Brother - Naruto Fanfic

De CRAMSchool

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On the night Kurama was sealed into Naruto Uzumaki there was a second child present. Menma Uzumaki, Naruto's... Mai multe

Time-Skip In Chapter 1?
Akatsuki Plans
Black and Blonde
Missons for Minato
The Scrolls
16 Years Ago
Brothers in Arms
A Rapper's Delight
Mini Filler: Almost A War
Filler: Uncle Menma
Filler: Celebration
Filling In The Gaps

I Need To Watch A Movie To Understand?

116 1 0
De CRAMSchool

"Naruto, Menma, good luck boys."

In the next instant my eyes became clouded and all I could see was a dark grey room. Next to me stood Naruto. We looked at eachother slowly and then faced forward. Instantly the room changed, becoming more visible and sharp. We began to walk forward before I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and I fell to my knees. Naruto had a similar pain and also fell. I looked up and realized we walked into.....our mindscape? Inside of a smelly, wet, sewer was a large room and half was cut off by large metal bars. Inside sat two demon foxes, one a gentle orange and the other a dark red.


Howling filled the room and Naruto's spun to face me. His eyes looked full of hope and strength, a toothy grin spread across my face and I looked down at my feet. We have to defeat the Akutsuki, save our world from whatever they planned on doing. Naruto's arm moved and he held out a fist toward me. This idiot is really up for this challenge. I slowly raised my fist to meet his, bumping our fists and a warm feeling overcame me. The cages seal began to spiral open and the gates flew open. Both Kurama stood next to each other and the room around me began to glow. My body felt heavy... really.. heavy. Oh no... I'm falling asl----.


"Well it's about damn time."

My eyes stop open and my body regained feeling... where the hell am I? My vision was fuzzy and my head was killing. I sat up and looked around to see a destroyed Konoha. Rubble surrounded me and I stood on lake. After looking around a figure stood before me...... who is that. Rage began to fill me. Clouding everything I saw and gave me this sort of tunnel vision. The figure had my face, my hair, my body.... he must be some evil clone. "Kit, you must kill that thing. It's an evil version of you." The Kyubbi spoke softly with a slight growl. Instantly I felt something take me over, rage filled me. Demon energy entered my body and I accepted every ounce I could take. "I will kill this imposter."


My head was killing me again. My anger went away for a split second as I realized what happened. That wasn't an evil clone, that wasn't an evil clone, I was an evil clone, THAT WAS NARUTO!

I felt my insides boil, I just fought my brother.... and lost. I thought I could control my emotions. Just fucking great......    I began raising my arm. The water around me meant I must still be in my mind scape. The ground was hard and I slowly picked myself up to my knees. My vision began to come back as well, this allowed me to check my surroundings. The gate is open, okay that part I remember. As I crawled to my feet and regain feeling; I felt a drawing force from inside the cage. As I got closer I started to hear a dropping sound. I began to walk into the cage, brushing past the cold metal bars that were covered in rust, I then shot myself out of the trance and followed the dripping noise into the deepest part of the cage. That's when I felt an extremely powerful aura. This pressure got heavier as I continued to get closer and closer to the dropping noise.

Darkness filled the room as made my way to the corner. The whole room went darker I looked around, seconds later two red eyes looked right into me. Was this Kurama? No I know his human form. This is something else.... After my thought completed the eyes blinked and the room that was filled with darkness had a slight glow coming from the figure. The shadowy surrounding eyes infront of me grew into a head and body. I scanned the three whisker marks, red slit eyes,  black hair tied with long braids, two red fuzzy ears, and what seemed to be burn scars all over its body. The mouth creaked opened slowly to show razor sharp teeth. A smile that only knew pain was being twisted infront of my eyes. I instantly jumped back and got into a battle position. Steam escaped its mouth until a slight growl filled the already dry and fearful air.

"Hello Menma, you are possibly wondering who I am. I am you, the you that you always wanted to be, the you that was too scary for the world. I am the thing that killed all those people while in the ANBU, I am the fear and anger that you hid away..."

That raspy voice coming from his mouth didn't sound human. I know that's not me. And Kurama warned me about this, the only way to achieve biju mode was to face him, I just hope Naruto didn't have to face anything weird.

"Now, you know what to do..." hissed the fox. He got into a low stance, arms hanging by its sides and knees bent almost to a crouch, and ran at me. I instantly tried to defend the first punch he winded up, though once connecting I was sent flying backwards. Water splashed around me as I skimmed the ground, hitting a wall.

"Come now Menma, CAN'T YOU PUT UP A BETTER DEFENCE!" He screamed before running after me again with blinding speeds, I had nowhere to go, he was too fast and kicked me straight into the air. My jaw locked as he then punched me into the wall, grabbing me from the crater and throwing me. I began skidding across the water as I regained my balance and stood up.

I could feel every bone in my body almost broken, I could also feel the warm blood drip off my mouth. I had to end this quickly or I'll end up dying here. My body enveloped with red glowing chakra, I sprinted after the Fox who stood only yards away. If I was too slow I would die, if I am too fast I'll mess up. Throwing as many kunai as I could grab, at any angle I could manage. Before the evil Fox turned to see what happened, I was gone. Flashing between each kunai as fast as I could. Going in a random order so he couldn't follow any pattern. Once hitting a kunai close to him I charged and punched him in the cheek, then again I punched him in the stomach. I created yin clones to aid me in hitting him in every direction. Tails sprouted from the fox and caught their attempts at blinding speeds. Each swipe was faster, more accurate, and with less effort than the last.

He began to speak between each hit. His face was plastered with a smile. "Monster" he hissed let out in a shaky voice.

