Into Minecraft: It's Not Over...

بواسطة MinecraftNINJAAA

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You thought the squids were defeated forever? You thought everyone was finally safe outside of Minecraft? You... المزيد

Into Minecraft: It's Not Over
Chapter 1 - Here We Go Again
Chapter 2 - Run Away
Chapter 3 - It Begins
Chapter 4 - Getting Organized
Chapter 5 - Sneaking Around
Chapter 6 - Intimidation
Chapter 8 - I'm Back

Chapter 7 - Next Move

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بواسطة MinecraftNINJAAA

Ok let me start this off by apologizing (again xD) for the lack of updates and all of the excuses I've been making. It's just that is isn't as fun to write as I thought it would be. I think that's my fault for having so many characters :/

But I'll keep writing because I know people have been waiting for this story since I finished "Into Minecraft" so I can't just abandon it.

And if anyone is wondering why I also have ended a bunch of stories or put them on hiatus, it's basically for the same reasons. None of my stories except for "Fandoms Unite" are fun to write anymore. And for some of them, I just hate how they've come out but I obviously can't change it since so much is written already.

So from now on, I won't have character contests anymore because it can get confusing and stuff like that. I might have one once in a while, but not for everything. I know the contests are some of the things people really like when I start a new story, so you'll just have to deal with it.

And I'm sorry for times in the future when I'll write really short chapters or just take a long time to update. Now you know why.

So yeah, even though I don't entirely want to (but then again I really do), I'll continue this because you guys are just so forking awesome :D

Kay, long and pointless message over. Time for the chapter~

~ ~ ~

Chapter 7:

"As I have anticipated, there is a group of Minecrafters attempting to defeat me--I mean, us. However, we should not feel intimidated. They are merely a few unprepared teenagers. They do not pose any kind of threat. They do not have an army, unlike I do, and if they try to find one, we can stop them. So with that whole thing out of the way for now, what shall our next move be?" Herobrine stood before his acquaintances, the kings and queens of certain mobs who have agreed to side with him.

They sat in a dark room at an unknown location. Well, obviously to them it was not unknown, but to the readers, it is. Even to I, the writer, this location is unknown. That's how secretive it is.

But we do know this: The room is fairly small. It's dark so that certain mobs don't feel uncomfortable, but a dim light from some kind of unseen source shines to brighten it up enough to see. It's cold, but not freezing. The atmosphere of the room would feel eerie to any outsider, but to those who are actually there, it's just perfect.

"We could--"

"Nope, bad idea," Herobrine cut the ghast queen off.

"But you didn't even let me finish," said the ghast, sitting back down.

Herobrine rolled his eyes. "I know," he said, "but to be honest, all of your ideas suck. Can we all agree on that?" There were sounds and motions of agreement throughout the room while the ghast queen sunk down in her seat.

"I think we should try to focus on getting rid of these Minecrafters who are trying to defeat you," suggested the zombie king. "I know you don't think they pose a threat, but they could eventually."

Herobrine slapped a hand on the table in front of the zombie king, getting close to his face. "Are you doubting my judgement, zombie? Is a pile of rotten flesh suggesting that I'm wrong?"

"N-no sir!" the zombie kind stuttered. "I just don't think we should just disregard the fact that they could possibly ruin any plans we have. You know, they do have some pretty strong fandom leaders in their group, as I've gathered."

Herobrine stepped back and sighed, closing his eyes and then snapping them open. "Okay, okay," he mumbled, "so say these people do have a chance of ruining anything. Five of them are already reportedly captured in squid territory. The other ten are split up who knows where. What will we do?"

"Capture and/or kill them, sir," the spider king stated.

"Yes, that part was obvious," Herobrine rolled his eyes. "You know what, I'll just figure out some elaborate scheme myself. For now, I want the creepers and the skeletons to split up and find those Minecrafters. Go now. Everyone else is to stay here so we can create a plan for what we're going to do to capture more people in this world and what we should do when we achieve that."

The creeper and skeleton kings left the room and started for their own kingdoms. After the door slammed shut, Herobrine continued the meeting. "So, I will ask again, what shall out next move be?"

~ ~ ~

Oopsies short chapter again...sowwy.

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