Oleh xxTaepartyxx

51K 2K 544

Pyrokenisis, Telekinesis. Vitalim Vitalus. Transmutation. Body control. Heightened abilities. Divination. T... Lebih Banyak

The First chapter
The Second Chapter
The Third Chapter
The Fourth Chapter
The Fifth Chapter
The Sixth Chapter
The Seventh Chapter
The Eighth Chapter
The Ninth Chapter
The Tenth Chapter
The Eleventh Chapter
The Twelvth Chapter
The Thirteenth Chapter
The Fifteenth Chapter
The Sixteenth Chapter
The Seventeenth Chapter
the end
Probably the last post

The Fourteenth Chapter

1.5K 55 2
Oleh xxTaepartyxx

A/N: Sorry leaving for so long. Here's chapter 14. Enjoy!

"Taehyung, I need to talk to you," Jin said as we made our way back to the dorms after dinner. "I know where Jackson and the rest are hiding,"

"Continue," I said.

"Well, I'm tired of them knowing everything about us, while we know nothing but a few names, so I tracked them down," Jin admitted, sounding guilty. I stopped and looked at Jin. His head was down and he was fumbling with his shirt.

"Continue," I repeated, intrigued.

Jin looked up. "We'll I told Namjoon, who told Hoseok and now we may or may not be going on a secret mission to spy on them,"

My eyes widened. "You guys are not going anywhere," I said, shaking my head.

"We have a plan," Jin said. I pursed my lips, waiting for him to explain. He sighed. "Namjoon is gonna transport us there and Hoseok is gonna posses one of the members, find out what they're plotting and report back to us when he's himself again,"

"And when you get caught?" I asked, placing my hand on my hips.

"Then we'll fight," He said, sounding more like he was trying to convince himself than me.

"I'm not gonna risk you guys getting caught, leaving us weaker than we already are. I'm coming with you guys or you all stay here," I said, crossing my arms over rmy chest in determination.

Jin sighed. "Let me talk to the others first,"

"It's not up for discussion. I'm doing this as your leader, okay?" Jin scoffed offended. "This is not a joke, I'm not letting the three of you go alone without any training or preparation,"

"So are you coming?" Jin asked hopefully.

"You guys aren't giving me any choice," I replied, smiling at the older. He shook his head, trying to hide his own. "I'll see you after dinner,"

Jin nodded and turned around, making small jumps all the way into the living room. I chuckled, and followed.

Dinner was, awkward, for lack of a better word. There was something in the air that I couldn't place. Something heavy, and thick enough it could've been cut with the bread knife on the table. Everyone picked up on it, but no one mentioned it, maybe fear of hurting someone else, or just didn't want to be the first one to bring it up.

Jimin was the first to break it, standing up and making his chair squeak the floor. He looked at Bang, something similar to anger in his eyes.

"Thank you for the meal, but I'd prefer to eat in mine and Jungkook's room. There's some people in here I don't want t be around right now. Please, excuse me." He shot a look at Yoongi before grabbing his plate and walking off. Yoongi swore under his breath, pushing himself away from the table and walking off, food untouched.

None of us knew what to do, Jungkook and I shared a look, confusion and curiosity on our faces. We looked back as Bang cleared his throat, crossing his silverware over his plate and looked at us.

"So, I hear there's a little field trip planned that no one told me about." His hands were folded, and he was switching between Jin, Hoseok, Namjoon, and I, his face almost too calm. "Anyone care to tell me why?" Namjoon choked on his drink, Jin patting his back like it was an every day thing, which honestly isn't too far off. Jungkook looked at me, raising an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. Hoseok cleared his throat, looking at Bang from his spot at the table.

"Well, we found where the guys from Got are staying, and how they know so much about us. So we decided to um, pay them a visit?" He hid behind his glass of water at the end of the sentence, only his eyes looking out over the lip of it. "You aren't... mad, are you?" He asked Bang, who laughed.

"Why would i be angry at the four of you? Hell, I was wondering when you'd figure that out." His eyes were crinkled at the corners, and we all let out a collective sigh of relief, watching as he stod from the table and walked into his office. Jungkook stood up and pulled me aside, the light amusement his eyes previously had filled with worry.

"Tae, are you sure about this? I don't want any of you guys getting hurt, especially you. Please, just promise me you'll be safe and watch out for everyone?" I grabbed his hands, intertwining our fingers and smiling at him.

"I promise, Kook. I'll try to keep you posted, alright?" He smiled and nodded, and I leaned forward, pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, giving his hands one last reassuring squeeze.

"I'll see you in a few hours, alright? You need to stay here and keep Jimin company, kid looks like he needs it." He nodded, and let go of my hands, worry still in his eyes, and gave me a peck on the cheek.

