Winter Spirits

By littlebrotherprotect

671 8 3


Winter Spirits
part two
part three
part four
part five
part six:
Part Eight: The Last Light
Part Nine
part ten
Part eleven: The Final Battle\A fully fleged Guardian

part seven

31 0 0
By littlebrotherprotect

The ice shard fired like a rocket as it flew up to Pitch but Pitch doged the shard with a worried glance before turning his attention and focusing it directly at Winter,his eyes were now filled with rage,he then retaliated by aiming a thick cloud of dark sand at Winter just as he was about to let go Nightmare appeared in front of him her hooves kicking wildly in the air her dark yellow eyes widened." Wow,wow girl,easy,easy". He whispered to her. Nightmare soon carlmed down but her loud snorts and grumbles were still quick pace. "What do you want Pitch!?". North asked his voice deep but firm. Pitch looked at him in an endless stare." If I were you I would worry more about your precious children then what I'm doing, better hurry". He said in a taunting tone before slowly disappearing back into his dark sand and vanishing completely out of sight. Suddenly Jack ran to Winter and quickly knelt down to help her she had collapsed onto the floor with one hand pressing against her chest." Winter, Winter are you ok?". He asked desperately waiting for an answer Winter looked at him weak her eyes were drained and her breathes drew quicker. "Winter?". He added still awaiting her reply. She later staffed to he feet letting out a small gasp as she did." I'm ok Jack". She whispered." What was all that about?". He asked. Winter looked at him her eyes full of disbelief." I don't know I guess I just got really mad". She added. Jack helped her to her feet. Shortly afterwards Winter returned back to normal her breaths became steady and appropriate. "Jack,come on we have to go". North said as he and the rest of the guardians made their way to the sleigh. Jack grabbed Winters hand and looked her in the eye before walking away however as he did he felt a cold hand grab from behind him. "Jack I'm coming with you". She insisted her eyes full of determination. Jack's eyes lit up with worry." What?". He replied instantly. But as much as he tried to keep her away a part of him was glad as he soon smiled. A few minutes later Jack,Winter and the guardians flew in Not the sleigh they were heading for Tooths place as they arrived they found that all of the varies were still there that's when it struck them." This is odd, all the varies are still here how is Pitch turning the children against us?". He said his voice sounded lost in his question. Jack too seemed stunned at the sight. Humankind immediately responded Bulgarian at Winter he then took North aside." I think this has something to do with Jack's new friend". Bunny suggested North threw his hand over his face "Bunny, we've been over this,it's not Winter". He said quietly before making his way back over to the guardians. But they were completely unaware of what was lurking in the shadows.

As the sun set over the guardians dome the guardians were confussed about their problem from a distance the guardians watched as Jack and Winter were talking to each other." So how long have you been a guardian for?". She asked him. Jack hesitated for a moment before returning his answer." Oh shortly after Manny brought me back". He said. Winter looked at him with curiosity." Who's Manny?". She replied looking around at her surroundings. Jack pointed his finger up at the moon that lingered over the opening at the top of the dome; it's white glow spread threw the sky. She chuckled sweetly then their eyes met once again in a connecting way.

Meanwhile North leaned against the wall his arms gently folded with his one hand smoothly stroking his beard. He then turned to his own doorway where he saw the guardians stare in wonder out of the window. North slowly approached them his large footsteps lay heavy amoung the ground. "So,how is Pitch using the children's belief against us if he hasn't even taken any of our abilities". He asked in a certain tone as if he were questioning himself. Humankind seemed to ignore his question however North already knew his answer. Tooth on th other hand was swiftly flying across the room her arms were too folded and her face looked focused as she tried desperately to think of an answer. But there was still no trace of what Pitch could be doing. Then a loud thundering noise came from the centre of the globe when they arrived at the main part of the dome. The lights were dying out quicker than you could blink Winter and Jack along with the rest of the guardians were horrified. Suddenly the light stopped with only five remaining lights,five children who still believed. The guardians reaction was an immediate one as they rushed out to the sleigh" Bunny we haven't got time get in!". North exclaimed. Bunny jumped inside of the sleigh. Along with Sandy,and Tooth whilst Jack and Winter leaped onto the back and clung on tightly as they were now in a race against time to stop Pitch and restore belief in the children.

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