"Demon" I threw another punch

"Trash" he said in a child like voice. I began throwing in a kick to the gut, he fell to a knee.

"Waste of space" uppercut to his chin and sent him into the air. He grabbed one of my clones and hurled him to the ground. Puff of smoke.

"Devil Fox" I dropped a kick full of anger onto his ugly face. He defended himself to an extent, destroying the countless clones I sent at him. He brought out a kunai and stabbed one. Puff of smoke.

"Weakling" I felt my body flicker and I sent two punches at his shoulders. He turned his kunai and grazed my cheek.

"You'll amount to nothing!" His voice changed to a feminine tone, letting out each word into a hiss. I sent the kunai he held at his left thigh.

"Disappointment" I felt my body boil as her voice echoed, I took the kunai out of his leg and cut his shoulder before flashing away again. He grabbed another clone and snapped its neck before attempting to punch me, twirled at nothing.

Her voice echoed again. "Disappointment" it filled my eardrums. Her voice was potent, it hurt my brain, my heart, and my stomach. "YOU'RE A PICKY EATER!" The fox swung at me, sending me into the cage. "YOU NEVER BATHE OR SLEEP" It punched my stomach, twisting as he released for another strike. "YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS, YOU'RE ALONE, YOU ARE WEAKNESS" the fox lifted me from the ground with its tails. Squeezing tighter as I move more. Her voice was peircing me like daggers. Each word laced with more and more negativity. "YOU LACK RESPECT, DEPRESSED PIECE OF SHIT" the fox spat "POOR, MALNURISHED, DEGENERATE" he squeezed tighter. I could feel my bones barley withstanding the pressure. My anger was through the roof, and I was nearly powerless and chakraless. I had to carefully pick my shots but not die waiting.

The Fox noticed I was dying, without releasing her grip she threw me against the ground. Smashing thrice over. All I could hear was my mothers voice. Telling me how I have broken every one of her final wishes....

Mom... I'm sorry. Thank you for giving me 16 years of life, an immutable brother, and a chance to each sushi, ya know.


Where am I.

Its dark...





Pervy Sage...





What are these... hands.... (grunt).... Mom?

"Menma, don't fall into Kurama's negativity. I love you my son, as do I love your brother. You have done a wonderful job protecting him, you're brilliant, beautiful, and most of all, you take more after me than your brother. Which means put some spice in your life, YOU'RE THE NEXT HOT HEADED OF KONOHA, LETS GOOO BABY, WO WO WO!" She cheered as she gleefully floated around me like a ghost, I could see her and hear her, but I can't touch. Damn, I could go for some mothers love. "Menma, I need you to do me a favor: When you finish growing, I want you to start your own life. Stop worrying about protecting your brother, he is gonna be the one protecting you now. You have done your job. Thank you sweetie, I love you and you bet your ass you're going to beat that damn fox. GIVE HER A NICE THRASHING FOR ME, GOODBYE SWEETIE."

And like that she was gone, I was back in the sewers. Free falling from 200 meters. I had about 6.387 seconds to  land and heal before he swipes me from the air. My chakra felt cozy, my reserves tank increased twice over, chakra chains felt like they wrapped around every major organ, and my skin felt like steel but my weight drastically increased. My senses also seem heightened. I pumped chakra into every part of my body using medical ninjutsu.  Finally I found the source, my seal was tampered. Two ink circles along the X axis disrupting the flow to another portion of the seal. Maybe this is why the chakra was pumped through our bodies since conception. It must've been fixed because I feel amazing, but the design changed on my seal so now I'm worried about learning this new pattern.

"Okay, its time... *Cracks knuckles* lets get to it." I opened my eyes to see my reflection. I look just like that Fox, but red and white. Cool.

"Do what they want, LET OUT THE ANGER" he bellowed before I sent a punch into his back.  He was then attacked by another clone, after grabbing my clones leg and ripping it off. Puff of smoke.

"You'll die today, just like your parents did all those years ago." I crouched with my body enveloped in Kyubbi chakra. I clawed at his stomach and flashed away. He grabbed three of my clones before Kurama begins destroying each of them. Failed...Three more puffs of smoke. The room began cloudy after all the smoke began to sit still.

Thousands of versions of me were attacking the evil one. He was visually battered around as every blink a new clone would either punch or kick him around. Though he destroyed them after 2 or three attacks landed. They then flashed away to a new kunai. "THEY DIED FOR NOTHING, SACRIFICED THEMSELVES FOR YOU AND YOUR WORTHLESS BROTHER" he screamed, his last words. I'll END THIS! The last attempt, despersing all but a few clones after their attacks connected. I sent two clones out after him, both punching him in the face, as he staggered I already had a rasengan ready in my right hand. I flashed behind him. And charged every bit of yin nature I had left into my attack. Forcing the rasengan into his back, "AND THEY SAVED THEIR VILLAGE IN DOING TO!" I bellowed before thrusting the rasengan deeper into his back. I needed more, so I forced kyubbi chakra into the rasengan. A large explosion occurred, sending me flying back to my feet. After he dust settled he then laid face down, motionless infront of me.

"I will achieve Bijuu mode, I'll save my family, and I won't be stopped, even by my worst fears." I said as the anger left me, aswell as a the chakra cloak.  I hear his body crack as his head slowly turned to the side. Cheek pressed against the cold ground in a pool of blood.

"You're fears... are You...."
Puff of Smoke faded away into the darkness revealing two daggers. One with a jagged blade, purple gem stone infused hilt, and rubber grip. The other a golden blade, one edge, hook at blade tip, and an inscribed red/white handle. Cool.


Thanks guy for reading this far. Leave some tips, point out any mistakes I have made, and help me out here guys! I will post a new chapter soon. Have a great day!

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