Draco Malfoy and the Basilisk...

By svtdbaq

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[Book 2 of the 'Draco Malfoy' SERIES] Draco has gone through the Philosopher's Stone and finally returns for... More

Basilisk's Venom [BOOK 2]
Chapter 1. Sucking up to Molly Weasley
Chapter 3. Casually committing capital crimes baby!
Chapter 4. Trying to change things for the better
Chapter 5. The Chamber had been opened
Chapter 6. Broken Bones and a Lack of Answers
Chapter 7. The Other Heir of Slytherin
Chapter 8. One of the Worst Christmas's ever
Chapter 9. The Petrification of Hermione Jean Granger
Chapter 10. The real Chosen One, Ford Anglia
Chapter 11. The other Other Heir of Slytherin
Chapter 12. The other other Other Heir of Slytherin
Chapter 13. Wibbley Wobbley Timey Wimey Stuff
Marauder's Reunion [BOOK 3]

Chapter 2. Flipping personality traits like a coin toss

2.4K 123 65
By svtdbaq

I truly never appreciated that beauty of where Ron lived until we were driving in the early mornings back to the Burrow. There were just continuous rolls of field and hills everywhere that stretched for miles. The Burrow showed up not after too long and the area that we had made for Quidditch.

My gaze turned back to Harry who was staring out at the Burrow in complete amazement. When he felt my gaze, he turned to give a small smile.

"Feel good to be back in the Magic World?" I teased, chuckling when nodded eagerly. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder and brought him closer to the window, "we played Quidditch over there. You should see Ron's room? It's terrible-"


"He's right," the twins said.

Harry laughed as the twins pulled the car into the field and started to turn it off. We all clambered out of the car and waited for Fred and George to get the trunks and Harry's owl. "Come on Harry," George patted his back, "you're going to love it!"

"Yeah! Come on, come on!" I whined, already running up to the house.

The rest all laughed whilst Ron shook his head. "Draco here has become very attached to our place." He looked very fond of that, and walked over to me. Immediately walking in, we noticed the still silence of the house, just now remembering that it was technically still very early in the morning. Even if the sun was out.

Fred and George snuck around the kitchen, grabbing some baked goods and pastries. If we walked very quietly, we could probably still crawl back into bed-

"WHERE HAD YOU BEEN?!" a very angry and hysterical Molly Weasley shrieked, walking into the dining area . "YOU COULD HAVE DIED?! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN SEEN!" she continued. I turned back to the Weasley's watching them shrink away from her, trying to hide the breakfast that also stole.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to Molly. "Ronald wanted to rescue Harry. Fred and George suggested the car. I only came as supervision. If they stuck around, they would have realised that my first drafted plan was to tell either you or Mr Waasley," I gave her a very big pout, shuffling over to wrap an arm around her shoulder and turn to blink innocently back at the others.

Harry was smirking. Ron looked at me like I was literally a deity. Fred and Geroge were glaring hard, but eh- they could be annoying. Ron stepped forward, "They had bars on Harry's window. He was starved," he tried to reason. I frowned, now just remembering the way Harry explained his living situation with us back in the car. My blood was boiling a bit remembering how we had to get rid of the bars that were screwed over his bedroom window.

"For your information, Draco wanted to go save his boyfriend from Surrey," Fred defended, squinting his eyes at me but walking past. I gave him a light shove but accepted the peace offering that George handed out. It was a chocolate muffin and suddenly all the walls within the world.

We didn't have much time to really get some sleep until breakfast. Harry sat between Ron and I as breakfast started and I started to help myself to porridge. I glared back at the way Harry spread jam over his slightly burnt wholemeal bread. Urgh, Gods I hated wholemeal.

Ginny came running down the spiral wooden staircase the Weasley's had that acted at the main structure of their house. I looked over at the little girl and gave her a secret smile. Once she started to open up about her anxiety to go to Hogwarts it was like my Professor cap was on and I was just helping out another student of mine. I gave her a nod when she grinned back at me.

She seemed to be looking for her jumper until she caught sight of Harry. I remembered very vaguely that the two both got together at the end of the war and smirked. She stilled at the way I smiled and squinted her.

"Wh-what?" she stuttered.

I could help the way I started to laugh. "Looks like someone has a-" I couldn't finish my sentence before Ginny threw a piece of jammed toast at my face. Percy shouted for his toast, I screamed for my face and Harry burst out laughing because he was a literal menace to society.

"Ah," Ron said smugly, "karma is such a lovely thing."

"What?" I questioned.

"Muggle concept," Arthur said, not looking up from the Prophet.

I shrugged and accepted the serviette that Harry handed over, scrubbing away the jam from my face. I gave Ginny a glare but she pulled an even fiercer one that didn't really scare me as much as seeing a kitten trying to look intimidating would. She really needed to grow out of her little child stage.

"What?" I whispered, leaning down to Ginny.

"Nothing," she huffed, stealing another piece of toast from Percy's plate. He squawked but took another piece and simply patted Ginny's hair. "You don't say nothing, alright?"

I turned away from her and was going to engage in the little 'rubber duck' conversation that Harry and Arthur seemed to be having before Errol, the Weasley's old, came crashing into the kitchen window.

My face pinched as poor Errol finally made his way into the kitchen, hobbling on his little shaky legs. Letters were passed around the room, to even me and Harry. Our Hogwarts letters.