"I don't like this idea, but it's your choice. Now go kick some ass." I laughed at him, and gave him a peck on his lips, and we walked back to the table hand in hand.

After dinner Hoseok and Jin pulled me aside, throwing a bundle of dark colored clothes at my chest. Both were dressed similar, dark jeans and shirts with blackout paint on what wasn't covered by the clothing. They nodded at me as I changed, Hoseok throwing a pot of the same paint at me when I was finished.

"Here. You're gonna need this, blend into shadows and shit." I nodded, painting my face, hands, and neck black. Jin shook his head, walking up to me and grabbing the paint out of my hand, gathering some on his fingers and running it through my hair, making it the same color as the rest of me.

"There" he said, rubbing his hands together, "now we're ready." Hoseok nodded, and took off down the corridor, me and Jin following behind.

"We're meeting Namjoon at the headquarters. The girls are joining us as well, as extra manpower. Womanpower? Whatever, same thing. His main job is going to be to transport us to the Got guy's base. Lisa is in charge of getting us in, seeing as she can shrink everyone in a four foot radius if she wants to. And then that's when the real fun starts." he turned back to face me, placing his hands on my shoulders. "Taehyung, you're gonna provide protection for me, along with Rose. All you two need to do is get rid of anyone who gets near me when I'm passed out. Jennie's in charge of getting Namjoon back into fighting shape, so you need to be prepared for him to be there when you don't expect him. Jin-hyung is gonna be out of sight, telling us who's coming and from where, so listen to him as much as you can. Jisoo is going to be there, but she won't be using her enchantment power. She's going to be healing us with a different song if we really need it. Got it?" I nodded, walking over to the switch in the wall and pulling it, the door to the headquarters opening, Namjoon and the girls standing in the same attire as me, Jin, and Hoseok. I nodded at them, a silent greeting, not wanting to bother them as they were busy stretching and sparring against each other.

"Alright, let's start this." Jin stood in the center of us, exuding an aura of power I had never seen from him before that, "and remember, no matter what happens, we are all getting out of this live. Understand?" We all nodded, one of the girls jokingly barking out "yes, sir" and saluting. He laughed, and linked arms with Namjoon and Rose, the three of them disappearing for a moment before Namjoon returned alone. He repeated this until it was just me and Rose left, sweating and out of breath, collapsing when we appeared at our destination. Jennie rushed him, pulling different flowers and herbs out of her bag, crushing them up and making a potion. As she did this, Lisa grabbed the remainder of us by our arms, shrinking us down to the size of an ant and taking off towards a mansion like structure in the distance. Jin, Hoseok, and I shared a look as we darted off behind her, weaving in and out of grass blades. We reached the house, walking under the doorjamb and entering the living space. Lisa brought us back up to normal size, the six of us staying in the shadows.

We made our way through the house, finding our way to the office, the one room where we could get information on the enemy. Lisa shrunk, walking under the door and unlocking it from the inside, flinging the door open with a grin on her face, mouthing "we did it!".Then, cutting through the silence of the house, someone started clapping. The lights flashed on, Jackson standing on the other end of the hall, surrounded by his cronies. He looked at us, a smug smile cracking across his face as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"You know, you really should be more careful when making invasion plans. You see, BamBam over here has been in your house for weeks, and you idiots didn't notice. Just thought he was some innocent little bird living in the rafters of your front porch. Pathetic. Even saw your little fight with your boyfriend, Taehyung. So quick to forgive a murderer." He chuckled, letting it fall when he saw the girls behind us. "And you girls. So attached to your phones, didn't you know we have someone who can hack into those quicker than he can unlock the front door? Anyways, I'm tired of all this talking, you boys know what to do."

As he said this, Hoseok collapsed, and all hell broke loose. Rose grabbed me by the arm, throwing me next to Hoseok 's body, making a force field around him, and turning back to fight with. Jackson's group surged forward, him staying at the back with a smug smile on his face, knowing he didn't need to fight with them. I couldn't see the fight, my back being towards it, but I could hear it. Blows landing, the Got guys laughing as we tried to fight back, as if they knew they were going to win. Jackson was the only one I could see, still smirking like he knew something we didn't.

All of a sudden, the smile fell from his face, being replaced with confusion mixed with what looked like a bit of fear, he started to walk, staring at his legs as if he didn't know what was happening. He was yelling, trying to get his group's attention, trying to figure out what was happening, asking for help as he lost control of his body. I smirked, waving at him as he walked away, still yelling for his groupmates. I turned back to Rose, tapping in her shoulder.

"Hoseok's got him, we may actually win this." She smiled, flashing a thumbs up.

That's when it happened.

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