over now that I finally finished grading everyone's work. Thank you, Flora, I'll see you tomorrow in class have a nice night," Flora nodded and packed up her things and exited the room.

When Flora got back to her room she noticed Victoria and Taylor going through her things, all her medication was thrown on the bed and her clothes were all over the place. "What are you doing?" Taylor jumped up and Victoria rolled her eyes. "What does it looking like we're doing, we're going through your stuff to see what kind of psycho you are. Normal people don't take those types of prescription pills, Schizo-freak. I wonder if you're going to be kicked out once everyone finds out that you're fucked in the head, we don't need any unstable students here. I mean you could have a crazy episode and kill all of us one day, that terrifies me," Flora frown and tried holding back the tears that were getting ready to fall from her eyes as Victoria smiled in her face.

Taylor, started to feel guilty for what she was doing but she was going through Flora's things because Victoria was her best friend and she's will to do whatever she needs to make sure Victoria was happy. Even if it means sacrificing a friendship she truly wanted with Flora. Flora turned and ran out of the dorm and off campus, Victoria crossed the line by going through her things and crossing boundaries that should never be crossed.

Flora found herself at Chloe's house after sundown, the beat-up truck wasn't in the driveway meaning she wasn't home. Flora kept walking until she made it to the Two Whales Diner, Chole brought her there a few times and Joyce was a cooking goddess. She walked inside and took a seat in the back corner of the diner before Joyce walked over to the booth. "How are you doing Flora? You do realize we close in about ten minutes?" Flora looked at her phone and gave Joyce a small smile. "Sorry I didn't realize what time it was, I'll let you guys close up," Flora went to stand up but was pushed back down by Joyce. There was no way Joyce was letting her leave without being fed first, as a mother she knew there was something bothering the young girl and she was going to find out what.

"No ma'am, I'll let you stay while I close up the diner, but you have to wash your own dishes when you're finished," Joyce said walking back behind the counter. Flora thanked her and looked down at her shaking hands, there was no way she would go back to Blackwell. Knowing Victoria, she already told everyone about her illness and they were looking for her to escort her off the premises. They didn't have to worry about it now because she wasn't going back, she was going to do what Rachel Amber did and just disappear.

Joyce returned with a burger and fries for Flora, she sat down across from her and watched her enjoy her meal for a minute. "Alright, I'm going to get to the point, what's bothering you, sweetheart?" Of course, she knew something was wrong, she was a mother and she was Chloe Price's mother at that, Flora sighed putting the large burger down. "People are mean," Joyce nodded and chuckled. "Yes, they are and you shouldn't let that bother you if they want to be angry little bastards let them because karma is real and what goes around comes around. One day when you are doing extraordinary things they are going to be scrubbing bathroom floors at the company you own. Now hurry up and eat so I can go home," Flora smiled at Joyce and watched her walk in the back.

Joyce always made her feel good about herself but unfortunately, the feeling didn't last, after finishing her burger she did what Joyce said and washed her dished before parting ways with Joyce. Flora wondered through Arcadia Bay until a dog rushed her, she freaked out until she saw the man that grabbed her some days back. The dog circled her a couple times before jumping on her and licking her. "Hey, cut that out. You don't know what that girl gets herself into," Flora frowned at the tatted man as he pulled his dog away from her.

"What in the hell are you doing wandering here by yourself? Don't you know bad people walk around waiting for cute little girls like you?" Frank frowned looking over the girly Rachel look-alike. Since he saw her she was stuck in his mind, clouding all his thoughts it was just like how he felt when he met Rachel. "Why do you care? No one here cares about me, I could disappear and no one would go looking for me," Flora said quietly, she was completely defeated and she could feel her anxiety level rising.

"Woah, calm down there princess, we already have one missing girl we don't need anymore. Why don't you just go back to school or wherever you came from and just chill, I'm sure the bastards that hurt your feelings are just overcompensating," Flora was a little shocked by this man's vocabulary. She didn't expect him to be, educated considering he always looks high. Frank made a face before turning and walking back to his RV, he really didn't want to get attached to another person especially one so young like Rachel.

Flora quietly followed the tatted man back to his rundown RV, he looked back at her and shooed her but she stayed. "Is this where you live? Can I stay with you for a while?" Frank was completely thrown off by this girl's question he almost fell out of the RV. She wanted to live with him, was she crazy? "Absolutely not, I only have room for two and that's me and my dog so leave," Frank said closing and locking the door. Flora frowned and left the cranky man alone and continued walking.

When she looked at the time it was almost midnight and there was no way she could get back to campus considering she was completely lost. As she was walking she stumbled on a junkyard and smiled when she noticed the rusty truck parked in the gates. Flora walked through the junkyard and found Chloe in a little hideout getting high when Chloe noticed her she smiled and waved her over.

"What's cracking hotness, you look a little upset. Who messed with you, who do I have to fuck up?" Chloe said putting her fist up. Flora smiled and shook her head. "Victoria is a bitch and I just don't want to be at Blackwell for a bit, can I stay with you?" Chloe nodded and stood up. "Let's go, because you look like you're going to pass out any second now," Flora nodded and followed Chloe to the truck and they took off home.

When they got to the house, Flora jumped on Chloe's bed and smiled widely. "Your bed so comfortable, I love laying on it," Chloe kicked off her boots and sat down beside Flora, she was stretching and her shirt was raised showing off her small waist. "Wow your kind of curvy under these clothes," Chloe said putting her hands around Flora's small waist., she was impressed by how nice her body was. "Can I kiss you?" Flora laughed and looked over at Chloe who looked completely serious.

"Why would you want to kiss me? I'm not special, look at me I'm crazy and no one would want to kiss me, well except Nathan but he's a little f..." Flora stopped talking when she noticed Chloe's eyes widen. "If you're talking about that fucker Nathan Prescott, make sure you stay away from him," she made a face and shrugged. "What's the big deal, everyone says Nathan is crazy but all I see is a misunderstood guy, he needs help like me. No one is extending a hand to help him out instead everyone is just judging him. He's..." Flora's words were cut off by Chloe's lips.

Even though they were just talking about it Flora was a little shocked by Chloe's actions, but she enjoyed it at the same. Flora broke the kiss and frowned. "What? Was that not good enough for you?" Flora shook her head and smiled. "I don't know but I expected you to taste like cherries but nope just cigarettes and beer, the signature taste of Chloe Price," Flora said laughing, Chloe joined in after a few seconds and they both laughed together. Moments like this one reminded Chloe of Rachel and she loved the feeling, it was like having Rachel around again.

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