Chapter 3. Casually committing capital crimes baby!

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Never has the gate to the Hogwarts Express ever closed up on anyone. The magic used in it was thousands of years old and it was made to deflect only muggles. In case they leant on it or if any stupid teenagers ran right into it, including me, Ron and Harry in that list. I don't remember what happened to the other boys, but I managed to crash right into Hedwig's cage.

"Urgh sorry," I groaned, pulling my face away from her cage and hissing at the way the little door on it looked bent. She squawked and glared defiantly at me. "Harry I don't like your owl," I hissed, picking up the cage and glaring right back at Hedwig. Harry laughed, taking the cage from my arms.

"How'd the gate close?" Ron asked, knocking against the brick wall and looking thoroughly worried. "If we can't get through... do you think mum and dad'll can't get back?"

I frowned, "probably? We weren't even that late I don't understand..."

"We should just wait by the car," Harry suggested, starting to pick up his own bags.

"That's it!" Ron exclaimed. "The car!"

I narrowed my eyes at the boy and huffed, following the two as they raced over to the Ford. I remember very distinctively reading about the mess that they were going to create in order to get to Hogwarts and being a very jealous twelve year-old. Now though? I was nineteen and knew better.

I walked over to find the boys putting their stuff in the trunk of the car, it was designed with an extension charm to fit almost anything. Ron walked over to the driver's seat. I bit the inside of my cheek, looking worriedly at the two boys, climbing inside.

"You coming?" Harry asked, pulling my arm so that we were sitting in the passenger seat together. I reached over Harry and grabbed Ron's wrist, "why doesn't Harry drive? He's got the most experience with muggles. He'll probably know better than either of us."

"Not a flying car though." We all looked at each other before shrugging and letting Ron drive. He started up the car and I flew back into Harry as the car started to fly and speed immediately.

"Ron," Harry called, from somewhere. I think I managed to squash the kid. "I should mention! Muggle's aren't common with flying cars," Harry panickily blurted out.

"No one is!" I shouted, standing up and trying to crawl over Harry, who groaned when I stepped on him to get to the back of the car. I crashed into Hedwig's cage as Ron made a sharp turn to avoid some birds.

"What are you doing?" Ron shouted, hands clenched tightly against the steering wheel.

"I'm sending an owl!" I shouted back, opening Hedwig's cage and yelping as the bird bit me. "You little minx!"

"Oi!" Harry shouted.

"She bit me!" I grabbed a piece of parchment in one of my carry ons and quickly scribbled a message. We couldn't get to the train- we're in a flying car. Most likely to crash into the Whomping Willow- thanks- D

I shoved the letter into Hedwig and rolled down one of the windows. "Get that message to Headmaster Dumbledore now!" I watched her fly off and then fell back into the backseats.

A couple hours later we were driving along the tracks of the train. "Do you hear that?" I scrambled to my seats and grinned. Both Harry and Ron nodded.

"Sounds like the train!"

"Should be close then?"

"Um... guys?" Ron and Harry turned over to look at me, "The trains behind us isn't it?"


"AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" we all screamed. Ron flipped the car onto the side, we fell upside down and tumbled into the roof of the car. That also didn't help since I was back, so I managed to get hit with the carry ons and Hedwig's empty cage. This must have been some form of karma from the owl.

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