Hayley Leblancs Diary->a brat...

By collabs_for_brats

11.4K 370 39

Hayley Leblanc tells her life story in her diary while hitting some bumps on the way More

Maybe i should be gone too||02
Am i drowning||03
End it all||04
Notes To Annie||05
Ending it all?||06
Love? nah||07
The worst day of there life....||08
How Dare She||09
Why would she do such a thing?!||10
The impossible became possible||12
Friends For Support||13
Is it her fault?||14
Bright Lights||15
Loving Can||16
But no going back right?||17
Sleep Deprived||18
When will she get out of here?!||19
A Let Down ||20
They will just go back to normal life......||21
Therapy Session||22
Think positive and positive things will happen||23
Curly Hair.||24
I Hate Today
What can you say about therapy...||25
Pro and Cons||26
"Positive thoughts Positive thoughts"||27
Back To Hell||29
Back to the Beginning||31
Its fun they said||32
Goodbye Diary...||33
not fine. but better||Prologue

Dear Diary||01

748 19 0
By collabs_for_brats

Yo it's evewritesxx you probably don't know me cause I'm hella irrelevant but ima be starting off this book

which I don't know why cause this idea was completely goofgirlfanfics

here we go enjoy emotional pain and torture xoxo

Sunday, August 10
10:09 pm
current mood: missing bubba

Hey diary it's me Hayley

it's been 22 months since Caleb...yeah

I miss him, he was my big brother.

he was the one I looked up to.

the one I bothered when I was bored.

the one who no matter how annoyed he was with me he would still take time to play dolls with me.

he gave me a reason to stay homeschool .

Caleb was the one to play with me when everyone ran to annie at the meet and greats.

he was the best big brother I've ever had

And I hate when people say I was only 7 I don't understand anything about grief

7 years is enough to love someone

7 years is enough that even if I couldn't speak I could observe

7 years is enough years to build a bond with someone

7 years is enough to get over grief

but sadly for me it's going to take a lot long then 7 years to get over Caleb

Annie, she's in another state

Paige she moved in, she took Caleb's room

His room now smells like lavender, roses and girl

no trace of Caleb and his awful after baseball smell mixed in with Axe which is something I never thought I've wished to smell

I miss my big brother
love you bubba <3

im crying.

keep reading for more Hayley chapters
like comment vote bye<3

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