"Dumbledore must know that you boys are here," Arthur said.

I looked back at Harry who simply shrugged at me, before opening his letter. "Ohh," one of the twins whistled. "These are going to be a touch buy mum."

"Yep," the other said. "Almost all our Defence books are by Gilderoy Lockhart."

I sighed, thinking about our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher for this year and then sat up straighter. Actually, compared to some of the really terrible teachers we had, Lockhart was a blast to have.

"We'll figure something out," Molly said to the boys. I was about to say that I could offer some help when she literally came and shoved some toast in my mouth. I gagged on the horrible flavour, pulling it out to find... ew marmite. Harry rubbed my back and then went back to his own breakfast.

Once we finished with that, we all headed to the Weasley's floo, ready for an entire's day of shopping at Diagon Alley. After explaining how the floo system worked for Harry, I went in first, ready and waiting in Diagon Alley for the rest of the Gryffindors. I frowned as Ron came through and then eventually the rest of the family.

"Where's Harry?" I asked, anxiety spiking.

"He's not here?" Molly asked, looking around.

"He'll be around though," Arthur said, not looking completely too bothered. "He probably came out of a floo close by."

I turned to give Ron an incredulous look but he simply frowned and shrugged. The other Wealsey's started to get their stuff and when their attention was turned away from us, I grabbed Ron's arm and pulled him away.


"We're finding Harry," I said, simultaneously looking around at all the shops for black hair and also cursing my twelve year-old height. What we both found was Hagrid though, so we quickly raced over to the half-giant.

"Hagrid!" we both shouted, still pushing past a bunch of people.

"Harry!" I cried, finally spotting the boy standing beside Hagrid.

"Guys!" a voice shouted, turning back around I was enclosed in a very tight hug from Hermione Granger. "It's so nice to see you all," she grinned widely.

"Nice," Ron said, "the entire gang's back together."

"Gang?" I asked, tilting my head.

"It's like a friendship group," Hermione explained, frowning. "But like, for bad people." I narrowed my eyes at Ron who seemed to pale. "Sometimes it can be a good thing-"

"A'right then, I'll leave yer all 'ere then? It was nice seein yer all again," Hagrid said. We bid him goodbye and then walked around Diagon Alley until we made it to Flourish and Blotts. The book stop was completely packed to the brim with people wanting to hear Gilderoy Lockhart spew nonsense about his next book.

I rolled my eyes and pushed my way through the crowd. "I'm going- going- upstairs," I panted, feeling uncomfortable as bodies pushed against me. I could feel the concerned stares of the Golden Three but waved them off. The upstairs area was packed too but not as much compared to the literal body pressing going on downstairs.

I breathed in deeply and slowly, trying to calm myself down whilst I went in search of a book. The most memorable thing about Second year, other than the Heir of Slytherin being Ginny Weasley, was that there was a whole basilisk living under the school. Which most definitely should have been a cause for concern if I hadn't theorised that the dragon could only be summoned by an heir.

So there was no reason for it to be a big deal last year. Still, a little creepy if I was to tell you the truth.

I walked around the many bookshelves until I found a book on dragons and flicked through the lot. There was no real entity that would kill me if I explicitly told the Golden Trio about the adventures that they go on during their years. I think I ultimately told them about everything, they would be too reliant on me though.

I would not be there all the time to hold their hands and stop this war. So I grabbed a book that gave the basics on basilisks and how to kill them and went to go purchase it. I was descending the stairs when I saw Lucius Malfoy walk into the store. Freezing, I looked between my father and then at the Weasley's.

Gods... this was going to be a nightmare.

"Draco!" Harry beamed.

"Potter," I sneered, his smile immediately faded. "What are you doing- didn't know that you'd be here with these people. Have some class." Ginny gasped. I looked over at her. "Oh what? Your girlfriend here to protect you, Potter?" I spat. He took a step back and bowed his head. I took a step forward and before I could do anything. A cane landed on my shoulder. Father. I stopped and evidently my breathing did as well.

"Now, now, Draco," I looked back at my father who had a proud glint in his eyes. I smirked in front of him and turned to stand on the stairs giving myself higher power. He stepped forward and gazed over to the others. Harry looked back at me and my father. Father brought his cane over to Harry's face, I quickly winked at Harry and pulled a face behind my father's back.

"So, Harry Potter." I motioned my hands to a chatting symbol and blew silent raspberries at him. Ron snorted and my father turned to him.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? Weasley?" He looked Ron over who visibly gulped and nodded. I did a slow-motion punch to my dad and made silent explosions around him. Fred and George laughed high-fiving. I returned to my neutral expression as soon as my Death Eater father turned to look at me. I scowled at both boys and turned to Mister Weasley who came over. He winked at me and I gave a small nod to my father.

Father turned to see Mister Weasley, I gave the man a thumbs up. He looked at me and then at my father. My father looked over at Ginny's tattered books and gave them back to her.

"Come Draco, let's go."

"I still need to get my books, I'll be back in 10 minutes," I squinted my eyes and leant back into the staircase. I just defined my father in front of the Weasley's he pulled on my shoulder and roughly squeezed them.

"10 minutes." I nodded furiously. Harry was by my side as soon as my father was gone.

"Are you alright?" he asked. I nodded and smiled reassuringly at him. There was nothing to worry about.

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